Chapter 211

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Meanwhile, the loyal members of the TianTian Group were feeling thoroughly abused after looking through those old photos.

How could anyone’s life be so miserable?

The photos showed a little girl who had been forced to come out for the orphanage’s photo day and had a shabby bouquet stuffed in her hands, but she still smiled with bright eyes. The imagery could really make a person cry.

"It's a good thing someone found these photos, otherwise I would never have known."

"If her parents had been more responsible, they would never have lost their daughter for over a decade. Just look at what kind of life she had to live back then."

"She’s already like this, but people still want to smear her. Some people really don’t have any heart or human emotions."

"May I insert a small digression? I have to say, the ID of the user who uploaded these photos is way too creepy. He seems like a full-on loser!"

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Meanwhile, as one of Ruan Tian’s proud “mindless fans”, the fan who had uploaded the photos in the first place was just getting started. Not content to just help her clear her name, he had moved on to counter-attacking and was showcasing his full range of combat effectiveness online. His keyboard seemed to crackle with electricity as he fired out salvo after salvo of curses: 【All you smelly bitches online need to measure your own worth! Don’t come out and shame yourselves by trying to defile my goddess! 】

【I, your father, have now finished my exams. That means I have time to find each and every one of you rumor-mongering bitches slandering my goddess to skin you alive! 】

【Do you people who have been slandering my goddess see this? ! Hurry up and go back now, burn some incense and get ready to send yourselves off on your final journey now, because before long it will be too late. 】 the end, the user called “WhenWillIBeAbleToLickRuanTian” was banned from Weibo for 15 days that night for cursing other users.

But even if he was banned, life continued to go on, and he knew his battle was not over.

Meanwhile, his roommates were dumbfounded as they watched this famous male god from their campus seemingly losing his mind for Ruan Tian.

Unsurprisingly, less than five minutes after his account was banned, he had already paid for another account and resumed his cursing.

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@RuanTian'sExclusiveLickingDog: 【Sorry, my other account seems to have been banned, but there are still some conversations I need to conclude. Let’s continue... 】


"I’m dying here, how can this guy be so funny?"

"Just looking at his name, this male fan seems like a real loser, and his curses are way too vicious. Could he actually be someone trying to make Ruan Tian look even worse?"

"Heh, I can hardly imagine how wretched a person like this must be in real life."

Despite being scolded, the fan had no intentions to explain anything. Instead, relying on his computer skills, he began to snoop around online and even dig into the code of the websites that were smearing Ruan Tian. After investigating, he was able to discover that all of these smear campaigns seemed to be coming from the same marketing company.

He knew that for these kinds of companies, it was useless just to scold them. The only way to make them stop and not dare to carry out such actions again was to tangibly damage their bottom line.

Thus, the fan was too lazy to care about which way the wind was blowing among the netizens. Instead, he was fully absorbed in digging deeper and deeper and, in the end, he really managed to dig up some interesting things.

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It seemed that this particular marketing company had created many false accounts and was stirring things from behind.

The hashtag #RuanTianPhotos# was going up and up.

As the matter got bigger and bigger, the heat continued to rise. But, in the end, the hot search stopped climbing and hovered around 20th place.

These photos easily stirred feelings of empathy and pity when people saw them, so more and more people continued to come forward to speak up for Ruan Tian.

But, at the same time, there was no shortage of cynical people who were sniping sarcastically from the sidelines.

"So is this how Ruan Tian plans to whitewash herself this time?"

"This is nothing. There are many people in this world much more miserable than her."

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"I'm surprised, but it’s not like her parents lost her on purpose, right? They worked hard and finally managed to bring her back, what more does she want? Besides, she clearly isn’t really an orphan, so does that mean it’s true that Ruan Tian has been psychologically abusing her parents?"

At first glance, these words all seemed reasonable and true, but if a person considered them carefully then they were revealed to be full of loopholes. These people speaking without understanding the pain of the other party at all were just slapping themselves in the face.

A certain passerby fan who had actually gone to the same school as Ruan Tian finally couldn’t bear it anymore and stood out to clarify:【 Originally when I found out that Sister Ruan turned out to be one of my former classmates I was very happy, but now that I’ve seen all this I feel like I need to speak out. I remember back then, Sister Ruan didn’t have any friends and, in fact, it was her own sister who took the lead to isolate her. At any rate, the result was that no one really interacted with her at school. I also remember one time she was punished by her teacher and had to call her parents to come fetch her, but in the end, her parents never came. Her parents were really obviously biased against her and favored her sister. P.S. As a fan, it’s really miserable to learn that her sickly sister has been using Sister Ruan as a personal blood bank all these years. 】

【Also, while I was still in school, my friends and I often used to see Sister Ruan collecting bottles to sell and also working in the convenience store near the school to earn money. Truth be told, as far as I can tell, with the impact they made in her life Sister Ruan’s parents weren’t any different from being dead. 】

After this long speech, the little fan attached a photo of her diploma to prove that she was telling the truth about graduating from the same school.

For the netizens, if they had only been feeling a little sorry for Ruan Tian before, once all of this was revealed, they were dumbfounded. They couldn’t help but ask, was there really such a blood-sucking family in this world? And even after all that, those bloodsuckers could still act so shameless? ! !


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