[Ruan Tian, a student of grade 2017 performance class 1 of our school, has been absent from class for 22 hours without any reason, and has seriously violated the school discipline and rules. After the college's research and decision, Ruan Tian is now expelled from school. 】

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in black and white, with the seal of the school.

This dismissal notice doesn't look like a fake.

Ruan Tian thinks that the person who received the notice of her dismissal is pretty good. Three years ago, everything was turned over and made old accounts.

Look, this is the precise way to sprinkle salt on the wound.

Ruan Tian felt that her heart was more painful than that of the female owner of Ba Zong's literature who had been dug up.

Ruan Tian recalled the story of why she was expelled, and once again confirmed that she was a crazy woman who lost her mind for love.

She pondered for a while, and by the way scolded the author that I killed your mother.

This is a masterpiece of dog's blood, which collects all the elements of women's literature.

There are not only white moonlight stand in, one night stand, but also amnesia, car accident, slag abuse and other elements.

Ruan Tian was admitted to the capital Film Academy with her first grade in professional courses and culture courses in China. In the final exam of the first semester of her freshman year, she was still the first in her class.

Teachers like her, no high school haze, she and classmates get along very well.

But the bad thing is that Ruan Tian had not been hit in the head at that time, and she didn't know that she was the girl who was destined to be cannon fodder in a book.

At that time, she was still a ruthless writer for love.

Shen Hui University was admitted to a foreign university before graduating from high school.

Just after entering school, I had a car accident on the way to participate in the activities.

Ruan Tian is in a hurry.

They're all in a hurry.

Now think about it, people in love all over the world should be beheaded.

Shen Hui is lying in the ICU of the hospital and gets on the ventilator. The doctor says that he is still conscious, but it is unknown whether he can wake up or when.

Ruan Tian is shameless and becomes a nurse for love.

After taking good care of Shen Hui for a month, he was transferred from the ICU to the general ward. Occasionally, he opened his eyes, but he fainted in a few seconds.

Ruan Tian looked after him for another two months. When the weather was fine, she would open the curtains in the ward so that he could bask in the sun. Then she would sit in front of the bed and read him fairy tales.

The school teacher made a lot of phone calls to her. After her explanation, the teacher expressed her understanding, but she could not violate the school regulations.

In the end, Ruan Tian was absent from the final exam, and she was given a notice of dismissal.

Ruan Tian took care of Shen Hui for three months, but he didn't wake up.

As soon as Zhou Xiaoqiao came, Shen Hui opened his eyes.

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This powerful and excessive aura of female master.

Ruan Tian now feels that she has done what the woman should do, but the benefits are all taken up by Zhou Xiaoqiao!

After Shen Hui regained consciousness.

Ruan Tian gave some hints. For example, it's a beautiful day today. It looks like the sun in the months when I took care of you.

Another example, ah, do you look out the window like the world in the fairy tale I read to you before.

Shen Hui regarded her as a clown and quietly watched her play.

Ruan Tian was guilty of his cold light eyes.

She's not the one who took credit! But she's guilty to hell.

Ruan Tian has made it clear.

Shen Hui thought she was lying when she was crazy.

Now, Ruan Tian is looking at the explicit dismissal documents that have been exposed on the Internet. She wants to print the documents and smash them on Shen Hui's face -

CNM opens your eyes to see if your father has lied!

But she held back.

The breeze is gentle and quiet.

"Without 22 class hours, Ruan Tian didn't concentrate on her study at all, did she?"

"Children don't want to learn from her. Please ask the stars of the performing arts circle to come back after college. Thank you."

"If you look at her Taimei's virtue, you should know that she won't be a good student."

"Fans can blow, the entertainment industry was expelled from school, the first person hahaha."

"So, Ruan Tian is now a high school graduate? 2333。”

"Her plot is really bad. I don't want to admit that capital Film Institute has such a student as her. The admissions office will regret recruiting her and wasting a quota."

Ruan Tian: sprinkle salt on the wound.

Jiang Li was more angry than Ruan Tian when he saw the news, and his lungs would explode.

Ruan Tian looks heartless and has few tears.

Jiang Lili's only two times, one time when she was fired, came back to hold her and wailed, that called a heart splitting.

Jiang Li thinks that this is Zhou Xiaoqiao's slave girl who is used to selling miserably. He wants to find her to settle the matter.

Dead white lotus robbed Ruan Tian's credit in those years, but now it's still a black hand?So when learning that Zhou Xiaoqiao will be discharged immediately, Jiang Lili drags Ruan Tian to stop her in advance.

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Zhou Xiaoqiao looks a little better than yesterday. After a few days, her face is ruddy. When she sees Jiang Lili and Ruan Tian, she is stunned for a long time.

She moved her lips before she could speak.

Jiang Li rushes over, grabs her hair and slaps her, "Zhou Xiaoqiao! Your mother is dead

Good scolding. I'd like to borrow your good words.

Ruan Tian was stunned.

In the heart one after another lie trough a few.

Then, play well.


Compared with Jiang Li, she is a real waste.

Zhou Xiaoqiao seems to be confused by this slap, covering his left face and staring at them incredulously, "you hit me?"

Jiang Lili's hands are hard, and her scalp is painful.

Zhou Xiaoqiao's face was a little distorted, and the mask of hypocrisy couldn't be put on for a moment. The originally pitiful look became venomous. There was no one in the ward, so she didn't have to be afraid of being seen by others. "Why do you beat me?"

Ruan Tian came to feel it. Leng Buding said, "if I beat you, I'll beat you. Do I have to choose a day?"

She learned this by taking notes online before.

It seems that the notes are not in vain.

Zhou Xiaoqiao's tears are painful.

Jiang Li is such a savage man.

"If you let go, if you don't, I'll call the police."

Jiang Li looked at the palm print on her face, gave a cold, then slowly released his hand.

Zhou Xiaoqiao did not hide his cold eyes at the moment, "sweet, you are not afraid to bully me like this, do they know?"

Ruan Tian: "I'm not afraid."

"You hurt me so many times, can't you slap me too much?"

"When Shen Hui was seriously injured and hospitalized, I took care of him day and night. Even if you go instead, why do you want to make my dismissal documents public?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao didn't do it, but when things broke out, she helped.

She looked around and made sure there was no one else. She suddenly laughed, "sister, you are stupid yourself. How can you blame me? I didn't say anything, but brother Shen awoke to see that I was the only one. He decided that I had been taking care of him. What's the use of blaming me? "

I'm so angry.

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Zhou Xiaoqiao, you are cheap!

Ruan Tian felt that a slap was really less.


She's not going to do it again.

Jiang Li still wants to rush up. Ruan Tian pulls her out of the ward and explains, "come again, she will definitely sue you."

Jiang Li snorted, barely satisfied, "just now my 18 dragon subduing palms are enough for her."

Ruan Tian laughed, slightly obscene.

She has a long memory.

She took out her mobile phone, and the wechat interface stayed in Shen's chat box.

Ruan Tian's thumb loosened. Just now, her voice chat with Zhou Xiaoqiao was sent to Shen Hui's wechat.

She is proud and proud -

Ruan Tian: [use your dog's ears to hear if I lied at the beginning of my life!!! 】

after sending, Shen Hui happily mentioned the "pull black delete" process.

After the hair, Ruan Tian raised her head and said, "I'm promising."

Jiang Li

Ruan Tian said: "I will also harm people."

Ruan Tian did not respond to the dismissal incident.

She didn't know how to respond. After all, it was a fact and she couldn't refute it.

The irony is getting louder and louder, and the battlefield is spreading to her microblog.

Ruan Tian still didn't want to defend herself, but fortunately she had a good relationship in the University, and her classmates came out to prove it for her.

@Actor history school: I had the honor to be a classmate with Ruan Tian for one semester. During that time, I finished the overdue homework together. She is a student with a correct learning attitude. Although I don't know the specific situation, I know something else about her dismissal.

@Sansan'er is a model: she and I are in the same class. We live in the dormitory next door. She has a very good entrance record. It seems that she is the first or the second. At the beginning, she was expelled because her family was ill. She went to take care of her.

@Voice actor Zhao Zhao: Ruan Tian was the first to enter our class, OK! The head teacher likes her. She is a good person. She likes to laugh very much. The final work of the group depends on her. I don't know what it's like to blackmail her.

As it gets better.

Ruan Tian's dismissal document was deleted by the whole network.

Overnight, all the marketing numbers were sealed, leaving only a small part of the clarification blog.

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This is the style of vigorous and resolute.

It's not like Qin's PR department.On the contrary, it is more like the way of entertainment around the world.


Wednesday's escape from the chamber of secrets was recorded as usual.

Ruan Tian arrived late. Outside the studio, she saw Qin an with a drooping head, like a child without freedom under the strict supervision of her parents.

Then Ruan Tian saw Qin Yu behind Qin An.

Ruan Tian sometimes thinks that Qin knows everything about her.

She was bullied by Zhou Xiaoqiao, and Zhou Xiaoqiao easily took all the credit. Qin Yu seemed to know all about it.

He just stood quietly in the dark, watching her jokes.

Qin Yu didn't seem to be looking for trouble this time. He hung his legs and leaned lazily by the door. When Ruan Tian was passing him by the wrong way, he casually asked, "I heard that you have a boyfriend?"

Ruan Tian said with a smile, "yes, there are more than one. They all love me and want to marry me. They also said that they would pay me liquidated damages and let me go home to have a good life ~"

they can't scold Qin Yu.

It's wonderful to be angry with him.

Qin Yu suddenly grabbed her wrist bone and asked sarcastically, "don't you want to remarry with Shen Hui?"

Qin An, an innocent passer-by, saw his brother and Ruan Tian "hand in hand". At that time, his pupils were shocked.

His brother's habit of cleanliness is so serious that he won't touch his brother's hand!

Ruan Tian feigned a smile and seemed to think seriously for a while. Then she said, "it's OK. After remarriage, have another child and make arrangements together."

"Thank you for reminding me."

Qin Yu was not angry, and gradually released his knuckles. "I remind you again that the company does not allow artists to fall in love, except with the boss."

Qin Yu is a good-looking man with beautiful facial features. His eyebrows and eyes seem to have been favored by heaven. His skin is white, his eyes are dark, and his nose bone is high.

In addition to the rather cold temperament, the appearance can not find other problems.

Ruan TianDun, unexpectedly feel Qin Yu look at this time has nine points gentle, she returned to God, don't want to talk about something with Qin Yu.

It's better for her to be a nun than to have an office romance with a boss like Qin Yu.

Ruan Tian wants to be a career woman!

She raised her eyes, looked at Qin Yu's face, and then said without feeling: "you get out of my way, don't get in my way."

Ruan Tian thought of those who said she was stupid and wanted to see her go to the streets. She couldn't wait to start killing everyone in the variety show escape.

Shut up, keymen.

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