I dare not recognize black powder, nor fans.

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The doughnuts watched carefully and kept silent.

The red carpet live broadcast officially starts at 4:00 p.m., and Ruan Tian and Xu Jing walk together on the red carpet. Other male and female guests will join hands, but they are still unfamiliar.

Xu Jing has a slender figure. His long legs are straight and strong under his suit pants. He has a Black Retro suit with bangs falling on his eyebrows. It's a graceful young master of the Republic of China.

Ruan Tian's waist is thin and her chest is big. This suspender skirt makes her figure perfect. The swan neck is elegant and slender, the clavicle bone is obvious, her skin is white as snow, her loose long hair is rolled up, and her face is bright and pretty.

The broken diamond on the suspender skirt is shining in the light, and the necklace on her neck is particularly eye-catching.

The cameramen's eyes are bright, "Ruan Tian, look to the left."

"Ruan Tian, right."

"Ruan Tian and Xu Jing get closer and take a picture together."

Ruan Tian's mouth is stiff when she smiles. She needs to put on a proper posture on this occasion, just smile all the time.

Xu Jingmo kept silent and tilted her body to her side. The cameraman said, "that's it."

After taking the photos, the red carpet host left Xu Jing for an interview.

Ruan Tian enters first.

In the venue, there must be thousands of guests and audience, and there is no signal in one of them.

During the live broadcast on the red carpet, the necklace around Ruan Tian's neck and the ring on her finger were clearly cut off.

Some students studying jewelry are sure that this is GAVI's work worth 80 million yuan.

Most people don't want to believe it.

Why can Ruan Tian borrow such good jewelry! A vain person like her may have imitated a fake, low handed method for the sake of gorgeous pressure.

Ruan Tian's jewelry is even more popular than the final star. In the live broadcast, the car wheels are talking about it all the time.

People who don't want to believe, no matter what.

Until a real name jewelry appraisal expert came out and said, "it's not imitation, it's authentic by visual inspection. This set of jewelry also won the gold medal in design at that time. It's a rare work."

But now that the jewelry experts have spoken, they all agree.

Sour chicken is always sour.

That lemon smell can't be killed with disinfectant.

"Ruan Tian's divorce is very good," she said in a strange voice. "She has made so much money, and her real estate is estimated to have made a lot of money."

"Curious about her, the lion asked Shen amnesty for several hundred million yuan. No wonder she was so confident that she would not remarry. All the money was in hand. Tut tut."

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"It's said that Ruan Tian took a billion yuan alimony, a Beijing suburb villa and a priceless luxury, which should also be included in it."

If Shen Hui really gives Ruan Tian one billion yuan in alimony.

Ruan Tian can wake up with a smile in her dream, and she can reconcile her old grudge with Shen Hui. From then on, she will not scold him any more!

Ruan Tian straightened her back and sat in her own position. The air conditioner in the room was a little low. She put on a shawl to block the scenery in front of her chest. The seats around her were full.

Xu Jing sits on her left, and on her right is shizifei's director.

At the end of the opening song and dance, awards will be given.

Ruan Tian is very calm, holding a "anyone may win the prize, but that person must not be me" mentality to sit in place.

An hour later, the best match was finally awarded.

The host held the microphone, opened his eyes and said with a smile, "now let's invite Mr. Shen Hui, President of Huanshi entertainment, and Mr. Tao Xin, chief producer of fruit TV, to present us the best female match award."

Ruan Tian is so fucked up.

The camera on the scene was also very clear. She cut the camera directly to Ruan Tian's face. She thought there was no camera shooting, and she was very real with a face of "* * Shen pardon you are dead".

Shen Hui was willing to condescend to come to such a public place.

It's really strange.

Producer Tao Xin handed the award-winning list to Shen Hui and said with a smile, "it's better for Mr. Shen to read it."

Shen Hui slowly opened the cover and bent slightly to the microphone in front of him. His eyes looked straight in the direction of Ruan Tian, and his words were clear: "the winner of the 17th BAF best female match award is -"

"Ruan Tian."

The man's voice through the microphone, word by word, fell on her ear, all the lens are aimed at Ruan Tian's face.

How to say.

Ruan Tian thinks that this scene is a bit of magical realism.

She is a vicious girl in the book.

He was awarded the best female match by the man in the book.

Why don't you die!

No heart, no man.

Ruan Tian's wonderful performance in the imperial concubine was shown on the big screen. She took a deep breath, took down her shawl, put it on the chair, and then walked to the stage.Ruan Tian didn't watch Shen Hui. She stood in front of the microphone with sweat on her forehead. She was a little nervous. She gritted her teeth and carried the nervous mood down. Looking at the audience and the fans in front of the TV, she said: "I'm surprised to get this award today. At the same time, I'm very happy. Thank all the people who have supported me in recent years. I will continue to work hard."

To dominate the entertainment circle! Step on Hollywood! The whole universe!

The fans crouching in the live broadcast room suddenly became restless, charging up like they didn't want money.

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"Ah, sweet boy is our pride."

"I'm going to cry for her to see. She thanks us wuwuwu. No matter when the fans come, she always thanks for my tears Prada Prada."

"Tianzai is not only beautiful today, but also has a good temperament! We'll always be good. "

When Ruan Tian was ready to step down, the host asked her to stay, "teacher Ruan Tian, please wait a moment, take a picture with our prize awarding guests."

Ruan Tian said she didn't want to wait.

With so many people watching, she can't just go away.

She said coldly, "OK."

The tone seems to be saying: "let Shen Hui go now."

Ruan Tian stood beside Shen Hui without feeling, his eyes were in a daze. In contrast, Shen Hui's face was not as cold as her. She tilted her head slightly and looked at her several times.

This is the second photo of him and Ruan Tian.

After taking the photo, Ruan Tian can't wait to roll back to her position. She is ignored in the whole process and is depressed. She steps down with a overcast face.

That night, shizifei's crew won two awards, one for best female partner and the other for Xu Jing's best male host.

After the award ceremony, Ruan Tian put the necklace and ring back into the gift box for fear of damaging what huaimo's mother left him.

Jiang Li, sitting in the nanny's car, was very excited. "Tianzai, your beauty is out of the circle again today. They all boast that you are a noble black swan."

Ruan Tian cheekily said: "I'm born to eat by my face, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe."

Jiang Lili hugged her cup and gave her a big kiss. She seemed to see the hope of her career as an agent. "You are so competitive. You won the prize for the first nomination. Tianjiang ZIWEIXING is talking about you."

Ruan Tian looks at the cup now, very pleasing to the eye.

That's her strength.

Her desire to be a good actress is also growing.

You can get more like when you win the prize.

It proves that she is also liked by some people, and is not the existence of ten thousand people.

After returning home, Ruan Tian forgot an important thing.

The gift box is still in her bag. Ruan Tian wanted Jiang Li to hand it over to huaimo for her, but she was so excited that she forgot it for a moment.

Ruan Tian put the things on the head of the bed and decided to ask Jiang Li to help transfer them tomorrow.

It would have been a perfect day if Ruan Tian hadn't received a call from Zhou Xiaoqiao.

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Zhou Xiaoqiao cried very hard. Ruan Tian almost couldn't understand what she said.

"Mom fell down the stairs. What should I do? Sweetie, what are you going to do? "

Ruan Tian thinks that the female master's silly white sweet part has gone too far!

If you fall, you should call 120. Is it useful to call her?

Zhou's mother stepped on the air, rolled several times and fell on the floor of the living room. There was no one else at home except Zhou Xiaoqiao.

After fainting for a few minutes, I woke up slowly. My leg hurt so much that I couldn't move. I think it was broken.

Zhou's mother was still worried about her eldest daughter at this time. "Don't be afraid, Xiao Qiao. Mom is OK."

Zhou Xiaoqiao held back his tears and choked: "Tiantian, can you go home and help us?"

Ruan Tian's tone of voice was unusually fierce, and she mercilessly exposed her hypocrisy: "the time you call me and cry is enough for you to call an ambulance. You should be able to fight, right? It's no use crying. Let's fight. If we fight late, maybe our mother will be cold. "

Zhou Xiaoqiao was speechless, holding a cell phone to cry is not, do not cry seems to be wrong.

She is used to using tears as a weapon to achieve her goal.

Zhou's mother's face changed, and her eyes at Zhou Xiaoqiao were no better than before.

Ruan Tian is right. Xiao Qiao should play 120 first instead of crying and doing nothing.

Zhou Xiaoqiao was surprised, tears said close close, she inhaled nose, weak said: "Mom, blame me too worried about you, sister said right, I have to send you to the hospital."

Zhou's mother let her help herself up.

"Did your sister say she was going to the hospital?"


Zhou's mother's face turned white, and her broken leg seemed to hurt even more.


although Ruan Tian was cold hearted to the Zhou family, she didn't want to really curse Zhou's mother for being cool.

But Zhou Xiaoqiao today's crying drama makes her marvel, the drama is really over.Can't sleep make complaints about her, so she can't sleep in her heart. So she sent voice messages to Jiang and left a ruthless Tucao:

, my mother fell down the stairs, Zhou Xiaoqiao called me and cried, but she didn't make complaints about the ambulance. 】

[I'm speechless, am I a doctor in Zhou Xiaoqiao's eyes? 】

[if I were a doctor, I would be the first to open her brain. 】

[ten miles away, I could hear the sound of water in her head. 】

[she is no longer a fool, but a fool of pure gold. 】

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successfully sent.

Look up.

Bad! No! Wrong person!

Ruan Tian's voice message was sent to Qin Yu.

In less than a second, she received a reply -

Qin mad dog: [I hear you. 】

Ruan Tian felt that he had said something bad about Qin Yu's sweetheart, and he would probably bring a knife to kill himself tomorrow.


Don't be afraid when facing difficulties, the best way is to solve them!

Ollie, give it to me!

So Ruan Tian was calm and calm when she didn't do anything bad after withdrawing.

she took off her clothes, went to the bathroom, took a bath, washed and then slowly climbed to bed. She put on a face mask on her face and brushed micro-blog with her pillow on her back.

Jiang Li really didn't cheat her. Yan Kong is praising her as beautiful as a fairy who has just come down to earth. She is the beauty of human delusion.

The most famous photo of the day was that of Ruan Tian and Shen Hui.

The organizer's plan is just a genius in the entertainment industry. The ex couple who brazenly issued the divorce declaration met again at the award ceremony, and it was the only time they were on the same stage in two years.

Ex husband gives ex-wife awards.

It's a hot topic.

The group photo was forwarded 30000 times, with the same question mark, and said that the expression on Ruan Tian's face was as cold as her dead husband.

And the next second, Shen Hui's side eyes, inadvertently showing the gentle eyes, let them say that they knocked.

This is a big reward for confusing behavior.

Ruan Tian also saw a lot of people playing tricks on the Internet, just like that:

"president, your wife has been driven out of the rich family for several months!"

"Did she know she was wrong?"

"No, ma'am won the prize, and you're just a prize giver."

Too funny.

Ruan Tian hoped that they would be more rigorous when they were playing with terriers, and that they could add the word "Qian" in front of her wife, so that she would be more happy.

At the same time, the whole network is also very concerned. When they divorced, how much property did Shen Hui give Ruan Tian?

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