REHC - Chapter 227

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Faced with her question, Qin Yu silently stared back at her with an expressionless face. But just when Ruan Tian thought he was going to continue playing mute until the end, he suddenly spoke: “Did you buy this road? Could it be that only you are able to walk on it, and other people are not allowed?”

? ? ?

Ruan Tian rolled her eyes. Listen to these ****ing words!

Since when did this Qin Yu have such thick skin?

Saying such shameless words, was it really fine?

Ruan Tian took two deep breaths to calm herself down, then stepped to one side to make way and said, “All right, then I'll let you go first."

Her meaning was clear: The road is now clear, so quickly scram away!

Qin Yu seemed a little agitated for some reason. He just looked at her for a long moment, then loosened his tie and leisurely leaned against a nearby telephone pole before lighting up a cigarette right in front of her, seemingly not caring about his image at all.

Ruan Tian watched him impassively for a few more seconds, then spun on her heel and left.

From behind her, Qin Yu's flat voice rang out, "Ruan Tian, I'm not in a very good mood today, so don't spoil my fun."

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Ruan Tian gritted her teeth. This man always talked like this.

As if he were righteous, fully justified.

Always unyielding.

Ruan Tian smiled coldly, ignored his words, and continued to stalk forward with vigorous steps.

But something suddenly caught her arm and, behind her, the expression on the face of the man was not as cold as before. In fact, he seemed to be somewhat losing control.

Ruan Tian’s arm was yanked and she was forced to turn back and face him. His eyes looked sinister* and his expression was ferocious.

Ruan Tian’s eyes widened. She really couldn’t comprehend the circuitous and unfathomable thoughts in Qin Yu's mind.

She truly felt that she had never offended this Qin Yu before and really couldn’t understand why he still wouldn’t let her go, even now all these years later.

More importantly, Qin Yu was clearly in an abnormal mood tonight. He reached down and touched her face, pinched her chin painfully, and seemed to want to bite her lips.

"Ruan Tian, you've already suffered a lot, but why are you still so stupid?" He muttered, as if talking to himself.

Ruan Tian felt that Qin Yu was clearly in the midst of some sort of psychotic episode right now and didn’t want to bother arguing with him.

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While she was thinking, her chin was once again pinched painfully and the man in front of her seemed to be approaching her face with his own.

Ruan Tian saw what he was doing and said, “What are you doing? You want to force a kiss again, is that it?”

Her eyes narrowed. He did it once before, and now he was doing it again.

It seemed he really thought of her as a soft persimmon that he could play with as he liked!

At the same time, Qin Yu only felt that his love for this woman had somehow reached an extreme and nearly pathological level.

But, despite that fact, she only seemed to be flying higher and higher every day, like a kite threatening to break away from the string tethering it to the Earth forever.

If things kept going like this, she would only continue to get farther and farther away from him.

Qin Yu had exhausted so many methods and means over so many years, yet he still couldn’t keep her.

Finally, he just gave a low laugh and answered Ruan Tian's question directly with action. He closed in on the girl's cheek and gave her a kiss that was more like a bite, not too light but also not too heavy.

"You just won't listen to me. I really have no choice. I’m being forced by you." He murmured.

Ruan Tian really felt that this man was too unreasonable. Even after being bit on her face, it hadn’t really hurt, but she was worried that he might have left a mark with his teeth.

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Qin Yu kept saying that she was the one forcing him, which almost made Ruan Tian want to vomit blood.

She had never bothered him.

She had never abandoned him.

In fact, she had never even done anything wrong to him.

She really shouldn’t be forced to bear his vengeance for no reason at all.

But Ruan Tian couldn’t even bother to get angry this time. She just said, "I’m completely innocent in this matter…”

After a pause, she continued faintly, "...I just never liked you."

Ruan Tian felt that Qin Yu was a very unpredictable man.

After he heard those words, he only seemed to get even angrier.

His body tensed and his bones seemed to creak.

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A very unhappy expression appeared on his face.

Ruan Tian really couldn’t figure this situation out. She had only spoken the truth, so why did Qin Yu suddenly look like he wanted to eat someone alive?

"Anyway, have you had enough of acting crazy for tonight? I'm going back to get some sleep."

She had been running around all day for the show, so she was starting to feel very tired.

Qin Yu refused to let her go. He just continued to stare down at her. Her two eyes stared back at him, pure and bright. Somehow, it seemed that he was the only one full of emotions and anger, while the person in front of him didn’t care about him at all.

As if he were a clown jumping around in front of her who would never deserve a place in her heart.

Qin Yu wanted to laugh, but at the same time, he found he couldn't laugh.


tl note:

*It actually says he has “three-white” eyes, which just literally means that you can see the whites of his eyes on three sides. But in physiognomy when a person has three-white eyes it supposedly means (roughly translated from the Baidu article on the topic): “This kind of eye is also called snake eye, which means the person has a sinister or criminal personality. These are the eyes of a dangerous person who, in usual circumstances, doesn't like to talk much and puts on a gentle expression, but when it comes to something they personally have a stake in, they will reveal their nature and do all kinds of things to achieve their goals, even against nature and reason”.

All that information being conveyed by the three words “three-white eyes”. Translation is fun.

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