Chapter 208

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When she heard Ruan Tian’s words, Mother Zhou's face changed from green to white and back again multiple times. Right now, she was surrounded by all of her relatives and friends and even her own daughter, but this Ruan Tian really left her no place to put her face.

Finally, a relative spoke up and said, "Ruan Tian, is this how you’re supposed to speak? That’s your mother you’re talking to."

"Yeah, don’t you know today is your mother's birthday? You shouldn’t come and make things difficult for her."

"Why can't you learn properly and behave yourself? Even half as well as your sister would do."

Mother Zhou was very angry, but she still slowly walked over to Ruan Tian and asked, "If not that, then what did you come here for?"

Ruan Tian said bluntly: "I want to change my registered permanent residence."

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Mother Zhou felt her vision going dark for a moment and her whole body staggered unsteadily. Unexpectedly, this daughter of hers was actually so rebellious! Fortunately, Zhou Xiaoqiao appeared at her side and supported her, so Mother Zhou didn’t end up fainting directly. Mother Zhou finally managed to gasp out: "Do you really plan to be completely separated from this family?"

Ruan Tian blinked. Did this woman really still have to ask? Was it not already very obvious by this point! ! !

Still, she nodded and replied, "Yes."

Then, as if adding fuel to the fire, she continued: "It's still early, so the government office shouldn’t be closed yet. Please go get your permanent residence registration booklet and your ID card and come finish all the procedures with me."

Ruan Tian sensed that if Mother Zhou’s eyes could spit fire, she would probably have already been burned to cinders. The older woman’s hands were shaking crazily like a Parkinson's patient as she stared at Ruan Tian with burning eyes.

Ruan Tian carefully continued in a tempting tone: "You can take it as my birthday present to you? Happy birthday?"

Secretly, Ruan Tian couldn’t believe that she was actually so kind-hearted. In fact, she might really be the kindest daughter in the world! !

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Mother Zhou was so angered by Ruan Tian’s words that her eyes rolled up and she directly fainted.

Only after being prodded a few times did she finally manage to wake up again.

When she came to, her chest was filled with turbid air, and her whole body felt weak.

Zhou Xiaoqiao was still helping to support her mother, and now she spoke up to pretend to be a good person, "Sister, our mother is still the one who gave birth to you and raised you. Even if you’re dissatisfied with how the family properties were distributed, you shouldn’t come and force her life this. If it will make you happy, I can transfer all of my shares to your name."

Ruan Tian's eyes stared at Zhou Xiaoqiao. She had thoroughly seen through this sister of hers. Other than acting like a white lotus, Zhou Xiaoqiao only knew how to act even more like a white lotus.

"All right, then transfer them over."

Zhou Xiaoqiao’s face turned white, then green, and the next words she had prepared seemed to choke in her throat.

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Ruan Tian’s lips curled into an amused smile, “You always speak so well but never honestly. Who exactly are you pretending for?"

Qin An, who had been sent by his mother to celebrate Mother Zhou’s birthday today, really hadn’t expected that he would stumble across such an interesting and dramatic scene amidst the festivities.

However, when he saw Zhou Xiaoqiao being attacked like this, for some reason he had no desire to step out and play the hero that saves the beauty.

Mother Zhou finally gathered herself and gave Ruan Tian a cold stare. She pointed toward the door and said: “You get out of here."

Of course, it was impossible that Ruan Tian would scram away so easily just like that. She had come here for a reason after all!

Zhou Xiaoqiao helped Mother Zhou over to the sofa let her sit down. Then she walked over to Ruan Tian and, in a voice that only the two of them could hear, she murmured: "The more you act like this, the more I will gain. You should understand your own place. You will never be able to compete with me in this lifetime!"

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Then, Zhou Xiaoqiao took a few steps backward and, with tears in her eyes, she said loudly in an aggrieved tone: "Ever since childhood you’ve always liked to rob me and take my things and, until now, I’ve always been giving in to you and letting you do what you like. This time too, I really thought about giving you my shares, but you’ve let me down too many times. I realize that I should not and cannot continue to indulge you anymore."

The guests on the sides all began to mutter and comment to one another, mostly agreeing with Zhou Xiaoqiao’s words and reproaching Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian was suddenly forced to recall various scenes from throughout her childhood. After all, wasn’t this how things had always gone every single time? No matter whether she made a mistake or not, everyone would always just end up blaming her. They would say that she wasn’t obedient and sensible enough and couldn’t be compared to her sister and, in the end, she would always be the one to be punished.

In the past, she had felt that... as long as she didn't mess with Zhou Xiaoqiao...

Perhaps the two of them could be like river water and well water, never mixing or interfering with one another’s lives and staying somewhat at peace with one another.

But today, as Ruan Tian stared at Zhou Xiaoqiao's smug face, she suddenly remembered that time when Jiang Lili had angrily slapped this same smug face. In fact, she had actually been very happy when Jiang Lili had done that, even if she hadn’t shown it.

Ruan Tian’s fingers slowly clenched into a fist and then slowly spread out again. Then, she rushed forward and viciously grabbed Zhou Xiaoqian by her hair. It was over before anyone could react, and they only heard a low “Ahhh!”, a woman’s scream, and then Zhou Xiaoqian was in Ruan Tian’s hands.

Ruan Tian’s grip was so strong that it was almost tearing Zhou Xiaoqiao's scalp. In one smooth motion, she put strength in her arm to force Zhou Xiaoqiao’s head up and then ruthlessly slapped her across the face with her other hand. At the same time, she said, "You shut your mouth!"

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