Chapter 233

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After the live broadcast finished airing, various accusations, slanders, and insinuations were smashed against Ruan Tian one after another.

"This Ruan Tian is no longer just a rude person. She clearly lacks even the basic amount of conscience that defines a human being. Just because she lost a challenge, she decides to use such underhanded tricks to kick innocent people out?”

"I can see why she is so unpopular in the industry. Everyone wants to avoid this type of person. Anyone who interacts with her will only end up unlucky."

"Even from the last episode I’ve been wanting to say that this Ruan Tian is too malicious. She even wasted the precious Elimination Token against a little fledgling actress. And then, in this episode, she immediately wanted to kick out that same fledgling actress again. So petty and narrow-minded."

"Brother Ji is really too kind, he just can’t see it. That Ruan Tian has only become more and more rampant after getting a little bit of fame. It’s not hard to imagine why she used to always be suppressed."

"**** your mother Ruan Tian! How dare you do this to Brother Ji! ! ! When has he ever been so bullied this way on a variety show? You really deserve to die! ! Don't you dare touch him! ! !"

Before the broadcast of ‘Destined Immortals’, the TianTian Group would really be no match for this powerful group of movie star fans at all.

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However, Ruan Tian had really soared in popularity recently, which meant her fanbase had also grown larger and more powerful, so they didn’t lose out much in the conflict this time.

Especially after the incident last time where the fan who had found all those old photos of Ruan Tian had started using his Weibo again and rooted out a lot of Ruan Tian’s anti-fans before developing himself into a key member of the TianTian Group. All these incidents had strengthened the group greatly.

This fan, who was the famous “God” Cheng on his campus, had a combat effectiveness so strong that just him alone could send out hundreds of Weibo messages a day.

@IAmRuanTian'sLickingDogForever: "TianBaby used her own ability to get that Elimination Token, she can use it on whoever she wants to use it on. If the trash star you like couldn’t get it, don’t come here and act jealous."

@IAmRuanTian'sLickingDogForever: "Do any of you understand what the word “competition” means? Even if your two parents went to participate in a competition, there would only be one winner between them. Sure enough, more than 90% of the people who like to talk trash on Weibo are primary school students. Just put down your phones and go back to your homework kids."

@IAmRuanTian'sLickingDogForever: "What's the matter? Can your star not bear it after being kicked in the ass? He’s so delicate but he still wants to participate in a competitive variety show ah? He should just quit the industry and retire to an old-folks home. Our TianTian Group has no time for weaklings, just scram away for me. "

Hearing the furious crackling of “God” Cheng’s keyboard, his roommates in the dorm were all already used to it.

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The battle between Ji Wangjiang and Ruan Tian’s fans this time kept blowing up until it was even bigger than the usual outcry after one of those 18th-tier starlets were busted having an affair.

Their names appeared on the hot search and directly shot straight up to the top ten.

“God” Cheng even stayed up all night that night, scolding the other party’s fans for eight hours straight on Ruan Tian’s behalf.

He was up from the wee hours of the morning all the way until the sun was rising at 8 a.m. the next day.

His arguments were all reasonable and well-founded, well-sourced and cited, as well as accurate and incisive. In short, he spent the night beating the other side down mercilessly. The scene could be said to have been extremely wonderful.

Ji Wangjiang's fans could neither beat him in cursing nor in reason, so in the end, they could only report his Weibo account with the reason: 【Weibo nickname is explicit】

Thanks to that, “God” Cheng’s account was banned again.

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However, this was already a battle he had fought time and again so, less than five minutes later, he had already rejoined the conversation on a second account.

@RuanTianIsYourMotherAndIAmYourFather: "I don't care about you maggots. I'm going to sleep with my goddess now."

God Cheng's roommates all felt quite helpless.

This aloof male god on their campus turned out to be really creepy online!

To sum it all up, the fans were fighting crazily, and the air between Ruan Tian and Ji Wangjiang had become quite awkward and at odds.

And the night before it was time to start filming the third episode of the show, Jiang Lili especially made a trip to the hotel where Ruan Tian was staying and anxiously tried to advise her: “Can’t you just try to keep some distance from Ji Wangjiang! ? Wouldn't it be all right to ignore him?"

If they couldn’t fight, shouldn’t they at least avoid?

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Ruan Tian felt a bit wronged and retorted, “I already held back quite a bit, didn’t I?”

He had rubbed her face in the sand, pulled her hair, and even brought that damn Shi’an back into the game!

This anger, she definitely couldn’t just bear it.

Jiang Lili had a sad expression and gently poked her friend’s forehead with her finger. She murmured, "Why are you so unpopular with men?"

Jiang Lili found it very strange. Ruan Tian was so beautiful, but she wasn’t popular with men at all.

Such a beautiful and delicate little flower, but unexpectedly no one seemed to have any pity for her.

Ruan Tian answered silently in her heart: It’s all because I’m the villainess!

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