REHC - Chapter 238

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By now it was already late spring, and the weather was getting warmer and warmer.

Ruan Tian was originally planning to just wear a sweater and a pair of jeans to the meal, but she was a bit worried that Ji Wangjiang would be unreasonable and say that she wasn’t showing him proper respect by showing up underdressed, so she eventually changed into a beautiful dress and even applied some exquisite makeup.

When Ruan Tian arrived at the hotel, Director Cheng, Ji Wangjiang, his agent, the boss of his company, and some other producers were all already there. Director Cheng wanted to help smooth things over for Ruan Tian, so he spoke up first and said: “Welcome, welcome. If there are any misunderstandings, we can all talk them out today.”

Ji Wangjiang looked at Ruan Tian and said with a faint smile, "I don't have any misunderstandings with her."

Indeed, there was no misunderstanding. It was just a simple matter of hating and being hated in turn.

Looking at him, Ruan Tian felt that Ji Wangjiang's beautiful peach blossom eyes were full of pride. It was as if the words “Today, I’ll teach you how to be a human” were written inside in bold text.

She nodded. "En, there is no misunderstanding."

One of the bosses nudged Ruan Tian with his elbow and urged, "Aren’t you here to apologize? Hurry up, drink a glass."

Ji Wangjiang just looked at her without speaking, quietly waiting for her next move.

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At first, Ruan Tian also didn't move.

Ji Wangjiang's agent was a typical smiling tiger. His words were gentle, but his meaning was fierce. “Teacher Ruan, if you don’t want to drink, we can just forget it."

In his mind, he was already being very polite by calling her “Teacher” Ruan.

Ruan Tian slowly stood up and filled the glass in front of her. Then she lifted her arm, raised the glass, "I'm sorry I offended you so much in the past."

With that, she tipped back the glass and poured the whole cup of choking high-proof wine down her throat.

Ji Wangjiang watched on with a faint expression as if the scene had nothing to do with him.

Ruan Tian understood what he was indicating with that expression. One drink was not enough!

Silently she thought to herself: This Ji Wangjiang was really getting ahead of himself!

Her patience for playing along was already exhausted, so she decided she wouldn’t care about anything anymore!

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He wanted to play? Then they could play together!

Ruan Tian soldiered on. Filling up her glass and pouring the wine into her stomach. "I shouldn't have always won over you on the show."

Another drink, "I shouldn't have overreached myself and caused you to lose so much face."

One drink after another, "I shouldn’t have always treated you like a joke and never as a real opponent, I forgot your lofty status and your big background, I’m very sorry."

With a bang, Ruan Tian heavily slammed down her glass and looked at Ji Wangjiang with an expressionless face. "Is this much all right? Are you satisfied?"

Her words were thorny. She didn’t hide her unbridled and disobedient tone at all.

Seeing that pair of red eyes glaring at him, Ji Wangjiang realized that the wildness inside this woman was very hard to tame.

His smile slowly faded away. He said, "I'm satisfied."

Ruan Tian smiled and replied, "It's good to be satisfied."

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Those few glasses of wine clearly expressed thousands of words.

Jiang Lili almost couldn’t sit still. She really wanted to just grab her friend's arm and leave, there wasn’t any reason for them to suffer this kind of anger here.

However, a role like this, the female lead in a big-name director’s movie, was really too hard to come by.

In the end, if they didn’t want to be bullied, their only choice was to climb up even higher until no one could bully them anymore.

Ruan Tian had drunk so many glasses of wine in such a short period of time that she was currently starting to feel dizzy and nauseous.

Then, when she looked up, she happened to see Ji Wangjiang’s face.

Seeing that, she only wanted to throw up even more!

"I can see that Ms. Ruan came here tonight with sincerity. It wouldn’t make any sense for us to hold on to this matter any longer." Ji Wangjiang's agent suddenly smiled and said.

He continued, "I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation in the future."

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Ruan Tian lowered her head and her eyes flashed. There definitely wouldn’t be any “pleasant cooperation” between her and that man.

Once they were both in the crew, it would be a case of “either you die or I live”.

Suddenly there was a loud bang from the side and the door of the box flew open. It was obvious at a glance that someone had kicked the door open.

Before anyone could react, a low voice rang out: "I'm afraid that this cooperation won’t be very pleasant."

Qin Yu appeared in the doorway, dragging a chair. He quickly set the chair next to Ruan Tian, sat down, and in an extremely harsh voice, he growled: “I’ve really had my eyes opened today. It seems that there are still some people out there that dare to bully the artists from my company to this extent.”

The boss from Ji Wangjiang’s company was nervous. He didn’t understand what caused Qin Yu, this big Buddha, to suddenly descend on them, but he quickly spoke up, “Boss Qin, this is all a misunderstanding, we’re just having a friendly dinner party here."

Qin Yu directly ignored him and instead pointed a finger at Ji Wangjiang and sneered, "Ji Wangjiang, if you don't want to act in this movie, you can go ahead and leave."

He snorted, "You really think of yourself as a big deal, huh? But crushing you wouldn’t even be enough to relieve my boredom for a few minutes. I don’t understand where you get the courage to think you can pick and choose your co-stars, you really don’t have a proper measure of your own abilities.”


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