Chapter 224

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Since Ruan Tian had successfully completed her challenge against the seeker the crew gave her a quick five-minute break, and then the game continued.

After this little interlude, the number of seekers chasing the “hiding” guests hadn’t decreased, nor had it increased.

However, there was still an hour and a half left to record for the episode.

The guests quickly discovered that hiding wasn’t actually a good way to survive to the end. The men in black suits were constantly patrolling the set, so it was only a matter of time before they would accidentally stumble over the hiding places the guests had found.

The announcement system overhead rang out periodically.

【Yellow team’s Li Chao, out! 】

【Blue team’s Zhang Queque, out! 】

【Yellow team’s Sun Pinglin, out! 】

【Yellow team’s Quan Duo, out! 】

Meanwhile, Ruan Tian’s three teammates were following closely behind her, like three tails she couldn’t throw away.

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During a moment of downtime, Ruan Tian turned back and looked at these three with a confused expression and asked: "Why are you following me?"

The three people all remained silent.

Ruan Tian looked at Wang Baiyuan and said, "Your ass doesn't hurt anymore?"

Hearing this question, Wang Baiyuan couldn’t maintain his “good man” act any longer. He spat on the ground and shot back, “Can you act like a human being? Don’t think too much about my ass."

Ruan Tian rolled her eyes and sneered, "What you three are doing now is a clear example of approaching with bad intentions and stealing my heat. It’s really my bad luck to have you three bloodsuckers trying to leech off of me."

Wang Baiyuan: "…"

Zhao Meng’er: "…"

Just then a new announcement rang out from overhead and broke the awkward silence:

【The City Council offers a reward for completing their task. All guests are invited to go to City Hall and collect an entry pass and use it to see the General. The first ones to complete this task will receive 200,000 gold coins. 】

【Guests have 20 minutes to complete the task. If the task is not completed within the specified time, the doors of the City Hall will be closed and locked. 】

This new rule was very poisonous.

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It seemed that the area containing unfinished tasks would only continue to get smaller and smaller, which meant it would be easier and easier to bump into the seekers chasing them.

Ruan Tian was slightly dazed after hearing this announcement. When she snapped out of it, she found three pairs of eyes fixed on her face, as if she were a mother with three children looking to her for help.

She quickly shook her head to chase away that illusion.

In the first place, she could never have such unfilial children!

Zhao Meng’er looked very confused. The expression on her face seemed to read: ‘Who am I?’ ‘Where am I?’ ‘What am I doing?’. In the end, all she could think to do was hide.

In her mind, she had decided to play this large-scale physically competitive game show as if it were a simple game of hide-and-seek.

She didn’t dare to follow Ruan Tian anymore. She said in a low voice: “Earlier I noticed a big dumpster. It looked pretty clean, I think we should be able to hide inside until the end.”

Wang Baiyuan jumped up and shouted, "What? How dare you only mention such a good thing now?"

He also wanted to go and hide, okay? He needed to rest his badly injured ass!

Ruan Tian looked at the sky speechlessly. Finally, she muttered, “If this were PUBG I would have just directly offed myself."

If this were a video game, this whole team would be destined to be wiped out.

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They were a bunch of trash that weren’t possible to carry.

She turned around, planning to go do the task. However, once one foot was out the door, she suddenly turned back and ferociously glared at the three of them, her gaze lingering for an especially long time on Qin An, and then grinned: "The next time you guys draw the same team with me again, I will definitely eliminate you first."

No one dared to respond with any nonsense.

This was the first time Qin An didn’t dare to retort after being scolded by Ruan Tian. He was truly afraid that she would fly into a rage and drag him along to the City Hall to use as bait.

Zhao Meng’er wept like she was a poor and abused little daughter-in-law facing a fierce mother-in-law, but she could only keep her head down when facing this scary Ruan Tian. But, on thinking it over, she suddenly remembered she was actually a two-faced white lotus character! She would keep her head down for now, but once this show was over she would definitely go online and smear Ruan Tian!

Ruan Tian suddenly grabbed Qin An by the collar and dragged him out with her, regardless of whether he wanted to go or not. She just grabbed the person and dragged him along!

Thanks to that, Qin An had no choice but to follow Ruan Tian and frantically run away from the men in black with her. Before long, he was panting and gasping for breath.

They soon arrived at the City Hall and saw there were two entry passes posted inside. However, they were posted so high up that Ruan Tian couldn’t reach them even while standing on tiptoe.

Ruan Tian poked Qin An in the ribs and said, "You. Give me a lift."

Qin An was unwilling, but in the end, he still helped lift her up. Ruan Tian stretched out her hands and snatched one of the entry passes off the wall. The two people turned and were about to head to the General’s house when they suddenly bumped into Ji Wangjiang. It seemed he was also attempting to complete the task.

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The light-skinned young man was very tall and handsome, but his hair was wet with sweat. Probably he had also run all the way here.

He looked at Ruan Tian expressionlessly for a moment. Then he walked past both of them, stood on tiptoe, stretched out his arm, and easily grabbed the other entry pass.

"I think he's purposefully humiliating us." Qin An said.

Ruan Tian agreed. She snorted, "I don't just think so, he definitely is."

Because he was already a three-time Movie King, even despite his young age, Ji Wangjiang was a man who could walk sideways no matter where he went in the entertainment industry.

(tl note: “Walking sideways” means he’s able to do whatever he wants basically.)

Ruan Tian felt very uncomfortable seeing the arrogance that was practically radiating off of his body.

They all had two eyes and one mouth, which person was any nobler than another?

Moreover, when it came to this kind of variety show game, he might not even be able to play it any better than her.

Ruan Tian remembered how Ji Wangliang had said she was “reaching beyond her capabilities” just now.

Thinking to this point, she sneered. She definitely had to drag this guy down if she could.

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