Big editing hands are coming out one after another, producing all night.

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Beautiful and romantic BGM, sweet and greasy pink filter, just right lyrics, video quality comparable to the production of excellent idol drama.

It is hard for CP to forward more than 10000 videos to clips.

Xu Jing's only powder and doughnuts have been used to.

Xu Jing's fans, in particular, have become indifferent after so many times of entanglement with doughnuts.

Just the attitude of "whatever you want" and "my heart won't hurt anymore".

As long as the drug addicts don't engage in porn and trample on their brother, they can turn a blind eye as if they don't see anything.

Every time the program is recorded for three days, two female guests live on the second floor of the villa and three male guests live downstairs.

Qin An was shocked by Gu Jiang and the sentence "I don't like women". He refused to live next door with him when he was killed. He was afraid of the same thing!!!

Gu Jianghe is very speechless, paste for non bold, "I don't like men."

"What's the point of falling in love? To earn money, to buy a house, to buy a car, to go to the top of life is the business. "

Ruan Tian said that what he said was very reasonable. They talked about buying a house and a car, from price to price, and they had a good conversation.

Qin An felt isolated by the two of them.

And sent out the question from the heart, "is the house expensive?"

Ruan Tian

Gu Jianghe

Is this the world of the rich?

Ruan Tian scratched her head, "or would you like to buy one for me?"

Qin An picked to pick eyebrow, the words that say let a person cannot refute, "you are not my wife, why should I buy for you?"

OK, ojbk.

Ruan Tian doesn't want to talk to Qin an in a short time.

At this time, a row of "she's your wife, she's your wife" and "marry her, marry her, marry her quickly" on the bullet screen passed quickly.

The program will be broadcast live in the fruit video app, and the refined edition will be broadcast on satellite TV.

The number of live broadcast is still considerable. The program producer is a money making genius. He has opened five reward chains to force fans to fight with each other. Those with high reward can get the open screen reward of fruit video app.

The fans yelled.

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"@ fruit video, I think you are short of coffin book."

"@ fruit video, you know you're like a local upstart now, with only money in your head."

"@ fruit video, Dad won't even give you the member's money, my sister doesn't lack this opening screen."

Weekdays tear a few fans who want to die and live, give up.

Several support associations have issued a joint statement that they will not reward bats in the special chain, but will only reward public screens.

Although it was a bit unpleasant, the number of people watching the live broadcast on that day was still growing.

In the evening, Gu Jianghe found that the refrigerator was empty and there was no food available. He said, "let's divide the work. Who goes to the supermarket to buy vegetables, who cooks, who washes the dishes, who walks the dog."

CEN Bei raised his hand first. "I can cook."

Gu Jianghe said, "I'll do the dishes."

Xu Jing also said: "let's go to the supermarket to buy vegetables with Ruan Tian."

Ruan Tian: QAQ

Qin An is sitting on the sofa with his arms in his arms. Seeing all of them staring at him, his scalp feels numb. "OK, I'll walk the dog."

Xu Jing takes the key to the car and calls Ruan Tian out of the door.

Although Ruan Tian and he are high school classmates, they are really unfamiliar. Ruan Tian's understanding of him is limited to "a rich but cold pretender".

To the supermarket, Xu Jing only cart, dishes are Ruan Tian pick.

She also carried private goods, and threw several bags of big potato chips, junk food and free food into the cart.

Xu Jing's eyebrows smoked, and then stretched out his hand to put the potato chips back on the shelf, "eating too much is bad for your health."

Ruan Tian Leng Leng, "I didn't want to give you to eat."

She was surprised. "Gee! I didn't mean to kill you! "

She bought it all for herself, OK?

Xu Jingjing was silent. He was not good at words and didn't explain anything.

Ruan Tian protects her junk food like a chicken. As a female star, it's not that she refuses to manage her body well.

She's really upset, too.

Because she can't eat fat.

Back from the supermarket, Qin An stares at them, just like a pair of adulterers.

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Qin An is too damn puzzling. Why does his brother like Ruan Tian?

Moreover, I don't know if it's his illusion. I always feel that after Shen Hui and Ruan Tian's divorce, there is something wrong. I can't say I'm out of my mind, but I'm always restless. I smoke a lot more than usual.

One or two are evil.

CEN Bei took the ingredients and went to the kitchen to cook.Ruan Tian sat on the sofa with her favorite potato chips and began to eat them with relish. Qin An turned to her and said, "are you not afraid to be fat?"

Qin an then beeps: "I've lost five or six Jin."

Ruan Tian took a bite of potato chips, turned to look at him and said calmly, "I lost more than ten jin."

Qin An didn't believe a word, "you're blowing."

Ruan Tian said innocently, "later I found out that I forgot to wear my crazy pursuer, the 20 carat and diamond ring I gave to me."

Qin An sneered, "Ruan Tian, are you shameless?"

Two people's language attack you come and I go, who do not admit defeat.

How can Ruan Tian have a natural talent for telling cold jokes!? Every time it's serious and funny.

Sitting on the edge of the sofa, Xu Jingshi interjected and asked, "Qin An, did you walk the dog?"



[is the Shura arena that I've been waiting for a long time coming? Let's have a fight.

[pay attention to the topic, Xu Jing's words are almost equivalent to walking the dog and not hooking up with my wife! 】

[I'm in a daze, our patio is hanging! 】

[in the supermarket section, I want to say that Xu Jing is a pet and Ruan Tian is a sweet. I'm sure they are in love. It can't be an unfamiliar relationship. 】

[if I'm Ruan Tian, I'll sleep one day, and I'll sleep whoever is good! 】

it's OK that Xu Jing doesn't mention this. Qin An is full of anger when he mentions it. He doesn't know who to vent his anger to.

The dog invited by the program team is very fierce.

He's not very smart, but he shows his teeth when he sees people. Although he doesn't bite people, his legs hurt when he pushes them on his face.

Don't mention walking the dog. Qin An didn't even succeed in putting on the dog rope, and almost didn't kick the dog to death.

"I can't do it." Qin An is calm.

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Ruan tianyouyou added, "a real man can't say he can't! You can do it. If you can't, you have to do it. Give it to me

Qin an almost broke out. He was in a ferocious mood: * *, Ruan Tian, go to die for me.

Xu Jing and other staff members: "I'm not sure."

Qin An broke the pot and said with a thick face, "I've tried, but I still can't do it."

Ruan Tian puts down her snacks and tries to get close to erha, who is still crazy and restless. She squats down and touches the dog's head. She thinks that the dog is not as fierce as Qin An said. She will give her head to Rua.

Ruan Tian feeds the dog, touches his head, turns around and blinks at Qin An.

Qin An saw deep contempt in her eyes.

CEN Bei has made four dishes and one soup. She has seen Ruan Tian's "variable star plan" before. Now she has her mind in advance and wants to win favor and Internet popularity by imitating Ruan Tian's method.

Who doesn't want to be popular in this circle?

CEN Bei doesn't want to be just a variety show host. She's not bad looking. Although she doesn't study acting, there are many cross-border actors now.

She also wants to be popular.

The food from Cen Bei looks good.

Fried shrimp, beef stewed radish, celery fried meat, fried spring rolls, and a Chinese yam stewed chicken soup.

In fact, the taste is OK. It's not bad, but it's not amazing.

Qin An, a young man with a big mouth, put down his chopsticks after two mouthfuls.

The shrimp is tasteless, the beef is too salty, and the chicken soup is too greasy.

CEN Bei was a little nervous. He held his chopsticks tightly with his thumb. He was embarrassed to ask if it was delicious. He had to ask politely, "are you full?"

Qin An is not full.

He suddenly missed it. In that small village, Ruan Tian's fried rice with bacon was delicious and delicious.

Xu Jing didn't eat much, so he didn't move his chopsticks again. "Well, I'm full."

Only Ruan Tian and Xu Jiang and two people were eating seriously on the table.

CEN Bei didn't get the reaction he wanted. He lost his heart and lost his appetite. He didn't eat much.

Some of the audience's instincts are so sharp and terrifying that they can be regarded as professional bitches.

[is Miss Cen imitating the road Ruan Tian once walked? 】

[I can see that Qin An is the real prince. He has a good mouth. 】

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[Xu Jing didn't eat much, so sister Cen overturned in the first battle? 】

[Ruan Tian is the one who specializes in learning from prostitutes. Last time, the variety show between her and Zhao Menger made me laugh to death. That's a wonderful one, and it's worth reviewing. 】

[it's not like a dog to draw a tiger. I think sister Cen can change her way, and there's no need to learn from Ruan Tian. 】

after Xu Jiang washed the dishes, Liu Dao was waiting for them in the living room of the villa.

He sat cross legged on the ground with rows of cameras behind him.

"Next, you're going to finish a game." Liu Dao took out the microphone in his hand and showed it, "I will play some preludes of songs. If you can guess the songs and sing them completely, you don't have to be punished, on the contrary, you have to be punished."Liu Dao must make them kneel down and beg for mercy this time.

Among them, only Xu Jianghe is a singer, so they put the heavy responsibility on him.

Xu Jianghe shrugged, "I'm a combination of singing and dancing. I can't sing or dance."


CEN Bei said weakly: "I should be able to, I have done radio on demand before."

Director Liu soon began to shout, the first song is a little-known folk song.

CEN Bei was sweating nervously. He racked his brain to think back, but he couldn't figure out what song it was.

Ruan Tian suddenly opened his voice and asked, "that boy?"

Liu Dao is tired, how can it be you again?!!

This song is really unpopular, not so easy to guess, millions of people online live room guess the person is not Ruan sweet fast.

[did Ruan Tian come from the women's League? How did she know that? 】

[she's an actress. She hasn't heard of her singing, so she has to stop eating by sight. 】

[expect her to be out of tune. 】

[I've turned off the sound effect in advance. It's everyone's responsibility to protect their ears. 】

Ruan Tian can sing this song, and she also has a dream of women's League in her heart.

Ruan Tian, as a patient without illness before, was very hypocritical.

Ruan Tian once sang this song to Shen Hui. That time, she announced the new year's art show with an old face. In front of all the teachers and students, she sang this song to Shen Hui, the outstanding student representative sitting on the stage.

Qin An couldn't see her wandering and poked her arm, "why don't you sing? Don't you? "

Qin an asked himself, "you can't do it, either!" "You're better than me," he sneered

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