On the day of the premiere of unknown, Ruan Tian's support club prepared her for the first time in her life.

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Ruan Tian was sitting in the nanny's car, looking at her own Yi Labao and banner outside the front door. She was surprised for a moment. Then she picked up the window, stuck close to the glass, carefully read the words on the banner, "sweet boy, the world is so noisy, I'll take you to escape to a planet in parallel space."

"Thinking of you in every corner of the world, I feel that the whole world has become gentle."

"No sugar in the world is as sweet as you."

"Come home with me, I'll protect you."

Ruan Tian secretly took photos of Yilabao, Daoqi and banners on her mobile phone and kept them in the mobile phone album.

After passing through the main door and approaching the entrance, Ruan Tian thought for a moment, slowly rolled down the window, and then waved to these fans with a smile, "thank you."

Crazy screams burst into her ears.

"Ah, my sister laughed at me."

"I'm dead with no regrets, wuwuwu, I'll help my sister in the future!"

"Come on, baby!"!!! We've been there all the time. "

Ruan Tian used to be a stand in group, and she envied the fans who played the leading role and had a lot of support. She still remembers the drinks she got from the backup of the male leading role at that time, the Starbucks for more than 30 yuan and the ice peach.

In the middle of summer, she was holding a plastic cup, biting a straw, and hiding in the shade with some other group actors waiting for the show. "I think I will have so many good fans in the future," she said

"It's good to dream, everyone has to have a hope," the group actor said with a laugh

Ruan Tian continued to bite the straw in her mouth and said seriously, "I'm not dreaming."

She's chasing a dream.

Before the premiere ceremony, Ruan Tian met Qin An backstage, surrounded by a large circle of staff, it seems that he has just finished the interview.

Qin An is still wriggling in front of Ruan Tian. He walks over and says, "how did you come here?"

He often plays a big role in this kind of work, all ahead of time.

Ruan Tian actually got stuck!?

Ruan Tian expressed doubt, "am I late?"

Qin An turned his lips and said, "No."

He suddenly became more reasonable. "But can't you come earlier? My uncle is already here

Ruan Tian didn't understand where Qin An was aggrieved.

I didn't pay any attention to him.

But sitting in front of the make-up mirror, waiting for the make-up artist to make up for her.

After Qin An was busy, he circled around her as if he had nothing to do. He wanted to ask her and Shen Hui how they are now. Later, he wanted to ask her and his brother what's going on?

When the words came to his mouth, Qin An felt that it was not appropriate, so he closed his mouth.

Qin An is really irritable. It seems that he has been irritable ever since he made this movie with Ruan Tian.

On the day of shaqing's death, he felt a terrible reluctance.

Ruan Tian can't stand the men walking around behind her. Did Qin An take the wrong medicine!!!

She kindly suggested, "young master Qin, or would you like to sit down and have a rest first?"

Qin An snorted haughtily, dragged a chair to her side and sat down. His eyes were staring at the girl in the mirror. He was stunned, and immediately felt angry.

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He said, "Ruan Tian, don't seduce my brother."

Ruan Tian can't help but ask, what does Qin An think in his mind?

Seeing that she didn't answer, Qin An thought that she was in her mind. He said with his legs up, "my brother likes ladies, not you."

Qin An remembers that when he saw Ruan Tian's affair with his brother before, it was strange everywhere.

How to go around, Ruan Tian is his mother's sister-in-law!!!

What the hell.

In order to curb this unhealthy atmosphere, Qin An must cut down the grass and root in time.

Qin An felt that he had done a good deed. He didn't hate Ruan Tian for a long time. Sometimes he sympathized with her. He didn't know how this man survived, such a young man.

What virtue does Qin an know about his brother?

Although the body bone is not very good, but the heart is ruthless, the manner is full of arrogance.

Ruan Tian's personality, if really with his brother, can't be good.

Qin An probably also knows that once Ruan Tian is in love, ten cows can't be pulled back, which is useless.

He continued: "and my brother had a girl he liked since he was in high school. You really have no chance."

Qin An felt that he was like a great master with complete merits. He was the kind who advised people to look back.

He can't get into his brother's room.

In high school, it was an accident.

Qin An is so bold that when his brother is away, he sneaks in to steal the game machine. When he rummages through the box, he sees that the drawer at the head of the bed is full of girls' things.It's a cheap hairpin, a worn-out bracelet, a few math papers, fragmented post it notes, and a pink water cup.

Only then did Qin an know.

His brother had someone he liked.

Ruan Tian is really not interested in Qin Yu's emotional history.

It's none of her business! She didn't want to hear it.

my ear! my ear!

"Qin An, I'm not really familiar with your brother."

Qin An frowned and became angry when she saw that the oil and salt did not enter.

"You don't listen." Qin An was a good man for the first time in his life, so he was ruthlessly dismissed, which made him very angry.

Ruan Tian saw that he said so many words, and kindly handed him a glass of water, "run run throat."

Qin An gave a cold cry, and then --

"Ruan Tian, do you want to please me now?"

"I tell you, you want to be my sister-in-law?"

"You dream!"

Ruan Tian: Damn it, Shabi.


due to the popularity of the click Show, the press conference of "unknown" has made a huge impact, and thanks to director Cheng Suian's contacts, many famous stars in the circle have been invited to help.

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Many of them have retired for several years.

Half an hour before the premiere.

A staff member in the cinema conveniently sent a commemorative microblog: "it's a piece of irrelevant material. Today's premiere of" unknown ", the presidents of the two largest investors will be present. I have just met them in the VIP lounge."

The biggest investors in the movie "unknown" are Huanshi entertainment and Qin's films.

So after Ruan Tian was selected as the second girl, the backstage theory became very noisy and was scolded as overheated.

Shen Hui will also go to this news, so that the drug addicts will revive.

One by one, they are in high spirits.

"I didn't expect that I could eat these two people's candy in my lifetime."

"A couple who loved deeply and hated deeply."

"Compound is reunion, not compound is love to the depth of the choice to let you go, no matter how I can knock."

Shen amnesty is a name for Ruan Tian's fans.

They don't like the cold president at all.

"Shen Hui, the dog who let his ex-wife clean out of the house, has the face to appear in front of his sister again and again."

"Get the hell out of here."

"Online practice, this time after his sister and he no longer intersect."

Jiang Li doesn't have to be a fan to know this. She even saw the news on the Internet to know that Shen Hui is here.

Black eyes, gnashing teeth.

Although Ruan Tian said that in her life she and Shen Hui had him but not me, this kind of separation from the river could not help her push away.

Jiang Li told Ruan Tian about it with a bitter face.

Three familiar words came out of Ruan sweetheart.

Damn it.

Jiang Li comforted: "he should just sit in the guest seat under the stage."

Ruan Tian said, "Oh, it doesn't matter."

That's bullshit.

At the beginning of the press conference, all the creators and directors were invited to the stage.

As expected, Ruan Tian saw Shen Hui in the first row of the guest seats. He was wearing a black suit with a calm look and cold eyes.

Shen Hui's hands on his legs unconsciously clenched into fists. On his grandfather's birthday, he personally heard Ruan Tian say that their marriage was a mistake, and then he became seriously ill.

When you are sick, you always feel there is someone around you.

As soon as he looked up, it was as if he could see the girl sitting by the bed reading him an English book.

Blink again, and there will be no one.

When Shen Hui is confused, he will ask the nanny what Ruan Tian likes to eat at home?

Nanny just as he is burned silly, told him that his wife has never lived in the old house.

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Not long after they got married, they separated.

Ruan Tian left his world very early.

The determined and unrequited are separated from his world.

Ruan Tian did not squint, coldly moved his eyes.

But very unlucky, on the Qin Yu that pair of smiling eyes.

Cold white delicate face, as always.

Misfortune never comes alone!

There are two gods of pestilence.

Under the stage, a reporter from the entertainment board asked, "how did director Cheng decide to let Ruan Tian play this role at that time?"

Cheng Suian gave a deep pause and then said, "because she played very well. When she auditioned, her performance was amazing. No one was more suitable for this role than her. It turns out that she did well and didn't disappoint the audience. I appreciate her very much and will work with her when I have the chance."

This sentence comes from director Cheng Suian, and its weight is different.All his films are excellent.

So far, no one has been able to play in his films twice in a row.

Most of the reporter's questions revolved around the two male and female stars,

only at the end of the premiere ceremony did someone ask Ruan Tian a question, "is there any problem in Ruan Tian's film this time?"

Ruan Tian smiles, "actually it's OK."

The reporter can't ask how to go on all of a sudden!

At the end of the question session, the main guests left one after another.

Backstage lounge has been surrounded by two lines of black bodyguards.

The atmosphere was unusual.

Qin Yu was sitting lazily in Ruan Tian's original position, fiddling with her bag with her fingers. As for Shen Hui, he had already left at the end of the meeting.

Ruan Tian pretended not to have this person, picked up his bag and left.

The bodyguard outside the door is firmly at the door.

Qin Yu gave her a smile, "teacher Ruan Tian, don't you give face so much?"

Ruan Tian was as silent as a gourd.

What are you doing with this psycho!

She used this method to deal with Qin Yu in high school. She either ran when she saw him, couldn't run away, or was so angry with him that she didn't say a word to him.

But when Qin met this man, his mouth was cheap.

She shut her mouth and ignored him, so he called her dumb.

Ruan Tian looked down at the tip of her feet. Her brain was spinning and spinning, and she was thinking a lot.

All of a sudden, there was a flash in her mind.

Qin Yu hasn't appeared in front of her once in the two years when she and Shen Hui were still husband and wife.

From the day of her divorce, the frequency of his appearance was very terrible.

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Ruan Tian suddenly raised her head and opened her mouth.

Qin Yu eyebrows suddenly happy, "don't you play dumb games with me?"

Ruan Tian asked, "do you see where Shen Hui has gone?"

The temperature in men's eyes is cooling inch by inch, and the hysterical emotion of Sen Leng is pressed in the depth.

His smile gradually disappeared, sneering, "do you want to see him?"

Ruan Tian said, "yes, I'll talk to him about remarriage."

Voice landing.

Ruan Tian felt the evil spirit of relaxation.

He looked at her in silence, silent, like a madman in his emotions.

Qin Yu's mental state seemed to be in a state of extreme tension. His hoarse voice seemed to come out from the depth of his throat, with cold white face and dark cold eyes.

Until several days later in her dream, Ruan Tian still remembered Qin Yu's look at that time.

She told Jiang Li about it.

Jiang Li said firmly that Qin Yu just liked her.

Ruan Tian is full of question marks. Is it true that someone's love in this world is so distorted?

Love her and bully her?

This reminds me of the novels written by the chief executive.

Although I dig your kidney, dig your heart, hit your fetus, but I love you!

Ruan Tian was so shocked.

The shock level is similar to that of the woman in the novel who put the kidney dug out by the woman into her stomach and pretended to be pregnant.

Ruan Tian doesn't believe that Qin Yu likes her. Qin Yu just doesn't deal with her and loves her.

She was irritable and slept at home for a few days. When she was in a bad mood, she cleaned up at home. She also turned out a lot of trinkets returned by Shen Hui in high school.

At 11 a.m. on June 30, the first audience came out of the cinema.

On a certain film, the opening score of the film was nine points.

This is almost the highest score of Chinese movies in the last decade.

The box office of the premiere also broke the record, with pre-sale and the box office of that morning breaking 100 million.

Wanzan's film reviews are held high at the top.

"The choice of the leading role is good, and the choice of the supporting role is more ingenious. The despair and the final resolution of the girl played by Ruan Tian amazes me."

"The story is good, the actor is good, the performance is good, Ruan Tian cried, I also cried, my heart was pulled up."

"It's really hard to imagine that a few months ago, I was also the one who abused Ruan Tian's backstage coffee BISS."

"When I ordered the film, my reputation burst. At that time, I didn't believe how good Ruan Tian's performance was. After watching the film today, I found that I couldn't boast one tenth of her poor vocabulary. It was really good."

There are four or five hot searches about movies.

The discussion about the film emerges in endlessly, and more and more people begin to pay attention to the problem of girl abduction and trafficking.

Ruan Tian also jumped out of the circle from a little famous little star in the pink circle, and formally entered the public's attention, becoming an actor who can be remembered.

After three years of precipitation, Ruan Tian's fans soared by 600000 in the morning.

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