Chapter 228

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Another long moment passed by before Qin Yu slowly loosened his grip on her arm and let Ruan Tian go. Ruan Tian rubbed the place her had kissed her uncomfortably, then just kept walking.

Qin Yu continued to follow behind her.

But, after that exchange, the two people did not speak again.

The path back to the hotel seemed particularly long tonight. The cold winter wind was blowing and drilling its way into Ruan Tian’s collar, causing her to shiver with cold.

She was pulling her coat more tightly around her body to fend off the chill when she suddenly spotted another uninvited guest. He was standing at the mouth of an alley not too far from the front doors of the hotel she was staying in.

The man was a few meters away and facing the other direction, but Ruan Tian could still easily recognize that it was Shen Shu.

What kind of day was today? Why had these two people both popped out one after the other? !

All of a sudden Shen Shu also seemed to notice them and walked over. A moment later, he was standing in front of Ruan Tian.

The last time they had seen each other was that day at Mother Zhou's birthday party.

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Ruan Tian suspected that maybe Shen Shu had come over to retaliate against her for that incident. Maybe he wanted to purposefully humilate her.

He would slowly go through all of their old accounts and remind her of how stupid she used to be! ! !

Regarding this matter, Ruan Tian could only throw in the towel.

Unluckily, out of all the people in the world aside from herself, Shen Shu was probably the one with the most knowledge of her dark past.

Ruan Tian looked at Shen Shu, then glanced back and saw Qin Yu was still behind her. She smiled coldly, then patted her little head and said in a light tone, "Well, I'll just leave you two alone. I’ll go up first."

And once she left, Qin Yu and Shen Shu actually began to fight.

These two men both had a great deal of resentment against each other.

Shen Shu hated Qin Yu for how he used to fan the flames from the side, making the relationship between him and Ruan Tian worse and worse. And Qin Yu hated Shen Shu for reasons that didn’t need to be stated.

A few moments later, Qin Yu had suffered a few heavy blows and a fierce kick to his abdomen. He was leaning back against the wall of the alley and panting heavily, but somehow he still had time to make sarcastic remarks, "What's the matter? It’s only now that you finally remember the past?"

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These words harshly penetrated the deepest part of Shen Shu’s heart and caused him to feel terribly stifled.

The fight between the two men was so vigorous that it alarmed the residents living nearby and, eventually, someone directly called the police.

Before long, the two men were put into a police car and sent to the police station.


Ruan Tian didn't know anything about the fight. However, if she had known, she would definitely have cheered them on and told them to fight even more fiercely. The best outcome would be if they could both tear each other to death!

Whatever the cause, the end result was that these two famous princes were both taken to the police station and neither of them tried to hide their identities.

Thanks to that, the story was exposed early the next morning and the netizens went into a frenzy.

After careful examination, the netizens found that the police station where they had been brought in to make a statement happened to be in the same jurisdiction as the place where Ruan Tian was currently filming.

The netizens immediately felt that there was a big hidden story here.

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【According to my analysis, there is a very high probability that Shen Shu and Qin Yu fought because of Ruan Tian. She’s really a proper vixen. 】

"Is this a case of her trying to keep two men in the palms of her hands but the boat suddenly flipping midway?"

"It’s said that Boss Shen and Boss Qin have always been good brothers. But, one night, they suddenly find that their good brother had… and then, in a fit of anger, they began to fight?"

"In the end, it's all Ruan Tian's fault! She attracts bees and butterflies wherever she goes and even tries to hype up different CPs to attract more attention!"

"Sigh, I’ve always felt that the ShenShuxRuanTian CP is the only real national CP. But it seems like everyone is on drugs and new candidates keep jumping out one after another, it really hurts my heart.”

"I heard that both men called their lawyers in last night, and the lawyers worked to quickly solve the problem. In the end, they were both released from the police station in less than half an hour."

"I want to see their fight, where’s the video!"

"Ruan Tian, you should get remarried as soon as possible! Then you can take your husband on ‘My Man’! After that, you can bring him on ‘Where’s Dad Going?’. Those two shows are great."

Ruan Tian read some of these comments and felt amused. The netizens were funny as usual, but they were really giving her way too ****ing much credit.

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After all, a fight between those two dog men had nothing to do with her.

If a dog bit another dog, how could anyone think she was the one to blame?

For the next few days, Ruan Tian stayed in her hotel and rested. During this time, she was pestered half to death by Qin An over WeChat. He kept sending her message after message, but the content was mostly the same:

His brother was acting crazy all the time! His brother was going crazy again!

Ruan Tian tried to block his number, but it didn’t work. Qin An spotted her when she came down for dinner and chased her around until he managed to corner her in a conversation.

Finally, Ruan Tian could only talk to him. She began making serious suggestions: “Well, you just need to find him a bigger and better-”

Qin An interrupted her, "Hospital? You’ve already made this suggestion before.”

Ruan Tian continued without blinking an eye: “Crematorium?"

Qin An: "…"

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