Huaijia is also regarded as the nobles in the capital, but there are not many news about huaijia on the Internet, which can be said to be innumerable.

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Huaijia background about the post opened a background was deleted.

Netizens stop thinking about their family. Now the only person in charge is the eldest grandson, a young man who has just come of age.

I can't find any photos about him on the Internet, even the name hasn't been confirmed.

[huaiqi Gu, the only son and grandson of huaijia family, is a medical major in Capital University. I really don't know anything else, and I dare not beep on the Internet. 】

huaimo's real name is huaiqigu.

Qi is his mother's surname.

Later, the parents tore their skin and cursed each other to die. Then the two became bloody, and the two families broke up completely. Huaimo changed his name.

"Ruan Tian is not of Miao nationality. She really can play a trick."

"Please, don't give her such a person as Gu king in Miao. Maybe she and the young master of Huai family knew each other before? It's not unusual to know each other in the same circle. "

"Can't you give me 80 million pieces of jewelry?"

"I want to meet him, too."

"So, Ruan Tian's life is still good. When her forefoot and ruthless ex husband collapsed, she found a young and highly educated little suckling dog. What's the winner in life?"

"I want to see the picture of the Huai family."

The photos were turned over and over, but none of them were found.

Because of the homesick background, no one dares to continue to dig deep.

Off the plane, Ruan Tian did not find himself on the hot search.

Jiang Li didn't look at her mobile phone either. When they got their luggage, they walked out of the airport, said goodbye to the fans who picked up the plane, and then got on the nanny car sent by the crew.

Fans are reluctant to say goodbye to her. As the car door closes, Ruan Tian hears a female fan shouting: "sister, after a month, you are finally hot again!"

Ruan Tian Leng Leng, turned to ask Jiang Li, "what have I done recently?"

Jiang Li shook his head blankly, "no!"

Then, she took out her mobile phone to log in.

#Ruan Tian's life winner: this topic is at the forefront of hot search.

Jiang Li takes a look, and the first hot point is the lengthy analysis, which summarizes the men who have appeared in Ruan Tian's life, or the men who have been rumored.

@Entertainment circle: Recently, some netizens found that Ruan Tian seems to have a new relationship. Just after their relationship, they gave each other a set of jewelry with a value of 80 million. It can be said that they are very generous. The goddess and the male God are a perfect match. I don't know when I can hear their good news?

Jiang Li knows every word on Weibo, but together, she doesn't quite understand what it means.

Jiang Lili repeatedly confirmed the photo of Ruan Tian at the award ceremony. Looking at the necklace and ring cut out by someone, he confirmed again that it was 80 million instead of 80 thousand. Take a deep breath.

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Still in shock, she pointed to the box in her hand and asked, "this is from huaimo?"

Ruan Tian didn't know why, "well, his mother left him a legacy."

Jiang Lili is a little confused. She doesn't connect huaimo with huaijia. Although she knows huaijia's invisible master, she doesn't think huaimo is the one!

His real name is not huaimo at all.

Jiang Li didn't know how to tell Ruan Tian that it was too weird.

Holding the box, she felt as if her hands weighed a thousand pounds.

"Sweetie, this thing huaimo gave you is worth 80 million."

Ruan Tian:?

Ruan Tian retorts without thinking, "impossible."

Jiang Li doesn't know how to tell her that intuition really won't cheat.

From the first time he saw huaimo, Jiang Li felt that something was wrong with him. He pretended to be very kind, but his eyes were not good.

She said, "it's true. Do you know huaijia in Beijing?"

Ruan Tian shook her head. "I haven't heard of it."

Jiang Li scratched her hair and made a vivid metaphor for her, "it's just like the Qin family of Shen family, not only rich, but also backstage, like royalty and nobles."

Ruan Tian still didn't believe it. Her cognition collapsed a little bit.

Isn't huaimo a poor girl like her?

How can you become a young master!

So many times, Ruan Tian did not see a flaw.

Jiang Li seriously suspects that huaimo is doing this on purpose. If he wants to hide it, it's not difficult.

She looked at Ruan Tian, who was confused and hesitant. When she got to her throat, she swallowed it.


Ruan Tian said she didn't believe it, but when Jiang Lili put those analyses in front of her, she actually believed most of them.

At the gate of the hotel, there were about ten bodyguards in black standing in front of the hall.Huaimo sat on the sofa in the lounge and saw her. Then he put down his newspaper and laughed at her, as if nothing had happened

Ruan Tian knows everything now.

Huaimo's background is really unusual.

She stiffened her neck and nodded, "well."

Then he took the box from Jiang Li's hand back and handed it to the air, "give it back to you."

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Huaimo stood up. Although he was young, he was already a head higher than her. He said, "this is what I gave you. There is no reason to take it back."

80 million.

Lend Ruan Tian 100 courage.

She didn't even dare.

Ruan sweetheart is a little angry. She seems to have been cheated.

And I was fooled.

I don't know whether huaimo would laugh at her as a fool when he regarded him as a poor teenager.

"I put it on the table."

With that, Ruan Tian will go upstairs.

Who knows, huaimo didn't even look at the box on the table. He followed him with his long legs.

More than a dozen bodyguards around huaimo also followed up, and the battle was great.

Huaimo eyes a cold, dumb voice: "get out."

Ruan Tian's step at the foot of the pause, and then as if nothing had happened on the elevator.

A pair of thin and pale hands stuck in the gap of the elevator door. With a little force, the elevator door was rudely opened by him.

Huaimo still put an innocent delicate face, he said: "sweet, are you angry with me?"

"No," said Ruan Tian

It sounds like "get the hell out of here."

Huaimo didn't know if he was pretending not to understand. He tilted his head and laughed, "I didn't mean to cheat you."

His beautiful eyes seem to be able to speak. When they are soaked in wet water, people can't bear to speak to him in a loud voice.

Huaimo said, "you didn't ask me."

Is that still my fault!!!?

Huaimo eyes eyelashes, "I dare not tell you, afraid you don't like me such a person." He looked up and laughed. "I don't have friends, I don't have parents."

Ruan Tian didn't say a word, and the soft meat in her heart seemed to be poked.

When he got to the fifth floor, huaimo suddenly grabbed her wrist. He didn't seem to be a young man. He didn't want to be astringent at this time. His dark pupil stared at her white face without blinking. The cold breath hit her cheek. His thin lips were light. He spat out his lips and said, "sweet, I'm wrong. I shouldn't hide it from you."

two people put it too close, Ruan sweet was looked at by his old face.

The smell of male aggression, hegemony around her.

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Ruan Tian clearly feels the great disparity between men and women. She can't see huaimo as the poor boy who squats at the gate of her community and can't even eat.

His strength pressed her wrist, and Ruan Tian could hardly move.

She swallowed. "You let go first."

Huaimo is obedient.

Ruan Tian breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep."

Huaimo mouth with a light smile, "well, good dream."

He has achieved his goal. Today's play is enough for Ruan Tian to see clearly that he is a man.

A man who has the ability to suppress and protect her.

When huaimo was a child, he once saw his father hide his lover in a room.

I don't feel sick.

He thought, if he had a loved one, too.

Would want to hide her, too.

No one will see it.

It's him that I see every day when I open my eyes and before I go to bed.

Let her have a baby for herself.

Huaimo was a little reluctant to treat Ruan Tian like this.

She won't be happy.

He felt that.

If Ruan Tian is willing to love him, he is willing to make some compromise.

Huaimo went downstairs in a good mood and told the hotel manager to send the necklace back to Ruan Tian's room intact.


because of huaimo, Ruan Tian's mood is not very high. Every time she is in a low mood, she dreams of Zhou Xiaoqiao. Tonight is no exception. She dreams of Zhou Xiaoqiao falling to the ground crying.

Ruan Tian didn't even touch her, so she knocked on the desk, tearful.

The students in the class looked at her with reproachful eyes and whispered around.

"Why did she bully her sister again?"

"Zhou Xiaoqiao's health is so bad. How can she do that?"

"God, why can a person be so bad? This person is still our classmate. It's terrible."

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"Ruan Tian is still standing foolishly. She doesn't know how to help her sister up. Xiao Qiao is so pitiful."

Ruan Tian said that she did nothing.But although those people said believe, eyes are still disgust.

Until Shen Hui came and helped Zhou Xiaoqiao up.

The dream suddenly stopped, and Ruan Tian woke up.

All dreams are a sign.

Zhou Xiaoqiao, as a woman leader, has begun to play her role.

After Zhou Xiaoqiao got well, the frequency of microblog updates is more and more, and many Meitu bloggers are sending her refined photos every day.

Ruan Tian's intuition is not good when she looks at those photos.

I'm afraid that Zhou Xiaoqiao, who is a pure coffee, will be aggressive. Even if she doesn't enter the entertainment industry, she will find it uncomfortable for her.

Although she and Zhou Xiaoqiao are twin sisters, they are not so similar.

Five points at most.

So fortunately, no one recognized them as sisters.

At the thought of Zhou Xiaoqiao, Ruan Tian is Rua!

I do not know for what purpose, Zhou Xiaoqiao fans increased at the same time, began to post a lot of specious words on Weibo.

@Little Joe: "I have a sister. I love her very much, but she doesn't seem to like me very much."

@Little Joe: "well, she doesn't like me."

@Xiao Qiao: "as long as she likes, I'm willing to give it to her, including the boy I loved when I was 17 years old."


There is definitely a conspiracy.

Ruan Tian regarded her micro blog as a traitor, and a sentence passed through her mind. There is always a bitch who wants to harm our palace!

Tell her what little intelligence she has left.

Zhou Xiaoqiao, a white lotus, has no good intentions.

Adhering to the concept of starting first.

After taking a screenshot, Ruan Tian directly sent a circle of friends, "I think if a person has a delusion of murder, he has to go to the capital first mental hospital to receive patients."

Sisters of the Zhou family.

Tear X today.

Ruan Tian finally embarked on the route of vicious female match in the original work.

Cool 100.

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