Chapter 210

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That certain fan’s Weibo had only been updated that one time and then never again, so this time it was almost by accident that the netizens finally discovered it.

The very first picture was of a little girl who was dressed in ill-fitting clothes. Her eyes were numb and hollow and didn’t seem to match her small age. The photo was of a family of four all sitting in front of a farmhouse. The parents were holding their precious son in their arms, while the little girl was standing on her own feet but was also being held firmly in place by a large hand on her small shoulder.

After that, the photos were of Ruan Tian after she arrived at the orphanage. In this new set of photos, her clothes never looked very new, but at least they fit her body.

Moreover, in these photos, the expression on the little girl's face looked much happier than before. Her face was still dull, but her eyes were sparkling and beautiful.

These latter photos were all group photos, with Ruan Tian surrounded by a group of other orphan children like her.

During this period of time, that certain fan with technical skills had been busy preparing for his final exams. These days he was very busy and spent all of his free time reviewing and studying. During his very occasional moments of free time, he would only play a game or two and then quickly go offline again, so he never bothered to read the news online and his Weibo had long been forgotten and discarded to the corner of his mind.

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The day finally came when the exams were over, and that exhausted fan was laying around in bed inside his dormitory relaxing. He took out his phone and was ready to go to Weibo to find some new pictures of his favorite goddess to lick...

But the second he logged into his account, he was immediately disconnected for some reason.

The fan finally managed to log back in, but he was confused and frightened by the notifications showing tens of thousands of comments and people who had @ him that appeared for some reason.

He cursed loudly and sat up from his bed with confusion in his eyes.

His sudden movement startled his other three roommates and one said, "God Cheng, what's the matter with you?"

“God Cheng” was the nickname that his fellow students had given him. They called him that because he was considered number one within their Institute of Information Technology. He had won various science and technology competitions, his academic performance was excellent and after three years on campus, with his pure “schoolyard hunk” appearance, the number of girls chasing him could form a line stretching all the way from the door of the dormitory downstairs to the campus canteen. Unfortunately for them though, the only things that could enter his eyes were games and a certain star called Ruan Tian.

These days, his roommate hadn't taken the initiative to tell him about the scandals surrounding Ruan Tian. After all, they all knew about God Cheng's fanaticism when it came to chasing stars, but it had recently been exam time so they felt it would be better to let him focus on his studies.

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"What's going on? Why are so many people commenting on my Weibo? ! Did someone discover that I anonymously reported our teacher for spurious reasons last time?"

However, after clicking through and looking at some of the comments, the man heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that secret was still safe.

Following that though, he cursed again and said, "Wait, what’s happened to my goddess? It's all over. Should I not have uploaded all those photos of my goddess when she was younger last time? Maybe it's not good for her. "

His roommate spoke up, "God Cheng, didn't you hear? Your goddess’ dirty laundry has all been exposed."

“What kind of dirty laundry?”

"Supposedly she psychologically abuses her parents."

The fan immediately retorted: “What parents? Did a mother somehow materialize out of nothing for her?”

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If Ruan Tian was here she would definitely give him a thumbs-up!

Roommate: "..."

After roughly understanding the causes and consequences of this matter, the usually gentle fan started cursing wildly in front of his roommates, "This is bullshit!"

"With this keyboard in my hands, let's see if I can't scold these dogs today!"

"God Cheng, calm down!" His roommate cried.

But he couldn’t calm down at all.

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The man immediately re-launched Weibo.

@WhenWillIBeAbleToLickRuanTian: 【I really didn't expect the post I made here on Weibo a few months ago would suddenly receive so much attention today. I'm just a simple fan who likes Ruan Tian a lot, but I can say that these photos were all discovered by me, and they are all absolutely real. 】

【Our Sister Tian was in an orphanage until she was seventeen years old. She really didn't lie during that interview. She is no different from an orphan. 】

【For those who want to use her parents to try to smear her, it’s your parents who are really dead! You all need to get out of here and stay away from my goddess! 】

The photos were soon spread widely all over Weibo. Moreover, it was very easy to investigate the orphanage where Ruan Tian had lived back then. With just a few clicks of their finger, anyone would know that the fan wasn’t lying and that the photos were real.

On top of that, the date that this fan had first uploaded these photos to his Weibo was far earlier than the date when the current scandal had broken out online, so it was impossible that Ruan Tian had somehow set it up herself in advance.

At this point, the netizens began to realize that Ruan Tian was actually the one who had been wronged this time.

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