Chapter 217

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In this new era of network development, basically all of the reality shows made by Fruit Station were broadcast live. This was done in the name of bringing the rawest and most realistic experience to the viewing audience.

Therefore, when the audience saw the four people who ended up on the red team, they were really fascinated.

Taking a glance, this team was like four dogs ready to bite at eachother.

However, when they took a closer look, they found that it was still like four dogs ready to bite at eachother.

【I declare that the red team will be the first ones to drop out~ Two delicate girls and two frail young men? This team should just wash up and go to sleep as soon as possible. 】

【I think they will drop out first too. This kind of group isn’t interesting to watch at all. The director should quickly cut the camera away from them, let me see the handsome guy on the blue team instead. 】

【Hot news only known to industry insiders: Ruan Tian once beat Wang Baiyuan up. Also, Ruan Tian and Zhao Meng’er have been battling each other on Weibo for a long time. In short, this is really a “wonderful” group. 】

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【Hahaha, interesting. I’ll come to take a look. 】

【Place your bets folks, how many seconds? According to the usual speed of our brothers in the black suits, Ruan Tian's group will probably be done for within ten seconds, right? 】

【I think it should be more like a single second. When the big brothers in suits appear, it will be the end for them. 】

【Ruan Tian shouldn’t have even come on the show. Who wants to watch this kind of dainty and delicate woman on an action show? 】

Before the game officially started, each team had a period of time to discuss their tactics.

When compared with the hustling and bustling strategy meetings happening over at the yellow and blue teams, the complete silence that had fallen over the red team was quite notable.

Finally, Qin An couldn’t stand the awkward silence any longer. He weakly raised his hand and said, "As soon as the director calls for us to begin, we should run immediately." He pointed to a large structure on the left-hand side. "How about we charge over to that structure first, and once we shake off the seekers we can then look for clues to complete the task?"

Zhao Meng’er made an agreeable sound.

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Wang Baiyuan nodded along.

Then, three pairs of eyes all turned together to look at Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian also swept these three people up and down with her eyes, and then responded, "Your thoughts are so beautiful, ah. All right, let’s do it that way."

Hearing her reply, Qin An breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief. Suddenly, he felt that having Ruan Tian in his team wasn’t actually a bad thing. After all, she couldn’t be so ferocious toward her own teammates, right?

Ruan Tian seemed to see through what he was thinking at a glance because she tossed out a few cold words: "By the way, it’s not like I’ve never team-killed before, hehehe..."

Qin An retorted: "I can still run away from you!"

Ruan Tian replied leisurely, purposefully drawing out her words: “Oh? Is that… so?”

But then the director’s amplified voice once again roared out from his loudspeaker, "Alright everyone, just a little while longer and the game will begin. Please prepare yourselves, but do not rush out before I call to start! Doing so will be regarded as a violation!"

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"Now, five, four, three, two, one!"


The second he said “Go” Ruan Tian immediately rushed out, like an arrow loosed from a bow. No one could see what happened clearly, they only felt as if a gust of wind had brushed past them once she started running.

Qin An released a deep sigh, then gritted his teeth and followed her, trying to rush toward the structure that they had agreed on in advance.

A few seconds later, all he could think was: Ruan Tian are you still a human? How can you run so ****ing fast? !

Zhao Meng’er tried to suck it up and do her best. She ran until she was panting and out of breath and barely managed to escape from the men in black suits chasing behind them.

Meanwhile, Wang Baiyuan had quickly fallen to the back of the group. The other’s heard his frightened voice ring out: "Ahhhhhh! Help! Help!"

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Wang Baiyuan had just started running when he realized that he really couldn't run anymore. He had barely taken a few steps but he was already a wreck and could only lean heavily against the stone wall and try to drag himself along. He turned back and happened to see the men in black closing in on him, almost scaring the soul out of his body and causing him to scream loudly in fear.

He tried to put on a burst of speed and run away, but after a few stumbling steps he immediately fell over and ate dirt.

Wang Baiyuan was sure that he was done for, but in an unexpected twist, Ruan Tian appeared and grabbed him by his arm before “kindly” dragging him over to the stone structure they had agreed on earlier.

However, there was no dignity to speak of in the process. He was basically treated like a log and dragged over.

Wang Baiyuan only felt that his bum was burning from being dragged across the ground!

【Haha, who would believe that Ruan Tian isn’t using this opportunity to redress her personal grudges? I’m dying laughing here. 】

【The red team's "We don't like each other, but we’re still a team” mentality is really too wonderful. 】

【When will they finally fall out? I can't wait. 】


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