Chapter 242

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These days Ruan Tian had been putting a lot of effort into filming this movie and had been trying to fully immerse herself in her role. Thus, after many days of filming from early morning all the way until late at night, she found herself sometimes falling into a trance-like state where she felt as if time had somehow turned back and she was back in those old high school days.

Thanks to that, her mood was somewhat low and depressed, but it was also a very good state to be in for her acting.

Then one day, around halfway through shooting the film, Director Cheng decided to give all of the actors a few days off so they could relax and adjust their mood with a change of scenery.

Ruan Tian was excited to finally have a few days off and decided to immediately go home and get some proper rest by sleeping for a few days straight.

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However, during these precious few days of rest, Jiang Lili unexpectedly came to find her and dragged her out to a big gala for the upper class with the excuse that Ruan Tian might be able to find herself a new talented young man there.

The gala was being held at the Banshan Villa, which was an extremely high-class venue, and Ruan Tian was probably the only actress there trying to blend in.

After all, generally speaking, this kind of gala for the upper class wouldn’t invite stars from the entertainment industry because they felt stars lacked class and nobility when compared to the other participants.

But tonight’s gala was bound to be interesting since Ruan Tian was attending. The matters between her and the Zhou family were no longer a secret only known to the richest and most powerful families. These days, more or less everyone knew.

Moreover, Zhou Xiaoqiao was a very popular girl who had a very good relationship with many of the rich young masters and misses who usually attended this sort of event, so these people all naturally took her side.

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As soon as the banquet began, Zhou Xiaoqiao was looking at her “rebellious” sister from across the large banquet hall with contemplative eyes.

When Ruan Tian saw how Zhou Xiaoqiao was looking at her, she knew that Jiang Lili’s plan for her to find a talented young man here was doomed to fail.

However, she also noticed that Zhou Xiaoqiao's face wasn’t looking too good today. Her sister seemed a bit haggard, and her smiles looked thin and forced.

This was all thanks to her recent return to the fashion industry.

In reality, Zhou Xiaoqiao didn’t have any sort of amazing talent when it came to fashion design, but she was still very ambitious and determined to make some achievements for herself, which was why she had immediately opened a fashion company in her own name. But after she opened her company, she found that it was consistently in the red for several months straight and was continuously losing money for her. Even until now, she had invested quite a bit but had yet to see any returns.

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Right now her brand was neither up nor down.

With this state of affairs, even her closest girlfriends were reluctant to wear the dresses from her brand at these sorts of dinner parties. Basically, she had tried to dabble in the high-end fashion industry but failed to make any sort of name for herself and only ended up losing a lot of money.

This was very unexpected for her and came as a heavy blow. It could be said that Zhou Xiaoqiao’s road all through the first half of her life had been extremely smooth, so now that some obstacles had suddenly appeared she was feeling as if she had dropped down from the clouds and into the mud below.

Tonight she even put down her usual aloofness and said some pleasing words to some of her acquaintances, but the second she brought up the topic of her brand these people would all immediately become uninterested in continuing the conversation.

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Zhou Xiaoqiao felt an unprecedented sense of frustration, so she stepped outside to get some air.

As she stood out on the balcony and felt the chill of the late night wind she began to calm down and, at the same time, the musicians invited by the host of the party began to play.

The low sound of the cello flowed out from the hall and into her ears.

Zhou Xiaoqiao turned around to look inside and was surprised to see that Ruan Tian, who had been standing quietly off in a corner until now, had now been invited to the middle of the hall by a handsome young man.

The man's face was delicate, his features were handsome, and his shirt was unbuttoned a few times near the collar. Along with being very good-looking, he gave off a leisurely and lazy impression.

Zhou Xiaoqiao could see amazement and disbelief reflected in the eyes of the other people in the hall and felt annoyed. She pinched the palm of her hand and then came down from the balcony to go over to those two people.

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