After the script reading meeting, Ruan Tian went to the pharmacy to buy some cold medicine.

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Originally, she wanted to rest at home for 10 days and a half months, but the cast of "Xianyuan" suddenly informed her to start the production ahead of time. At the latest this Saturday, all the members had to enter the production. When Ruan Tian saw the wechat Jiang Lili sent her, she was still dizzy. She blinked her eyes, moved her little head, and then made a voice call to Jiang Lili.

Because of a cold, her voice is a little hoarse and her nasal voice is very thick. "Then I went to film. What about variety show?"

As soon as Jiang Li heard it, he could tell that she was sick. How could she speak? "You are so hoarse. Are you sick again? Did you see the doctor! Don't go to the drugstore by yourself and buy some cold medicine at will. "

After talking about this, Jiang Li remembered to answer her question, "the variety show is signed phase by phase. Since we are going to enter the group, we can not sign the following phases."

At that time, Jiang Lili wanted to sign a full contract with the TV station for a whole season. He was afraid of a long night or being replaced in the middle of the night. Maybe the program team didn't see Ruan Tian well enough, so they decided to invite Ruan Tian to be a permanent guest, but they just refused to sign it all at once. They only said one issue.

It's not a bad thing for them to start Xianyuan ahead of time.

No offense on either side.

Ruan Tian heard that she didn't have to break the contract or pay a large amount of liquidated damages. The big stone in her heart fell steadily and sniffed, "Oh, that's good. I went to sleep."

As soon as she caught a cold, Ruan Tian was tired and tired. She slept at home all day. When she woke up, her nose cleared, but she was still coughing.

The program team knew that Ruan Tian was going to quit. First, it called Jiang Lili, Ruan Tian's agent, and asked what was going on. Jiang Lili said simply that he was going to join the group.

Director's good words to retain, with her good words, "into the group does not delay us to record variety ah."

Isn't that what many popular stars do now? How much time does it take to make a variety show?

Jiang Li is very sorry to say: "no, director, we Tiantian can't do this kind of thing."

The director wanted to say that he agreed to sign the full term! On second thought, he also complained about himself. At the beginning, he still had the idea of changing people in the middle of the way, and he only agreed to sign a contract with her for a period of time. Now he really broke his own feet.

The director's mouth is broken. Jiang Li is still circling with him. In a word, he just can't record it.

He wanted to give up, but the leader of the TV station was superstitious. He thought Ruan Tian was one of the few guests who had a topic and could pull the audience. He scolded him and asked him to call Ruan Tian in person to try to persuade her.

The director had no choice but to call Ruan Tian.

"Mr. Ruan, filming and variety show recording can be done at the same time. We can get more money for one episode. What do you think?"

Ruan Tian suddenly became the one who was flattered. For a moment, she didn't get used to it. After thinking about it, she replied, "director, you can't ask for leave after entering the group."

The director booed. Who said that! Who prescribed it! Now there are a lot of people in the drama!

He continued to say good things with a smile, "sweetie, our program group and the director on the station are very optimistic about you, otherwise you will think about it again?"

"Director, I'm so sorry. I'll go to your show when I have a chance."

Director: I don't want it. I want it now!

Every time Ruan Tian enters the group, the last thing she likes to do is to ask for leave. Moreover, recording variety shows will affect the state of filming. She doesn't want to use two things at once, and she can't do anything well at that time.

The director couldn't persuade her, so he had to give up the idea, "well, let's talk about it. You have to come to my show when you are free."

Four million live attention, not ordinary little stars can bring heat!

It's not so easy to have a stem out of the circle!

If at first the director was selfish to watch her and Xu Jingchao talk, but now he is really reluctant to part with Ruan Tian.

What a wonderful child.

They are very polite to everyone in the program group. They are independent, unpretentious and have no airs. They can do practical things!

Woo woo sweetie, please come back.


on Saturday, the cast of Xianyuan officially started shooting in dahengguo.

At the opening ceremony, all the stars were here.

The man and the woman stand in the director's two times, wearing a uniform black down jacket, and the head has been made into an ancient costume. Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue hold three sticks of incense in their hands. After bowing, the director personally uncovers the red cloth on the camera.

"Good luck

"Good luck

"Good luck

The producer is Shao Chengyue's aunt. She is over 40 years old and well maintained. She looks only in her early 30s.

She has short, able hair and gives red envelopes to every member of the cast.

Ruan Tian received the red envelope with both hands and politely expressed her thanks to the producer.She covered her mouth and coughed twice. She said that Shao Chengyue is really the prince's style of going to war. The supporting roles in this play are all old actors. Even Xiaohua, who came from a movie background, came to be the No.2 woman. The production, director, photography and later stage all have a bright future.

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The crew originally wanted to turn it on in a low-key way, but there were many people coming and going from Daheng country, including scalpers and station sisters who pursued private affairs. It was easy for people to take photos when they turned it on.

Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue are separated by two people, and their expressions seem to be the same coldness.

Photos quickly spread on the Internet.

@Fanquan girl: after receiving a private message from fans, "Xianyuan" started today. Ruan Tian, the female owner, and Shao Chengyue, the male owner, are worthy of the male god's harvester [Photo].

"The picture is obvious: me and my colleagues."

"Is this the arranged marriage in legend?"

"Mr. Shao is as indifferent as ever. He's the coldest and most low-key star in the entertainment industry. The key is that his fame is almost over his dad."

"As we all know, all arranged marriages will eventually lead to the truth."

"Don't put gold on Ruan Tian's face upstairs. No one will fragrance her."

"It's impossible for the Shao family to let their only son and only grandson marry a second wife."

"Yes, it's been done before it started. It's been knocked again."

"What happened to the second marriage? Why do women embarrass women! Don't discriminate

The topic from arranged marriage to discrimination against second marriage.

It was after a long row that they got back to the real topic.

It's amazing to find that Ruan Tian, the heroine of the play, has been revealed for a long time.

At that time, the whole network was mocking Ruan Tian's marketing, but the resources were not good. After receiving such a shoddy Street play, which couldn't make it to the stars.

Who would have expected that Shao Chengyue would be the hero of Xianyuan! His participation has changed the play.

All the members of the team have been replaced by the top players in the circle. It's amazing to bring them out alone.

Except that the screenwriter is the original author, who is not very prominent, everyone else is well-known.

Doughnuts, for Ruan Tian's sake, have always been able to bear the ridicule of the outside world. They don't want to bring bad influence to Ruan Tian because of their extreme speech.

Doughnuts have endured for a long time, and now they can be proud.

"I sympathize with sweet baby's black powder. We sweet will never do what you want."

"I'm going to buy lemons for the black acids. Is a car enough for you? It's still early. Our resources of sweet cubs are getting better and better. You can be so angry with yourself ~ "

" sweet cubs are really fighting for us. Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu

"Ah! I want to go to Daheng country to help tianzai. "

When the doughnuts were impassioned, they were surprised to find that their sweet cubs didn't have an official support club or even a fan group.

They don't know much about Ruan Tian's consultation. They don't even know who Ruan Tian's agent is. They even think that Qin's film group, the skinny group, doesn't give them any agents at all.

A doughnut with more than 30000 fans took the lead in expressing dissatisfaction with Qin's film industry.

Tianzai is a treasure: [@ where is Qin's film? Will the publicity of the imperial concubine be arranged? 】

tianzai is a treasure: [@ Qin's film company doesn't send bodyguard assistants to tianzai. You might as well go home after being laid off. 】

tianzai is a treasure: [@ Qin's film industry has been ridiculed as the imperial concubine. Is it reasonable not to treat the imperial concubine? 】

so doughnuts slaughtered Qin's official blog on the day of Xianyuan's launch to express their appeal and demand that Ruan Tian be equipped with a professional team.

In response, the manager of the public relations department played dead and didn't reply.

Jiang Lili also saw fans fighting for Ruan Tian's rights and interests. In fact, she felt that Qin Yu had no revenge. Hiding Ruan Tian in the snow was a manifestation of human nature!

Let him give Ruan Tian a whole team, that is really don't even think about it.

When Ruan Tiangang signed with Qin, no one even arranged an agent for her.

is far from being free. She volunteered to bring her in contact with her. She found that Ruan sweet was great! It's all those dog men who have eyes.

Ruan Tian's ex husband, in particular, may be blind.


the shooting will start immediately after the opening ceremony.

The first scene is a fight play. The younger martial sister played by Ruan Tian is tried by the clan and pulled out of the water prison, but she bites to death and refuses to admit her guilt. She even fights with the elder of the clan and kills an elder.

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Ruan Tian has been used to hanging and bullying. The martial arts instructor taught her some complicated movements. It took her a little time to learn them. She practiced them several times. When she thought it was ok, she made a gesture to the director.

"First scene, first mirror, action!"

The girl's light and elegant white dress has been soaked into a bloody dress. Her long hair is spread out and her face is pale. However, her eyes are still very firm after the disaster. She looks at the elders on the bench coldly and says nothing."You went down the mountain without permission, hurt Gu Jianzong's nephew by mistake, and forcibly took away Xilin grass. You made a big mistake and ruined our clan's reputation. Do you know the crime?"

The girl was clasped with her hands and her legs were weak. She bent down and began to smile. When she had enough, she slowly straightened up. She said, "what's wrong with me? It is Gu Jianzong who is guilty. "

"You are presumptuous

The girl raised her weak and pale face and said slowly, "under the banner of the clan, Gu Jianzong eradicated dissidents, destroyed the roots and bones of his peers, abused the Holy Spirit, refined people into objects, and did all kinds of evil things. It was him who was guilty."

Gu Jianzong sneered and slapped her in the heart. "I have nothing to say to you. I'll give you a ride."

The girl vomited out a mouthful of black congestion, and the camptotheca in her palm was snatched away.

In order to cure the master, she finally got the herbal medicine.

She was as crazy as a sudden. The color of her pupils turned red. She waved away the people who controlled her hands and flew directly to the high platform to seize the sword of others.

Direct at Gu Jianzong!


The director is very surprised that Ruan Tian is in such a good state. Ruan Tian looks at the humble little girl and does not lose any of her strength when acting.

"Ruan Tian, when you kill him, you need to be more fierce in your eyes and more sharp in the fighting."

"Good director."

Ruan Tian thought she was fierce enough.

WOW! Like a tiger.

The second time, the murderous air in Ruan Tian's eyes was even stronger. The murderous air in that moment when she raised her eyes made Gu Jianzong, the old actor, startled. She was afraid that she would really rush up and kill herself.

She flew forward with her sword. It was at this time that the accident happened.

There was a bit of an accident in Weiya. The direction was biased. Ruan Tian ran into the rockery directly.

All of a sudden, the crew got up, the director picked up the headphones, a swarm of people surrounded, Ruan Tian from the ground to help up, "Ruan teacher, are you ok?"

Ruan Tian patted the dust on her clothes and waved her hand, "it's not in the way."

It doesn't hurt that much, so it's OK.

It is still within her acceptable range.

The director saw that she was ok, so he went on shooting, "one more time."

Silent Shao Chengyue suddenly said: "let's have a rest for a while."

He saw that Ruan Tian's fall was not light.

Shao Chengyue saw her tears did not drop a drop, also some admire.

He thought that that day, when the girl raised her chin and said that he had forgotten his words, she was a little proud.

The director let Ruan Tian rest for less than ten minutes and began to shoot for the third time.

Ruan Tian finished very well this time. After shooting, she passed.

The rest chairs of men and women were put together. Ruan Tian leaned against the chair. The script in her hand was almost rotten. God knows how many times she read it.

Shao Chengyue's agent came out from behind them, leaned on the man's ear and whispered: "Brother Shao, you don't have your play in the afternoon. You haven't slept all night. Why don't you go back to sleep first."

Shao Cheng Yue rubbed his eyebrows and said, "no need."

He remembered that the next scene was Ruan Tian's play. He wanted to stay and have a look.

I can't sleep when I go back.

His insomnia is so serious that he can barely sleep for a few hours only when he is extremely tired.

Ruan Tian whispered in her heart. She did not expect that Shao Chengyue could not sleep.

I know I shouldn't meddle in my own business, but Ruan Tian can't change her habit of helping others.

After Shao Chengyue's agent left, she put down the script in her hand, bent down to find something similar to a lucky bag from her box, wrapped it up in a small bag, then turned over and handed it to the man beside her, "it's a sleeping aid. It's very useful to drink before going to bed."

Shao Chengyue's tutor is very good. Apart from his lack of personality, he has no other faults of noble childe.

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He took it and looked at her face. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Ruan Tian is a little happy.

It's the first time she's given something so smoothly!

Ruan Tian made the brewing agent to help her sleep. At the beginning, Shen Hui also had insomnia and couldn't sleep. After Ruan Tian heard about it from others, she was very distressed.

I searched all over the local prescriptions, but I was afraid of harming him and didn't dare to use them for him.

Later, he went to Jiang Li's grandfather, a famous master of traditional Chinese medicine, to make a prescription. He said it was a prescription, but it was also improved. It was not bitter, but sweet.

Shen never took her love, later this thing became her occasionally insomnia drink powder.


on the first day of shooting, the pictures of Ruan Tian's fall were frequently spread by the masses of actors.

Tu pin is still frightening, like she bumps into the mountain.Only Ruan Tian's fans and a small number of fans of the original work saw the picture and expressed their hope that the crew would pay attention to safety work and ensure the life safety of good actors.

After seeing Ruan Tian get up from the ground soon, the doughnut will only love their baby more.

Jiang Lili, as Ruan Tian's agent, also got this picture when he was brushing the forum. Her grandfather was ill, so she had to stay at home for a few days. After that, she went to the production team to accompany Ruan Tian.

After seeing the photo, she immediately called Ruan Tian and asked again and again to make sure she was OK before she hung up.

Jiang Lili sent a circle of friends that night, accompanied by the photo, and said: "sweet and strong make Lili want to cry. If he falls, he never cries or cries. 】

Shen Hui has been in this circle of friends for a long time.

It takes more than ten minutes to look at this picture. I don't know what I'm thinking.

Now, as soon as he heard Ruan Tian's name and saw her picture, his chest became stuffy. The dull pain stirred his heart. He was not as calm as before.

Stone after stone, throw into the lake.

Shen Hui squeezed his fingers tightly. After a while, he came out of this inexplicably low and uncomfortable mood. He opened Ruan Tian's circle of friends and found that he had no visible authority.

He gave a smile, which was a little bitter.

Shen Hui was so depressed that she planned to pour a cup of cold water downstairs. In the utility room, the nanny was packing up. She was holding a moldy paper box and muttered, "I don't want such beautiful things."

Nanny went to the living room, only to see the young master, she immediately stopped.

Shen Hui took a glass of water and looked down on the carton she was holding. He asked, "what's this?"

The nanny replied, "it's the old lady who asked me to clean up all the things I don't want in the utility room and throw them away."

She opened the box and showed it to Shen Hui. "It's all things you didn't want in high school." After a pause, she said, "it seems that it was sent by your former classmates."

Shen Hui remembers.

It's not a classmate. It's from Ruan Tian.

She made a small bamboo basket and some animal dolls.

The feeling of breathlessness, irritability and depression came back.

Shen Hui's face was ugly and said, "put it down first."

Nanny ah voice, she did not intend to lose, the young master do not want things, there are some let her secretly put up, put in their own room, she thought it was their own work was found, some fear in the heart, "but you are not before ah."

Because of her words, Shen Hui's face turned white again.

Nanny see his look is not right, immediately silent, "then I will put the box on the table."


Shen Hui opened it and saw that it was the gifts he had forgotten in the utility room.

There are even notes left by Ruan Tian himself, neat handwriting, unsmooth strokes, faded post it notes.

It said: "to Shen amnesty, I wish you happy every day."

Shen Hui was holding the note, and his finger bones were gradually exerting force, and his joints were white.

Shen's mother stood at the stairway and looked at the scene for a long time. She sighed, "what's the matter with you?"

Shen Hui likes to keep everything in his heart. He is proud and aloof, but this time, he can't help but want to tell the truth.

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He lowered his head and said in a very low voice, "Mom, I feel a little sick."

I don't know what happened.

As long as I think of Ruan Tian, I'm not happy.

Looking at Ruan Tian's handwriting, he somehow remembered the photo on their marriage certificate.

The young girl who has just come of age is very happy.

She carefully took his arm, pretty, quietly put the head to his shoulder, careful not to let him find.

Shen Hui clenched his five fingers and said in a low voice, "I'm not feeling well. My heart aches."


once Ruan Tian entered the group, her work and rest became very regular. She went to bed early and got up early. If she finished work early, she would even run around the hotel twice to exercise.

She doesn't surf the Internet very much. She doesn't pay much attention to the news from the outside world. She studies the script and improves her lines. By the way, she rubs the body teacher of the crew to improve herself.

Only when she is very free, will she read the news on Weibo.

Ruan Tian did not expect, a little popular, is a group of Zhou Xiaoqiao's Summer photo.

@Beauty heart station: it's a beautiful sister who makes people feel hearty. Wow, it looks like a little princess who has been protected since childhood.

"Is it a plain person?"

"It's beautiful. Does this sister have a microblog? Point the way. "

"@ Zhou Xiaoqiao, it seems that she is a very low-key second-generation rich elder sister. She is really white and rich."

Ruan Tian quickly slipped past.It's like losing your nerve!!! I can't breathe!!!

Fuck Zhou Xiaoqiao!!!

Zhou Xiaoqiao is a real whore.

She is more skillful than she does not know how many ranks.

Golden finger is much thicker than her!!!

Ruan Tian is afraid of Qiao.

A long time ago, Ruan Tian found out that Zhou Xiaoqiao likes to rob her things.

It's still the kind of stealthy, silent grab.

The means of "ah, I don't know, I'm innocent, I didn't mean to" are not tired of using.

But Ruan Tian has one thing not to worry about, Zhou Xiaoqiao absolutely can not enter the entertainment industry.

It's one thing that her family won't agree, and another thing is her delicate body.

Ruan Tian secretly commented below with a trumpet: [I feel that she looks a bit bitchy ~]

unexpectedly, a few minutes later, she got thousands of compliments.

Lou Zhonglou's comments are also wonderful.

"Here comes the professional discriminating machine. I'm in the spotlight. This elder sister is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Ben, a fortune teller, is a bad face from her face."

"It's a fake laugh. It's like acting out."

"The picture is also distorted."


It's killing her.

Ruan Tian wants to go to heaven happily.

Is her happiness based on mocking Zhou Xiaoqiao?!

She admits! She's vicious! Hee hee.

Ruan Tian is still immersed in the joy of trumpet, without any knowledge. Shen Hui paid attention to her micro blog at more than 10 o'clock that night.

Gossip passers-by's face is muddled: what is Shen Hui doing? Isn't it the next wife?! Isn't Ruan Tian an abandoned woman? Why is it different from what they imagined!!!?

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