Chapter 235

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When the announcement rang out from the speakers, Zhao Meng’er immediately felt scared. She was worried that Shi’an would come to try to take revenge on her for kicking her last time. But, unexpectedly, Shi'an also made a beeline for Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian swore a few times under her breath. After resting for less than two minutes, she had no choice but to pick up her feet and continue to run for her life.

She was determined. Even if she died, she would never lose in the hands of Shi’an!

That would just be too humiliating to bear.

She managed to run around and hide for another 30 minutes after that.

Ruan Tian felt like a drowning dog. It seemed that people who wanted her life kept popping up one after another.

【The Seeker for the third round will be drawn immediately. 】

【Blue team’s Ji Wangjiang becomes the new seeker. 】

By this time, Ruan Tian had already been chased around for over an hour. Her hair was wet with sweat, her limbs sore, and each breath came as a gasp.

When she heard the broadcast this time, she directly gave the sky above a middle finger without saying a word.

This announcer… could it be his surname was Ji? !

Ruan Tian didn’t have the strength to run anymore, so she decided not to be stubborn about it anymore. Instead, she looked around and tried to find a good place to hide.

Ruan Tian eventually found a small cart of straw and buried herself under the straw. After hiding, she found that the straw was actually quite comfortable to lie down in.

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In the distance, she could still vaguely hear Ji Wangjiang's voice calling out, as well as the sound of him opening and closing doors nearby but, in the end, he didn’t manage to find any signs of her.

Meanwhile, Ruan Tian actually directly fell asleep after finally being able to stop and rest for a moment. She even had a good dream.

In the dream, she was born a billionaire. When she wanted money, money would appear, and when she wanted men, men would appear.

She could use her hands to call the wind and rain and do whatever she wanted to do.

Ruan Tian was even a little reluctant to wake up.

However, eventually, the sound of the broadcast system woke her from her dreams.

【The third round of the Manhunt game is over. 】

Ruan Tian tiredly sat up from the cart of straw and Ji Wangjiang happened to be walking by at just that moment. Their eyes met.

"Huh, am I still asleep? Has the game ended?” Ruan Tian murmured in confusion.

Ji Wangjiang frowned. He had practically turned this set upside down searching everywhere, but who would have thought that the person he was searching for had been sleeping in a pile of straw the whole time?

Her hair and clothes were messy with yellow pieces of straw sticking out here and there, looking just like a village woman.

Ji Wangjiang said coldly: "Don't think you can be complacent with this. There are still several more episodes in the future."

Ruan Tian wanted to retort, but she thought of Jiang Lili’s warning from earlier and decided to swallow back her words.

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She was a magnanimous person, just forget it.

However, Ruan Tian really hadn’t expected that even after all that Ji Wangjiang continued to act like a mad dog, solely targeting her during the next few tasks! It was as if he wanted nothing more than to make trouble for her and cause her to be unhappy.

The first time she still tolerated it, but her patience quickly wore out after that. Before long she completely cut loose and turned around to smash Ji Wangjiang to death whenever she could.

Thanks to that, she chased Ji Wangjiang around and kicked him out of the game several times.

Of course, as a result, Ruan Tian had become the most hated person among Ji Wangjiang’s fans.

She would always receive their cordial greetings on Weibo every single day.




And so on and so forth. The topics continued to pop up one after another, never stopping.

Before long, they finished recording the first half of the season. Since they were half done, the crew announced that they were giving everyone a holiday and that the second half of the season would be recorded this winter.


Ruan Tian also decided to take a day off for herself. She went online and bought some tickets for a movie, planning to go and see it alone.

When she went downstairs, she saw Shen Shu's car parked out in front of the gate of her apartment complex. Ruan Tian, with her movie tickets still in hand, turned around and walked out the back way without hesitation.

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However, it seemed she had underestimated how much free time Shen Shu had on his hands because when she arrived on the street with the movie theatre, she saw Shen Shu was already there.

He seemed to be in a very good mood today.

At the very least, Ruan Tian could say that she had never seen him in such a good mood while they were still married.

Ruan Tian looked at Shen Shu, then at the majestic two rows of black-suited bodyguards standing behind him, and felt a bit muddled.

Her face was still full of bewilderment when Shen Shu came forward and took her hand.

After that, Shen Shu took her to a florist.

He bought her a bouquet of baby’s breath flowers.

Ruan Tian hugged the big bouquet in her arms and was too embarrassed to say that she didn't like baby’s breath.

She understood vaguely that Shen Shu was probably trying to pursue her again.

Of course, Ruan Tian wanted to tell him that it wasn’t necessary.

But Shen Shu now was just like she had been back then, stubborn and unreasonable.

Therefore, Ruan Tian knew that it was useless for her to say anything.

She suddenly felt that she was actually very pitiful.

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She had gotten nothing back when Shen Shu had fully occupied her heart, and now things were like this.

Shen Shu also bought her an ice cream.

It was strawberry, Ruan Tian’s least favorite flavor.

Shen Shu seemed to have a lot to say to her, but Ruan Tian was distracted throughout and didn't hear a word he said.

Looking around, the trees were turning green, sprouting new buds.

Ruan Tian walked along in a daze, her eyes focused on the cracks in the sidewalk, her mind distant and distracted. Suddenly she snapped out of it a bit. She looked up, feeling a bit confused, and murmured: "Ah? Did you just say something?"

Shen Shu asked her if she liked the bouquet of flowers.

She didn't hear, she wasn't even listening to him.

Eventually, Shen Shu sent her back. Ruan Tian saw him off and felt confused. She hadn’t said anything particularly heart-piercing this time, so she didn’t know why Shen Shu’s face looked so pale like that.

Suddenly unhappy for no reason.

The result of all this was that Ruan Tian never managed to watch the movie she bought tickets for. Moreover, once she got back to her room she suddenly remembered that she forgot to ask Shen Shu who won the fight between him and Qin Yu that day.

She was actually very interested in this dog-biting-dog story.

She was very curious. In the end, could that eternally sickly and weak-looking man, Qin Yu, beat Shen Shu?

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