Chapter 231

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Wang Baiyuan, who had been watching from the sidelines, also became very angry and shouted, "Ji Wangjiang is too shameless, pulling people's hair and fighting dirty!"




The director looked over at Wang Baiyuan with admiration.

Even this guy who completely relied on his backer was such a tiger.

He really dared to talk big and say whatever he wanted to.

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Ji Wangjiang wasn’t good at explaining himself so, after thinking for a moment, he just pursed his lip and decided not to explain anything.

Ruan Tian reached up, fixed her hairband, and re-tied her hair. Looking down, she saw there were small friction burns on her palms. She had really been going all out before so she hadn’t noticed, but now she started to feel the pain.

【Blue team’s Shi’an is resurrected! 】

Ruan Tian let out a cold breath of air. She had already guessed this result.

Shi’an stepped out and accepted a new name tag which she quickly fastened at her waist. As she passed Ruan Tian, she turned her head and said, “Heh, what's the use of you working so hard just to eliminate me? There are plenty of people willing to help me, but there is no one willing to help you. "

Ruan Tian sneered. She didn't understand this person’s logic at all.

She said, "Isn't it just relying on a man? Do you feel that’s very amazing? Little sister, you shouldn’t look down on yourself so much."

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Shi’an, who had suddenly been attacked by Ruan Tian’s barbed words, felt very uncomfortable in her heart. In the end, she just snorted and said, “You really have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth."

Ruan Tian turned away indifferently. She had no more time to talk nonsense with this person, the new task was about to be released.

【The new task, ‘Closing of the City Gate’, has been released. Any contestant who remains outside after the city gate closes will be eliminated. The time limit is ten minutes. 】

Ruan Tian had gotten her name tag back by now, so she shoved it into her pocket and then ran into the city with Shao Chengyue.

This time, the trip really wasn’t easy. The men in black suits had been let into the venue in advance and were lying in wait in various spots, ready to capture the contestants.

Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue had found a spot in the tall grass and were hiding. Ruan Tian checked the time and her brows furrowed. She said, "If we delay too long we will be too late, shall we just make a run for it?”

Shao Chengyue nodded. "That's fine."

Before they started running, he suddenly seemed to remember something and said, “By the way, that Shi’an seems to be the female lead my father has selected for his next movie."

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Ruan Tian groaned and almost couldn’t stop herself from cursing out loud.

This goddamned Female Lead Halo!

Really not leaving any roads for a person to survive!

A long silence stretched out, only this could represent Ruan Tian’s current mood. Seeing this, Shao Chengyue's brows furrowed slightly. In fact, he personally felt that Shi’an wasn’t really suitable to play the high school student role in his father’s upcoming movie. He planned to have a good talk with his father once he went home after this.

Eventually, Ruan Tian noticed a gap where the seekers in black suits all seemed to be looking the other way, so she grabbed Shao Chengyue and rushed out. It was basically equivalent to a challenge to see if they or the men in the black suits could run faster.

Shao Chengyue was surprised by the sudden change. Before he realized it, he noticed that a girl’s soft hand had wrapped around his own and was dragging him along. Her palms were warm, and as her hair billowed in the wind he caught a faint whiff of the aroma of her shampoo.

Shao Chengyue fell into a daze for a moment and could only stare at her profile as she dragged him along. He quickly snapped out of it and, unconsciously, he tightened his grip on her hand before also running forward with her.

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The two ran and ran and finally reached the gate, both completely out of breath.

Meanwhile, announcements with the names of the people being eliminated came from above one after another.

After running inside, Ruan Tian was very surprised to see Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Meng’er had both made it in. Looking around, several people that she was familiar with were also there.

Zhao Meng’er was feeling very annoyed. The darkness in her heart was simmering and bubbling. She had only agreed to come on this show in order to find opportunities to trip Ruan Tian up, but so far she hadn’t succeeded once. How could she feel reconciled?

Zhao Meng’er glanced down at her watch, there was still one minute before the gate closed. Her eyes flashed, and she sneakily moved over to stand behind Ruan Tian, waiting for a perfect opportunity.

She wanted to wait until the last second before the gate closed, and then kick Ruan Tian out!

Over on the other side, Wang Baiyuan had surprisingly had the exact same idea as Zhao Meng’er. However, the person he was targeting was Ji Wangjiang.

Meanwhile, Ruan Tian wanted to eliminate Shi’an!

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