REHC - Chapter 234

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"TianBaby, didn't I tell you before that Ji Wangjiang had been asking to have you replaced in Director Cheng’s movie? He had dropped the topic for some time but now, I don’t know if it’s because you bullied him so badly on the show or what, but the team on his side seems to be bringing it up again." Jiang Lili’s face turned serious as she spoke.

When thinking about this issue seriously, it was hard to be optimistic.

Although Ruan Tian and Ji Wangjiang were both actors, they really weren’t on the same level at all. When speaking of actual achievements, there was a big gap between them.

One of them had only just emerged in the public eye and gained a bit of popularity, while the other was someone who had long gained a firm foothold and who everyone in the industry had to give some face to.

All this made Jiang Lili feel a little bit worried. After all, she knew just how important this film was to Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian thought about it and said, “How could such a thing be decided so easily?”

Were Ji Wangjiang’s opinions more important than the director’s opinions? Just depending on his face, he could choose the female lead?

Jiang Lili patted her head and warned, “Anyway, just try to ignore him and don't deliberately quarrel with him anymore."

Ruan Tian pondered before replying slowly, "OK."

She reluctantly agreed and determined that as long as that Ji Wangjiang didn’t jump around in front of her, she wouldn’t pay any more attention to him.

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After all, Ruan Tian had experienced the bitterness of having a role robbed away a few times before, so she was prudent this time. Back when she had just graduated, she had tried to audition for various leading roles, but each time the roles were always snatched away by random actresses who were parachuted in by rich backers.

There had even been a time when she had passed the audition and even started filming when suddenly another actress was parachuted in and kicked her out.

Ruan Tian attributed all this to the iron laws that bound a villainess.


For the third and fourth episodes, the director of ‘Star Acceleration’ had decided to change up the competition format a bit. The black-suited seekers were removed, and the style of competition between the teams was changed.

In the first phase of these episodes, the guests would work in groups of four. As usual, the director had everyone draw lots to form teams.

This time, Ruan Tian had decided to deliberately wait until the end to draw her lot, but who would have thought that some certain other people also had the same thought.

In the end, four people were left - the same four people who had made up red team during the first episode.

The plastic friends of the red team! Never gonna split up!

Ruan Tian looked around at her teammates and saw similar feelings of dislike for each other in all of them.

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【The Manhunt game starts! Blue team’s Ji Wangjiang has drawn the first Seeker Token! 】

【The time limit is 30 minutes. Within the time limit, the Seeker can hunt down and eliminate the other guests at will. 】

That was to say, during the 30 minutes while Ji Wangjiang was playing the Seeker, anyone he managed to catch would be eliminated.

As soon as this announcement came from the speakers overhead, the people who were near Ruan Tian all immediately scattered, avoiding her as if they were avoiding the plague.

As usual, Qin An seemed to be afraid that if he didn't speak enough everyone would think he was mute, and said, "Ruan Tian, you're done for. Ji Wangjiang is going to kill you for sure."

Ruan Tian replied, "Aren’t your words too harsh?"

"No, I can definitely see the murderous intention in Ji Wangjiang's eyes."

"You’re seeing wrong."

However, it had to be said, Qin An's intuition was actually very accurate.

And, sure enough, Ji Wangjiang, who was the first person acting as a Seeker, immediately charged directly at Ruan Tian.

Standing at the end of the long street, Ruan Tian clung to a last straw of hope: “Maybe he's here for you. Does he really have the nerve to target me, a weak little woman?"

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Qin An said sarcastically, "First of all, you are not a woman."

Ruan Tian felt annoyed and wanted to sew this guy’s mouth up. She growled, “Scram!”

Qin An immediately disappeared.

At the same moment, Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Meng’er ran away as well.

Everyone was afraid that the feud between these two people would cause them to be implicated.

Ruan Tian and Ji Wangjiang could battle it out if they wanted to, but they were all innocent ah.

Soon, Ji Wangjiang had drawn closer. He looked at Ruan Tian with a faint smile, then raised an eyebrow and said, "Ruan Tian, do you think you can run away from me?"

In fact, Ruan Tian still had this much self-confidence. She nodded and replied, "En, I think I should be fine."

After a long moment of silence, she felt that maybe he didn’t understand, so she added, "After all, you aren’t very strong."

Could this guy outrun those men in black suits? No? Then he should just shut up!

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Ji Wangjiang didn’t bother talking any more nonsense and just charged forward.

Ruan Tian was surprised. She had never expected that this Ji Wangjiang could actually run so fast!

It seemed she had been careless.

But what was even more surprising was that it seemed Ji Wangjiang seemed to be planning to chase her and only her for the entire 30 minutes.

While she was running, in her heart, Ruan Tian scolded this guy for being sick in the head.

In the end, Ji Wangjiang hunted her with the intent to eliminate the entire time he was the Seeker. She had no choice but to run and run, leaving her in a mess, panting, sweating, and hiding like a rat in the street.

It wasn’t easy but, in the end, she managed to avoid the other party’s deadly pursuit for 30 minutes.

【The time limit is up! The Seeker for the second round will be drawn soon. 】

【Blue team’s Shi’an had drawn the second Seeker Token! The second round will begin immediately. The time limit is 30 minutes. 】

Ruan Tian, who was panting and gasping while leaning against a wall: "…"

What kind of garbage random system was this! ?

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