The people who took the public welfare video all donated money, and only one Ruan Tian was missing from the list, which made her particularly out of place.

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The moral guard came and satirized Ruan Tian.

They were filled with righteous indignation, as if Ruan Tian should have died for not donating money.

The sunspots finally wait until Ruan Tian's black spot, smell the smell and rush over. They are reluctant to stop all the passers-by and shout in their ears that Ruan Tian is a vicious and stingy person.

Although the fans were not happy, they didn't speak very hard. "There's no mandatory requirement to donate money, right? What's more, there's more than one channel for tianzai to do public welfare. "

Black powder's voice is many times higher than theirs, and each of them has a strong sense, "there is no compulsion, but some people eat the bonus and screw the people who are beautiful and kind-hearted, but in the end they don't do any public welfare, so it's a bit of a whore."

"I think Ruan Tian should change her name to Ruan bitches."

"Sweet powder is also funny, so it's early to start to win respect? Take other channels to win respect and laugh to death. "

"Sweet powder, lie flat and make fun of it. Who let you be a stingy person?"

Although the fans are angry, they have no way to deal with them. They can't even find a place to refute.

Can only humble fan group in Ruan Tian secretly send crying expression.

They were all wronged to death.

They think that Ruan Tian can't see anything without being in the group, so they vent their emotions with Tonghao in the group.

[wuwuwu is so angry with me,]

[the man just called me a fool, I can't even talk back! 】

[why call us sweet kids! Why give her so many ugly nicknames, I really cry. 】

[I'm so sad that I can't eat any more. I never thought someone could be so disgusting. 】

Ruan Tian is in her fan group. As a person holding dozens of trumpets, it is not uncommon for her to join the fan group secretly.

Occasionally, in her spare time, she will search her name on Weibo, and some fans' nicknames are familiar to her.

She looked at the group of little sisters crying, in the heart is not very good.

Ruan Tian himself can be wronged! No sisters!

She spent more than half an hour peeping through the fans to find out what happened.

Ruan Tian quit the microblog, and then turned out the transfer records she had given to the orphanage director over the years. She left every voucher in the drawer.

The Dean was very good to them at that time. It was not easy for a grandfather in his sixties to bring up these naughty children.

Fortunately, we all have a place to go and a future.

Ruan Tian remembers that at that time, the orphanage was barely maintained by social donations. As for the money from charity organizations, she had never heard of it or seen it.

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Over the years, Ruan Tian has been in touch with her friends who used to play well in the orphanage. During the Spring Festival, they all get together. In order to make a living, they hardly see each other.

The bank transfer order has gradually changed from 5100 to 23000, and then to 800000, the largest one recently.

This is all the remuneration for Ruan Tian's production of Xianyuan.

She looked at the total bills, spread them out on the desktop, took two photos with her mobile phone, and then took a complete picture of all the bills.

The entertainment forum is in full swing, giving Ruan Tian another nickname. Ruan bitches are already the least vicious nicknames.

Seeing Ruan Tian turn over and win favor by means of movies and new variety shows, she is in a mess because of this incident.

Ridicule pastes too many, the full screen is, the forum homepage has not had this kind of grand occasion for a long time.

Administrators have to stand up to deal with, but still can not ban the battle between powder and black.

Black powder's momentum is one-sided, which makes Ruan Tian's fans breathless.

The moderator had no choice but to give up.

There is a taunt building of Ruan Tian, with nearly 8000 replies. The people in the building constantly abuse Ruan Tian on the basis of anonymity, and brazenly give her all kinds of ugly nicknames.

Ruan Tian coded her bank card number and checked it twice. Later, she Po photos of her transfer records in recent years on her microblog, with the words: "I didn't want goodwill to become consumer goods, and I didn't think that what I did in recent years was worth mentioning. I just can't see fans being bullied, all personal attacks and attacks I have reserved the evidence for rumor making. It depends entirely on my mood whether to make a report or not. In half an hour, if some people who jump the highest do not delete your insults and rumor making, and do not make a public apology, then I have to ask you to spend the Spring Festival in the detention center. 】

the last sentence is Ruan Tian.

I'm not guilty! Pretending to be innocent!

A paragraph is composed and powerful, and the audience is impassioned.

In the eyes of fans, Ruan Tian seems to be a fairy who doesn't care much about anything. She has never responded to several rumors and hot searches before.The only official statement was her divorce statement with Shen Hui.

The doughnut was filled with tears and tears.

The grievances of the past few days have been swept away at this time, and the people in the fan group are also full of blood.

Sweet cub said it himself, I can't see them wronged!

Sweet cub just issued these warnings for them. They also need to stand up and protect sweet cub!

It's no longer a loser who hides when he's bullied.

Little white flowers all evolved into battle powder.

Ruan Tian's words still served as a deterrent.

Black Pink BOT light speed slide, which started to spread rumors by nickname, deleted all the microblogs that night, and made an apology for seven days: [@ Ruan Tian, I'm sorry, I shouldn't make a rumor about you. 】

I'd rather believe what they have than believe what they don't have. What if Ruan Tian really sued them?

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Ruan Tian is a cruel woman. She can do anything!

Why do you want to be a Star chaser?

But some people are very iron, not only don't apologize, don't delete post.

The owner of the black building who replied more than 8000 did not worry about deleting all the rumors and personal attacks, and changed the title to "Ruan Tian, I'll wait for you to sue me.".

Originally, Ruan Tian didn't want to waste money and time on this kind of person, but unfortunately, after she became popular, she just had a lot of spare money, and the lawyer in the company didn't have to waste it, so she kindly satisfied this person's wish and put her on the filing list.

Ruan Tian is stubborn and will do everything to the end.

Since she has decided to sue, she will definitely go to the stage of litigation and never accept the settlement.

Some fans follow Ruan Tian's donation list and find the knowledge point.

"Tianzai has been remitting money since 2015. It's five hundred and six hundred a month. It's very nice."

"I heard that tianzai had a part-time job in high school. At that time, I didn't believe it. Now I believe it."

"She insisted on sending money for several years. Up to now, does the orphanage have anything to do with her?"

This sentence is like a hook, hook the curiosity of fans, have holiday stay at home boring male powder, slowly began to check the orphanage.

At the beginning, he wanted to check the accounts, but he couldn't let his beloved sweet cub's money float away. After he couldn't find any black spots, he was relieved, but he accidentally found the big group photo taken every year in the courtyard.

The thin little girl squatting on the edge of the first row looks more and more like her cub

Male pink is a technical otaku. It's not difficult for him to pick up photos.

He easily found the picture of the little girl from the age of * * to the age of 15 or 16.

Very thin, hair is also yellow, although the clothes on the body are worn, but it can be seen that he is still a clean child.

The eyes are dark and bright. The eyes staring at the lens are bright too. It's very beautiful to laugh.

At that time, Dad's mentality collapsed.

In the dormitory broke out an earth shaking I grass damn.

How could he be so poor when he was a child? Not even a beautiful skirt?

When he saw the smile in the photo, he felt even worse.

Don't you think Ruan Tian's family is rich?! My sister is Bai Fumei. Why is my sister like this?!

Male fans with explosive mentality are autistic.

Then turn grief and indignation into strength, "my sweet childhood is better than his mother's bitter life!"!!! Sister Bai Fumi, come out and die!!! [picture] [picture] [picture] "

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a straight man's new account has only single digit fans, and all of them sell movies.

Two days later, no one touched his microblog, and no one found this amazing news.


after resting at home for less than two days, Ruan Tian had to record the second issue of "my life with my roommates". At the gate of

villa, the familiar black bodyguards and luxurious black cars are telling Ruan Tian that Qin meets this plague again.

But this time he was sitting in a wheelchair for a long time, coughing twice from time to time. It is estimated that he is not very well in this period of time.

Everyone in the program group knew him and was very polite to him. There was a special person to serve him tea and water.

Ruan Tian saw Cen Bei take the initiative to talk to Qin Yu.

CEN Bei did not show very warm, holding posture, can not say where strange.

She pinched the palm of her hand, trying to keep calm, she said: "Qin general bad health, should have more rest."

Qin Yu lowered his head and held his mobile phone between his fingers. He turned around two times bored, as if he didn't hear her speak and didn't pay attention to a word.

With so many people staring at him, cen Bei didn't want to lose face. He continued with a stiff head: "President Qin, pay attention to your health."

Qin Yu slowly raised his head and said, "ah? What did you say? "

Cenbei repeated.Qin Yu smiles and ignores her.

CEN Bei is not far away from crying.

After seeing the whole paragraph, Ruan Tian sympathizes with Cen Bei from the bottom of her heart. Why is she so polite to Qin Yu?

Before turning on the machine, Ruan Tian looks at Qin Yu, who is sitting beside the director and doesn't have the slightest intention of leaving. His little head is full of doubts.

Qin Yu gave her a smile, "what do you want me to do?"

Ruan Tian impolitely said: "you still don't roll?"

Qin Yu is shameless. "My brother is a moron. I have to look at him."

Ruan Tian had no idea, and said, "you are still a disabled person, so you need to take care of and rescue. You are all in a wheelchair, respecting the old and caring for the young. Would you like to call 120 first?"

Director Liu

Qin an

Xu Jing

Speaking of this, Qin Yu didn't go away immediately, but sat aside and watched for a while.

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After that, he coughed violently, his pale face was reflected by the setting sun, and the blood vessels on his wrist were indistinct.

Qin Yu said to the bodyguard behind him, "send me back."

As soon as he left, the staff of the program group were more comfortable.

In the live broadcast, cen Bei is very enthusiastic, rushing to do everything, eager to express his idea of everything.

At this time, Qin An would look at Ruan Tian with the look of "you look at others and then look at you".

Ruan Tian's white eyes on him are about to turn over to Tianling.

Xu Jing was afraid of their quarrel and asked them to sit separately. He sat on Ruan Tian's right side. The three were playing games together.

Qin An whispered a thirst.

Ruan Tian said me too.

Xu Jing got up and asked them what they wanted to drink?

Ruan Tian and Qin an agreed to ask for coke.

Xu Jing brought them drinks from the refrigerator.

Some of Qin An's food and some of his drink couldn't stop his mouth. He drank a mouthful of ice Cola contentedly, and suddenly asked, "Ruan Tian, I haven't figured out one thing all the time."


"Why are you willing to let brother Shen off?"

Ruan Tian ha voice, feel in this kind of thing, she must give himself to find face.

And ruthlessly reckless brag force.

"Please be more rigorous. I stepped on Shen Hui, OK?"

The studio was boiling.

At the same time, there are constant hints in the lower left corner.

[Shen Hui just joined the studio]

the water in the studio is boiling.


"It's wonderful."

"Online squatting in a Shen amnesty studio to speak, hand tearing ex-wife."

"Shen Hui? In? Come out and hit your ex-wife in the face! "

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