Ruan Tian hasn't sung this song for several years, but she hasn't forgotten the lyrics.

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She took the microphone from director Liu and sat on the high chair. Under the light and shadow, her eyes were light and her voice was light.

Slightly hoarse voice through the microphone low out, tone soothing and pleasant, quiet singing seems to have a share of shallow sadness.

After Ruan Tian sang the whole song, except for Xu Jing, other people didn't react much. No one thought that her singing was so good.

Xu Jing once heard it in the school auditorium. They sat in the same row with the teacher, and they looked at it with a smile, but they didn't listen to it seriously. Xu Jing thought that Ruan Tian was a little more beautiful than she usually wore school uniform, but she was still a difficult person.

Director Liu reluctantly announced that Ruan Tian won this round and escaped punishment.

Ruan Tian thinks that director Liu is also a God, and he has to turn a slow variety show into a variety show with extreme survival challenge. No wonder there are so many people who have been on his show before, but later they are not willing to go again.

At the beginning of the second round, cen Bei quietly cheered himself up and was sure to win the second song.

Unfortunately, the second song is still a song she has never heard.

Ten seconds down, Ruan Tian said the answer again.

Liu Dao's smile solidified again.

Is there anything else she doesn't know? Why does she know that song as an actor?!

At the end of the three innings, Ruan Tian not only guessed it all, but also sang it completely. The program team lost everything.

It's really good that an actor can sing to the extent that the singers are shocked.

All of a sudden, the cruel and strict audience became kind.

[the singing is OK. 】

[ah, it's a sweet song. 】

[it's really nice, it's not out of tune, and the sound line is very suitable, which really amazes me. 】

[it's much better than those who don't have the business ability and love to tear the powder. 】

Ruan Tian's singing is still full of meaning. After putting down the microphone, she sighed with some satisfaction, "I think if I go to participate in the talent show, I will be able to make a c-position debut, act as an ace in the group, and become a star of film and TV songs!"

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At the beginning, she shouldn't have been fooled by star scouts and signed a film and television company.

Qin's death is not only her death, but also her astray.


in the next recording, cen Bei is still imitating Ruan Tian intentionally or unconsciously, sometimes deliberately imitating her way of speaking and pretending to be honest.

However, the effect is not very good, and it is easy to offend other people.

No matter how hard she tries, the audience's eyes are on the other four people, her popularity is far behind them, and the degree of online discussion is extremely low.

CEN Bei secretly made up his mind that when the next recording, he must seize the opportunity and perform well.

"My life with my roommates" has become the most popular live program on the Internet recently.

The fruit video app took advantage of this opportunity to earn a large membership fee.

A high degree of enthusiasm will naturally make people red eyed, especially Liu Yile, who repeatedly clashed with Ruan Tian. Last time, he burst out that Ruan Tian was expelled from school and failed to kill her, leaving resentment in his heart.

Recently, several resources she contacted were hesitant because of Ruan Tian's birth, which made Liu Yile even more angry.

Ten years of dormancy, only in exchange for a trophy.

There is no fame but no popularity.

Liu Yile is also a ruthless role, otherwise he would not be able to go this far.

Under the grudge, she has forgotten the last warning, arranged the marketing number under her hand, and sent out together.

How can Ruan Tian's reputation be spoiled when "unknown" is on the air.

@Entertainment in circles: the cumulative box office of "unknown" has reached 900 million in ten days. This film not only brings men and women together again, but also makes enough dividends for Ruan Tian, the insignificant female No.2. However, few people know that Ruan Tian was originally chosen as a new TV queen on a small screen. 】

a large number of water troops came down and made the following comments clear.

It's weird.

"We have a clear background. How can garantan be such a person? Whose cake did Ruan Tian touch? It is impossible for Ruan Tian to cut off human resources. "

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"Marketing number big courage, the universe's most popular, tomorrow's female top flow Ruan Tian is also what you can connotation?"

"Ruan Tian has been doing a lot of marketing recently, hot search one after another. It's a bloody explosion. Pity my eyes. I'm forced to accept this kind of torture."

"It's Liu Yile after the video. The decoding is successful."

"I've long wanted to say that Ruan Tian's acting skills are not as good as her! Oh, my God, haven't you seen the play played by Liu Yile before? That's where acting is. "

Ruan Tian really doesn't know why Liu Yile is aiming at her. Is it because she once asked her for a signature!

It's too stingy.

Jiang Li repeatedly confirmed, "you haven't offended her before, have you?"Ruan sweet head shake and rattle like, "no, I have no that ability to know her."

Jiang Lili is not familiar with the routine of "whoever is popular in the entertainment industry" and does not know that there is no reason why a person is hacked.

She is also bored, and even gave birth to a ridiculous idea, "Liu Yile likes to be forgiven? Jealous of your ex-wife? "

Ruan Tian Long ah, "this is not impossible."

Shen Hui is a dog like man, rich and powerful, and his entertainment company accounts for half of the entertainment industry. It's not surprising that she is targeted by female stars.

Jiang Li clenched his teeth and then said, "her move is quite bad. I know she did it, but I can't find any evidence."

"If she tramples on you, it's bad for you to get along with passers-by. It's reprehensible."

Ruan Tian nodded, "that's it She added: "I don't know what the public relations department of the company is for. Wuwuwu, I've been hacked and always pretend to be dead. I seriously suspect that Qin Yu is retaliating against me."

Jiang Li seriously recalled, "the public relations department seems to have cheated the corpse once."

Ruan Tian completely forgot about it and said blankly, "have you ever had one?"

Jiang Li remembers more clearly than she does, and affirms: "yes, you and who were photographed that time, and the public relations department also sent a lawyer's letter for you. It's all in the process of filing a lawsuit."

Ruan Tian was in a trance. It seemed that there was something about it.

Qin Yu also specifically warned her that the company did not allow artists to fall in love and let her take care of herself.

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When Jiang Li hesitates whether to put down his face and go to the public relations department to help solve the problem, Liu Yile suddenly explodes.

After the name of the hot search, there is a crimson [pop] word.

The user name @ ahejnskldhyeuiw sent nine photos.

Although the speed of light is harmonious, it is still preserved by the quick sighted.

The photos spread all over the Internet.

There are many games in this circle. For the sake of popularity, Liu Yile voluntarily lowers his price. He goes to all kinds of dinners and sits on everyone's thigh.

As a result, people's interest in gossip entertainment far exceeds people's livelihood news.

Liu Yile stayed at home and didn't dare to go out. She was disheveled and haggard. She managed to keep her last sense. "How dare he? How dare he do that? "

The agent tried to persuade me several times, but it didn't work.

Huaijia, a little boy who doesn't show up often, is not easy to provoke.

Huaimo has no three outlooks and no morality.

They never put themselves in other people's shoes, and they never have such superfluous things as compassion.

The first warning was that he was very kind.

"Now what? What are you talking about? "

The agent was scolded dare not say, "the company means, is to avoid the limelight."

It's hard to say that hiding from the wind is snow.

Liu Yile is not an easy to recognize person, "avoid the limelight! As long as I don't admit it, the person in the picture is not me. I not only don't admit it, but also sue them. "

She is not the only artist under the manager. It's impossible for her to offend the boss.

"You'd better have a rest at home. Everything will be fine when the spotlight is over."

They knew it would never be over.

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As long as Liu Yile appears in the public eye once, other people will think of the scandal and the photos.

Her acting career is basically over.

Liu Yile did not give up. She got up shivering and picked up her mobile phone. She called the boss of the film and television company she knew before, but a woman answered, "I'm her wife."

Scared, Liu Yile immediately threw out his mobile phone.

All the resources that Liu Yile had talked about before turned yellow overnight. It is impossible for advertisers and investors to praise a person with such a big scandal. Not only that, her previous advertisers even sued her for compensation.

Only a few fans are still quibbling that the person in the photo is not their sister.

People in the industry also follow suit.

"Liu Yile is famous in the circle. She is not easy to be provoked. She has an audience friendly face. The team is not a vegetarian. It's a dead move. I don't know who got her down this time. It's really a bull."

"Don't deny the fans, the photos are not paste, clear, it's her."

"Recently, Ruan Tian's person is also her. Who knows that the boomerang stabbed herself?"

Ruan Tian has no time to care about other people's news. She has nothing serious to do.

In the movie "unknown", there is a plot about abduction and trafficking, and director Cheng temporarily hopes that all the main creators will record an anti abduction video.

After recording the video, Ruan Tian couldn't resist donating all her newly received remuneration to the orphanage anonymously.

The crew then launched a social donation.

Qin An was rich and powerful, and directly beat up two million past charitable foundations.Other people also paid one after another, with a minimum of 500000.

After receiving the money, the charity foundation will publicize the list and amount.

However, they did not find Ruan Tian's name.

Although he knew that he should not be kidnapped morally, he said in silence that Ruan Tian was too stingy.

Do you take the bonus from the movie makers, but you don't donate a dime?

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