Chapter 230

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Everyone moved over to the ring the crew had set up for this one-on-one challenge.

On one side, Ji Wangjiang stood there silently. He was dressed in a black tracksuit and had a dark headband wrapped around his forehead. With his delicate features, red lips, shiny white teeth, and casual clothing, he looked like a sunny young man fresh out of college.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Ruan Tian quietly pulled back her gaze and began doing some warm-up exercises.

Before they began, Wang Baiyuan suddenly approached from the side and said in a gossipy tone, "Ruan Tian, why are you making trouble everywhere? That Ji Wangjiang seems to have been won a spot on the sports team at his university. Do you think you can do that?"

Ruan Tian looked back at him steadily and said frankly, "I can't."

Wang Baiyuan frowned. His thinking was simple: he generally hated anyone in the entertainment industry who was more popular than him, and he also felt that Ji Wangjiang’s usual aloof behavior was very pretentious and disgusting to look at. Thus, he was sincerely hoping that Ruan Tian could beat in Ji Wangjiang's dog head this time, that way he couldn’t keep pretending!

"No, you…! Why are you talking nonsense? ! ?"

"I talk nonsense if I want."

Right now, Wang Baiyuan had an inexplicable faith in Ruan Tian. For some reason, he felt that she could do anything and that she was sure to win.

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"Anyway, in a little while when the game starts, you must show no mercy! Pull his hair, kick him down there, and then take advantage of his surprise to rip off his name tag! It's better if you can rub his head in the dirt and let him feel the true meaning of regret!"

Ruan Tian felt very moved Wang Baiyuan’s words. Just imagining this scene seemed very cool!

However, she felt that it was somewhat impractical to take this big man who was half a head taller than her and rub his head in the dirt.

Ruan Tian sighed and said, "Not everyone is like you, able to do such crass things."

Wang Baiyuan replied in a cold voice, "Are you insulting me?"

Then he continued speaking but he became much less polite all of a sudden: "You are really too vicious. You deserve the way you get beaten and scolded by everyone in the entertainment circle on regular days, chased around like a rat."

Ruan Tian rolled her eyes and told him to scram.

【The two contestants are invited to enter the ring. 】

Ruan Tian took off her shoes and stepped forward. She felt a trace of coldness shoot up her legs as the soles of her feet touched the sand.

In front of her, Ji Wangjiang's eyes were full of roaring fighting spirit, and his sharp gaze seemed to be drilling into her body.

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Staff members came forward and affixed name tags in the color of their respective teams on the two people’s backs.

Then, seeing that the two contestants were ready, the director shouted for them to begin.

Ruan Tian didn’t immediately rush forward rashly and try to fight with Ji Wangjiang. Although fighting could be considered one of her strong points, she knew it wasn’t good to be too arrogant.

After all, what if Ji Wangjiang was different from that punk, Wang Baiyuan?

If he was very strong, wouldn’t she lose quickly if she rushed in?

At first, both of them circled each other and positioned themselves very defensively. After a moment or two passed, Ji Wangjiang suddenly took the initiative to attack, rushing forward and targetting the name tag on Ruan Tian’s back.

Ruan Tian gritted her teeth. She was ready and waiting for this moment, so when she saw Ji Wangjiang was rushing in she also immediately began to move.

Her body suddenly shot forward and, by twisting flexibly, her hand nearly made its way to Ji Wangjiang's back. However, before she had time to snatch the name tag, he managed to pull back and escape.

Ji Wangjiang originally hadn’t wanted to use his full force against her, but after the exchange just now he realized that he really couldn’t take this woman lightly. If he wasn’t serious, he wouldn’t be able to win.

Thinking to that point, the look on Ji Wangjiang’s face suddenly became very serious, and his dark eyes bored into Ruan Tian, looking at her as if he were staring at his prey.

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Ji Wangjiang suddenly rushed forward and caught Ruan Tian’s wrist with 100% of his strength. Ruan Tian’s face crumpled with pain and she gritted her teeth even harder.

At that moment, Ruan Tian also became much more ferocious, exploding out with scratching, hair-pulling, kicking at him down below, and so on… really not giving any thought to a “fair fight” at all. Even so, she was only barely able to shake him off.

After that, Ji Wangjiang's attacks continued to come one after another, giving her no chance to rest or catch her breath.

Ruan Tian fell down but recovered with a somersault. She frowned, her body was feeling some pain by now.

She quickly scrambled back up and faced her opponent again and Ruan Tian, who was already fully inspired to fight with all she had, was almost like a lunatic, biting out more fiercely than a wild dog.

Ji Wangjiang was also a little exhausted from this fight, and he still didn’t dare to take the woman in front of him lightly. But, finally, he found a good opportunity and managed to catch her arm with one hand and reached out for her name tag with his other hand. However, at the last second Ruan Tian managed to slip free of his grip, and his reaching hand only managed to catch the hairband in her hair and yank on it.

At that moment, Ruan Tian had only five words to say: Ji Wangjiang, **** your mother!

It really hurt! Hurt so much! Wuwuwu...

He could actually use such a dirty trick like pulling her hair?

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Was this something a man could do? !

In her heart, Ruan Tian suddenly looked down on this person very much.

Her eyes were very expressive, and at this moment they seemed to be filled with the words: "I despise you."

Ji Wangjiang almost wanted to stop and apologize but, in the end, he swallowed his words back into his stomach. Although it was true he hadn’t meant to pull her hair, he was afraid that even if he explained things Ruan Tian might not believe him.

Thus, Ji Wangjiang simply didn’t explain anything.

Ruan Tian felt wetness building up in the corners of her eyes and almost cried out from the pain.

Meanwhile, Ji Wangjiang didn’t leave her any time to recover and, while she was still reeling from having her hair pulled, he caught her arm again and this time finally managed to tear off Ruan Tian’s name tag.

【The one-on-one name tag tearing challenge, Ji Wangjiang wins!】

【Congratulations to Ji Wangjiang on winning a Resurrection Token.】

****! Ruan Tian was so angry her liver was aching!

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