The lawyer poked it out on the Internet a few days after Ruan Tian and Shen Hui signed the divorce agreement, only a part of it was released.

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In principle, Shen's team of lawyers will not make such low-level mistakes, let alone disclose the president's position.

The bad thing is that the lawyer who dances happily on Weibo is just a little assistant who has just graduated and practiced in their team.

Even the lawyer's license is not admitted, but in the online real name authentication of a false identity, to cheat, enjoy the pleasure of being worshipped.

At the beginning, the person who picked it out, but also casually opened the picture and saw the two faint surnames. For fear that he might admit his mistake, he tried his best to confirm with his friends.

"@ I want to eat beef tendon. Let's see if it's Ruan Tian and Shen Hui!"

"I'm the headquarters of UC now. It's really like the divorce agreement between Ruan Tian and Shen Hui? That Ruan is Ruan Tian's Ruan! That Shen is Shen of Shen amnesty. What's wrong with the world? "

"Prenuptial agreement? Clean up? Not even the possibility of a lawsuit? My world has collapsed... "

"The French students carefully read the divorce agreement. I really didn't get it wrong. The woman didn't get a dime and didn't have any real estate. In short, Ruan Tian didn't get anything."

"Who said one billion before? Now the divorce agreement is here. It's too far from one billion."

A billion rumors are broken without telling.

Zhao meng'er is silly. Ruan Tian doesn't like to go out of the house?! And Ruan Tian didn't make a scene? If she is Ruan Tian, how to get a sum of money down.

Zhao meng'er is so angry that he feels that he will not go well with Ruan Tian as long as he is in charge of it. It's bad luck.

She didn't catch a breath, but she fell ill.

Ruan Tian's fans exploded when they saw the divorce agreement.

That night, the CP Chaohua of "Shen Ruan couple" was bloody washed, and the people who reported Chaohua had unprecedented chicken blood. Usually, only a few hundred people were involved. Tonight, thousands of people were stimulated to use Chaohua, and they made great efforts to end the Chaohua of "Shen Ruan couple".

"@ Shen Hui, stay away from us. You don't deserve it."

"@ Shen pardon, don't get hurt by her, and don't dream of reunion. Go home and wash and sleep."

"Shen Hui, a ruthless dog, was fried first, then fried, then boiled, and then fried, and then fed to the pigs. The pigs didn't eat it, and they didn't like the slag mouth."

"@ Shen Hui, ghosts and goblins, get out of here, get out of here."

"@ Shen Hui, you've got a face to pay attention to your sister?! No wonder she removed you. If it's me, I'll just chop you to death with a knife

Doughnuts in the case of extreme anger, perseverance of the report, and through unremitting efforts, and finally successfully blew up the super words.

All over the world!

Let's celebrate!

CPF people are holding their tails and dare not have any complaints.

In the case of home bombing, only humble to create a new super words, but doughnuts transit the place, nothing.

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Open one, they blow one.

CPF tears angry way, this CP can't knock down.

Doughnuts do not care so much, CPF knock can be sister's blood sugar ah!!!

Shen Hui is a poor Iron Rooster.

It's good to be divorced.

If you don't get divorced, do you want to live this life!

Shen Hui was scolded no less than Ruan Tian's previous greetings.

Ruan Tian saw her fans scolding Shen Hui in the group. She felt a little funny, and she was very happy.

Good scolding.

That's right.

There is a reward.

Ruan Tian didn't expect that the last page of the divorce agreement would be leaked. She spent a whole day searching for Shen's forgiveness, but most of them felt that he was too ruthless.

Huanshi entertainment also allowed its boss to be scolded, did not do any remedial measures, and the roaring public relations team did not come out.

The intern deleted his microblog, afraid of being approached by Huanshi entertainment, and even more afraid of being accused.

Shen Hui seems to be totally indifferent to external comments.

After he left from Ruan Tian, he suffered from typhoid fever and kept dreaming.

Intermittent fragments, always can't see clearly.

In the dream, all are Ruan Tian's faces.

He wakes up in sweat, and the face reflected by the window is white like a ghost. He always feels that something is different from what he thinks.


thanks to Shen Hui, Ruan Tian's mind was full of Shen Hui's words to marry her before going to bed at night.

Ruan Tian knows that Shen Hui has not lost his memory.

Even if it's a novel, it's not so easy to lose memory!

Overbearing president has no brain.

The plot is always so illogical.Dog's blood. Open the door to dog's blood.

**It's Zhou Xiaoqiao who falsely takes the credit. The first person Shen Hui sees when he opens his eyes is Zhou Xiaoqiao. Even if Zhou Xiaoqiao doesn't say a word, Shen Hui will mistakenly think that the person who saved him is Zhou Xiaoqiao.

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The lady's golden finger.

Just so unreasonable.

Ruan Tian doesn't matter anymore.

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.

What's important is that she wants to become a new top woman in the entertainment industry, shoot the waves on the beach, concentrate on her career, and become a famous star in the history of film making.

On Ruan Tian's third day in Beijing, Shao Chengyue called her. The man's voice was steady and powerful, as if it had a soothing effect.

He asked, "Ruan Tian, when will you return to the troupe?"

Shao Chengyue's voice is a little hoarse. It's rare for him to speak gently. It's not like an ordinary greeting. Instead, it's like saying "I miss you.".

"I'll go back tomorrow, Brother Shao. What happened in the group?"

The night lights arranged by Shao Chengyue's crew in the woods are shining like stars in the sky. He said, "no, the sleeping pills you gave me last time are gone."

Ruan sweetheart said, no wonder he made such a call.

She laughed, "or I'll give you the prescription when I go back, and you can make the medicine yourself later."

This prescription is not worth money.

If you can help one, it's one.

Shao Chengyue said in a low voice, "wait until you come back."

Ruan Tian replied, "OK."

Silence and embarrassment.

After a long time, when Ruan Tian hesitated to take the initiative to hang up the phone.

Shao Chengyue suddenly said, "Ruan Tian, do you like stars?"

She likes it very much.

Otherwise the trumpet wouldn't call "help me pick the stars.".

Once upon a time, Shen Hui was her star.

Now, she is the star herself.

Before Ruan Tian answered, Shao Chengyue laughed in a low voice, "I'll show you later."

After a pause, he said: "add your wechat, remember to pass, good night."

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Ruan Tian hung up in a muddle headed way, opened wechat and found that a new friend applied for notice.

She ordered the pass.

Before long, Shao Cheng took a picture of the night sky.

The low mountain is full of stars.

Although there was a bit of unpleasantness during the script reading meeting, Ruan Tian thought that she got along well with Shao Chengyue in the crew, but they didn't seem to be familiar with it.

Ruan Tian felt strange, but she didn't think much about it.

She can't think of one, two, three.

She conveniently saved Shao chenglai's photo, and the more she saw it, the more she liked it. She simply set it as a mobile phone wallpaper.

Early the next morning, Jiang Li left the car to pick her up to the airport.

While waiting for check-in, Ruan Tian found that she was surrounded by many little girls with cameras.

Someone else put letters into her hand.

"Sister, I like you so much. I must read my letter to you."

"Come on, sweet boy, we will always support you."

"Sweet boy, eat well, don't be tired."

Ruan Tian was at a loss for a moment, and Dai bi was photographed by her sister.

Standing sister in the heart of crazy groundhog scream, ah, ah, sweet cub is so cute.

She put the letter in the paper bag and nodded, "OK, thank you."

After check-in, there are a few sporadic station sister with her to board.

However, they also have a sense of morality, abide by the order and rules, and do not take photos in the cabin or in the bridge corridor.

They just want to see sweet baby more!

After all, who doesn't love beauty.

Ruan Tian and Jiang Lili sat together. She was afraid that she would forget something. She quickly handed the box in her bag to Jiang Lili and said, "when you get to the hotel, please help me return it to huaimo."

“ojbk。” Jiang Li tut twice, "is huaimo interesting to you?"

Ruan Tian didn't believe it.

She's not a hostess!!!

Just think about it!

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In this world, only Zhou Xiaoqiao has the physique of ten thousand fans.

It's a damned aura.

"My leave! He's still a brother. "

"He's grown up long ago. He's a mature man." Jiang Li's serious analysis, "and I think he's a little hypocritical."

“……” Ruan Tian didn't think so. On the contrary, she thought huaimo was sincere.

In particular, huaimo in the school wearing a white coat, nose frame frame, gentle and kind.

Ruan Tian said: "huaimo is a poor man. Don't say that about him. I will be distressed."

"My gut tells me something's wrong with him."Intuition has a fuckin 'use.

Ruan Tian also intuitive her ex husband Shen amnesty in the future will cry for her to forgive it!!!

Is it realistic? It's better to get some sleep.

There was no signal on the plane.

It's a two-hour voyage, and the outside world has turned upside down.

When Ruan Tian cleans up and goes out of the house, some people want to know what happened to the 80 million yuan jewelry she wore at the award ceremony.

Netizens incarnate in contemporary Sherlock Holmes and follow all kinds of clues.

At the same time, someone finally found something.

The buyer was huaijia.

The imperial relatives and nobles are as powerful as the other aristocratic families in the capital, and the elders at the top are also powerful figures.

In the early years, this set of 80 million collections fell into the hands of the young master of huaijia.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and several circles were in chaos.

A hundred schools of thought contend with each other.

In recent years, a little wanghong, who has just become popular and had contact with huaijia people, jumped out and sighed:

"feeling on the home page

I believe that I have also convinced Ruan Tian

her ability to catch Kaizi

is really awesome!"

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