Chapter 218

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Soon after that, with a quick tap of the director’s finger, the task for this game was finally released to the participants.

The first task was finding a certain red lantern among all the red lanterns that were hanging up on the pillars. Only the real red lantern contained their goal, a crystal. Once a team had a crystal, they would be able to start on the second task and also receive a token that had the power to create a “timeout” which could delay the game for half an hour.

The red team actually had some good luck this time, because just opposite of the structure they had chosen to run to first there were many pillars covered with red lanterns.

Zhao Meng’er immediately hid at the back of the group. She didn't want to do something so crude like climbing a pillar. That would completely collapse her “noble fairy” image.

Wang Baiyuan gulped and said, "There’s no way. My ass still hurts. I really can't."

Ruan Tian looked at Qin An. "You go up and grab the lanterns. I'll stand lookout for you here at the bottom."

Qin An was shocked and said, "Why should I be the one to climb?"

Ruan Tian didn’t want to talk any nonsense and directly threatened, "It’s your choice whether to go or not, but if not, then I will eliminate you myself!"

Qin An wasn’t convinced, "Are you still even a woman? Is this how a reasonable person behaves?"

Ruan Tian replied, "Is this the first day you’ve learned that I am an unreasonable person?"

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Qin An flinched back. "I'm not going! Whoever wants to go, can go, but I won’t."

Ruan Tian nodded, "OK, then I’m going to kick you to death right now!"

Qin An was afraid of her. "Wait, isn’t it just climbing? I can do it! But don't come near me. I'm scared."

Qin An looked around to make sure that there was no one else around and then sneakily began climbing up the pillar. As he searched for the crystal, he called down to Ruan Tian, “Make sure you keep an eye out for those men in black for me.”


Coincidentally, there was a crystal in the first lantern Qin An pulled down. He excitedly tossed the lantern down to Ruan Tian and yelled, "I found it!"

Ruan Tian caught the lantern and hugged it in her arms. She looked up at Qin An and her lips curled into a smile. She said, “It seems that the men in black are coming over…”

After two seconds of silence, she continued, " I'll leave first!"

Qin An: "???"

Ruan Tian dashed off like she was a rabbit and immediately disappeared.

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A loud announcement from the speaker hanging over the venue suddenly rang out: 【Congratulations to the red team for getting the first crystal. The red team will be awarded with an Acceleration Token! 】

【Ten minutes have passed since the start of the game. An additional three "seekers" will be added to the venue now. Good luck. 】

Qin An desperately clutched the pillar, suddenly feeling that there was no such thing as love or feelings in this world.

He looked down below and saw a man in a black suit standing there like a sculpture at the bottom of the pillar. With tears in his heart, Qin An could only resign himself to staying on this pillar for a while.

Finally, he managed to react. He opened his mouth and roared up to the sky, "Ruan Tian, are you ****ing messing with me!"

Zhao Meng’er saw that Ruan Tian had come back with a lantern and quickly grabbed her clothes. She sobbed, "This is so terrible, why don’t we just hide here for a while?"

She really didn't want to run anymore.

Her waist and her legs were aching like crazy, and being chased around was too stressful.

She almost wanted to cry.

Wang Baiyuan wanted to raise his hands and feet in agreement. He quickly added on, “I second that idea.”

Ruan Tian’s brows furrowed. "Why don't you all just go and form your own team? I’m already tired of carrying these three wastes."

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Wang Baiyuan blew his top immediately. He glared at Ruan Tian and snarled, "How dare you call me a waste?"

Zhao Meng’er: It's finally my time to shine!

She leaned against Wang Baiyuan and added, "Ruan Tian, you’re such a vicious woman."

Wang Baiyuan nodded and agreed, “En, Ruan Tian is probably the most poisonous woman I’ve ever met."

A crafty smile appeared on Ruan Tian’s face and she said, "I don't mind being a little more vicious. As I recall, the director said that eliminating our own teammates is still in line with the rules."

This was a clear threat! However, after hearing it, Wang Baiyuan didn’t dare spout even one more word of superfluous nonsense.

As time passed by, more and more men in black suits were added to the seeking side, and the guests on the hiding side were all struggling.

Before long, Ruan Tian's team’s hiding place was about to be discovered by the men in black and they couldn’t continue their Voldermort cosplay even if they wanted to.

(tl note: Voldermort, as in, the villain from Harry Potter who spends 6 of the seven books hiding from the world.)

Wang Baiyuan, who had still been scolding Ruan Tian for her viciousness a second ago, suddenly noticed the black-suited man getting closer and closer to their hiding spot. He immediately pounced toward Ruan Tian, grabbed the leg of her pants, and started blubbering, “Sister Ruan, Sister Ruan!"

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Ruan Tian immediately understood this guy’s intentions.

He must feel too tired to run anymore, so he could only beg her to go out and draw the black-suited man away.

Zhao Meng’er also decided to cast aside her face when the situation turned desperate. She went over and grabbed Ruan Tian’s sleeves and cried softly: “Sister Ruan… wuwuwu…”

Ruan Tian was a bit shocked. To think she would ever hear the words “Sister Ruan” from Zhao Meng’er’s mouth.

It seemed that she wasn’t the only person in this world who could bend and stretch to accommodate the situation.

At the same time, this “epic moment” was quickly recorded and clipped by the people watching the livestream.

FanClubGirl:【 Today's amusement was given to me by the red team. One second, Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Meng’er were scolding Ruan Tian and calling her a vicious woman, and the next second they started crying and begging her for help. Looking at her face, somehow I think Sister Ruan isn’t convinced, hahahaha 】

All of a sudden, the usually harsh veteran audience of ‘Star Acceleration’ felt that these people on the red team weren’t as bad as they had first thought.

At the very least, the actress surnamed Ruan seemed to be able to fight!


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