Actually, before the movie "unknown" came out.

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Some superstitious people have posted prophecy posts, which have been on the front page since the film was put on file.

Buy stocks, boom or Bust? 】

"Pu Ma didn't recognize it, and Ruan Tian gave me a sense of loss."

"It can't explode. It's so easy to explode that there will be several top streams every year."

"Dianying has a good reputation. Take it easy upstairs, bitch."

"Is there anyone who believes in it now? Who doesn't know that the so-called professional film critics are paid to work. Generally speaking, the movies that blow very hard at the beginning will be full of vigor and vitality in the end. "

"Hahaha, I'm looking forward to the day when Ruan Tian is returned by the film circle."

Until "unknown" box office took 200 million the day before, high marks open painting, word-of-mouth burst, this post was dug out again.

"Ha ha ha, it's really against the spirit of words."

"I like grave digging posts so much. I can't see my best faces now."

"Sure enough, this kind of thing is not accurate, especially for Ruan Tian."

No one thought that Ruan Tian was so popular.

The heat of the work is quite different from that of the gossip.

After three days of release, the box office of the movie "unknown" kept rising, rapidly breaking through 500 million, making a good start for the summer season.

And the box office trend is excellent, the box office on weekdays is still going up.

The audience entering the cinema is not the same as the so-called huangquan road who likes to be on the Internet.

They haven't even heard of Ruan Tian's messy gossip. All they know is that the actress played well, got her name and paid attention to it.

Within three days, Ruan Tian's total number of Weibo fans has risen to six million.

While the film was well received, the role played by Ruan Tian also gained a lot of affirmation.

"Born actor", "light of the big screen", "the last actress in the entertainment industry with both beauty and strength" and so on. We media and bloggers used exaggeration to blow her up.

Doughnuts are even more happy than Ruan Tian himself. All kinds of forwarding lucky draw give movie tickets and invite passers-by to watch movies for free.

One fan ran after Ruan Tian as soon as she joined the circle and played soy sauce in the major drama groups. She was so excited that she cried at home.

When she liked Ruan Tian, Ruan Tian didn't have any activities. In that year, all the roles in the group were soy sauce roles with no more than five minutes of play.

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She used all kinds of channels to chase Ruan Tian, sneaked to the airport to follow her, watched her go to the audition, watched her fall asleep when she was waiting to board the plane, watched her occasionally participate in one or two variety shows, all standing in the corner, clearly standing on the stage, but more like an audience.

After she cried, she wiped her tears and published a blog post entitled "all efforts in the world are fruitful".

"Two years ago, I got to know this little girl. Regardless of the company, she went to fight for everything by herself. After a hard audition, she didn't complain about being cut off. She continued to send her resume in dahengguo, from the female number n who had lines to the substitute who didn't even deserve to show her face. She fell asleep in the airport and didn't know her role until the crew I've seen her work too hard in the past two years when she was cancelled temporarily and rushed home by the cheapest plane in the morning. "

"Tiantian can come to this stage, not because of God's favor, but because she is willing to endure the dark time when she is lonely and can't see her head at a glance."

Over ten thousand sensational essays have been forwarded.

There are no stars with good reviews in the pink circle.

But at least Ruan Tian won a certain favor among the public through her works.

Countless media have sent out olive branches for interviews, and several popular variety shows of the season have also been invited to participate in the program.

There are hundreds more wechat friends on Ruan Tian's mobile phone, most of them are insiders.

When Ruan Tian didn't have any real feelings about Hong, the amount of comments on her microblog clearly told her that she really broke away from the team of Roubi and formally entered the team of Xiaohua waiting to explode.

There are more scripts in Ruan Tian's hands, but most of them are scripts like "cold Lord's wife", "Gao Leng's wife for president" and "sweet wife".

Ruan Tian glanced at the first paragraph and stood up with goose bumps:

[the LORD said coldly: "you don't deserve to give birth to my son!" The princess burst into tears: "no, please let go of my child." 】

[three years ago, the president mercilessly sent her to prison to plead for his beloved woman. After she got out of prison, he said, "sleep with me until I'm satisfied, and I'll let you go." 】

O! M! G!

Ruan Tian's Three Outlooks have been impacted.

These chief executive Wang Ye don't look very smart Yazi.

Jiang Li is also very helpless. The quality of the scripts recently handed over is really not very high. They can only wait for a good script.

But in this period of time when there is no shooting, you can't do nothing, can you?

So Jiang Lili reported to Ruan Tian the variety show he had recently thrown out an olive branch: "two cooking variety shows, one for performance competition, and one for brain competition. Let's choose one?"Ruan Tian said sincerely, "I don't want to cook any more."

Jiang Li is more inclined to the variety show of performance competition, with a high degree of topic and many big men in the circle.

Ruan Tian thought about it and said, "well, I'm not interested in this kind of things."

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if she was better than the other actors sitting on the judges?

"So, are you going to the variety show of brain sports! Don't you count in your heart? " Jiang Li almost roared.

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Ruan Tian shook her head. "I've failed in math. What are you doing there?"!? Be humiliated? Sobbing. "

She's been humiliated enough.

Jiang Li asked again, "do you want to stay at home? Nothing? "

Ruan Tian has made a decision, "I'm going to take part in the escape program. The director is the former director of" variable star plan ". He sent me a five digit red envelope. I didn't hold it. Wuwuwuwu."

Jiang Li

All right, she likes it.


Zhou Xiaoqiao saw that after Ruan Tian's rise in the entertainment circle, he couldn't eat well and sleep well, so he lost a lot of weight.

She wants to be in the entertainment business, but she knows her parents don't like it.

Zhou Xiaoqiao won't do what her parents don't like. She will always play their good girl.

So Zhou Xiaoqiao can only send photos on the Internet, occasionally open one or two live shows.

In order to take photos, she sprained her foot and her ankle was so swollen that she couldn't go out for a week.

When Shen Hui came to the Zhou family, Zhou Xiaoqiao thought he was worried about her.

She lay on the bed and tried to smile. "Brother Shen, I'm ok."

Shen Hui didn't know that she sprained her ankle.

He looked at the gentle girl in front of him, who he had taken care of since childhood.

She is delicate and vulnerable, but is that really the case?

"What's wrong with the feet?" Shen asked

Zhou Xiaoqiao's eyes turned red. "I blame myself for being too careless. That day, I was in a hurry to go out to chase Tiantian. I stepped on the stairs at the door, but I didn't have time to take care of it. Now it's like this."

Zhou Xiaoqiao really didn't hurt Ruan Tian, but all the mistakes were reasonable to Ruan Tian every time.

Shen Hui frowned and his face was slightly cold.

He knows that Zhou Xiaoqiao is lying.

In recent months, Shen Hui has been staring at Ruan Tian. They have never met each other.

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Zhou Xiaoqiao was not comfortable with Shen Hui's gaze. She kept calm and asked, "brother Shen Hui, what's wrong with me?"

Shen Hui looks at her with profound meaning. He always thinks that Zhou Xiaoqiao is a delicate flower that needs to be cared for. She is beautiful, generous, sensible, knowledgeable and gentle, which really meets his requirements for his partner.

But these days, Shen Hui found that Zhou Xiaoqiao was not as delicate as he thought.

She has a plan of her own.

"Nothing." Shen amnesty caressed the Buddhist beads on his wrist carelessly, and then asked: "how did you find me in senior three?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao's heartstrings are tight, "halfway up the mountain."

Shen Hui made a sound and didn't seem to doubt the truth of her words.

Zhou Xiaoqiao squeezed his hand tightly, and his eyes were red. "I was scared that time. I almost thought I would not find you."

Shen said lightly, "have a good rest, I'll go first."

He knew that Zhou Xiaoqiao had lied again.

Shen Hui is very disappointed.

After signing the contract with the director, Ruan Tian had a drink together.

The director expressed a feeling of regret for meeting her late, and said that as early as in the "variable star" when she saw the potential to red!

Come and go, drink a little too much.

Ruan Tian drinks faintly and goes to the street to take a taxi. There seems to be a double shadow in front of her eyes. She sees two Shen amnesties.

The cold wind blows on the face, and the wine blows away a little.

Ruan Tian found out.

Oh, it's not an illusion.

Shen Hui seems to be nearby. He seems to be surprised to see her here, standing three meters away from her.

This distance reminds Ruan Tian of the past.

She belched. Before Shen Hui spoke, she said, "ah, Shen Hui, do you remember one time I was bullied by gangsters?"

Shen is still in the same place.

Ruan Tian gave him a gesture with his hand, "at that time, you were probably so far away from me."

Shen Hui's fingers supported the car body, and the carpal bone seemed to take off.

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"You smile, you say five words, and then you go."

Five words that are so reasonable that she can't refute -- none of my business.

Ruan Tian had a soft temper after drinking some wine. If she was conscious at the moment, she might want to beat Shen Hui and let him go.

Shen Hui's voice was hoarse and could not hear the original voice, "don't say any more."Stop it.

Don't remind him again.

His pride and Prejudice hurt her so much.

Ruan Tian Yi voice, "what's the matter, what's the matter, you son of a bitch dare to do, dare not listen?"

She yawned, "come on, I'm sleepy. I don't want to talk to you."

"I'm going to sleep with five boyfriends tonight."

Shen Hui stretched out his hand to hold her wrist, and the teeth clenched with force.

Ruan Tian gave him a white look, "you let go, don't disturb my sleep, young * *!"

Shen Hui pinches her hand to ache, the bloodshot in the eye spreads, "you have a boyfriend so quickly?"

Grumpy Ruan Tian went online: "what else? Do I want to be a widow for you? "

I don't care if she does. I'll force her to pretend first.

Of course, Ruan Tian didn't sleep with her younger brother. She lost sleep because of alcohol stimulation.

By three in the morning, her eyes were still open, staring at the ceiling.

Ruan Tian can only play with her mobile phone when she is bored, but she can't control her hand. She is disgusted by Zhou Xiaoqiao, and she still has to stare at her micro blog.

Xiao Qiao: ah, I took photos at home today. I'm so happy.

The bottom is full of praise from fairies.

Step on her by the way: she must be more beautiful than your sister! Although I haven't seen her, she must be very ugly.

Ruan Tian ha ha's sneer, the clatter of the keyboard, commented: "the distortion of Jingxiu photo P, Zhou Xiaoqiao real person does not look like this ah hey."

Ruan Tian didn't realize it before she went to bed with her mobile phone.

She uses a gold V, real name authenticated microblog.

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