Chapter 239

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Qin Yu had suddenly appeared in their private box, and he was very mad.

Everyone inside the small box could see it, even if they were blind.

But just when they thought Qin Yu was going to tear the whole room down in his rage, Ruan Tian gently caught his wrist and said, "I can handle this issue myself, I don’t need you to care about it."

Qin Yu smiled coldly. Inside, he felt irritated. Why couldn’t this woman learn to speak nicely? He said, "You can handle it yourself? If you can handle it, then why are you here humbling yourself like a granddaughter?”

Ruan Tian frowned unhappily. Success required certain sacrifices, okay?

She refused to respond to this question!

As soon as Qin Yu arrived, the air became very awkward and no one was interested in eating anymore.

Thanks to that, it wasn't long before the little dinner party broke up.

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Ruan Tian rode the elevator downstairs and walked out the front entrance of the hotel. Her body was blown by the cold wind outside, and her mind slowly started to sober up.

Director Cheng came out a moment later and helped her over to Jiang Lili’s car. After she got inside, he didn’t forget to remind her: “Come to my studio tomorrow, we will be doing a script read and some rehearsals. You can do a bit of acting opposite your fellow actors and try to get a feel for your character in advance.”

Ruan Tian absentmindedly nodded and agreed.

Jiang Lili was almost dizzy from this 180-degree change in attitude. In the end, she could only sigh. This was what the entertainment industry was like, everyone worshiped high and stepped on the low, followed the famous and ignored the obscure.

If a person lacked strength, there could only be one outcome: Being oppressed by others.

"Tonight made me so angry, I’m practically dying. Those people are too deceitful and two-faced.” Jiang Lili patted her chest a few times before continuing, “You should have just let Qin Yu come out from the beginning and teach them why the flowers are red! ****! Why, ah? Do they really think you are so easy to bully?"

Ruan Tian rolled down the window to let the cool air in and muttered, “Maybe I’m just a beautiful fairy who has come down to the mortal realm to experience what it’s like to learn and grow from experiencing calamities!"

She was very understanding. For people to grow, they first needed to go through tribulations and calamities, it was all very reasonable...

****! As if!

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In the end, Ruan Tian hadn’t humbled herself like a granddaughter for nothing. Ji Wangjiang really signed the contract that night as agreed.

With that, the dust surrounding casting the movie finally settled.

The next day, Ruan Tian went to Director Cheng’s studio for the rehearsals as agreed. She met Ji Wangjiang in the dressing rooms and found he was wearing the blue and white summer school uniform costume his role called for. It was a T-shirt, a pair of shorts, and a pair of basketball shoes. His bangs were styled so that they almost covered his eyes and, with the bright studio lights reflecting on his body, he looked just like a high school student.

Today, they were planning to go over a scene that involved a fierce conflict between their characters.

In this scene, Jiang Wan, who was played by Ruan Tian, learns that her brother is romantically interested in her and completely loses control, beating and kicking him.

As they began, Ruan Tian immediately entered the zone. Her eyes instantly changed, going from placid and normal to crazy and frightening to look at.

With tears in her eyes, she stalked forward and grabbed Ji Wangjiang’s collar. She cried out, "How can you like me?"

"You’re a pervert!"

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Then, after the harsh question and rebuke, with a hot string of tears dripping from her eyes, Ruan Tian drew her arm back and then slapped him across the face.

There was a clear sound: Smack!

The whole room went silent.

They were supposed to just be casually rehearsing. No one had expected that Ruan Tian would actually strike him.

The onlookers were all stunned.

An angry red five-fingered handprint immediately appeared on Ji Wangjiang’s pale face.

There was a sharp look in his eyes, but Ji Wangjiang still gritted his teeth and went on with his lines: "You are not really my sister."

Ruan Tian was completely immersed in her role, kicking, insulting, and scratching her nails on his face. However, she still had the presence of mind to not actually hurt his skin or leave any marks.

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Meanwhile, Ji Wangjiang had never been a good-tempered person. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore and caught Ruan Tian’s wrist mid-swing. He used his other hand to cover an aching spot on his face where he had just been beaten, and then said in a cold voice, "Ruan Tian, don’t you think you’re being too much of a bully?"

Ruan Tian yanked her arm out of his grip and then looked up at him with her dark eyes and said, “Why didn't you think you were being too much of a bully when you were riding my head and forcing me to apologize last night?"

A person couldn’t have such obvious double standards, okay!

Director Cheng’s brows furrowed unhappily. Putting everything else aside, just now Ruan Tian’s aura, her eyes, the feelings she was conveying, had all completely overpowered Ji Wangjiang’s attempts to do the same. He had been thoroughly pressed down by Ruan Tian and didn’t show any of the splendor of a big-name actor.

It was a bit ridiculous for Ji Wangjiang to be suppressed to such an extent by the performance of a relatively new actress.

In the end, Ji Wangjiang returned to his company with a belly full of fire, completely unhappy with how the rehearsal had gone today. However, when he got back he found his agent was running around anxiously like his pants were on fire. All of the agent’s arrogant temperament from the night before seemed to have disappeared.

The agent really hadn’t expected that Qin Pictures would retaliate like this out of the blue. It was well known in the industry that, on usual days, Qin Yu never came out or bothered with anything in his company, but now he seemed to have become furious on behalf of a small little actress.

But it was already too late to regret.

Ji Wangjiang’s agent felt like he was going crazy. This morning, all the brands Ji Wangjiang was currently working with had been calling one after the other, wanting to terminate their contracts with him. Also, a major magazine that had been planning to have him on the cover called to tell them that they had changed their minds. The agent could only desperately call his various contacts to try to find out what was going on, but no one seemed willing to tell him anything.

But from what he could tell, it seemed that Ji Wangjiang had been blocked in the industry overnight.

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