tell the truth.

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Ruan Tian has endured Zhou Xiaoqiao for a long time.

If you don't break out in forbearance, you will become abnormal in forbearance.

Zhou Xiaoqiao's heroine aura is too strong.

She doesn't even have to do anything. Many people like her.

She only needs to squeeze a few tears, even if she does not speak, some people believe her.

Zhou Xiaoqiao is the most marisu in the world.

She is beautiful, kind, weak and clever. She meets all the pleasing elements.

She is good at making use of her own advantages to achieve her goal.

After Ruan Tian sent this circle of friends, she didn't regret it.

In the countless times she and Zhou Xiaoqiao fought, she never won.

Even if she has the upper hand in her words, Zhou Xiaoqiao will be loved by others.

So later.

Ruan Tian almost abandoned herself. That's it. Who do you love? How do you love.

Zhou Xiaoqiao's favorite action is to bite his lower lip, and his eyes seem to cry rather than cry.

Her mind is sensitive, and she has long realized that Shen Hui's feelings for Ruan Tian have changed.

Even Qin Yu seems to like Ruan Tian better now. They just treat her as an outsider.

Zhou Xiaoqiao has been the moon among the stars since she was a child. Even if she has enlightened herself countless times, she can't accept the feeling of being ignored.

So when Zhou Xiaoqiao saw Ruan Tianfa's circle of friends, she hid in her room and showed her first smile today.

That's good.

Ruan Tian is still the villain, she is still the innocent victim.

After a short time, Zhou Xiaoqiao also commented: "Tiantian, is it my sister who makes you unhappy again? I'm sorry first. Don't be angry with me, OK? 】

in a simple word, it seems that Ruan Tian has become the one who makes trouble without reason.

Since Ruan Tian decided not to get used to her temper any more, she was fed up with her words.

Every time, no matter what happens.

Zhou Xiaoqiao will cry first, and then the sentence pattern is "what did I do wrong?" "Don't be angry, OK?" "It's all my fault.".

Ruan Tian leaned against the pillow, sneered and deleted Zhou Xiaoqiao's comment.

Zhou Xiaoqiao still wants to sell miserably in her circle of friends!? Don't even think about it!

Zhou Xiaoqiao's marketing on the Internet has not stopped. She has set up a lot of people, such as "good beauty" and "true white and rich beauty".

We have refined and issued one set after another.

In addition, she also found a professional marketing company, which has been regarded as a small net red this year.

In a short period of time, the number of fans is half of Ruan Tian's.

"Joe is not the same as those bitches in the entertainment industry."

"The dressing table is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's rich. Sister Joe, do you still lack a sister?"

"I really can't understand why little Joe's sister doesn't like her sister! I dream of such a beautiful and gentle elder sister. "

"Sister, is it live tonight?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao only replied to one comment, "well, I don't know what to do about my sister. I really want to protect her."

Ruan Tian felt sick when she saw this sentence.

Fortunately, she didn't see it.

Ruan Tian is busy catching up with the last few scenes of Xianyuan.

She and Shao also have a sex scene.

Or blindfold play!

Excited heart

shaking hand.

Ruan Tian couldn't bear it.

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The director cleared the scene ahead of time for fear that they would be embarrassed and that they would not feel pure and lustful.

There are not many people left in hongluan's account.

Only the director's camera business remained, and the rest were all cleared out of the field.

This is Ruan Tian after the poison, when the consciousness is hazy, and out of control Qingleng master, had a fish and water.

Ruan Tian's makeup and hair had to be redone, and her dress had to be changed.

Her costume has always been amazing.

Light and elegant waist red skirt, waist tied with a decorative belt, clavicle exposed, beautiful curve.

The bell on her ankle jingled, and when she lifted her foot, it rang a few times.

The makeup artist helped her to make up her most delicate make-up so far. Her porcelain white skin was covered with a layer of fine powder. She was slightly drunk in light pink. Her eyebrows and eyes were clear and beautiful, and her mother of Pearl was in the middle. I put red rouge on my lips.

"Mr. Ruan, you are as beautiful as if you came out of a painting."

Ruan Tian looked at herself in the mirror, too beautiful for a moment.

Her face turned red. "It seems pretty."

The director is already urging Ruan Tian to go out from the dressing room.

At this moment, even the people who set the scene stopped their work and looked at Ruan Tian foolishly.

The director took the lead in reviving and coughing, "you two have a good feeling about the play. It's about to start shooting."Shao Cheng Yue was stunned for a moment, quietly moved his eyes to another place, and rolled the protruding Adam's apple up and down two times. He swallowed his saliva, and his heart was hot and dry.

Ruan Tian's style is not only beautiful, but also amazing.

Ruan Tian crawled up to Shao Chengyue like a snail. When she spoke, she was not very natural and her voice was smaller than usual. "Let's talk to her lines first."

Oh, shit.

She has only one line.

In addition, there is only content that can't be broadcast.

Ruan Tian rubbed her hands. She was really looking forward to it.

Shao Chengyue dragged her a chair, coughed and began to speak to her.

"Why do you stay among men all day? Don't forget that you are a woman!"

"I have already been expelled from the sect by my master. How can you manage my affairs?"

"Why? Tonight I'll let you know what I'm relying on! "

As the voice fell, the man picked her up and threw her rudely on the bed. The red curtain fell slowly

Finish your lines.

Ruan Tian felt her face was burning.

On the other hand, Shao Chengyue, sitting opposite her, remained calm and calm.

Ruan Tian admired him.

It's a real man!

When the shooting officially started, maybe he saw Ruan Tian's uneasiness. Shao Chengyue gently patted her on the shoulder. His voice had a strange calming effect, "don't be nervous."

Ruan Tian wanted to shout, she is not nervous, she is too excited.

Wuwuwu, who can not love the young body!

The manager called action.

Ruan Tian entered the state. When she heard the master's question, her eyes were sarcastic and sarcastic.

Immediately, she felt her waist encircled by her hands. When she threw her to bed, she didn't use a lot of strength, but also used her hands to block her. She was steady when she fell into the bed and didn't react.

The man's thin fingers firmly clasped her wrist, changed her usual warm image, and his eyes showed their potential to be sharp and crazy. He read a line in her ear, "you've been a member of my family all your life."

Narrow space, the girl was forced to red eye, like affectionate and heartless.

The expression of emotion is just right.

The director called the card.

"We're not going to do it a second time. It's good this time."

During the shooting period, the director felt that Ruan Tian's performance was remarkable. She was a material for acting, and she was only short of a chance to be popular.

"Xianyuan" may be her east wind.

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Ruan Tian sighed. She didn't want to do it again.

Bed play is more grinding than play.

Since then, Ruan Tian is only short of the last big break in Xianyuan, which is a play in which she is deeply hurt by her master and is possessed by her extreme grief and indignation.

The director told her to go back to rest and prepare for the play tomorrow.

Jiang Li and she took a bus back to the hotel from the movie city and asked curiously, "tell me, how do you feel?"

Ruan Tian pretends to be stupid, "what's the feeling?"

Jiang Lili hummed, "don't play silly for me. Do you think it's a good idea to shoot this kind of drama with Shao Chengyue?"

Ruan Tian recalled with relish, "he has great strength, also has a sense of security, but also very considerate to protect my waist, in short, I can."

Jiang Li is quite envious, "since elder sister can, younger sister also can." She frowned again and then asked, "which one do you think is better than Shen Hui?"

Ruan Tian gave her a slanting look, with the expression "Jiang Li Li, you must be crazy" in both eyes.

"What's the difference between Shen Hui and a memorial archway for me?" Ruan Tian held her chin in her hands and sighed: "although Shen is not good, his body is OK."

She can't remember the details.

But I remember.

Shen Hui, the man, looks gentle and polite.

But he is also a fierce man in his heart.

Let out your emotions in silence.

I don't care if it hurts.

Jiang Li gave a long cry, and she said, "it seems that Shen Hui has such an advantage."


in the last play of the next day, Ruan Tian was a little sad.

The crying drama was filmed again and again until I was satisfied.

At night, Ruan Tian's eyes were full of blood.

After the shooting, the director group gave Ruan Tian a big bunch of roses. All the cast members took a group photo together and ate the cake.

Ruan Tian is used to the parting of the cast. She looks up at the stars of dahengguo.

It's no different than a few years ago.

But at that time, she was still a little double who sent resumes everywhere, and now she is the heroine.She held the rose in her arms, raised her neck, and laughed in the direction of the most stars in the sky. Lush grass on the plains of

captured a beautiful picture. He wanted to clockwork micro-blog to commemorate:

@ left the original grass: dream of Ruan, found his star.

There are not many fans who follow Jiang Li. There are only more than 1000 fans in total, most of which are bought by her.

And dozens of them are Ruan Tian's true love powder.

"My sister is so beautiful."

"It's a fragile beauty. Is she looking at the stars? Is she going to be lonely? "

"Tell my sister that we will always be there."

Jiang Li is still sitting on the top of the mountain looking at the stars and knows nothing about it.

They bought a plane to return to Beijing the next afternoon.

Ruan Tian's father sent an assistant to guard her door. As soon as she got back from the airport, the assistant came to deliver a message and said to her politely, "Mr. Zhou said that tonight is the birthday of the Shen family. Please be there."

Ruan Tian dragged his suitcase and reminded him, "Shen Hui and I have divorced."

Assistant did not see embarrassment, "this is a party between several."

It doesn't have much to do with you and Shen Hui.

But you all have to go, too.

Ruan Tian met the old master of Shen's family twice. One was the day she was just picked up, and the other was the day she married Shen Hui.

"Miss Ruan, Mr. Zhou seldom orders you to do anything. You must know his temper."

Ruan Tian, she doesn't understand.

She is a father who is devoted to her career and doesn't often appear at home.

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There is a natural superior who can not refuse the spleen.

"I'm not going."

"Mr. Shen, time is running out. He wants to see you." The assistant had expected that Ruan Tian would refuse and told the truth.

In Ruan Tian's memory, Mr. Shen is a good man.

I gave her candy and told my grandson to be nice to her.

At first glance, she felt a little uncomfortable when she heard that the old man was running out of time.

Ruan Tian thought for a while and made a clear reply: "I said I would not go."

Ruan Tian still doesn't plan to go.

But in the afternoon, Mr. Shen called her in person and said that he had not seen her for a long time. He asked her to come tonight.

Ruan Tian can deal with the assistant with a straight face, but she can't refuse the old man with little time.

In the evening, she went to the old house of the Shen family.

Qin Yu and Zhou Xiaoqiao are chatting in the garden.

Too far apart, I can't hear clearly, but I can see Zhou Xiaoqiao's face clearly.

Qin Yu called with a smile, "little sister Qiao."

Zhou Xiaoqiao was a little afraid of him. Qin Yu's eyes seemed to have a hook, which could hook out all the little nines in people's heart.

She tried to smile, "Qin meets brother."

Qin Yu casually fiddled with the roses in the greenhouse, and his voice was lazy. "You call me brother, and I'm willing to treat you as my sister."

After a pause, he chuckled, "but, Little Joe, don't bully your sister all the time."

Zhou Xiaoqiao's heart sank and her face turned white quickly. She bit her lower lip and said, "I I I didn't

Qin Yu folded a rose and interrupted her impatiently, "don't cry, it's useless."

With a smile, he patted Zhou Xiaoqiao's face with a rose branch. "Be obedient, you know?"

Just six words, not gentle, each word, like hiding a sharp blade, Qi Qi aimed at her.

Zhou xiaoqiaohong watched Qin Yu stride away, and his palm was choked out of blood, and he was unconscious.

When Ruan Tian hesitated to enter the door like this, Qin Yuhao stood in front of her.

Qin Yu is still that virtue, the dog can not spit out ivory, "come to your ex husband's house to visit?"

You're your ex husband.

Just ask if you're bored! Are you upset?

Ruan Tian expression numb, "I was wrong, I should not mistakenly think you like me."

Qin Yu: "what

Ruan Tian looks serious, "you care so much about my ex husband, I think you like him."

She is not afraid of Qin Yu's murderous eyes, and then said: "I wish you a hundred years of happiness, early birth of a noble son, three years to hold two, five years to hold three."

It's a good time.

All the time, all the time.

Qin Yu was angry with her and said, "have you forgotten that I am your creditor?"

Ruan Tian still owes him tens of millions of liquidated damages.

Those who know current affairs are heroes, and Ruan Tian immediately closes her mouth.

After being dumb for half an hour, Ruan Tian was called into the study by Mr. Shen alone.

After going in, Ruan Tian sees that Shen Hui is also there.

His body seemed a little thin.

Ruan Tian only took a look and immediately lowered her head.

Old master Shen called her to him, covered her mouth with a handkerchief and coughed a few times. When he stopped speaking, he had the strength to speak to her, "Ruan Tian, it's our Shen family that is sorry for you."Oh, to tell the truth.

It's embarrassing.

Ruan Tian raised her face and didn't give any light to the man beside her. She said, "I'm willing to do it."

Mr. Shen said, "it's too late for me to know about your divorce. Shen Hui has treated you badly. I didn't teach my grandson well."

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Ruan Tian listened with her head down.

"I know you like Shen..."

The trough.

She couldn't bear it.

Ruan Tian immediately raised her head, "no, grandfather Shen, I don't like Shen amnesty for a long time. Don't get me wrong. I am willing to marry and divorce."

Mr. Shen's words were stuck in the air, and he couldn't go on.

Shen Hui's face was ugly. His masseter muscles, his shaking fingers, his clenched fists, his stiff back, and the stabbing pain in the back of his head made him in a bad state.

After relaxing for a long time, Mr. Shen said, "if you want any compensation, just tell me. If you want to remarry, I agree, and Mr. Shen will have no problem."

In front of the elders, Ruan Tian can't say that you just give me some money.

Like a beggar, not respectable.

She said: "no need to make up, Grandpa Shen. I've had a good life. This marriage was a mistake. Now that the mistake has been solved perfectly, I have no worries."

At this point.

Old master Shen is too weak to help his grandson.

Ruan Tian's front foot just left, and Shen Hui's back foot also left the study.

He was hurt by Ruan Tian's words, and his nightmares all night made him sleepy.

During this time, Shen Hui always remembered the picture of the spring outing in senior three. He was carried to the cave in the heavy rain, and the man held him tightly.

Soft body, soft fragrance.

He took her by the waist, kissed her on the lips and said he would marry her.

The girl's face is Zhou Xiaoqiao's in the blink of an eye, suddenly it will become Ruan Tian's.

He couldn't tell who it was.

Shen Hui had a guess in his heart.

Words and expressions can lie.

But he only smelled the familiar fragrance on Ruan Tian.

In his one night stand with Ruan Tian, which was not very pleasant.

The fragrance in the girl's neck nest is the same as the smell in his hazy.

Shen Hui smashed his fist on the snow-white wall, and his knuckles slowly shed blood.

He leaned against the windowsill with a cigarette in his mouth. His hand with the lighter was shaking. The light of the fire shook several times and couldn't be lit.


not long after Mr. Shen's birthday, the movie "unknown" has been officially released on June 30, which is the first time for the summer program of cinema.

"Unknown" has also been shown in major cities in advance.

After a period of rest, Ruan Tian has something to do again. When the film is released, she has to run along with the crew for publicity.

Cheng Suian's appeal far exceeds that of some second-line actors.

Tickets ordered in advance sold out early.

For the sake of publicity, the film side held another film viewing meeting for the media in the industry.

The major film critics are invited to the cinema to watch the film in advance.

Ruan Tian, one of the leading actors, has not seen the film yet, and the film critics have been ahead of the others and finished the whole film.

At the end of the film watching meeting, they are allowed to make some pertinent comments without being spoiled.

@Guagua watching a movie: just after watching "unknown", this movie is absolutely going to explode. What surprised me most is the performance of the female sophomore, which vividly interprets the two words of despair.

@Elder martial Brother movie: two words after watching: will explode.

@Jiangjiang junior sister: Li Dong's performance gives full play to her power as a movie queen. Qin An is in line with the rules and Ruan Tian's acting skills are broken.

@Xiaopinggu has no poisonous tongue: "unknown" is the best movie of this year by visual inspection. The plot is good, the actors are good, especially the female two. It's so smart. I lost my contact lens when I cried. I can see that the actor who is not very famous has a bright future. (this one really doesn't charge)

the movie has not been shown yet, which is very mysterious.

Even if there is a high praise in the industry, even if there is a bit of public praise, it is also popular.

But audiences who are used to being cheated by film reviews can hardly believe the comments of film critics. They think that they are all taking money to do things and going through the process of praising others.

They didn't believe a word before they went into the cinema.

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