Chapter 219

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By this point, Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Meng’er both just want to huddle together in the corner and quietly for the end of the game.

At the same time, they realized for the first time that Ruan Tian's legs could run so fast! Back when they had all started running together, they hadn’t even been able to catch a glimpse of her ****ing shadow. Her speed was completely unattainable for people like them.

Anyway, since Ruan Tian’s speed was so good, they felt it would be best to let her run around out there and play the heroine that dared to go head-to-head with those guys in black suits.

Ruan Tian looked down at these two people who were clutching at her clothing while crying bitterly and pretending to be pitiful. She rolled her eyes and slowly pulled her clothes out of their hands, then said, "There’s nothing I can do. After all, vicious women like me don’t have the hobby of helping others."

Wang Baiyuan crawled forward and said, "Sister Ruan! Sister Ruan! Wait, you don't have to be so anxious to leave..."

Zhao Meng’er plastered on a timid expression and took a step back. She sniffled and then said in a tearful voice, "Aren’t we both sisters?"

Ruan Tian was a little impatient. "Then are you two going to run?"

Hearing that question, the way they both immediately shook their heads left and right was oddly identical, as if they had rehearsed together.

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Meanwhile, Ruan Tian could see one of the men in black suits getting closer and closer and slowly approaching their hiding spot. Noticing that, she decisively kicked Wang Baiyuan out into the open.

For a long moment, Wang Baiyuan was stupefied by this twist. His small eyes met the eyes of the man in black in front of him. A few seconds ticked by. Then he let out an earth-shaking scream, "****! Ruan Tian, **** your mother!"

Right now, his ass felt really painful after being dragged and now kicked.

Wang Baiyuan desperately started running away. In the end, using the tricky terrain he barely managed to escape from the black-suited man’s sight and lost him, almost losing half his life in the process.

He panted and collapsed in his new hiding spot, not even having the strength to curse.

He had known from the start that he should never have teamed up with that Ruan Tian!

Back at the initial hiding spot, Zhao Meng’er was looking at Ruan Tian with a frightened expression. The way she had just kicked Wang Baiyuan out into the open like that was too scary.

With one final sob, she said, "I'll go out by myself..."

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But just then, a new announcement arrived:

【The next task has been released: Real and Fake Princess! There are two princesses within the city, please find the real princess and get the princess's crown from her within the time limit of 20 minutes to move on to the next stage of the task. The person that completes the entire task will receive an Elimination Token, however, if no one succeeds then three more “seekers” will be added to the game. 】

【There are no restrictions regarding the use of an Elimination Token, it can be used on either an opponent or a teammate. 】

【Everyone please strive for the reward, we wish you all the best of luck. 】

There were already five of the black-suited “seekers” running around the game venue now. If three more were added, Wang Baiyuan decided it would be better to directly rush up the central tower and commit suicide.

What was the point of living a life being humiliated by Ruan Tian!

At the same time, he had no plans at all to try to complete the task. After all, what was the difference between attempting to complete the task and seeking death?

Zhao Meng’er looked at Ruan Tian, wanting to cry but having no tears, "Sister Ruan... Sister Ruan, are you going to try to complete the task?"

Ruan Tian nodded, "I want to go."

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When she got the Elimination Token, Qin An would be the first person she would kick off the show!

Zhao Meng’er flinched, "Then I won't go and try."

【Wait, Ruan Tian wants to go complete a task? 】

【Heh, this newcomer is a real tiger. However, I’ve already watched two seasons of this show and so far no contestant has ever managed to get an Elimination Token. This ‘Real and Fake Princess’ task is actually just a task where the contestants get to test whether they can run faster than those men in black. 】

【There are many guests who have managed to get the crown, but none of them have been able to win the race against the men in black that comes afterward. 】

【Who will be the first person to be eliminated? My bet is on one of those four biting dogs on the red team. 】

Ruan Tian ran directly to the place marked “Princess’s Castle” on her map.

There were also a few other contestants who seemed to be planning to complete the task as well, and Ruan Tian ran into Shi'an halfway.

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It was unclear when, but Shi’an had managed to hook up with that aloof young movie star and was moving together with him. When she spotted Ruan Tian, she smiled at her and said, “Ms. Ruan, are you going to the Princess’ Castle too?"

Ruan Tian looked at the man next to her and pondered for a moment. Should she try to show off her friendly and magnanimous side in front of this future co-worker?

(tl note: This is the guy Director Cheng selected to be the male lead in his upcoming film, making him Ruan Tian’s future co-worker. The author has decided to not tell us his name just yet.)

Eventually, she shook her head. Just forget it, she would be herself.

Ruan Tian didn’t feel like facing these boogeymen and monsters and playing nice.

Anyway, a man who could mix in with Zhou Xiaoqiao's group of followers was definitely not a good person.

So Ruan Tian responded in a frosty tone, "That's right."

She threw in another barb: "And when I get that Elimination Token, you will be the first person I eliminate."

Internally, she sighed. The honor of being her first target for elimination, which had originally belonged to Qin An, could only reluctantly be passed on to Shi’an.

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