Chapter 225

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However, the journey to the General’s house ended up going more smoothly than any of them had expected.

Once they arrived, they found another hint outside the door: 【Only the person who wins the General’s approval can see the General. Go to the backyard to find the way to win the General’s approval. 】

The three people looked at each other. There was only one token, which meant that only one of them would be able to win.

They all went to the backyard and saw there was a man in an ancient costume standing next to a table and two chairs. He seemed to be playing the role of the General’s housekeeper.

"The general is a man who appreciates strength.” The housekeeper said solemnly. “If two people arm-wrestle here, the general will bestow the token to the winner."

Of course, the contestants were being closely observed, so an announcement rang out from above with perfect timing:【The general has decided that his token will be distributed to one of the contestants based on strength! Any losers will be eliminated immediately. 】

【The strength competition will adopt a best two out of three system to decide the winner. 】

Ruan Tian frowned. She felt that this game was a bit too unfriendly to her.

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After all, there was a certain disparity in strength between men and women, and a delicate little girl like her had an even lesser amount of strength.

Ruan Tian fell silent. Ji Wangjiang glanced at her with a faint expression and said, "Just go back. You can't complete this task."

As long as the two of them decided not to compete, there would be no loser and no one would need to be eliminated.

If she were facing someone else, Ruan Tian might have really given up. After all, it wasn’t crucial for her to complete this task. There was no need to put her life on the line to fight.

However, the person spewing out such cheap words just so happened to be Ji Wangjiang. This man who had always been looking down on her with his dog eyes and who had even tried to have her kicked out of Director Cheng’s movie.

Ruan Tian was infuriated by his words, so before she could think her mouth was already retorting. Pretending to be calm, she said, "Let’s compete and see."

With a cold expression on his face, Ji Wangjiang slowly sat down at the table.

Ruan Tian sat down opposite him. She flexed her hands and then straightened her arm and set it on the table. She was ready.

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Ji Wangjiang's arms were much longer than hers, and the palms of his hands were much bigger. When their two palms were put together, Ruan Tian felt a burst of coldness in her heart.

In fact, in her heart, she wasn’t actually very confident in terms of strength. However, what she didn’t think of, was that in Ruan Tian's world, even carrying a few dozen pounds while working all day long wasn’t particularly difficult for her.

The man playing the NPC housekeeper came forward and held their palms together, then counted down from three. When he reached zero, he shouted: “Now begin!”

What happened next caused everyone to be caught off guard.

Not to mention the other people present, even Ruan Tian herself couldn’t react.

In the span of a single second, Ji Wangjiang's hand was firmly pressed down on the table. It was a complete and undeniable defeat.

Ruan Tian muttered confusedly, "Was it that simple?"

It turned out this was actually a free win!

Ji Wangjiang's face darkened a few shades in an obvious way. It turned white, then red, then white again. He snorted and said, “I was too careless."

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His usual calm was blown away by the annoyance in his heart, and he said, “I just went easy on you that time.”

As he spoke, he raised his eyes to glare at the person across the table. But when he did, he was slightly taken aback. The girl in front of her had her back to the light, her long hair was tied up into a loose ponytail, and her cheeks were dusted with a light pink color, like a fresh peach that had just been plucked from a tree.

Ruan Tian: "Less talk, it’s annoying."

Ji Wangjiang quickly took his eyes back and resolved himself in his heart to win the next round.

During the second round, the two people were immediately neck and neck, straining to push the other person’s hand down.

But then Ji Wangjiang suddenly burst out with a lot of strength, and Ruan Tian’s hand was nearly forced down to the table.

However, she pushed back! Her hand climbed up slowly and, little by little, her hand moved away from the table.

Her delicate face flushed and her forehead was covered with tiny beads of sweat.

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Ruan Tian sucked in a deep breath, and her stubborn and unyielding personality began to shine, supporting her strength to fight back.

The contest continued to go on for almost two whole minutes, but the outcome still wasn’t decided.

Ji Wangjiang felt like he was dying, but he wasn’t willing to lose to Ruan Tian! He tried to squeeze out every last bit of strength in his body, and his arm was already so sore that he couldn’t even feel it anymore.

This Ruan Tian was really stubborn!

Another two minutes went by and Ji Wangjiang seemed to be reaching the end of his rope. Finally, his hand was slowly pressed down toward the table by Ruan Tian. He gritted his teeth and desperately wanted to turn the situation around but, in the end, he couldn’t escape the fate of being slowly overpowered by Ruan Tian.

【The competition is over! Congratulations to our victor, Ruan Tian! 】

【Blue team’s Ji Wangjiang, out! 】

Ruan Tian gave a fake sigh and said, "Heh, this truly is a world for the strong."

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