Chapter 240

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Ji Wangjiang's agent had never expected that their usual actions had actually poked a hornet's nest this time, moreover, it seemed they had managed to poke several big hornet's nests with a single poke.

The various companies under the Qin family umbrella, both large and small, had all suddenly completely burned all bridges and firmly declared that there would be no further cooperation between them and anyone remotely related to Ji Wangjiang from now on.

Having offended the massive Qin family was already more than enough to give them a huge headache, but before they could even respond to that, they got the news that Ruan Tian's legendary ex-husband and the ancient Huai family had also unexpectedly jumped out. It seemed these three groups had reached some strange tacit understanding, and the result was a three-way joint ban.

There was a sudden withdrawal of funds from all directions and the various brands they were currently cooperating with for endorsements, as well as the brands they were in talks with, all suddenly stopped responding to calls, and all cooperation was suspended.

At the same time, Director Cheng’s film suddenly received a huge injection of capital from Qin Pictures with one condition: Ji Wangjiang needed to be directly removed from the cast.

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Qin Yu usually didn’t bother to interfere in the matters of the insignificant little film and television company that he owned, but whenever his anger was roused he didn’t mind teaching those creatures from the entertainment circle who only knew how to worship the high and step on the low how to behave like human beings.

In his mind, no matter how Ruan Tian might behave, it would never be their turn to deal with her.

Ji Wangjiang's agent was in a huge fluster. He was calling everyone he knew, tapping all of his contacts and connections to try to find a solution to this problem. It was reasonable to say that Ji Wangjiang’s status in the entertainment circle wasn’t low, so usually there would be plenty of people willing to help him out if he were in crisis, but today not only did no one seem willing to help, many of them weren’t even willing to hear his agent out before they directly hung up the phone.

However, one man who had been friends with the agent for over a decade didn’t hang up and dared to say a few words, "You’ve made a big mistake this time. I’m afraid that if you didn’t have some background yourself you would have already been forced out of the industry by this time. That Ruan Tian… honestly, you can’t look at how the people from Qin Pictures usually ignore her, she’s actually untouchable.”

"Moreover, this time the Shen family and the Huai family have also become involved, so no one will dare to risk offending them just to help you." After a pause, the friend continued: "To say something ugly, stars can rise or fall, but if they offend a group of mega-bigshots like this then they really have no more hope. You should just lie low and try to avoid the limelight for a while. As for Xiao Ji, just tell him to go home and have a rest for a while."

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Of course, they both knew that this “go home and have a rest” would be devastating to an actor’s career. If Ji Wangjiang really did such a thing, it would be difficult for him to ever recover.

After all, once an actor had no work, there would be no more exposure, and then they would soon be forgotten by the audience and replaced by other, newer, stars.

The agent wasn’t willing to give up and asked, "Is there really no other way?"

"Just tell him to go back and get some rest."

After he got off this call, the agent was covered in a cold sweat. He looked over at Ji Wangjiang, who was still casually sitting on the sofa and smoking a cigarette, and he couldn’t even muster up the energy to get angry. He rubbed his brow and then said weakly, "Go home and rest for a while."

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Ji Wangjiang looked up at him and raised his eyebrows, then asked in a slightly confused tone, "I don’t need to shoot the movie anymore?"

This agent had been following Ji Wangjiang for many years. He had been there when he had first debuted and watched as he went on to win Best Actor and become a Movie King. He had kept following him after that, helping him pick a lot of successful films that had made plenty of money at the box office, and even hired a large team of professionals to help propel him to success.

He had been there the whole time as, step by step, they had raised Ji Wangjiang into a popular movie star who could call wind and rain in the entertainment industry.

Until today, the agent had always felt that Ji Wangjiang and his team had already built an unshakable foothold in the industry. He had thought that no matter how big the storm might be, they would be strong enough to weather through it.

And, as the years had gone by, their team’s style had become more and more arrogant. When Ji Wangjiang walked the red carpet, he would always walk as the finale. No matter what his role in the film was or who his co-stars were, he would absolutely walk last. They would never give in when it came to this and many other matters, they could basically walk sideways in the industry.

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But this time, from the start, Ji Wangjiang had only agreed to go on a small show like ‘Star Acceleration’ for that Shi'an’s sake. His agent hadn’t agreed with it at all, but Ji Wangjiang had stubbornly insisted. And now look. He had caused such a big issue, and it could only be said that his sufferings had been completely ****ing caused by himself.

Ji Wangjiang was still wearing a careless smile. He continued in a leisurely tone, “That’s just perfect, I didn’t want to shoot that movie anymore anyway.”

His agent also lit up a cigarette, then said coldly, "En, you don't have to shoot anymore." won’t have to shoot anything, ever again.

He left that latter part unsaid.

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