Chapter 212

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After this news broke, it wasn’t long before, all of the anger and attacks the netizens had been launching toward Ruan Tian were redirected at her family instead. Moreover, they were also quite angry because it had become apparent that some marketing accounts had taken advantage of the situation and treated them all like fools and cannon fodder to use against Ruan Tian.

All of the insults that had been Ruan Tian were suddenly returned in full to the Zhou family. However, because the netizens couldn’t easily find Zhou Mother or Zhou Father’s Weibo, they ended up directing all of their scoldings toward Zhou Xiaoqiao.

"Look at this family of vampires."

"I had to come and take a good look at the true face of ugliness."

"Blegh blegh blegh! Scram away for me! ! !"

"It turns out that when I cursed at Ruan Tian with ‘Your mother is dead’ I was actually sending her blessings."

Facing all of this scolding, Zhou Xiaoqiao hid at home and didn’t dare to go out. She picked up the phone and tearfully called Shi’an, "AnAn, I obviously didn't do anything this time, how could things turn out like this?"

Shi’an quickly reassured her, "Don't be afraid, what happened?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao lowered her eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "My sister… she hit me today."

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When Shi’an heard this news she felt that it was actually a good opportunity. This news was could be used to smear Ruan Tian’s reputation even further, so she asked her people to spread the news online immediately.

In the end, there was an effect, but it was the opposite of what Shi’an had imagined it would be.

"Well played!"

"Sister Ruan, amazing! Don't be gentle with that person!"

"Give her another dozen slaps for us! Let her feel the iron fist of socialism!"

When Shi’an saw all this, she felt like her heart was on fire and even threw something at the servant at home in a moment of rage.

She really didn’t believe it. Could it be that she didn’t even have the ability to crush a small little ant that had no backing at all?!


After Qin An returned from Mother Zhou’s birthday party, he told his brother vividly about everything that had happened, including the way Ruan Tian had threatened her own mother. Finally, he concluded, "Brother, Ruan Tian has changed."

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Qin Yu raised an eyebrow and asked in a cold voice, “How exactly has she changed?"

Qin An scratched his head confusedly but, after thinking about it, he realized he really couldn't articulate what had changed very well.

In the past, he could sense that while Ruan Tian probably didn’t like the Zhou family very much, she at least cared for them somewhat. However, when she had been at the birthday party today, it was like the words “These people don’t matter to me at all” had been written all over her face.

"Well, I don't know. She’s just different now." Qin An thought about all the scenes he had seen earlier that night and said: “She’s definitely a very determined person, and also seems very fierce.”

As he thought about it, Qin An somewhat began to understand why his brother liked Ruan Tian. She was always stubbornly true to herself and never admitted defeat.

However, after thinking about it that far, Qin An unexpectedly decided to risk death by speaking the truth: "Brother, I feel that Ruan Tian is a person who clearly distinguishes friends and enemies. You two have had a lot of conflicts in the past and probably she hates you."

Qin An was well aware of what kind of virtues his brother had. He was sharp-tongued and acerbic, extremely self-disciplined, but also extremely strict with other people, and he had always treated Ruan Tian with disdain.

And Ruan Tian probably disdained his brother equally as much.

"I feel that she won't like a person who bullies her no matter what. Brother, whatever your intentions may be, I don’t think it matters to her. The way you treat her only causes her distress and unhappiness."

In fact, Qin An somehow felt that Ruan Tian wasn’t interested in loving anyone anymore. These days it was only when she was acting that her eyes would light up with that same glow that they often used to shine with.

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Qin Yu pursed his lips with a faint expression and said, "I know."

Qin An’s heart was currently full of a certain unspoken melancholy. He continued, "Brother, maybe you actually don't really like Ruan Tian."

"Just like me. Tonight, I realized that I don't seem to really like Zhou Xiaoqiao. For this sort of thing, it all depends on feelings, right?"

When he heard this, Qin Yu’s mood immediately turned bad and he spat coldly: “Scram."

Qin An obediently left and went upstairs to sleep. However, before he could go to sleep, he happened to notice Ruan Tian’s name on the Weibo Hot Search and clicked to see what was going on. Soon, he saw those old pictures of Ruan Tian when she was a child. After seeing those pictures, somehow he couldn’t fall asleep anymore...

Late that night, Qin An gently knocked on Qin Yu’s door and then immediately grabbed the doorknob and tried to sneak in before his brother gave any response.

However, as soon as the door opened more than a crack a pillow flew out and slammed into his face. Then a cold voice said, "Scram."

Qin An: "All right."

Meanwhile, inside the room, there was a thick and hazy cloud of cigarette smoke and Qin Yu’s phone kept jumping and buzzing with notification sounds.

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Qin Yu glanced down. All of the notifications were caused by Qin An, who was sending him many messages, including the pictures that were currently trending on the hot search.

Looking at these photos, Qin Yu’s head pounded painfully, and the smoke caused his eyes to sting.

In the photo, the little girl’s usually bright black eyes stared at the camera blankly without any emotion.

Qin Yu couldn’t help but recall those days back then. When they had still been in high school, whenever he would do something malicious to deliberately make things difficult for Ruan Tian, she would always look at him with these same eyes.

Eyes that were blank. Completely devoid of emotion or feeling.

Eyes that were numb. Eyes that said that she was already accustomed to this.

Qin Yu got up and stood by the window. His usually cold face looked slightly ferocious, and a violent emotion surged up from the bottom of his heart. Before he could think, he had already picked up a nearby lamp and smashed it against the wall.

Then, maybe for the first time in his life, crude vulgarities slipped from his lips.


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