When Zhou's mother gave birth to a child, it was difficult for her to give birth. The big one came out first, and the small one came out. She was bleeding and almost lost her life.

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After Ruan Tian was abducted and sold at the age of three, Zhou's mother was treated coldly by her mother-in-law for a long time. After her mother-in-law died, Zhou's mother could breathe and talk in this family.

For this reason, she will naturally anger that little child, and even complain unreasonably, why can't she stay at home? Why can't we learn to be smart?

Zhou's mother gives all her love and affection to her eldest daughter. Zhou Xiaoqiao has a good nature and has been obedient and sensible since she was a child. Such a good child has a weak body. After many operations, she will be more partial to her eldest daughter.

When Zhou's mother saw her calling Shen Hui, she heard their conversation and trembled with anger.

Ruan Tian used to be sad, but now she can calmly accept the bias of Zhou's mother. Since the day she moved out, she has no expectation of the Zhou family.

There are some things that can't be forced.

Life is so humble ~

"please come back." Ruan Tian will open the door, "you see I'm upset, I see your heart is blocked, why, right?"

In the memory of Zhou's mother, Ruan Tian didn't talk much. She was silent and had no sense of existence.

But Zhou's mother could feel that Ruan Tian was still looking at her before. She was very familiar with her longing to be hugged and caressed.

She didn't think the little girl would speak to her in such a cold voice, but she didn't know when it had changed.

Ruan Tian won't go home for a long time. If they don't call her, she just thinks she's not from the Zhou family.

"You're not angry with your sister, you're angry with me?" Zhou's mother stepped back two steps, supported the back of the chair, and barely stood firm.

Ruan Tian was a little thirsty. She went to the refrigerator and took a bottle of mineral water. Gulu Gulu filled most of the bottle. She shook her head. "I didn't get angry with anyone."

Her eyes were dark and mellow. She looked straight into Zhou's mother's eyes. Her eyes were opposite, and there was no empty words in them. "In fact, it's very simple. You don't like my daughter, and I don't like you either."

"I can't get along with Zhou Xiaoqiao." She added silently, "no, I can't get along with your Zhou family."

After more than ten years of separation, it's really troublesome to get along with each other.

Blood can not save so many years of estrangement.

Although Ruan Tian has a rough nerve, she noticed in her senior high school years that even her biological parents felt that she was not good enough.

Zhou's mother felt that she didn't have any feelings for Ruan Tian. She was just more partial to her eldest daughter.

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So even if Zhou's mother doesn't like Ruan Tian that much, she will be swallowed up by sadness and discomfort when she hears her cruel words.

"You Zhou family? Are you refusing to recognize us Zhou's mother's emotion suddenly excited, "but don't forget, who brought you to the capital, who provided you for school?"

Ruan Tian blinked, "it doesn't matter to you whether I recognize your mother or not."

Zhou's mother can't speak, and Ruan Tian's strong and strict style has no effect on her in the market. Ruan Tian doesn't eat hard or soft.

"I've asked people to move the things in your room. You have to go back to Zhou's house anyway today." Xu felt that his tone was too harsh, and Zhou's mother said something soft, "when you get home, get along with your sister, we are a family."

Ruan Tian pursed her lips, kept silent for a long time, and then hit 110 in front of Zhou's mother.

She said, "the police? My house was robbed. "

Zhou's mother was angry to death by Ruan Tian. Her face was green and white. Her fingers were shaking when she pointed to her. You could not say anything superfluous.

After receiving the police, the police station soon sent someone to Ruan Tian's home.

Seeing the policeman in police uniform, Zhou's mother almost fainted in front of Ruan Tian.

There seemed to be smoke on the back of her head and a fire started.

Ruan Tian, in fact, doesn't want to tear her face with anyone.

She'll go if she can.

This time, it's Zhou's mother who can't find it by herself.

In order to prevent Zhou's mother from being really angry, Ruan Tian poured her a cup of hot water, and then politely said, "in an hour, please send my furniture back intact, or I'll have to ask the police to come and get it for me."

Zhou's mother was eventually helped into the car.

Less than an hour later, the furniture in Ruan Tian's living room and bedroom was sent back.

Ruan Tian leaned barefoot on the sofa with a confused expression.

I really didn't expect to be more happy than she thought.

Shuangdu makes Zhou Xiaoqiao overturn in public.


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Shen Hui and her mother repeatedly appear at her house, making Ruan Tian start to think about moving.

Just at this time, she has a little money in her hand, which is enough for her to rent a better house in the third ring road.Jiang Li sent her a lot of links, all of which are high-end residential areas.

"Sweet cub, you are also a female star in the third and fourth line now. You can't live in such a low life. Let's treat ourselves better."

Ruan Tian scratched her head and said shyly, "I'm afraid I don't have enough money."

Jiang Li pondered for a long time and thought that this was a big problem. "Otherwise, you'd better fight with Shen Hui. The rich and powerful families are shameful. He can't really give you no money."

Jiang Lili gritted his teeth and said, "we should suck his blood, eat his meat and chew his bones! Spend his money

Ruan Tian really thought about the feasibility of this matter.

But I don't want to see Shen Hui's face, which is beyond her desire for money!

"I'm thinking about it."

Jiang Li spent the afternoon brainwashing her and talked about the importance of finding a good house.

Ruan Tian was moved by what she said.

Rush to find a new house in a high-end community, sign the contract, pay the deposit, then drive Jiang Li's car to move his things to the new residence.

Ruan Tian should know that she is a vicious girl who is not loved by the author.

Her life is full of blows.

When Ruan Tian knocked on her neighbor's door and saw Qin Yu's face after the door opened, she had only one thought in her mind -

either he would die or she would commit suicide.

Ruan Tian held her pickle and said, "do you live here?"

Qin Yuyang raised his eyebrows, and there was no surprise on his face. It seemed that he had expected all this for a long time.


He was dressed in household clothes, with his hands in his pockets and legs slightly bent. He leaned lazily against the door. His cold and fierce breath was slightly reduced, and he had more cynical temperament. He looked at the pickle jar in Ruan Tian's hand and slowly asked, "for me?"

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Ruan Tian blurted out, "No."

Then without hesitation, he turned around and slammed his door.

Ruan Tian put down the pickle jar and thought of the tens of thousands of yuan rent she had just paid, she put up with the idea of moving on.

No problem!

She can!

Ruan Tian didn't sleep well that night, and she had nightmares all the time.

The psychological shadow she wanted to get rid of most in high school was Qin Yu.

At that time, she felt that Qin Yu enjoyed watching her make a fool of herself because of her poor health.

Sick, so psychological distortion.

She ran away. She fought back. It seemed that she couldn't get rid of Qin Yu completely.

Ruan Tian also maliciously cursed him. He was ill all his life. His condition deteriorated and he could not get out of the hospital.

It's a pity that after graduating from high school, the sick boy gradually got better.

Ruan Tian couldn't breathe in the nightmare. The next day, she went to a script meeting with dark circles under her eyes. On the way, she caught a glimpse of the financial report on the big screen of the shopping mall and a familiar face.

The beautiful face that didn't look like a boy flashed by.

It's just that the man on the big screen is wearing a black suit, his eyebrows are fierce, and he doesn't show panic when standing in the middle of the crowd. He is calm and calm, his face is cold and delicate, and his skin is morbid white.

In a few seconds, there was a new picture on the big screen.

Ruan Tian uses her head, and thinks that she is still awake and wrong person.

Maybe she didn't see huaimo for a long time, so she was wrong.

Two very different people, how can not be the same person?

Ruan Tian shook her head and left the matter behind.

At the script meeting, it was Ruan Tian's second meeting with Shao Chengyue.

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He didn't take the initiative to say hello, so Ruan Tian didn't see him.

Ruan Tian is not in a very good state today. When she reads her lines, she is weak and can't concentrate all her energy. She sniffs and feels like she has a fever.

Shao Chengyue is vaguely dissatisfied. His father has taught him strictly since he was a child, so that he has high requirements for others.

After all, this is the actress he will shoot for four months in the future. If she is allowed to slack off, it is likely that the efforts of all the crew members will be wasted.

Shao Chengyue closed the corners of his mouth, looked indifferent, and spoke calmly with her, "if you can't even guarantee your professional quality as an actor, it's better to go back home and live a good life earlier."

This sentence is a little ugly.

At least, Ruan Tian's ears are a little harsh.

She didn't choke with Shao Chengyue.

It's also strange that she didn't perform well enough just now, so that people would find out the fault.

However, Shao Chengyue is also too mean!!!

So do the men in this book want to be so mean to her?

It's hard to be a woman.

After the afternoon began, Ruan Tian played a 12 point spirit.

They just read the script of the 30th episode. The little younger martial sister who has experienced the disaster is about to become a God, but she lives and dies on the sect. Looking at the master she once admired most, she asks, "master, have you ever regretted treating me like that?"A word of blood.

Ruan Tian's eyes flickered with water, and she refused to fall down. Her red and moist eyes looked at the man in front of her. Her voice fluctuated smoothly, and only when she listened carefully did she have a slight tremor.

Shao Chengyue's eyes turned red to the girl. He forgot his words for a moment. When he came back, he was ready to speak to her.

Ruan Tian's tears in her eyes fell down her cheek.

Shao Chengyue pinched the script finger hook up, did not expect, she even tears are very good control.

At the end, Ruan Tian looked at Shao Chengyue, pause a little, she said: "you just forgot the words."

Ruan Tian originally wanted to return Shao Chengyue's words to him: you can't remember your lines, so you might as well go back home earlier to have a good life!!!

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