In fact, Zhou Xiaoqiao is not as good-looking as Ruan Tian, and her facial features are not as delicate as Ruan Tian, and her complexion is far less beautiful than Ruan Tian.

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So in the year when Ruan Tian was found back, Zhou Xiaoqiao was a little envious when he saw the face that was similar to her but more beautiful than her.

Ruan Tian's arrival means that she should give her half of the love she has.

She didn't want to.

Fortunately, mother's bias is her own.

Fortunately, they don't like the new girl either.

Zhou Xiaoqiao thought Ruan Tian would be so unpopular, but recently she felt the threat from Ruan Tian.

Shen Hui's questioning, Qin Yu's warning, and other people have more or less said "ah, Ruan Tian seems to be very good" in front of her.

Zhou Xiaoqiao will not wait to die.

What Ruan Tian can do, she can, and she can do better.


Ruan Tian woke up from hunger the next day. She got up from bed and made a simple breakfast for herself. After eating and drinking enough, she stretched herself.

The weather is excellent, Ruan Tian will open the curtains in the room, in order to let the sun shine into the room better.

Then she nestled in the living room sofa, bored to watch the movie.

Looking at the rise of the time, Jiang Li's phone crazy call came in, suddenly hit a sentence, "Ruan Tian! Don't you claim to have more than ten microblog trumpets!! You diss Zhou Xiaoqiao used a large size last night

Jiang Li's phone calls this morning have been blown up.

Colleagues both inside and outside the company came to her and asked her, is there any conflict between Ruan Tian and Bai Fumei on Weibo? How did you say that mercilessly?

Jiang Li knew that his intuition was not good.

Climb the Internet to see, sure enough, Ruan Tian and Zhou Xiaoqiao's things have been on the hot search trend.

Ruan Tian is also confused.

Take out the mobile phone to confirm, she seems to really forget to cut the number.

"It's said that she's gone. Don't want me to delete it. There's no way!"

Zhou Xiaoqiao is the favorite woman in this book. It's good, but she's not a man. Why should she bear her all the time?

Jiang Li also didn't want her to delete, "don't look at the microblog, I'm afraid you can't stand it."

Ruan Tian thought about it and said, "it doesn't matter. I have a thick skin."

How to say.

The voice on the Internet is different from Ruan Tian's imagination.

I thought that countless keyman would rush into her microblog site, and it would be a curse to catch her.

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But this time Zhou Xiaoqiao seems to have overturned.

Rice circle girl: [it took me a whole night to figure out why Ruan Tian suddenly raped Zhou Xiaoqiao, a beautiful woman with rich white hair! Because Ruan Tian seems to be the sister who often appears in Bai Fumei's microblog 】

Ruan Tian and Zhou Xiaoqiao are sisters, and few people know about them.

The drama of plastic sisters has always been to the taste of the public.

People who eat melons at the theatre are too busy to come over.

"Wow, is this the legendary sister Bai Fumei? The bitches are bitches. "

"Hahaha, this little sister Qiao is a fox who has been practicing for thousands of years. She has all kinds of means. She seems to care about Ruan Tian, but she's not being demoted."

"No wonder Ruan Tian would hate her. If it were me, I would not tolerate her face-to-face and back-to-back habits. I would have to kill her."

"I laugh to death, mainly because of the distortion of real P. she forgot the shadow of P, ha ha ha."

"Sister, you're really in the eye."

"I advise you to send less youth pain literature. You just need to send photos of cosmetics and bags!"

"Ruan Tian is really a cow. Now she's very curious about what her sister looks like. She's certainly not good-looking."

Zhou Xiaoqiao was criticized for being ill with Qi.

If she was more or less pretending to be ill several times before, this time she was really affected by Qi disease.

She has never been scolded like this since she was a child. Some people say that she is fake and deliberately drag Ruan Tian out to step on her feet. Others call her ugly. More people say that she is very pretentious.

Zhou Xiaoqiao seems to have been scolded to the pain of the feet, and she can't bear the shame and anger after being exposed by them.

That morning, Zhou Xiaoqiao weeped and deleted all his microblogs.

She felt she couldn't breathe, and her aunt called a car to take her to the hospital.

Ruan Tian did not expect that Zhou Xiaoqiao was scolded into the hospital.

According to Ruan Tian's understanding of Zhou's mother, Zhou's mother will certainly blame her for this, and will probably ask her to apologize to Zhou Xiaoqiao.

So Ruan Tian bought a bunch of flowers and went to the hospital by herself.

In the ward, Zhou Xiaoqiao's face was haggard and her eyes were red and swollen. It seemed that she had been crying for a long time. Zhou's mother comforted her.

There are not only two of them in the ward, but also Qin An, who happens to come to visit the goddess, and Shen Hui, who comes to visit on behalf of his mother.Ruan Tian picks her eyebrows and knocks on the door.

Zhou's mother looked at her without expression, "you still know how to come."

Zhou Xiaoqiao gently pulled his mother's hand, "Mom, don't blame her..."

Ruan Tian chuckled, "of course you can't blame me. It's not that I scold you for being ugly or that I scold you for being artificial."

Zhou Xiaoqiao stuck in his chest and couldn't spit it out.

Face white and red, red and white, wonderful.

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Ruan Tian thinks Zhou Xiaoqiao is suffocating.

She put the flower in her hand on the head of the bed, and now she can say whatever she wants.

"You can take good care of yourself in the hospital. Don't think about how to harm others. The more you think about it, the worse your health will be. If you think too much, you may step into the palace of hell. How sad it will be for the white haired people to send the black haired people away."

Be a vicious matchmaker.

The happiness index doubled.

I don't care if Zhou Xiaoqiao is a woman.

No matter what other people think.

She'll be happy first.

Shen Hui stood aside and frowned.

Zhou Xiaoqiao explained: "I didn't want to hurt you. I don't know when you misunderstood me."

Ruan Tian lifted her hair and laughed, "when I was in high school, I secretly tore my summer homework, so that I was scolded by my teacher and almost couldn't get a name. Do you think I don't know about it? "

Zhou Xiaoqiao's delicate fingers clenched the white sheet under his body, unable to say a word.

Shen Hui's eyes gradually changed as he looked at Zhou Xiaoqiao.

Zhou's mother murmured, "Ruan Tian, you've had enough. Do you have to force your sister to death before you give up?"

"Is she dead now?" Ruan Tian replied coldly.

Zhou's mother took a deep breath. "I knew that. I shouldn't have picked you up at the beginning."

You're in malagobi.

Ruan Tian was tired of listening to this kind of words. She had no waves in her heart and even wanted to laugh.

"I regret getting on your ship."

No money!

I also want to donate so much blood to Zhou Xiaoqiao for nothing!!!

She's the one who's been sucked, okay!?

Zhou's mother can't believe what Ruan Tian said, thief boat?

How dare she compare the Zhou family to a thief ship?

"That's what you do to the parents who gave birth to you and raised you? That's your upbringing? If you apologize, I'll take it as if I didn't hear anything

"I'll let bygones be bygones for the mistakes you've made before. As long as you are willing to make good corrections and sincerely admit a mistake, the Zhou family will still be your home."

Ruan Tian was silent.

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She took out a card from her bag and put it in front of Zhou's mother. "This is the bank card you gave me. Although it has been frozen for 12 months in a year, I think I'd better give it back to you."

"It's the only thing the Zhou family gave me, but I feel dirty with it."

In the TV series, parents and children are tearing.

Generally speaking, children cry to their parents and say, you just treat my daughter as dead.

But Ruan Tian is not.

She is not.

She continued, "from today on, I'll treat you all as dead."

"I'm an orphan without father, mother or sister."

Ruan Tian pauses for a moment, looks at Zhou Xiaoqiao who is delicate and weak, and finds that her tears have been brewing.

Ruan sweetheart made a noise.

There's more to say.

Zhou's mother fainted.

Right in front of her.

Before Zhou's mother fainted, she pointed to Ruan Tian and kept shaking.

Ruan Tian was really afraid that she would end up with such hatred.

She watched coldly as the doctors and nurses came in, then turned and left.

Qin An, who had seen such a battle, was too scared to move at that time. He said, "brother Shen, I'm a little scared."

Ruan Tian is too fierce.

Shen Hui wanted to laugh but couldn't.

Qin An whispered again, "but I think aunt Zhou is really too much. She is too eccentric."

Shen Hui made a sound.

He was not in a good mood. It seemed that Ruan Tian had always been like this. He was not valued and spoiled in the Zhou family. It seemed that it was a matter of course that he bullied her.

Shen Hui slowly raised his eyes, and his cold eyes floated down on Zhou Xiaoqiao's face with tears. A kind of boredom suddenly rose in his heart.

He thought he liked Zhou Xiaoqiao.

But it turns out that's all.

I didn't really want to see her.

See her endless tears, will also be tired and impatient.

Zhou Xiaoqiao immediately flustered, wiped tears, "Shen pardon elder brother, my mother will be ok?"

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Shen Hui pulled the corners of his mouth without any emotion, "you need to ask the doctor."He didn't stay much.

And Ruan Tian almost time to the hospital, and she almost time to leave.

Shen Hui stood in the parking lot of the hospital for a while. When he was in a bad mood, he gradually became addicted to smoking. He took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. When he lit the fire, he remembered that Ruan Tian himself and he admitted that he had a boyfriend not long ago. The lighter in his hand trembled, and the fire went out again and again.


after Ruan Tian unilaterally broke off his relationship with the Zhou family, she felt relieved.

Director Liu informed her that she was going to record "escape from the chamber of secrets" next Wednesday.

This is the key project of the fruit stage this year, which is known as the S-level investment, aiming to create a popular fund.

On Saturday, all the guests of the program group made an official announcement together.

The names of Xu Jing and Qin An are also on the list. They are created by the same team of "variable star plan".

A few people on the topic immediately raised their expectations to a high point.

"Is the Shura hall coming? The ultimate battle between patio CP and sunny CP

"Change the name of this program to Ruan Tian and her men!"

"Director of the astrolabe, that's over. This program must be stinky and long."

"The director's bad taste is to torture the guests and wish them good luck."

"High IQ game, the program team invited Ruan Tian, should be to see her pretty smart?"

It's great again.

Only powder opened one eye, closed one eye, as long as not too much engage in yellow, they put up with it.

The movie hasn't been released yet, and variety shows are on their way.

Ruan Tian has become a popular female star in recent years.

Actress Liu Yile, who had been auditioning with Ruan Tian before, had a toothache. She was paranoid that if Ruan Tian hadn't robbed her role at the beginning and stepped into the film circle today, it would be her who would become a little popular.

Liu Yile didn't dare to move because of his frequent pictures, but during this period of time, the man never moved again.

She also gradually relaxed.

Jealousy blinds people.

Why did she sacrifice so much and not get the same resources?

She had been dormant for nearly ten years before she came to this stage, while Ruan Tian only took three years?!

Liu Yile is cruel and wants to pull Ruan Tian into the water.

She spent a lot of time and energy, and finally found the handle of Ruan Tian.

Only four hours after the official announcement of "role play: escape from the chamber of secrets", Ruan Tian was expelled from the film academy.

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