Chapter 216

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That night, Ruan Tian slept well despite staying in an unfamiliar hotel. She managed to have a deep and dreamless sleep.

She woke up early the next morning refreshed and energized.

Shortly after that she and all the other guests of the show that were staying in the hotel were sent to the filming location in two cars prepared by the crew.

The big movie star that Director Cheng had chosen to be the male lead who would be acting opposite of Ruan Tian in his next movies was coincidentally among them. Ruan Tian snuck a few peeks in his direction and found that he was tall and thin with pale skin, but they were too far apart for her to clearly see his face.

Still, after seeing him she felt that he did have the capital to give his input on who the female lead in a movie he was starring in should be.

Standing next to him was Shi'an. Apparently, the two people were somehow related.

There were a lot of people stuffed onto the set today, so the scene was crowded and rowdy.

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Perhaps she felt Ruan Tian’s eyes on her, because Shi’an suddenly turned her face and gave Ruan Tian a strange smile.

Of course, Ruan Tian could tell at a glance that the other woman had no good intentions.

A large number of people from the crew, including the director, were standing in front of the gathered guest stars. The director, who had been sitting impassively in her his chair, suddenly picked up a huge loudspeaker and said, "Okay, we have a total of twelve guests here today and you will be divided into three teams, the red team, yellow team, and blue team respectively. People who draw the slip with the corresponding color will be on that team."

"The box here next to me has all of the slips inside, so you all can decide what order you want to draw your lots in."

Hearing this, Ruan Tian felt a bit excited. It would be best if all of these people that she didn’t like could be put into one team together! Then she could punch them and kick them and teach them how to behave like proper human beings!

No one took the initiative to be the first person to go up and draw their lot. After nearly two minutes had gone by silently, Ruan Tian finally couldn't stand it anymore and took the lead by going forward, "I'll go first."

She put her little hand into the big box and pulled out a slip randomly. She looked over and discovered her slip was red.

The director smiled and announced, "Ruan Tian, red team! Who's next?"

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Wang Baiyuan suddenly decided to go forward immediately. After all, the later he drew his lot the fewer options would be left.

As he walked forward, he prayed desperately in his heart: Please don’t let it be red! He wanted to play as Ruan Tian’s opponent so he could wash away the shame from last time!

Wang Baiyuan closed his eyes and gingerly stuck his hand in the box. He groped around until he found a slip to pull out but then, after pulling it out, he didn’t dare to open his eyes and look.

The director’s voice boomed from the loudspeaker: "Wang Baiyuan, red team! Next."

Wang Baiyuan felt speechless. He almost wanted to die on the spot.

Zhao Meng’er decided to go after Wang Baiyuan. Today she had reverted to her usual white lotus facade. As she went up she bit her lips delicately, looking pitiful and weak, before finally drawing her slip.

"Zhao Meng’er, red team! Next."

Ruan Tian: "..."

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Why were all these toxic beings being shoved into her team one after another? There was no end to them!

Qin An also belonged to the category of person who did not want to be on a team with Ruan Tian. He was self-aware enough to have some fears that he might not be able to return alive if he really ended up on her team.

But, at that moment, it occurred to him that there were only four red slips, and three of them had already been ****ing drawn by other poor suckers. Therefore, there was no way it would be his turn to draw another one!

With these thoughts in mind, Qin An was filled with self-confidence and swaggered forward to draw his slip.

"Qin An, red team! Next."

Qin An: "…"

Ruan Tian: "???"

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The four people assigned to the red team all looked at one another, their eyes filled with the speechlessness in their hearts.

Shao Chengyue and the aloof movie star were assigned to the blue team.

Shi'an went to the yellow team.

Ruan Tian asked the director seriously: "Can you eliminate your own teammates?"

The director was stupefied by this question, but he still responded, "In theory, it’s possible."

After all, the rule was that so long as one member of a team could evade the clutches of the black-suited “seekers” for the specified duration the team would win and pass on to the next round.

In other words, it was enough so long as a team still had one person in the game.

Ruan Tian nodded. "All right, thank you, director."

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