Chapter 209

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Zhou Xiaoqiao, whose face had just been slapped, could only feel a stinging pain in her cheek and taste the coppery taste of blood in her mouth.

She looked up at the expressionless Ruan Tian with disbelief. She opened her mouth and was about to start to cry as usual, but then Ruan Tian raised her hand and slapped across again.

Now both sides of her face were burning with pain, and her tears were unconsciously streaking from her eyes due to the pain.

"You gave in to me? Gave in my ass. Ever since that day I came to this family at the age of 17, I’ve always had to donate blood to you constantly. I was practically just your mobile blood bank." Ruan Tian fiercely pulled her up by her hair. "And have you ever once stopped doing terrible things to me in secret all of these years? Only someone like Qin An and his group of blind idiots would ever take a fancy to a duplicitous white lotus bitch like you."

Zhou Xiaoqiao subconsciously wanted to retort, but then she saw that Ruan Tian had coldly raised an eyebrow, as if to tell her that as long as she dared to open her mouth, she would dare to continue to slap.

The surrounding guests were all dumbfounded by this twist. Some of them immediately stepped forward and wanted to pull Ruan Tian away.

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Ruan Tian swept a glance around the room and said, "Don't move. I'm just chatting with my sister right now."

Mother Zhou’s lungs seemed to lose all of their air, and she didn’t even have the strength to pick herself up from the sofa. Seeing those two slaps caused her to feel more pain then if it were her own face being hit, and her chest felt choked and breathless.

Ruan Tian suddenly felt that perhaps she had gotten too immersed in the role of her character in Director Cheng’s film. She felt that maybe her behavior was being influenced, even off set.

But she soon cast off that thought and turned back to the situation at hand. She continued: "In the past, there have been many occasions when you tore up my homework, took credit for my accomplishments, and encouraged our classmates to isolate and bully me. Really, I’d like to sincerely advise you to stop acting like a template white lotus bitch. Isn’t it good enough to just honestly show yourself as a scheming person? If you were more honest, Shen Shu might even take one or two more looks at you."

Zhou Xiaoqiao was feeling very frightened at this moment. She really wasn’t a person who could stand pain. She looked around spotted Shen Shu standing on the side, so she quickly cried out for help with moist and teary eyes, "Brother Shen Shu, save me, I’m in so much pain..."

But Shen Shu just smiled faintly and said, "It's not convenient for me to interfere in your family affairs."

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Zhou Xiaoqiao's eyes surged with a fresh wave of tears, but inside her heart was sinking down and down.

She was well aware of how Shen Shu had acted toward Ruan Tian when he hadn’t liked her at all before, and now it seemed she herself was receiving the same treatment.

Mother Zhou’s whole body was trembling, and finally she said, "What do you want?"

Ruan Tian blinked innocently and said, "I said from the start, right? To transfer my permanent residence registration."

Mother Zhou had been forced to this point and didn’t see any other way, so she replied, "OK, I'll go upstairs to get my documents right now. You let go of your sister first!"

"When you come here with the documents, I will naturally let her go."

Mother Zhou quickly found one of the workers to help her up the stairs.

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Ruan Tian was finally in a good mood and spoke to Zhou Xiaoqiao jovially, "I’ve somehow found that for people like you, no matter how many words I say, it’s all just a waste of saliva. But, you know, if you didn’t stick your neck out to try to scheme against me, wouldn't you be able to live in peace?"

Ruan Tian was very happy. This sort of “beating up the female lead” game, she could do it n number of times! However many times it took!

Zhou Xiaoqiao's mouth was filled with blood and her usual delicate face had two large red slap prints on it and was swelling up to the point that it was difficult to look at.

Ruan Tian grinned widely, exposing her teeth. "From now on, each time I see you will be each time I beat you."

Somehow she just felt like being violent now, what was Zhou Xiaoqiao going to do about it! ! !

Her fists were bigger, so she was in charge! ! !

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Qin An saw all this from the side and began to feel a bit anxious. He secretly moved and hid behind Shen Shu, "Wuwuwu... Shen Shu, Ruan Tian is too ****ing fierce."

Meanwhile, Shen Shu was just feeling a little distressed. He was really unhappy to see that Ruan Tian had been forced to this point by that family of hers.


After that, Mother Zhou had really followed Ruan Tian to the government office and was forced to help her transfer her permanent residence registration away. It only took a little while before all of the formalities were completed and the deed was done.

At the same time, Ruan Tian's loyal fans had somehow dug up the post made by that certain fan with some technical skills that had been made a few months ago.

The post included a series of pictures, starting from when Ruan Tian had been sold as a child bride at three years old and then continuing on with photos of after she had been taken away and delivered to the orphanage.

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