Chapter 207

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And, sure enough, once this interview was uploaded online, the rage of the netizens soared and multiplied by hundreds of times.

"Is she crazy? Is she cursing her own parents? Aren’t her parents perfectly alive? Does she even have a heart? Does she have any idea what she's saying?"

"Wow, Ruan Tian became a bit famous and now thinks she’s really awesome, huh? I’m speechless. This clearly shows her lack of moral character. This kind of woman ought to be blocked from the industry."

"My thought was that if she apologized and explained things, I could still forgive her, but now, forget it! I’ll be her anti-fan no matter what kind of excuse she tries to make up in the future."

"Did that Ruan Tian just think she was being ‘frank and honest’ by saying such a thing? It’s ridiculous. How is such a vicious person still able to dominate within the entertainment industry? It turns out it’s true what they say: Good people really aren’t rewarded."

Of course, there were all sorts of people in the world, including people who had similar circumstances with Ruan Tian and who had biological parents that were endlessly greedy and unreasonable. After all, in this world there were plenty of people who really didn’t deserve to be parents but who had children anyway.

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So the people from families like that also tried to speak up:

"Perhaps Ruan Tian's parents really did something bad to her and went too far. I know that in my family, my parents were very biased to sons over daughters and only ever showed kindness to my little brother. Back when I was still in junior high school, they had me drop out of school and made me go out and work just to support my brother. They made me give him money to help him buy his house and wanted me to use my connections from entering the workforce earlier to help him find a job."

Unfortunately, these faint sounds of discord were soon rudely drowned out by the crowd of incensed netizens:

"People trying to make up excuses for this evil woman should scram away. Ruan Tian isn’t even worthy to be called a human!"

Meanwhile, Zhou Xiaoqiao was secretly keeping an eye on which way the wind was blowing online. She knew that she needed to maintain her usual “pure and kind-hearted sister” facade, but she had to say that she felt an indescribable pleasure when she saw Ruan Tian being scolded into a sieve online and could barely restrain herself from jumping out to throw a few stones herself.

Indeed, this was how things were supposed to be.

Ruan Tian should always be the dirty little beggar destined to scram somewhere far away back to the countryside and who couldn’t even dare to look into her eyes whenever they met. How could Ruan Tian ever shine brighter than her, Zhou Xiaoqiao?

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Therefore, Zhou Xiaoqiao was very pleased with Shi’an's decisive and ruthless actions. And, as Ruan Tian’s reputation slowly fell down to the bottom, her depressed mood also gradually improved.


At the same time, Ruan Tian didn’t have any regrets after saying those words.

After the brief interview, Ruan Tian took a taxi and headed over to the Zhou residence. The Lunar New Year was approaching, so there were festive red lanterns hung up all over the place, both in and out of the courtyard.

Ruan Tian stood quietly in front of the large iron gate for a long moment, just looking inside through the gaps in the fence. She could see that there seemed to be a lot of people inside today, all chatting and laughing together.

Suddenly she recalled something: It turned out that today should be Mother Zhou's birthday.

She could still remember very clearly what had happened back in the first year when she had returned to the Zhou family. Ruan Tian had studiously scrimped and saved the money she earned and bought a cake for Mother Zhou, which she had brought home nervously and given to her on her birthday.

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At that time, Mother Zhou had just smiled and told her to put it in the refrigerator so that she could “eat it tomorrow”.

After that, who knew how many “tomorrows” went by, but eventually the cake went bad in the fridge and was tossed into the trash by the auntie who worked in the Zhou residence.

Ruan Tian had actually come here today with a purpose. She wanted to finally change her registered permanent residence away from this Zhou residence. Otherwise commonly known as: Moving away from home and setting up her own residence outside.

Ruan Tian touched her nose and felt slightly awkward. She really hadn’t planned to handle this matter in the midst of such a grand occasion deliberately. She finally had some free time to come over, but it just so happened to be on Mother Zhou’s birthday.

Who knew that there would be such a coincidence! ! !

As soon as Ruan Tian walked into the living room, the sounds of the party suddenly ground to an immediate halt.

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All eyes turned and were cast in her direction.

Mother Zhou was wearing an elegant cheongsam, and Zhou Xiaoqiao had just finished putting a pretty jade bracelet on her wrist for her. The moment Mother Zhou saw Ruan Tian, the smile at the corners of her lips gradually faded away and her eyes turned cold. She stared at Ruan Tian and said in frosty tone: "What are you doing back here?"

Ruan Tian straightened her back and, despite the many eyes looking at her, replied without the slightest hint of nervousness, "I'm looking for you for something."

Someone had already told Mother Zhou about what was happening online since long ago and, naturally, she had also seen the video of Ruan Tian's recent interview.

Mother Zhou assumed that Ruan Tian’s “something” should be that she wanted her, Mother Zhou, to speak up and clarify things for her. Mother Zhou sneered and said, “I thought you, who is so proud and who has so much backbone, would certainly never come and beg me for help, but it turns out this is all you amount to."

Ruan Tian’s eyes went round. This was a big misunderstanding, ah.

Ruan Tian replied smoothly, "Don't worry, even if I fall to the point where I need to beg for help from a dog, I still would never come to beg for help from you."

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