Chapter 241

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Ji Wangjiang obviously couldn’t hear the deeper meaning in his agent’s words. He kept his careless smile as he said, “This has come at a good time, it just happens to leave time for Director Shao’s movie."

Director Shao was the director who had recently cast Shi’an as the female lead in his upcoming film.

The agent raised his eyelids and glanced over at the movie star, seemingly wanting to say something. But, in the end, he decided not to tell him. He was a bit worried Ji Wangjiang wouldn’t be able to bear the blow, and he didn’t want to get swept up in the other man’s fury.

After that, Ji Wangjiang went down to the garage and drove home in his expensive luxury car.

His keys jangled as he unlocked his front door and as soon as he stepped inside he heard his phone buzzing. He picked up the phone to check and found that there were many new notifications informing him of dozens of messages and emails.

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He clicked through and started checking the messages one by one. To his surprise, every message was from a brand he was working with, and all of them were regarding requiring his signature for the termination of his endorsement contract. Moreover, there was even a message from his company informing him that all his subsequent activities had been suspended.

Ji Wangjiang's face immediately sank and continued to get darker and darker as he read the messages word by word. He was in a state of complete disbelief.

He picked up his phone and tried to call his agent, but he found that the other man had already turned his phone off.

Ji Wangjiang's eyes narrowed and he sneered. It seemed these people were really treating him as a soft persimmon they could pinch as they pleased.

Ji Wangjiang, who had never been treated in this way, felt he was so angry his lungs might explode. Just at that moment, he suddenly received a phone call from the vice president of his company.

However, the vice president hadn’t called to give him an apology or an explanation as he expected. No, he was calling to ask him for money in order to pay off the sky-high penalty fees being levied against him for the abrupt termination of so many contracts.

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Ji Wangjiang was so angry he smashed his cell phone on the spot.


As all this was happening, Ruan Tian was completely ignorant.

She was just surprised when she arrived on set for the first day of filming and found that the man playing the male lead was inexplicably no longer Ji Wangjiang.

However, the whole crew all acted very calm, as if having their big-name Movie King male lead suddenly replaced with someone else was no big deal.

And since everyone else was acting as if nothing had happened, Ruan Tian felt too embarrassed to pry into the matter and seem like a nosy woman.

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At any rate, the person who was now playing the male lead was a small newcomer to the acting scene whose most distinguishing trait was that he was very handsome. He never said too much while on set, but when he spoke his mouth was very sweet. Whenever he bumped into Ruan Tian he would always obediently call her “Big sister” and he just generally respected her like she was an ancestor.

The acting skills of this young newcomer still left a little bit to be desired, which resulted in them often having to take multiple takes to complete a scene.

But Director Cheng was inexplicably easy-going about all this and never lost his temper or made things difficult for the newcomer because of it.

On the contrary, it was the little newcomer himself who felt very embarrassed and ended up often buying drinks and ordering food for all the people on the crew as a way of apology.

Moreover, he asked around and discovered that Ruan Tian had a sweet tooth, so he especially went out to a sweets shop and bought some desserts for her. He then personally took them over to Ruan Tian while saying: “Teacher Ruan, I’m so sorry for holding you back these past few days, I hope you can forgive me."

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Ruan Tian gladly accepted the desserts and immediately had a better impression of this little newcomer. She responded happily, "It’s fine, don’t worry. I was also like this back when I first started.”

In fact, this was a bit of a white lie. Ruan Tian had always been a talented actress since young.

Even when she first started filming, she had never made many mistakes that had caused her directors to call NG.

While acting, she had always been able to keep herself focused and worked hard to fully immerse herself in her roles, and she had always been able to wait until the moment the director called “Cut!” to slowly separate herself from the characters she was playing.

Having finished delivering the desserts, the little newcomer bowed and then went back over to his chair and began to read over the script to try to further familiarize himself with his character. He had actually only just graduated from college this year and luckily managed to sign up with an agency and then, like luck on top of luck, he had unexpectedly been singled out to play the male lead in Director Cheng’s movie.

In fact, his company had also strongly hinted to him that he should try to get closer to Ruan Tian and stir up some CP rumors between them.

However, he felt that this sort of tactic was too underhanded, so he had refused.

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