Ruan Tian went to the car and fell asleep. In her dream, Shen Hui pinched her neck and asked her about two years ago.

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In fact, it's not a big deal.

However, she did not come to the physiological period for two months. She thought that something was wrong with her body and went to the hospital for examination with a nervous mood.

Got a pregnancy confirmation.

Ruan Tian was confused at that time, but she and Shen Hui were really predestined dog blood.

After one night stand, there are more elements of running with the ball.

Ruan Tian was only 20 years old at that time. She was so nervous that she didn't know what to do. After staying at home for half a month, she finally made up her mind to tell her husband Shen Hui about her pregnancy.

The child is not her own!

As a result, Ruan Tian was hit by a car on her way to the company to find Shen Hui.

The driver's speed was not fast, and she didn't feel much pain at that time. Her hand on the ground touched a lot of blood, which scared her and broke down and cried on the spot.

The driver picked her up in a hurry and asked what was wrong with her.

Ruan Tian cried zier wow, "my child ran out."

The driver made a quick decision and stopped a car to take her to the hospital.

Ruan Tian is out of breath crying. She shakes her hands, takes out her cell phone and calls Shen Hui one after another.

But the man did not pull black her, so cruel, one by one hang up, as if deliberately told Ruan Tian, I just deliberately ignore you.

Ruan Tian clearly remembers that she was hung up 139 times.

Lying in the hospital bed, Ruan Tian has become the owner of Qiongyao opera.

She thought that she would make Shen Hui cry because of the child.

In fact, she thinks too much.

Let's have a rest.

The doctor in the emergency room was very speechless, and his face was not very good. "What's the matter with the little girl's fright and mischief? How can she be sent to the emergency room with a scratch on her face? What can we do if we delay others? "

Ruan Tian wiped her tears and snot, and her eyes were red and swollen. All she knew was to cry: "I had a miscarriage, Wuwuwuwu, my child is gone, a child of my age is gone, wuwuwu."

The doctor's face became more and more ugly. "What pregnancy? You don't think you broke your head, do you?! You're not pregnant. "

Ruan Tian's tears hung on her eyelashes, staring at the doctor, "but I have a lot of blood under me."

The doctor did not change the color of writing materials, by the way arranged the nurse to send her out of the emergency room, calm back: "physiological period is coming."

Ruan Tian is confused.

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It's not like crying. It's not like not crying.

But she was so sad that she wanted to cry.

At this time, she realized that she had taken the diagnosis of a pregnant woman with the same name and surname by mistake.

This experience is really funny.

From that day on, Ruan Tian felt the pain of bumping into Shen Hui's wall, and her head was broken and bleeding.

The feeling of helplessness, abandonment and indifference is too suffocating.

However, Shen Hui would not be willing to hang up so many times if he had a little bit of love for her.

Ruan Tian woke up with some pain in the back of her head. She blinked and was still sleepy.

Reluctantly, he got out of the car slowly.

Wearing a baseball cap and a mask, Ruan Tian covered herself tightly. When she got to the rest room of the reading circle, she took off the mask and showed her face.

The man and other supporting actors also came to the scene one after another.

Ruan Tian remembers that the actor who played the leading role was Shao Chengyue. Her father was a well-known film director, and her mother was a lady from a noble family.

Ruan Tian didn't know whether she was lucky or not.

Originally, Xianyuan was a low-cost online drama. With the addition of Shao Chengyue, the team has changed. The investors have injected 30 million yuan again, and the director has changed into an experienced person who is very good at the subject of Xianxia.

Shao Chengyue looks quite decent. His private clothes are also limited brand. He has sword eyebrows and stars. His nose is tall and straight. His pupils are black and his skin is white. He has a kind of natural estrangement of noble childe.

Shao Chengyue looked at her lightly, nodded, and there was no more communication.

Ruan Tian had a good impression on him. The naturally expensive man didn't show any obvious contempt. It was a very common kind of "cooperation this time, there will be no next time" colleague relationship.

The screenwriter and director let the actors introduce each other, and then they started the script reading meeting.

Ruan Tian plays the heroine who is adopted by the patriarch. She secretly falls in love with her elder martial brother. When she grows up, she wants to form a Taoist couple with him and practice together.

But her constitution is rare. On the day of marriage, the master dug out her sword heart and destroyed her foundation, just to help another woman reach the golden elixir stage, so that they could live together.

After digging out the root of the sword, she survived.

Quit the sect and practice by yourself.

Having suffered a lot from the cultivation world, she is about to reach the stage of transforming the spirit. She enters the sect and points to the master. She just wants to ask him, do you regret it?The master was still indifferent to her and said only three words: no regret.

She was still reluctant to kill. After she was seriously injured, she fell into a cliff and was saved by the master. Then she knew that the master had to do all this just for her to survive the disaster.

In the last episode, the two of them make up their minds and live in seclusion.

After reading the script for the first time, Ruan Tian felt very unhappy.

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Why should we forgive master!? Because he fucked up for her?

Didn't it hurt when she dug her sword?

Didn't it hurt when she destroyed her bone?

All the talk after that is bullshit!

Ruan Tian wished she had a pen in her hand and changed the script of the following episodes.

What's the use of keeping this kind of master? When transforming God, it's time to destroy his golden elixir and let him taste what pain is.

Ruan Tian just thought that the script had been finalized and would not be changed.

It seems that this is a major female drama, but there are strict rules on fanwai.

Shao Chengyue once and Ruan tianer twice.

Ruan Tian has no opinion on this, and there is no fame in competing for the ranking.

Moreover, how can she beat Shao Chengyue?

I read three episodes of the script all morning.

Once Ruan Tian put herself into the play, she would pour all her feelings into it and regard herself as the person in the play.

Her lines are very good and her expression is very good. Even if the shooting starts now, it's no problem.

After three episodes, Ruan Tian thinks Shao Chengyue looks at her more.

She thought she had something on her face. She took out her little mirror and looked at it. Her face was clean.

After lunch, I will continue to read the script.

After six episodes of the whole day, the director said he would let them go back at five in the afternoon.

Ruan Tian sat for a day, but she couldn't stand it. She got up and stretched out. Then she took her own script and went out to take a taxi.

Shao Chengyue also tired a day, back to his nanny car, casually said to the assistant, "Ruan Tian is not as bad as expected."

Good acting and good lines.

He had just glimpsed her script with notes and notes.

I can see that a lot of work has been done.

Thinking of this, Shao's antipathy receded slightly, but he still didn't plan to develop a friendship with Ruan Tian.

The assistant said, "it's not sure. We have to wait until the shooting starts to see how she is."

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The most popular label for her from the outside world is "junk beauty".

Maybe the previous aura was all coincidental?

Ruan Tian saw Shen Hui's car at the door of her house. She never knew that Shen Hui would be a dead beat.

Ruan Tian used to think that Shen Xun was like bamboo, growing up, aloof and proud. His natural pride did not allow him to bow his head.

She walked over with no expression on her face. "What I said in the morning is not clear enough?"

Shen Hui, on one hand, was also stubborn. He raised his eyelids and said faintly, "that's what you did to me in high school."


One shot.

Ruan Tian is really blocked by Shen Hui's words.

Shen Hui also explicitly rejected her and treated her like a snake and scorpion. He told her again and again in a cold voice that she would not appear in front of him.

"So you're after me now?"

Her high school is to chase Shen amnesty, just a little crazy.

What is he doing now!?

Shen Hui pursed the corners of his mouth. "I suddenly remembered that I forgot to ask you this morning. Have you received all the rings and necklaces?"

Ruan Tian didn't even think about it. She threw out a sentence, "received it, lost it, in the garbage can, it should all be burned, you can rest assured."

Shen Hui's face was frozen. His eyes were slightly cold. His face was like a patient, and his throat was blocked. He could not speak or make a sound.

He raised his eyes and looked at the woman's delicate white face, her clear and calm eyes, and his heart moved.

Ruan Tian went up the stairs and didn't care about him any more.

Before long, when she looked down from the windowsill, the black Hummer downstairs was gone.

Within one day, Ruan Tian and Shen Hui were photographed entering and leaving the same community twice.

Of course, others will make more guesses.

It seems that it's normal for rich couples to go on and off.

Dozens of headlines about Ruan Tian and Shen Hui occupied the front page.

[shocked, is the only grandson of the Shen family suspected to be reunited with his ex-wife? 】

[Ruan Tian's love blossoms in spring. 】

[after a secret meeting for a whole day, the rich couple are inseparable in love. Is divorce true or false? 】

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Qin Yu personally called the newspaper website to withdraw the articles, then sneered and sent the screenshots of these articles to Ruan Tian.Ruan Tian cooked noodles and came out of the kitchen with a bowl. He saw the news from Qin Yu.

Qin mad dog: [picture] [picture] [picture]

Qin mad dog: change residence.

Ruan Tian had no time to fill his stomach after eating noodles. 】

why send this kind of stall literature news to her?

Does Qin Yu like this kind of thing? Vulgar!

The cell phone is silent.


That's what men are.

When it comes to money, it disappears. It turns over faster than anything.


because Zhao Menger angered the gold owner, she was returned from the travel variety show, and a new person was added to the show.

The recording of the second issue will start soon.

Ruan Tian has lost the freshness of her first recording.

This is her first appearance in front of the public after the microblog trumpet incident. In the airport, when the director made an OK gesture, the camera crew turned on the machine.

On the day of the hot search on Ruan Tian's microblog, many demons and ghosts came out to explode all kinds of leftovers.

[Ruan Tian has been crying at home for several days, which has a great influence on her. Everyone in the circle is watching jokes. She has a good face and wants to commit suicide. Fortunately, she was found. 】

even more people swear to tell the truth, just like sleeping beside Ruan Tian and knowing everything.

[Ruan Tian suffered from depression, fidelity. 】

after Ruan Tian has been silent for so many days, netizens are skeptical, only when Ruan Tian really has no face to see people because of this, gets depression, and makes up a haggard and suicidal woman image.

Zhao Menger, like ordinary netizens, is eagerly waiting for her to appear.

Ruan Tian had better get depression! Better really commit suicide!

Zhao meng'er just thought of Ruan Tian's being beaten down and couldn't stand up any more. She was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

On the day of the recording of the second issue of brother and sister's journey.

People are waiting for the joke.

However, it is surprising that Ruan Tian in the live camera is radiant and has a sweet smile, which is the beauty.

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