Shen's Micro blog has no news, and the number of followers is zero.

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Earlier, when he opened Weibo, the assistant of the system's automatic attention was also turned off by him.

Ruan Tian became the first person he paid attention to.

Even if someone wants to comment on his microblog and can't find a place, no one can guess what his sudden action means.

Compared with many rich children, Shen Hui is extremely low-key. He rarely appears in public, does not accept any interviews, and only occasionally shows up on the financial channel.

Before that, few people paid attention to the marriage of Shen Hui and Ruan Tian, or even knew about it.

They've been married for two years, but they haven't fit together. The media haven't even taken a group photo. If it wasn't for Baidu Encyclopedia, which shows that they are married, I'm afraid there would be misunderstandings that Shen Hui is single.

This marriage, or a family marriage, or a woman with a son, never felt that they really loved each other, so they got married.

"Is this the rhythm of remarriage for rich couples?"

"Is the president of Huanshi entertainment catching up with the trend and chasing his wife?"

"I wiped my eyes. Yes, Shen Hui took the initiative to pay attention to Ruan Tian, and his ex-wife became the only one he paid attention to."

"The rich are so interesting."

"What does he want? So does Shen Hui like Ruan Tian or not? I'm stunned by all these things! "

"Mr. Shen: I'm chasing my wife. Don't cut it."

"A concern for you can make up so much. Why don't you write novels?"

"The upstairs reminds me right. I'm going to catch someone to write about wife chasing literature for me."

Ruan Tian received a lot of people's attention from Aite, as if everyone was celebrating her remarriage.

Ruan Tian looked at it carefully for a while, then he understood what was going on.

She silently looked at the man on the fan list.

Shen Xun's head is a picture of him in high school. He is wearing a loose school uniform and standing at the school gate. The sun is just pouring down from his head. He is slender and lazy. His white skin is even paler in the brilliant sun. His eyes are looking at the mirror head faintly, as if with a shallow smile, but also as if without a smile.

Ruan Tian saw Shen Hui for the first time. It seemed that he was almost the same.

Wearing a pure school uniform, mouth with a slight smile, that pair of eyes hook people very.

Ruan Tian stares at his avatar for a while, then without hesitation, manually removes Shen from her fan list.

One more thing came to her mind.

Before, after her trumpet was picked out.

She forgot to shut down Shen Hui!

Ruan Tian boarded her trumpet, which she had used for a long time, and took off Shen Hui.

It's clean and neat, and it's not sloppy at all.

She couldn't figure out what Shen Hui was thinking. She didn't know when she liked it before, but now she's divorced and put it down, and she still can't understand it.

Ruan Tian's ruthless behavior shocked many people, but it seemed understandable to think that Ruan Tian had said that she would never remarry with Shen Hui.

So how many deep grudges between these two people, how to make such ugly after divorce!?

Analysis posts have sprung up, one after another.

The love and hatred between Ruan Tian and Shen Hui have also been compiled in many versions.

The moderator couldn't stand being slaughtered by Ruan Tian and Shen Hui all night, so he built a summary building for them to discuss, and the violators were kicked out.

[timeline analysis post:

it is known that Ruan Tian began to pursue Shen amnesty when she was in high school. When she was 20 years old, they got married for some unknown reason. They didn't get married and didn't show up in the same frame. Then they formally divorced this year.

After Ruan Tian made the statement that she would never remarry, Shen Hui paid attention to her, and then Ruan Tian's tuba and trumpet kicked Shen Hui.

So, what's their situation now? 】

1L: typically, in the past you ignored me, but now you can't stand up to me.

2L: No, it's obviously the reunion of a broken mirror, which can be called the contemporary literature of a rich family.

3L: if it's not love.

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4l: after all, Ruan Tian and Shen Hui are true friends. CP with other people is just a mirror water flower moon. I really love be literature.

5L: the plot of loving and killing each other is killing me. When will they get back together?

6L: to tell you the truth, two years ago, when Ruan Tian was my little wall, I secretly knocked them both, but who would have thought that the real couple didn't even have a picture in the same frame [heartbreak] [heartbreak] [heartbreak].

7L: Ruan Tian, come and teach me how to fish for a winner. She is really good to men. She wants to learn from her sister.

8L: men are my sister's puppies. Seeing this dog man hurt my sister a little bit deeply, otherwise my gentle sister would not be so heartless.As long as they are good-looking men and women, they have to pull literature.

The CP cracker arrived late, but Chaohua was built that night, ranking more than 100.

Ruan Tian's fans don't buy Shen amnesty. In the past, the title of Huanshi's president's wife didn't bring Ruan Tian any halo. Isn't the treasure in their hands going to make soy sauce everywhere? Being bullied?

Now Shen Hui wants to look back? no way.

It's more realistic for him to eat shit.


the shooting progress of Xianyuan is a little behind schedule. It's the only big production of Xianxia ancient costume this year. It takes four months to shoot, and with the time in the late editing stage, we can see the finished product at least by the end of the year.

And "Xianyuan" is running to this year's winter vacation, ambitious to become a black horse this winter vacation.

As a leading actress, Ruan Tian has to shoot no less than six plays every day, and the workload is already very heavy. Sometimes she can sleep with other actors and actresses by leaning on Jiang Lili's shoulder.

Jiang Li really watched with his own eyes that she was getting thinner and thinner. He couldn't do anything except to persuade her to eat more.

Fortunately, Ruan Tian's popularity in this group is good, and he gets along well with every actor.

Even Shao Chengyue seems to have put down her airs and will take the initiative to chat with her during the rest.

Shao Chengyue did not expect that the small package of granules Ruan Tian gave him last time was very effective.

He just had a try that night. He had a drink before going to bed. He had no dream all night. He didn't wake up until more than 8 o'clock the next morning.

Shao Chengyue hasn't slept so well for a long time. He was kidnapped when he was a child. He watched with his own eyes that his classmates were torn up.

After that, he always had nightmares.

There's a lot of blood in the warehouse, and the broken hands and feet.

Shao Chengyue has seen many psychiatrists and taken sleeping pills, but they are not very effective.

He blinked, slowly sat up from the bed, raised his hand to block the glare of the window, pale, he was still in a trance, the spirit of a long time to relax.

Before going out, Shao Chengyue put the empty purse into his pocket. It seemed that Ruan Tian's light sweet taste still existed on his fingertips.

While waiting for the play, Shao Chengyue said thanks to Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian was confused, "ah? Thank me for what? "

Shao Chengyue saw that she had forgotten. He could not laugh or cry. He took out the small purse in his trouser pocket and showed it to her. He said, "it works."

Ruan Tian had drunk it himself. It really worked.

She laughed. "Do you want any more? I'll give you some later. "

At that time, in order to ask Jiang Li's grandfather to help her, she went to her house and worked as a cook for half a month, which was not easy.

Fortunately, there is no waste.

Shao Chengyue pursed his lips and his ears were a little red. For the first time in his life, he was taken care of by a girl like this. He was not used to it. After a while, he said, "OK, please. I'll invite you to dinner next time."

Ruan Tian waved her hand, "no need."

Shao Chengyue didn't argue with her. He had planned a place to invite her to dinner.


at the end of April, Ruan Tian received the invitation of the 17th BAF award. She was shortlisted for a number of nominations, and she was nominated for best supporting actress.

BAF award is regarded as the Oscar of domestic TV series. It is held every two years, and the award is very golden.

There are not many actors like Ruan Tian who have been shortlisted for the first time acting as a female partner.

Ruan Tian saw the other four actors who had been nominated for the best female partner, and felt that they had little hope of winning the award. They were all old actors with strong strength.

However, the nomination is affirmative.

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After receiving the invitation, Ruan Tian let out her excitement in the hotel several times, and then remembered that there was a very practical problem in front of her -

that was evening dress.

Jiang Lili also told her the truth, "sweet boy, it's impossible for us to borrow super season evening dresses from luxury brands."

Fashion circle is more snobbish than entertainment circle!!!

Ruan Tian, an actress who is not popular in the waiting list, is not expected to borrow clothes from the brand. Most of them refuse because they are afraid of getting their clothes dirty.

Ruan Tian didn't know much about this, so he said foolishly, "then we'll just wear ordinary clothes."

Jiang Li said she was naive.

Ordinary is equal to the season, this kind of face to face occasion, if through the season evening dress, will be accurately found out, accurate ridicule! You can't escape if you want to.

Jiang Li shook his head crazily, "no, if you are lucky to get the best match, the clothes you wear can't match your award, what a pity."

"And on this occasion, other female stars will not be polite to you. All kinds of super season brands and high-end jewelry will steal your limelight, and you just want to cry.""We sweet cubs must be pretty hot!"

Ruan Tian blinked, "I know the truth, but I can't borrow it."

Jiang Li thought for a while, holding his chin and pondering, "I can help you borrow clothes from my cousin. It's just that jewelry is a little difficult to handle."

Ruan Tian tugged her hand, "don't think about it first."

"Well, it's still half a month before the closing ceremony of the awards ceremony."

Ruan Tian didn't really want to take the best female match.

This award is very much like a mockery of her.

She is a girl.

On April 8, the official blog of BAF Awards announced the shortlist of all awards.

The cast of "marry a concubine" has been shortlisted for the best TV series, best director, best male host and best female partner.

The first three can be said to be uncontroversial, while Ruan Tian and a group of veteran actors were shortlisted for the best female match, which is discontenting.

Those people are shouting that there are dark scenes. Some people can say that although they haven't seen the imperial concubine, Ruan Tian can't be the best female partner.

"Are we all in love with Ruan Tian

"What did she rely on to be shortlisted?"

"I don't want to donate it to people in need."

"Oh, is it going to be dark this year?"

"Does BAF want credibility?"

"It's said that Ruan Tian's performance in the imperial concubine is really good. She sucks a lot of pollen."

Ruan Tian's performance in the imperial concubine is really good, and her shortlist has not caused a lot of trouble.

Jiang Lili has been borrowing clothes for her for half a month. She has a high vision and is choosy. Finally, she chooses a black sequined suspender skirt for Ruan Tian.

As soon as he got the skirt, Jiang Li couldn't wait to push Ruan Tian to the fitting room.

The skirt is custom-made and the size fits well.

There are two thin belts, and the skirt is inlaid with bright broken diamonds.

Ruan Tian came out from the fitting room. Jiang Li opened his mouth and was stunned for a long time. "I'm going to drool as a girl."

Ruan sweet soul stirring, slender neck white and tender, clavicle slightly raised, long hair obediently nest in the shoulder neck, full white chest looming, her legs straight slender, waist slender, really can say, more beautiful than fairy.

Ruan Tian looked in the mirror and thought it was pretty.

Jiang Lili, a Virgo, pursues perfection in everything. She says, "no, I still have to help you borrow jewelry, otherwise it doesn't taste like that."

Jiang Li opened his eyes and looked at her. He asked: "after two years with Shen Hui, did you get anything?"

Ruan Tian shook his head, "no, he didn't even give me a dime."

Jiang Li


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huaimo sends messages to Ruan Tian every night, and she is too busy to return.

Huaimo felt that he had paid enough patience, he was obedient enough, so he chose a good day. Huaimo came uninvited to Ruan Tian's hotel.

Huaimo got out of the car and looked at the bodyguard who was standing in the way of his eyes. His eyes were cold and shrill, and he chuckled, "get away from me."

The bodyguard did not dare to leave the post without permission and stood still.

Huaimo hooked his lips. "It seems that I'm too polite to you these days."

His voice suddenly cooled down, "get out of here."

The bodyguards don't want to annoy the master.

It's a bad ending to be crazy.

They consciously went back to the car and left the hotel without really being there.

Huaimo sat in the hotel hall for four hours. Late at night, she waited for Ruan Tian who came to play. She didn't have time to take off her make-up and change her costume.

When taking the elevator, Ruan Tian heard the clear voice behind her and thought she had heard it wrong.

Ruan Tian turned around and saw huaimo. She was surprised and said, "Why are you here? Don't you have to go to school? "

Huaimo seems to be very surprised, "ah, I came here with my tutor for a meeting, and I just live here, sweet. Have you just finished filming?"

Huaimo decided to stop calling her sister.

He's a man.

A man who has sex with her.

Not her brother.

Ruan nodded, "yes, I'm shooting here."

Huaimo chuckled, "fortunately I didn't recognize the wrong person, sweet, you are thin."

Ruan Tian was called Tiantian twice by huaimo, but he didn't adapt.

Her mind suddenly remembered the face that flashed on the big screen that day, like him, not like him.

"What floor do you live on?"

"Fifth floor."

Ruan Tian just lived on the fifth floor. She pressed the floor and asked, "how long will you stay?"

Huaimo murmured, thought for a while, and said, "seven days."He seemed to like to laugh and said to Ruan Tian, "last time Tiantian invited me to dinner at school, this time it's my turn to invite you."

Ruan Tian really can't bear to let this poor boy spend money. She can't afford to spend huaimo's money.

"Don't be so polite."

Huaimo said: "I follow the tutor to do the project, and now I can earn a little money. It's not as hard as before. Tiantian, don't look down on me."

Ruan Tian couldn't resist his pathetic eyes. "OK, we can go to eat self-help food."

Self help is cheap.

They are also very friendly to the student party.

Huaimo said yes.

Ding, the elevator goes to the fifth floor.

Huaimo suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm. The boy's body looked thin, and the strength of his wrist was quite strong.

Ruan Tian was puzzled and asked, "what's the matter?"

"I have something for you."

Without her consent, huaimo took her to the door of her room with just the right strength. After brushing the access card, he took her in again.

Ruan Tian was startled for a moment, didn't see that huaimo also had such a vigorous and resolute side.

Just now, he unconsciously revealed his aura, which made Ruan Tian excited.

Huaimo released her hand and handed her the gift box at the head of the bed. "I heard Jiang Lili say that you seem to need this, so I'll send it to you by the way."

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Ruan Tian opened it and saw that there was a set of jewelry inside.

The diamond on the necklace almost blinded her eyes. She widened her eyes. "Is this yours?"

Is huaimo going to rob the safe!!!

She's scared!!!

Is she calling the police or not!!!

Huaimo thought seriously and said with a smile, "my mother left it to me."

It's their family that will pass it on to their daughter-in-law.

Huaimo doesn't mind Ruan Tian knowing his true identity at all.

He didn't seem to have cheated her. He did go to Capital University, and his parents were as good as dead.

But Ruan Tian thought he was very poor and had a bad life.

Ruan Tian quickly put things back: "I can't take this."

Huaimo thought about it and said, "don't you want to go to the award ceremony? Go ahead and give it back to me when it's over. It's not worth money anyway. "

Ruan Tian did not believe, "really?"

Is such a big drill and so many blingbling drills worthless?

Huaimo nodded, "really."

It's only 80 million. It's not worth the money.

Ruan Tian, I really believe it.

The main thing is that she thinks huaimo can have something valuable?

She said, "I'll give it back to you once I borrow it. I'll never lose or damage your things."

Huaimo looked very happy and said happily, "OK."

On the morning of the award ceremony, Ruan Tian flew back to the capital from dahengguo, changed her clothes and rushed to make up.

The necklace around her neck is so beautiful that people can't move their eyes.

The makeup artist was stunned, "teacher Ruan, what series of necklaces are you? It's a beautiful style. "

"Ah, I don't know. I borrowed it."

Of course, make-up artist knows it's borrowed, just curious about what brand is so generous! At first glance, this necklace is not an ordinary one. There is also the ring on Ruan Tian's hand. It takes at least eight digits for a set.

A four line actor, the treatment is too superior.

Before walking on the red carpet, the organizer sent a photographer to take photos. When the award ceremony is over, it will be sent to the microblog.

Backstage people come and go, there are also fans who bought scalper tickets.

Ruan Tian wore a black suspender skirt, which made her skin whiter. When she stood there to take photos, many people couldn't walk.

Princess shizifei's crew also took a picture backstage before the awards. Ruan Tian stood beside Xu Jing, while Zhao Menger, who had a tumble last time, stood on Ruan Tian's right side.

Zhao meng'er couldn't help sending his photo to the microblog in advance to show off, and wrote: "good honor (* ^ ▽^ *). 】

the sharp eyed netizen saw a hand not belonging to her in the lower left corner of the photo.

The ring on the finger, low-key luxury.

"Whose hand is this? This ring seems to be customized by a French master. The starting price is 50 million

"My goose, is it so good? How expensive

"Fake The studio just drew a picture. Her jewelry today is not so expensive. It's already a luxury. It's a watch worth two million. "

"Let my little eyes see who's bragging."

"Really, it's the last work of GAVI. It was worth 80 million at that time. Now it's definitely more than that price."


It's not clear whether it's true or not. This ring has opened people's eyes.Someone took the card of the prophet and cried out: "don't tell me this hand belongs to Ruan Tian, I don't believe it! impossible! She doesn't deserve it

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