Ruan Tian in the camera can't see the shadow of depression, and her mood doesn't seem to be affected at all.

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Beautiful and square.

Ruan Tian vaguely felt that the directors seemed to pay special attention to her today. Their eyes stayed on her face for several times. They scanned her up, down, left, right, front and back. Then the director pulled her to a small corner and asked, "teacher Ruan, are you ok?"

Ruan Tian, who was suddenly concerned, said that she was flattered. She nodded her little head blankly, "OK, what's the matter?"

Director determined that she was not in the strong support, just let go, muttered: "netizens say you have depression, we almost believe."

Ruan Tian felt that although she was a little sad at that time, she was far from depressed. What a big thing?

She waved her hand, made an OK gesture and said, "don't worry, it's not a big problem."

Before boarding the plane, the film crew turned off the live broadcast as usual.

The barrage is flying.

"I'd better quit the Internet to protect my IQ. I really believe in the evil of those gossip numbers."

"I have found that none of Ruan Tian's materials on the Internet are accurate and speechless."

"Tiantian is beautiful to a new height today. Wuwuwuwu, it's so beautiful. Where is it still human? It's clear that she is just a fairy ~ "

I don't know if the program group has more money. This time, all the guests are in business class, and Ruan Tian and Xu Jing are next to each other.

Ruan Tian made two movies on her mobile phone in advance this time. After five hours' flight, she just finished watching them.

She stood the mobile phone on the table, put on her hat, adjusted the back of the chair, leaned back slightly, and lazily got up to watch the movie.

Ruan Tian downloaded the movie from an annual list. Before opening it, she didn't know that the leading actor was Xu Jing, who was sitting beside her. It seemed that it was his famous work, a crime movie.

Ruan Tian is absorbed in seeing and has no communication with the men around her.

Naturally, I don't know. Xu Jing's eyes stayed on her side face several times.

In the business class of the plane, there are many station sisters who follow the photos. Most of them are fans of Xu Jing and buy flight information from scalpers. Buy the same flight with him and check in with him.

A station elder sister sitting behind Ruan Tian and Xu Jingxie secretly took some pictures of them in the cabin with equipment.

Just caught Xu Jing looking at Ruan Tian's picture, his eyes are light, and they have no communication on the plane these two times.

The photos in the cabin will never be put on her microblog. Once they are sent out, she will be chased and reviled by online fans.

When she got off the plane, she could not wait to put these two photos anonymously in the entertainment section of the forum.

[patio] I got divorced today. 】

1L: cabin photo? Where did you come from? Which station sister is not afraid of death? It's a pursuit of privacy.

2L: Tut, it's a cold and distant look. I can see that these two people have never really seen each other.

3L: I feel that Ruan Tian's CP is being everyday.

4l: it's so easy for a couple who once had a true love to turn over after divorce because of uneven distribution of property.

5L: it's really sweet. When Xu Jing looks at her eyes, it's just that kind of deep feeling. It's not true love. What is it?

6L: Xu Jing's eyes are cold and affectionate. Are you jealous that Ruan Tian has no time to talk to him because of watching a movie? That's the act of being jealous.

7L: or people in your district will brainwash. It's obvious that two unfamiliar people can be knocked into true love, Niu PI.

In the photo, Ruan Tian's mobile phone screen on the desk is also photographed. It's easy to see that Ruan Tian watched a movie starring Xu Jing on the plane.

The onlookers in the forum were dizzy and confused, and they had already made up for Xu Jingchong's role of drowning Ruan Tian and eating vinegar.

Standing at the other end of the mobile phone, I feel very speechless when I see the charming settings given to Ruan TianDun by others.

She's on the plane. She can see better than anyone else!

Xu Jing never paid any attention to Ruan Tian from the beginning to the end, OK?


the second issue of "travel of brothers and sisters" was recorded in a small country in northern Europe. The weather was very nice and the sky was clear.

Without Zhao meng'er, the five of them got along well, so they took a taxi to their residence.

The rules of this issue are different from those of the previous issue.

The director group rented them a Chinese style literature and art teahouse that was about to close down, and asked them to attract more than 100 guests within three days, and make a profit of 1000 euro.

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Among the five guests, Ruan Tian is the only girl who can cook.

After the director read the rules, the other four male guests looked at her.

Ruan Tian

The director said, "there are chefs in the shop. You just need to attract guests and decorate the art restaurant."

Ruan Tian's eyes turned around. After a careful look at this literary and artistic teahouse, the layout of the combination of Chinese and Western styles was somewhat nondescript, and it would not be very difficult to rearrange it.Ruan Tian used to do all kinds of work. She was a working girl in a decoration shop and learned bamboo weaving with her grandfather.

After some consideration, Ruan Tian said to Xu Jing, "why don't you go to the door to meet the guests? Shall I decorate the teahouse? "

Xu Jing's eyes are like a cold light, which makes her headache.

Ruan Tian bah two, "slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, you go to solicit guests?"

Xu Jing looked at her thin arms and legs, raised her eyebrows and asked, "can you move the tables and chairs?"


"Are you sure you don't need help?"

"No, you just need to attract more customers with your beauty."

Xu Jing's eyes read "I see Ruan Tian, she really has no points in her heart, I don't know how many kilos she has". The corners of her eyes and eyebrows are full of disbelief in her.

However, the girl's eyes were firm, so he didn't want to say more. When she couldn't stand it, she would come for help.

After the division of labor, Ruan Tian replaced all the western-style tables and chairs in the teahouse that night. She went to the market for a long time, but couldn't find bamboo chairs. She only bought bamboo pieces, so she had to make bamboo chairs herself.

She learned this skill from the door keeper in the orphanage. Other children didn't have such good patience as her. Only she inherited it.

If you weave fast, you can weave four chairs a day.

The director group and others watched her buy so many bamboo pieces back. It was very difficult to understand. Xu Jing asked coldly, "what are you going to do?"

Ruan Tian does not fake thinking cableway: "weave chair, the chair in the shop is not good, too Western style, do not take."

How to say.

No one believed her.

How can it be so easy to live in the legend!?

Xu Jing thinks that she is whimsical.

Most of the audience in the studio are also children living in the city. They haven't even seen the traditional bamboo chairs. They just think it's more difficult than learning from the book of heaven.

"Fuck me, and brag?"

"What she said is as simple as eating. Can anyone who understands come to popularize science?"

"What does Ruan Tian want to do? Does she want to turn over the car on purpose

The teahouse needs eight bamboo chairs. Ruan Tian is going to stay up all night and finish all the work.

She found a small bench, sat in the backyard, tied up all her hair, put a clean cloth on her knee, then lowered her head and concentrated on the preparation work.

The camera is just opposite Ruan Tian. When she ends, the live broadcast will end.

Ruan Tian's fingers are flexible and her movements are neat. She looks like she really has a model.

It took only two hours for Ruan Tian to make up a brand new bamboo chair.

The director in front of the camera was surprised. He walked over and weighed the bamboo chair in his hand. He looked at it again and again. He didn't even need a nail, so he made it? It looks strong.

Director gave her a thumbs up, "Ruan teacher, did not expect you so powerful."

Ruan Tian's eyes narrowed with a smile. "This is still the simplest one. This time, there is not enough time. Otherwise, I can make up a luxury plus version for you."

Director dry smile, think Ruan teacher really can joke.

Ruan Tian continued to work, her fingers were red and her palms were sore. She didn't care about the pain, and continued to toss her hands.

From 3 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next day, Ruan Tian didn't have a rest. Her eyes were red and swollen, yawning for days, and she couldn't hold on.

She reluctantly picked up her spirits, made up the last bamboo chair, and then put it into the teahouse one by one with her arms. Her eyes were almost closed. She still remembered to say hello to the colleagues who stayed up with her in the film crew, "it's hard, I'm going to sleep."

Ruan Tian took off her shoes and fell into bed.

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Xu Jing came out and saw those brand-new chairs. Some of them refused to believe their own eyes. Did she really make them?

Somehow, Xu Jing thought of high school.

They are studying in the noble high school. Ruan Tian is out of place in it and seems not so sociable.

She would collect the plastic bottles that the students didn't want and put them in a big nylon bag. Before the end of class on Friday, she would carry them on her shoulders and sell them together. Her seat was next to the window, and there were always some strange gadgets on the side of the window, most of which were handmade by herself.

Xu Jing has seen her in milk tea shops, convenience stores, pet shops, restaurants, Internet cafes and so on. A girl with a drooping head, tied a ball, dressed in loose and simple clothes, is sweating.

She seems to be short of money.

Xu Jing has been puzzled, the Zhou family has not less than Ruan Tian's food and drink, also gave her pocket money.

So at that time, he would use malicious speculation that she was to attract Shen Hui's attention, and win sympathy and other people's eyes in a pathetic way.

After the guests get up, the studio opens.

The number has soared from two million in the previous issue to four million.

"When I wake up, did I miss something wonderful?""I'm typing with my eyes closed now. I'm really sleepy. Ruan Tian is poisonous. I stayed up all night last night and watched her knitting chairs all night."

"Fuck! Why does this woman know everything? Compared with her, I'm disabled. "

"Is she really bragging, not bragging?"

"I'm confused by this set of operations, the contemporary snail girl."

As the number of people in the live broadcast room keeps rising, the program team begins to push Ruan Tian and Xu Jing's CP, hoping to push the popularity to the highest point.

Editors are also gradually beginning to produce for this program. They are not interested in the content. They just cut a separate cut from the frame of Ruan Tian and Xu Jing, with BGM of sweet Japanese songs, which is really attractive.

It's normal to see a general trend under the variety show of the fire.

"Brother and sister's journey" reached the peak of popularity in the second issue. As a variety show at the beginning of the new year, it set off a frenzy of audience. The top management of the TV station couldn't close their mouths with laughter. The TV Station didn't expect this program originally.

I think it will be the same as many other anonymous variety shows, and there will be no follow-up after the broadcast.

Who knows this is the second phase of the fire?

The number of advertisements increased from one to five.

The top management of the TV station also began to be superstitious. How can Ruan Tian broadcast anything now? Although it's far away from the big bang, it's really good to have this kind of heat today.

Ruan Tian didn't get up until two o'clock in the afternoon. She woke up from hunger. Her head was still heavy and sleepy.

She went to the kitchen in a daze, put the rest of the morning porridge into the microwave oven to heat, and ate a bowl of porridge with miscellaneous sauce, so that she felt a little full.

Ruan Tian emptied her head in the kitchen for a while, and then began to work again. She replaced the wall decoration of the teahouse with the traditional Chinese painting of Mei Lan, Zhu Ju. The teahouse was completely different from before.

It looks more like a Chinese teahouse.

There are more guests on the first floor than yesterday.

Xu Jing is advertising outside. He stands still at the door and purses his lips. He doesn't open his mouth like a gourd with a saw mouth. The noble young master can't do this kind of thing and can't put down his posture.

Ruan Tian can't see it, just like Xu Jing, does he want to receive guests or not!!!

She patted Xu Jing on the shoulder, "you Can you open your golden mouth? "

Xu Jing frowned and said nothing.

A foreign guest happened to come. Ruan Tian thought it was a guest.

As a result, the other party lost his wallet and wanted to ask them to borrow 10 euro.

When Xu Jinggang took the wallet out of his pocket, the other party suddenly reached out and grabbed it vigorously, then ran away.

Ruan Tian and Xu Jing are stunned for a second, and then catch up.

The man ran fast and was familiar with the road conditions. Ruan Tian pulled Xu Jing's arm. "Let's call the police."

Xu Jing was in a low mood. He threw away her hand and said in a cold voice: "that wallet is very important to me."

Within seconds of her stopping him, the robber went further.

Ruan Tian gritted her teeth and ran after her again.

She didn't know how long she had been chasing him. Her eyes were fixed on the foreign man in front of her. She choked and killed him. Anyway, she had to chase him. The rusty smell of her throat was getting heavier and heavier, but the speed of her feet didn't stop.

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The robber really convinced her.

Chase, chase, fuck.

He's going to die if he keeps running like this.

The robber couldn't resist any more. He spread out on the side of the road. Ruan Tian jumped on him, pressed his neck and gasped, "give me back my wallet."

The robber gave her back his wallet in tears.

Ruan Tian refused to give up. She called the local police. When the police came, she released her hand that held his fate's throat.

Her heart is too soft.

Everyone has something very important to themselves. Or souvenirs left by relatives, or meaningful photos.

We can't just because Xu Jing is one of the people she hates not to help.

In a foreign country, we should unite, put aside prejudice and help each other.

Looking at Xu Jing's anxious anger, there must be some very important photos in his wallet. Shiyou * * is the photo of the person Xu Jing secretly loves. This photo must be hard won and rare.

She can understand, who let her, good people!

Ruan Tian walked for more than ten minutes, only to see the teahouse from a distance. Her wallet fell to the ground when she loosened her hand.

There is a group photo in the open wallet.

Zhou Xiaoqiao took a picture with them when he graduated from high school.

Shen Hui and Xu Jing stand on both sides of Zhou Xiaoqiao, while Qin Yu stands on the edge. The sun is shining and the breeze is just right.

What a picture of marisue.Also known as female owners and her male owners.

Ruan Tian heard a song in her mind: like a fool ~

fuck, she was very angry.

Ruan Tian, with a dead mother's face, returns her wallet to Xu Jing. After running such a long way, she really has no strength and is not in the mood to talk to him.

Xu Jing grabbed her arm and said, "I'm sorry."

Ruan Tian's expressionless face remained unchanged.

Xu Jing didn't mean to hurt her, but he was too worried.

"I was wrong. Are you ok?"

Ruan Tian said that she was very bad and suffered a heavy blow both physically and psychologically.

Zhou Xiaoqiao's photo, her shadow is too deep.

Man is a virtue.

Shen Hui also attacked her for a photo.

The fates are so similar.

Fortunately, she doesn't care for anything now!

Ruan Tian silently pulled out her arm and said seriously, "well, it's OK. I'll be tired of it."

The film crew only took half of the picture of Ruan Tian chasing the robber. Later, in the live broadcast, only her vague figure could be seen. When the photographer rushed to chase Ruan Tian, she caught the fierce picture of her pressing the other person's neck and pressing him to the ground.

This episode, on the contrary, brings the flow to a higher place.

"I'm really fragrant. Ruan Tian is really a variety star."

"No, I want to laugh when I see her now."

"She was so terrible that she chased so many times. This kind of chasing posture scared me to death."

"Too strong, too strong, I'm rathby."

"Thanks to sweet elder sister, let me knock sugar again, elder brother's purse, elder sister must help him chase back, this is love!"

Ruan Tian's present mood is regret, incomparable regret.

Her experience of chasing robbers was also on the local news. The next day, there were more guests in the teahouse. They were too busy to think about other things.

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Three days later, the teahouse miraculously made a profit, even exceeding the goal set at the beginning of the program.

The number of people in the studio has stabilized. They can't imagine how many surprises Ruan Tian can bring.

The program team opened the reward channel on the last day, and announced that it would donate all the reward proceeds to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance project in China.

Xu Jing's fans brush the rocket like they don't want money, and immediately occupy the forefront of the reward list.

CPF is not willing to be outdone, but also ranked in the top ten.

Suddenly, a familiar user appeared in the live broadcast room.

"@ Qin's guanbo gives away the sports car."

"@ Qin's official blog sends out the sword to the sky."

"@ Qin's guanbo sent off the plane."

The reward of Qin's official blog lasted half an hour, firmly occupying the first place in the reward list.

Some fans calculated, and the amount exceeded one million.

"This is the legendary oath of sovereignty?"

"Now is the president himself? For private use? "

"Even the president couldn't sit still to swear sovereignty. It seems that our patio CP must be true!"

"233333333, this is the official help of its artists to hype ha ha."

As soon as the recording ended, the crew rushed home on the last flight of the day.

Ruan Tian still doesn't want to talk to Xu Jing. It's hard to feel deeply humiliated by her own stupidity.

Contrary to the normal, Xu Jing asked her agent to ask if she needed to be upgraded.

Ruan Tian told him to go away.

Got off the plane, took a late night taxi and went home.

Ruan Tian opened the door and saw that her house was like a locust passing through the empty living room. She thought she had been robbed.

The second thought in my mind was that the robber was Qin Yu.

He asked her to change her place last week, but she didn't agree.

According to Qin Yu's temperament, it is not possible to help her move directly.

Ruan Tian was about to take out her mobile phone to call Qin Yu when the light in the living room flashed on.

Zhou's mother stood in front of her and said with a headache, "Ruan Tian."

"You move home."

"Your sister has lost a lot of weight because she is worried about you. She can't eat well and sleep well."

"You've done it. What else do you want?"

"At the beginning, you robbed Shen Hui from your sister. She didn't blame you. Why do you have to be angry with her now?"

Ruan Tian felt that she was the best tempered person in the world.

There was no extra look on her face. She was calm and calm. She took out her mobile phone, called the number that she had kept in mind, and pressed the hands-free key -

after a few times, the man's deep and hoarse voice came over. "Ruan Tian, why did you call me?"

Ruan Tian put on a dejected face and asked, "Shen Hui, did I snatch you from Zhou Xiaoqiao?""No, it's nothing to do with her."

"We divorced because of Zhou Xiaoqiao?"


Got the answer, Ruan Tian PA hung up the phone, looking at Zhou's mother, tone cold light, "Zhou Xiaoqiao want to add his play, you find me home is useless."

Zhou Xiaoqiao is a good playwright.

Also want to cheat Ruan Tian home, let her bully.

Do her spring and autumn dream! Don't even think about it.

However, Shen's categorical denial surprised Ruan Tian.

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