Ruan Tian and Shen Hui, the former couple whose marriage broke down, were the hot topics in the ceremony.

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The videos and pictures of their intersection on and off the stage have been turned upside down. After watching them, normal people will only feel that they both have the expression of "we'd better not meet again in our life".

Abnormal knock drug chicken knock to coma, only deeply loved, will be so tragic.

In addition, Shen Hui's appearance is very impressive. His inborn temperament of noble young master is beyond the performance of many actors in the entertainment industry.

Shen Xun is really good-looking, otherwise Ruan Tian would not have taken a fancy to him at the beginning. His pale and handsome face, nine points of tenderness, implied the cold and sharp evil spirit.

Under the leadership of CPF, the sound of reunion is enormous.

They think this pair, no matter from what angle, is the best!

"If you want to order a song, this is love, Shen Hui's eyes have never moved away from her sister."

"When my sister left without hesitation, tut, Shen Hui's face turned white. The best CP in the world is our Shen Ruan couple."

"What they knock is fake. Only what we knock is real. Give me DOI tomorrow!"

"I agree with the marriage. Remarry."

Ruan Tian suddenly became the envy of the people. It was a shame to be kicked out of the rich family. She was ridiculed and ridiculed, but now her ex husband seems to have changed his mind. Besides, the rumor that Ruan Tian got more than ten billion yuan due to her divorce is rampant, which makes a lot of people jealous.

A blogger gave Ruan Tian a new nickname.

Fanquan girl: @ Ruan Tian, elder sister, you are the first person to get rich after divorce. Learn from you.

Ruan Tian is rich.

The divorce agreement is still lying in the drawer of her bedside table. She didn't get a dime, OK!?

Ruan Tian doesn't want to disclose too much * * on the Internet. She refuses to take out the divorce agreement as a private document for public consumption.

People on Weibo are all powerful. It seems that there is nothing they can't find out.

Ruan Tian's photos in high school were found by them.

Her school uniform is a little big, obviously not fit, she stood at the door of the classroom, her hair tied into a high ball, her face is small, like a little white mushroom, shuilingling's eyes are red, her face is expressionless, looking at the camera, as if in a daze.

Fans share this picture with Shen Hui.

Ruan Tian remembers that she was secretly photographed when she was punished to stand by her teacher.

It's not a kind shot.

Her high school is also not much to remember, not like to laugh, not likable.

Only clumsy, stubborn to do their own thing.

Ruan Tian turned off her mobile phone, but she couldn't sleep. She turned out an old movie. When she saw two o'clock in the morning, she gradually felt sleepy.

She had a dream of Shen Hui and the boys.

The next day, before six o'clock in the morning, Ruan Tian woke up, and her brain still hurt.

After washing and changing clothes, he made breakfast dizzily. After eating enough, he remembered that he still had a pile of garbage.

Ruan Tian came downstairs with a garbage bag. When she came back, there was an extra shadow at her door.

Shen Hui came uninvited. When Ruan Tian was about to close the door, she stuck her hand firmly in the door frame, forced the door open and forced her to enter.

Ruan Tian has lost her temper.

Men are really cheap.

After two years of marriage, he divorced a long time ago, but he began to refuse.

She couldn't help asking, master Shen, what do you think?

Ruan Tian really asked.

Shen Hui still has something in his hand, which is one of the many letters Ruan Tian wrote to him.

"At home, there are many things that belong to you."

Seeing the yellow paper in his hand, Ruan Tian suddenly thought of many things. She was seldom angry and always wanted to say goodbye to the past peacefully.

But Shen Hui insisted on irritating her again and again, opening her heart and letting her see the sufferings she had suffered with her own eyes.

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She knew what Shen Hui said. She didn't expect Shen Hui to remember.

I didn't expect that. He remembers.

Ruan Tian clenched her fist and looked at the tall and straight man in front of her. His pale and delicate face gradually coincided with the arrogant boy a few years ago.

It was the last spring outing in high school.

Camping in the mountains is like an adventure tailored for them.

Ruan Tian's physical fitness is good, so the teacher let her lead the way in the first place. Shen Hui fell behind the team, in order to take care of Zhou Xiaoqiao, who is not in good health.

At that time, Ruan Tian didn't know how to speak. She frowned and said frankly to Zhou Xiaoqiao, "you're not suitable for mountain climbing. This will only drag others down."Zhou Xiaoqiao was said to cry by her.

Shen Hui gave her a cold look.

Ruan Tian shut up.

But she didn't think she was wrong.

She angrily followed Shen Hui, thinking that if something happened, she could take care of him.

When we climbed to the hillside to have a rest, the weather suddenly changed and there was a rainstorm.

If you can't get up and down, the teacher is also in a dilemma, so we have to find a place to shelter from the rain.

Shen Hui didn't know what he was going back to get. He couldn't find anyone else for a long time.

Ruan Tian worried about him, wearing a transparent raincoat also followed down to find him.

Three hours later, she found Shen Hui.

He rolled down the mountain.

Ruan Tian bit her teeth, protected her face and rolled down.

Before the rain stopped, she was wet all over. She found Shen Hui in front of a big stone. The back of his head was bleeding. Ruan Tian covered his wound with her hand and patted him on the face. He seemed to faint.

Ruan Tian carried him to a nearby cave, bandaged his wound and fed him some water.

At that time, she was scared.

Afraid that Shen Hui would never wake up, she prayed that the sudden heavy rain would stop, hoping that the teachers would find them quickly.

Ruan Tian and Shen Hui stayed in the cave for a day, but he was still in a coma. He opened his eyes in the middle of the cave, and his consciousness didn't seem to be very clear.

Because Shen Hui hugged her, put his hands around her waist, and rubbed her neck socket with his chin. His warm breathing sank behind her ears. He said weakly, "you're so good."

Ruan Tian is dull and stiff.

She swallowed and asked, "do you know who I am?"

Shen Hui seems to recognize her, but he doesn't seem to recognize her.

After a while, he nodded, "I know."

Then, the boy leaned close to her face, cold thin lips gently fell on her soft lips, pried open her lips and kissed her.

Ruan Tian's face turned red and she was at a loss.

Confused, she heard Shen Hui say in her ear, "when I grow up, shall I marry you?"

They were not discovered until the third day.

It's said that Zhou Xiaoqiao was the first one to find out.

Ruan Tian had a high fever and broke her leg. She stayed in the hospital for two months. She wrote to Shen Hui every week.

"The first person I want to see is you."

"My fever's gone. I'm so happy."

"Shen amnesty, I wish you happy every day."

"I think I'll marry you when I'm twenty."

The letters never came back.

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When Ruan Tian was discharged from the hospital again, Shen Hui was as cold as before, alienating and polite to her.

He seems to have forgotten that story.

Forget what he said.

Forget he kissed her.

I forgot to marry her.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, Shen Hui laughingly looked at her standing in front of him and lost enough patience. "You like me, but what does it have to do with me?"


Her love, worthless, suddenly stopped.

Her heart is not a heart and can be trampled on by him.

She is worse than dust in Shen Hui's eyes.

Maybe at that time, she was not conscious, just saying a joke, or playing a game, only to kiss her when she was pitiful.

She was the only one who took it seriously.

Shen Hui's hand clenched the stack of letters. He clenched his lips. "When did you start writing?"

Ruan sweet plate with a paralyzed face, light to send him, "forget."

Shen Hui seems to be angry.

Ruan Tian didn't know what he was angry about.

She thought, sure enough, he didn't read a word before.

Ruan Tian thinks that Shen Hui hates her. She follows him like a fly and entangles him like a cocoon.

When you get married, disgust becomes hate.

Early in the morning on the second day of the one night stand, she was lying on the bed, watching the man put on his clothes. She looked at her with mocking and taunting eyes. Without a word, she took out all the cash in her purse and put it on the head of the bed.

Life is not easy, Ruan Tian sighs.

She solemnly apologized to Shen, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't like you."

Don't know why, Ruan Tian feel, she finish this sentence, Shen amnesty seems to be more angry.

The whole person was shaking.

Yes, he's shaking.

With his gloomy face, red eyes, tense facial features and teeth, his hands seemed to be unable to use his strength. The paper kept shaking in his hands.

Ruan Tian thought, I'm afraid this man didn't get tremor.

In order not to stimulate a patient, Ruan Tian felt that she should use a sincere tone to apologize, rather than the tone of your mother's death.She looked into Shen's eyes and said, "I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I really realize my mistake. Don't worry. I won't like you all my life."

Ruan Tian felt that Shen Hui was almost unsteady.

He didn't change his clothes. He should have stayed up all night last night. It's normal for him to stand unsteadily now.

Ruan Tian saw from him that he was tired and pale. At this time, he was like a terminally ill patient.

He took a deep breath and couldn't make a sound for a long time.

The throat seems to be blocked, and it hurts like a sharp blade.

Ruan Tian carefully took the letters in his hand to his own hands. After a moment of silence, she slowly tore the letters.

"Are you satisfied with that?"

Shen Hui's face was not white. He bent slightly and couldn't breathe steadily. He could barely stand by supporting the corner of the table. He looked at the debris on the ground and his eyes were red as if they were bleeding.

"You're right. I shouldn't have come."

Listen, this man finally said something.

Shen Hui finally wants to let her go and plans to leave.

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Before leaving, he said: "Ruan Tian, I'm sorry."

Ruan Tian said there was no need.

It means get out of here! Get out of here! Come on! Get out of here!

Ruan Tian has a three-day holiday in Beijing. After three days, she has to go back to dahengguo to continue filming.

She found that there was no need for her to move. No matter where she moved, she would always be found.

After a short rest, Ruan Tian sweeps the scraps of paper on the ground into the dustbin. These letters will only remind Ruan Tian that she was blind for love.

She leaned on the sofa pillow for a while and then sent a short message to Jiang Li: "in any future activities, I will ask to be different from Shen Hui. 】

[no, he didn't have me, I didn't have him. 】

at nine o'clock, Jiang Lili, who had just woken up, replied to her! I will check the process carefully in the future, we are also a big brand! 】

play big, play damn.

Ruan Tian didn't have anything to do at home. She went out of the house without her mask. She was going to buy some food and make a meal in the supermarket at the gate of the community.

She has no idea how famous she is now.

Just strolled to the fresh area, the little girls around her whispered.

"My mother? Is this Ruan Tian? "

"Wuwu, Wuwu, the real person is so beautiful. It's more beautiful than the photo. How can anyone in the world really look like this?"

"I really want to go up and ask her for her autograph. Maybe she will get angry later and the autograph will become valuable."

"She went out to the supermarket without a mask. No, it's beautiful. I'm going to faint. Who can help me?"

Ruan Tian was embarrassed and lowered her head to buy her food.

Finally, a little girl summoned up the courage to walk up to her face, showing shyness, "sister Ruan Tian, can you sign for me?"

Ruan Tian said, "but I don't have a pen."

The little girl immediately took out her pen from her schoolbag, "I have, I have."

Ruan Tian signed her name on her notebook, then took the mask from the little girl and put it on.

Hurry to check out after buying vegetables.

Ruan Tian meets Qin Yu at the elevator entrance.

It's no accident. They live next door.

Qin Yu put out the smoke in his hand and grinned strangely, "have you seen your ex husband in the morning?"

Ruan Tian overturned his car last night and scolded his sweetheart. Today, she wanted to be polite to him, but Qin Yu was so mean and difficult to get along with.

She sneered back, "none of your business."

"Do you have surveillance in my house?"

Qin Yu chuckled, "I don't know if I've been patted, and I have the face to scold others for being a fool of pure gold. I don't think you're any better."

Ruan Tian had a new understanding of Qin Yu's unkindness.


She can't quarrel with Qin Yu every time!!!

Qin Yu's eyes are not good stubble, staring at her, as if waiting for an opportunity to eat her.

Ruan Tian, carrying a plastic bag, suddenly realized, "you are fighting against injustice for your little love. Unfortunately, my sister doesn't like you."

Qin Yu took a deep look at her and said, "it's stupid."

Ruan Tian doesn't want to talk to him.

Qin Yu liked to talk to her, "you're not the one who will get back to you. Next time Shen Hui comes, you can tell him to go away."

Ruan Tian still ignored him.

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Qin Yu's interest is higher, like a pervert.

He didn't even have the face to break into the house and eat.

Ruan Tian was angry and said, "if I don't do it, I will starve to death."

Qin Yu looked at her like a child. Then he rolled up his sleeve and went into her kitchen to wash and cut vegetables.Half an hour later, Qin Yu served two dishes and one soup.

Ruan Tian couldn't help asking, "when did you learn it?"

Qin Yu took a sip of soup and said, "I was bored when I was sick. I learned to watch the video in the hospital."

Ruan Tian bowed her head and felt guilty.

It's not that she didn't swear that Qin Yu couldn't get out of the hospital all her life.

Qin Yu had to be hospitalized in two or three days when he was in high school. It was said that he was a disease brought from his mother's womb. He was weak since childhood and had a bad temper. No one said he was ill tempered. His parents were more used to him than Qin An.

After dinner, he probably knew that Ruan Tian didn't like to see him. Qin Yu didn't stay much. He pursed his lips and said, "I'm different from Shen Hui."

Qin Yu's feelings for her have been distorted for a long time.

Seeing her confession to Shen Hui with her own eyes, I hated her teeth at that time.

She tried her best to attract her eyes and break all her illusions about Shen Hui.

I've done all the dirty things I shouldn't have done.

But he did like her.

Ruan Tian didn't care.


Ruan Tian is used to being photographed in two or three days. Let's do it.

Shoot not dead, make her more powerful!!!

For the news that she and Shen Hui are about to remarry, she has lain flat for them to say.

Occasionally, she would go to her own CP super talk and look at the videos edited by big hands. She even felt a little sweet.

However, when the comments below were all "true", "they are married" and "they are more true than gold", Ruan Tian would like to take a big horn and shout in their ears: "fake is fake!"

The truth is false, my friends!

She's a ruthless career machine.

Ruan Tian's divorce alimony is still a mystery, and there are different opinions. There are more than ten billion and two billion. In short, Ruan Tian made a lot of money by divorce.

Zhao meng'er has hated Ruan Tian since she stole the limelight on the day of the award ceremony.

Ruan Tian's feet are needed to seize the opportunity.

This time, she learned to be smart. She didn't buy a navy, and she didn't spend money to find a black team.

It's about letting people around you take the rhythm with a trumpet.

"I've taken so much money, but I still have to sell it miserably? No matter how she is, it's not our turn to feel sorry for her. "

"Before that, she had a poor look of being raped by the Internet. Don't forget that she was divorced because she was not clear with other men. It's so scheming."

"There is a saying that Ruan Tian is still absorbing the heat of her ex husband."

"It's very kind of Shen to give her so much money back."

The $1.2 billion alimony was not so credible, because the set of jewelry worn by Ruan Tian was decided.

Some people follow the trend of ridicule, while others just watch the fun.

They have forgotten that no one has come up with evidence of divorce alimony.

When Ruan Tian is inspired by Zhao meng'er's connotation.

Someone accidentally picked up a divorce agreement from someone who worked in a law firm.

Mosaic is not good, vaguely see "Ruan" word and "Shen" word.

[a client's agreement. It's a classic case. I can remind you that it's necessary to sign a prenuptial agreement. For example, in this case, the woman finally goes out of the house without winning a lawsuit. 】

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