Chapter 223

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Still, no matter how fast this guy was, Ruan Tian still planned to show them all. She, Ruan Tian, was very strong in all aspects!

【The contestant’s challenge still has four minutes remaining. 】

None of the guests who had come on ‘Star Acceleration’ in the past had ever been able to hold on for so long before, Ruan Tian was the very first.

Now, every time Ruan Tian took a breath her throat hurt like it was being cut by a knife and she could taste something coppery in her mouth, but her eyes were still firm and she continued to run forward unceasingly.

She continued to run, relying on her endurance, her determination.

The audience was stunned silly. This… wasn’t it just a silly competition? Ruan Tian was way too serious.

Not only serious, but also so able to run.

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Whenever she fell, she would get right back up and keep running. Whenever it looked like the seeker was about to catch her, she would always miraculously shake him off.

The audience wanted to tell her that it would be all right to give up and throw in the towel. After all, it was just a game. But she just didn't seem willing or able to concede defeat.

After a while, Ruan Tian didn’t know how long she had been running, she only knew that she felt like she wouldn’t be able to make it much further than this, but she suddenly noticed that the footsteps that had been following her for so long seemed to have disappeared.

Finally, Ruan Tian heard the director say, "The seeker has given up! Ruan Tian has won!"

Ruan Tian slowly came to a stop. Her body bent and she put her hands on her knees, causing her sweaty hair to fall over her cheeks like a curtain, and she took a few deep breathes in succession before gradually starting to recover.

Ruan Tian had out ran the seeker! It was the very first time something like this had happened over the show’s three season history.

Shi’an looked watched as Ruan Tian slowly walked back to the group, but there wasn’t much unease in her heart. She, like the rest of the audience, didn’t believe that Ruan Tian would use the Elimination Token on her.

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【Red Team’s Ruan Tian receives an Elimination Token. 】

【The Elimination Token can be used once per round during the next three rounds. 】

Ruan Tian tiredly took Elimination Token handed to her by the director and stared at it for a long time.

In an instant, a certain tacit understanding was born between the other three members of the red team and they all tried to hide behind one another. They all knew that Ruan Tian had been wanting to eliminate them, her teammates, for a long time.

Ruan Tian raised her head and quietly cast a glance toward Shi’an. She raised an arm and pointed at her, “I want to eliminate her.”

The director was very surprised by this decision. He had never heard of any feud between Ruan Tian and Shi’an, and he felt that it was a bit of a pity for such a precious Token to be wasted on one of Ruan Tian’s fellow contestants.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

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The director shrugged and announced:

【"The Yellow Team’s Shi’an has been eliminated." 】

Ruan Tian sighed. Somehow, the director’s voice sounded especially sweet right now.

At the same moment, a heated discussion was happening in the livestream chat: 【Wait, so the Elimination Token in ‘Star Acceleration’ is actually real? That Elimination Token that, until now, has only ever existed in the director’s mouth was won by Ruan Tian? 】

"Not only that, Ruan Tian even used it on a fellow female guest of the show."

"Ruan Tian was really true to her word. So stubborn."

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"It’s unbelievable that she didn’t use it to eliminate one of the men in black. This show is really getting more and more exciting."

"This new group of guests are all pretty good, but the red team seems to be a bit simple-minded."

"I think it’s reasonable to suspect that Ruan Tian will continue to use her Elimination Token against Shi’an even over the next two episodes."

In fact, Ruan Tian was really planning to do just that. Now that she had met Shi’an, even Qin An, this guy who didn’t know how to speak human words, had somehow become more pleasing to her eye.

Because of Ruan Tian’s words, the staff from the crew came forward to remove Shi’an, but Shi’an’s face stayed expressionless. She just dusted her sleeves and calmly followed the crew members off the set. No matter how angry she was feeling in her heart, she wouldn’t show any of it in front of the cameras.

The corners of Ruan Tian’s lips raised into a sly smile. She looked meaningfully over at Shi’an, then at the Elimination Token that was still in her hands. The meaning was clear: You can just sit on the bench for the next two episodes!

Don’t hope for even one second of screen time! Do you get it! ! !

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