Shen Hui listened to the voice message from Ruan Tian more than ten times. He leaned back on the sofa and repeatedly pressed the play button with his fingers.

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Zhou Xiaoqiao's voice echoed in the empty, cold, unpopular bedroom.

In the voice, Zhou Xiaoqiao's intonation is not as delicate and gentle as usual, and his words are not so sharp.

Shen Hui's face didn't change. He looked down at Ruan Tian's message and pulled up the corner of his mouth. He felt funny.

In recent days, he vaguely noticed that Zhou Xiaoqiao might have some caution of his own.

But also did not expect, Zhou Xiaoqiao's scheming so early used on his body.

Shen Hui suddenly remembered that Ruan Tian stopped his picture in front of the school classroom for the first time.

The girl has a pair of black eyes, bright eyes, she seems to be just after class, shortness of breath, some panting, cheeks slightly red, emitting hot air.

Bright eyes smile, leaving only two curved crescent moon.

The taste in Shen Hui's throat is astringent, and his cold eyes are not very clear.

He tried to get back to Ruan Tian.

The red exclamation mark on the screen reminds him that he has been deleted by Ruan Tian.

Shen Hui straightened up, picked up the suit jacket on the sofa, and then looked up at the dark sky.

He took the car key, and when he got on the bus, he realized that his hand with the key was shaking.

Shen Hui drove around Ruan Tian's residential area. The street lights were not very bright and the light was dim. He leaned against the window and smoked several cigarettes.

The choking smell of smoke got into my nose and made me frown disgustingly.

One night, the lights in Ruan Tian's house were not on.

Before recording, director Liu and Ruan Tian introduced two other guests she didn't know.

One is Cen Bei, a hostess of entertainment programs, and the other is Gu Jianghe, an idol who made his debut in this year's talent show.

Gu Jiang and Ruan Tian belong to the same type of people who are familiar with each other and have no idol burden at all.

Only money in my eyes! He's a career maniac and has no interest in emotion.

Money is the wife of his life.

"Teacher Ruan Tian, I've heard so much about you. It's better to see than to hear."

Ruan Tian shook hands with him, "Hello, hello."

After greeting, the director stood opposite them and began to prepare.

[please complete the task within the specified time, otherwise there will be corresponding punishment. 】

director Liu is really the director who doesn't have any talent to do variety shows!

Gu Jiang and Xiao Sheng and Ruan sweet Tucao, "this money is too hard to make complaints about."

Ruan Tian couldn't help asking, "how much did you pay for the director of your last program?"

Gu Jianghe held out two fingers, "100000."

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He then asked, "and you?"

Ruan Tian sent out a laugh of disdain, "I'm also a hundred thousand."

Liu Dao is a big liar.

Clearly said that all guests, only her appearance fee is the highest! It's higher than the top class of a big brand like Xu Jing.

Men, down to three years old, up to forty, are not trustworthy.

Gu Jianghe hit her with his arm and said, "before I came, someone reminded me to stay away from you."

Ruan Tian was at a loss, "why?"

Gu Jianghe replied, "they say you are fierce. You can do anything."

Gu Jianghe's eyes swept her over, "now look, you're a beautiful girl."

It's pretty good.

Gu Jianghe, as a real paste at the end of the paste group, is also keen on eating all kinds of melons online.

Occasionally, he will commit a crime and go to the parties for confirmation. Is that true?

Most of the online revelations are fake.

At this point of view, Ruan Tian is not reliable.

Ruan Tian thinks that Gu Jianghe is more talkative than Qin An, and he keeps on babbling before recording.

On the contrary, Qin An is as quiet as a chicken.

Qin An is still in a state of shock to my mother.

He thought that his cold brother picked up his conscience, so he sent him to record the program.

Unexpectedly, his brother came to pick up his sister?

This is not enough to subvert Qin An's three outlooks.

What really made Qin An Sanguan feed the dog was: did his brother admit that he liked Ruan Tian?

Qin An was very careful when he asked. When he mentioned Ruan Tian's name, he slowed down his speaking speed. "Brother, who do you like Is it Ruan Tian

Qin Yu himself admitted, "well."

Qin An's world was completely overturned.

Is it Ruan Tian!

How can it be Ruan Tian!

Kill him.

How can not escape the fierce sister-in-law.In fact, if you think about it carefully, there are traces to follow.

The drawer full of girl's articles in his brother's room, and he always likes to go to trouble Ruan Tian.

Qin An should have known for a long time that his brother was so cold-blooded that he would not go to trouble for no reason, and it lasted for several years.

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It's a sign of being jealous!


Although Qin An hasn't been in love yet, he has also pursued his sister.

Girls like considerate and gentle men.

His brother's awkward, twisted way of trying to get the other person's attention.

It's the same as detonating and dying together!!!

So you can catch up with the girl, unless you see a ghost in the daytime.

"Brother, you can't play" four words around Qin An's mouth, but he was afraid that he would be destroyed by his brother when he finished. He endured it again and again before swallowing the words back.

At this point.

Qin An looks at Ruan Tian, and his strange feeling comes back from his feet.

"What are you two whispering about? Can you pay attention to the impact? "

Gu Jianghe glanced at him and said, "don't worry, I don't like women."

Ruan Tian

Qin An: lying trough!

The scenes in the conversation room have been arranged.

In the first room, the tips are in the middle of the wall.

[in half an hour, please open the door of the secret room ~]

the furnishings in the room are so complicated that there is almost no place to stay.

Ruan Tian touched her empty stomach and felt a little hungry, so she sat down and had a rest for a while.

Qin An is not anxious, "hurry up to find the key."

"There's half an hour left. What's your hurry?"

Qin An thought so, so he also found a bench to sit down.

The intense escape program makes them play group crosstalk.

Ruan Tian said anxiously, "isn't this the game of looking for the keys?"

Why do you want such a high-end brand name!

Does Liu Dao want to retire?

Qin An nodded, "it seems so."

Xu Jing also felt that it was really monotonous and boring.

Liu Daoqi's beard is crooked behind the camera. He hides the key in a place where no one can find it!

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Qin An was not comforted even when he was sitting, "if we can't find the key, will the director not let us out?"

No one wants to answer such a retarded question.

Qin An Analysis of the head is right, "I think it, this key must be hard to find, Liu Guijing, which can make us better."

Ruan Tian, who has been on the "variable star plan", thinks that what he said is reasonable.

CEN Bei and Gu Jianghe also stood up and began to look around for the key.

All four searches are fruitless.

Liu guide villain general, said: "you really can't find, you can use punishment to replace the key."

Qin an asked, "what is punishment?"

"There are two choices: eating and doing. After the choice, we will tell you the specific punishment."

Qin An wants to rescue himself again.

He finally touched the toilet. In the toilet sink, there was a small black packing bag the size of a thumb. No wonder he wanted to be crooked. The face of the small bag seemed to have written a few words clearly: I have the key.

Qin An told others about it with a sad face.

In addition to silence, silence.

Xu Jing took the lead in making a sound, "it should not be put there."

Qin An said, "but there are no other places."

Xu Jing pursed his lips and didn't speak again.

Ruan Tian asked tentatively, "why don't you take it out? Who can find it? Who can get a reward! "

Qin An was touched by Ruan Tian. He bit his teeth and stared at the toilet for five minutes. Although it was clear water, it was still disgusting!

He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand wrapped in a plastic bag

Ruan Tian is hungry, so she is ready to work after filling her stomach.

Her eyes have been staring at the big packets of potato chips on the cupboard for a long time. She is eager to see the cucumber flavor potato chips in the green package.

Ruan Tian went straight ahead, tore the bag of potato chips, ate a few chips, then suddenly she felt a small key from the potato chips.

She was embarrassed. "I think I found it."

Voice landing, the bathroom of Qin An broke out a terrible roar, "Ruan Tian, are you in the whole damn me!"!!! Get out of here

Xu Jing didn't hold back, put his hand to his lips, and chuckled unkindly.

It's too funny.

Xu Jing's vision deviates to Ruan Tian's face without any trace. When she eats, her cheeks are more bulging than ordinary people. It seems that she still likes to bite potato chips with her front teeth.It's like a little rabbit eating grass, concentrating on filling his stomach.

He is charming and lovely.

Xu Jing silently takes back his sight, but the chocolate in his palm is not delivered successfully.

Director Liu is going to be in a coma.

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How can Ruan Tian find it as soon as he looks for it!?

It took him half a month to decide on a good place.

It took Ruan Tian less than two minutes to open the door with a key.

The people on the show are pretty embarrassed.


It's too fast.

What are you broadcasting!

Can't you broadcast Ruan Tian's chat?

It's too hard.

Director Liu trembled and walked to Ruan Tian, "why don't you go to play first?"

Stop recording the program!!!

Because the plot setting problem is too big.

Plus looking for the key, it's a shame to talk about it.

Liu Daoxin accepted the director's advice and changed the program into a routine for roommates.

The director's eloquence, "now the audience like to watch these daily, and then insert some small games, then you can make some CP stew! It's going to be a hit, and the ratings are going to explode. "

The producer also thinks it is feasible, "Ruan Tian is quite able to bring audience. It seems that she and Xu Jing are also very popular. I think the program can be popular in this way."

On the day of recording, "role play: escape from the chamber of secrets" was officially renamed "me and my new roommates".

This unprecedented, no one after the operation, directly on the hot one.

The program team hit while the iron was hot and put the hot clips on the Internet.

[PS: it's also the live broadcast mode. Every Saturday at 10 p.m., the fruit satellite TV will not be seen. 】

five minutes later, Ruan Tian forwarded guanbo: "sorry, hehe. 】

Ruan Tian's innocent "I've found it" and Qin An's sad interrogation at the same time were too funny and became the source of happiness of the day.

"Ha ha ha, I laugh like a rooster crowing."

"It's so funny. Ruan Tian really has the talent to be a comedian. She's so serious. She's so funny."

"She's really a variety show monster. She's always unexpected."

"I'm sister Ruan, I'm ratsby."

"It seems that Qin An and Ruan Tian are quite easy to knock."

"OKKK didn't plan to watch it. In that case, I'll squat on the fruit station next week to broadcast kangyikang live."

"I got it!"

She also sent a sentence: "I caught Xu Jing peeking at Ruan Tian's picture, this look is not true, my aunt came to handstand!"

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