Shen Hui didn't sleep very well during this period. He had many dreams and had a light sleep. When he woke up, he was always in a cold sweat.

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He was not very interested in the entertainment industry. He didn't have any favorite stars. He didn't watch any TV dramas. Besides work, he was not interested in other entertainment activities.

Shen Hui still saw Qin An's candid photo of Zhang Ruan Tian in his circle of friends, and then he knew that they had gone to record the program together.

Ruan Tian in the photo is sitting on the rocking chair on the balcony. Her chin is low and buried in her collar, revealing only the upper half of her small face. Her dark and thick skin is like a small fan, and her porcelain white skin reflects the golden sunlight.

Qin An's spelling said: "in the recording of the program, Ruan Tian is the only one who can't be seen. Please don't tell her! 】

after staring at this photo for a long time, Shen Hui silently saved it on his mobile phone.

Many days of insomnia, his temple pain, physical fatigue and psychological fatigue can not find the reason, all let him exhausted.

Shen Hui couldn't help but watch the live broadcast of the program.

The first time I saw it, it happened that they were playing a guessing game.

Listening to Ruan Tian's low hum, Shen Hui almost forgot that Ruan Tian once sang this song to him in front of the school people.

His heart is not taste, a few times back live and into, now Ruan Tian and high school that she has long been different.

Beautiful a lot, eyes also with a lot of firm.

Even if Qin An mentions his name, Ruan Tian's mood doesn't fluctuate much, just like the tone of "don't know at random".

Qin An didn't believe Ruan Tian's words. He firmly believed that she was bragging. He held his legs and drank some ice cola. Then he asked, "did you dump him? You mentioned it on your own initiative? I don't believe it

Isn't Ruan Tian, the brain of love, supposed not to let go until she dies?

Ruan Tian replied, "who are you! What should I tell you about everything? "

Qin An was silenced by her contempt.

[I'm so happy. Qin An's face is so funny that I'm stunned by you. 】

[lailaiben insiders tell you that Ruan Tian is forcing her to sign the divorce agreement with her ex husband in person. Now she looks as if she is drunk and lying. 】

[who hasn't seen the trumpet she used in high school? How can you be willing to give up your love when you are infatuated with love]

Ruan Tian thinks so.

He is not guilty.

Even if Shen doesn't throw a divorce agreement in front of her, she will come to her door and take the initiative to say 886 to Shen.

The audience can always love the car for a long time because of a small matter, and they can't come to a generally accepted conclusion.

Black powder wants to see Ruan Tian's live broadcast, and after watching it, she has to send some bad comments. She swipes the screen crazily and says Ruan Tian is a crazy woman who has no skin and no face to be returned by rich families.

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There's a lot of smoke in the studio. It won't stop for a while.

Until at the bottom of the screen, Shen Hui sent a less impressive message: "I was dumped by her. 】

then people found another prompt: "user Shen Hui has quit the live room. 】

it's too fast for black powder to bear.

The barrage they sent in the studio just now is still infinite circulation. Shen's six words are like six extremely heavy slaps in the face, which make them dizzy and unable to lift their heads.

Black powder closed on the spot, and the face in front of the screen was distorted.

Shen Hui left his cell phone on the table, and his back leaned back, tense.

After a while, he went downstairs and opened a bottle of red wine for himself.

Mother stood on the stairs quietly looking at him, tone gently asked: "can't sleep again?"

Shen Hui let out a few words, and his thin lips were close to the mouth of the glass. He sipped the red wine gently.

Shen's mother also poured a cup for herself. She said, "you've been carrying yourself since you were a child. It's clearly something you like. If you're robbed by others, you won't make a sound."

"It's the same thing now. You know exactly who you like. You just don't want to admit it."

Shen Hui squeezed the wine glass tightly, and his delicate face was a little chilly at this time.

Shen's mother continued: "I don't hate Ruan Tian. I can see that at that time, you were the only one in her heart. She did everything for you. You didn't invite her on your adult birthday."

"She came running with her neck outstretched and looked through the cracks of the fence. When I went out, she hurriedly handed me the present in her hand and asked me to give it to you."

"It was pretty pathetic at that time."

Shen amnesty naoren ran over the pain.

All said that he is a gentleman, but he is not a good thing.

There is also a dark side to it.

Shen Hui knew that she wanted to come. That year, he didn't invite Ruan Tian on purpose.

Ignore her, trample on her heart.

The voice from the bottom of Shen Hui's voice was hoarse and Sandy. "Where's the gift?"Shen's mother said with a smile, "have you forgotten? I'll give it to you. You throw it away. "

Shen Hui's ears were buzzing. He couldn't hear what his mother said for several times.

A mist rose in front of his eyes, and his eyes were misted.

Strange dizziness made his feet weak.

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Shen Hui's wrist took off his strength, and the light wine glass was almost unstable.

Suffocation is overwhelming.

It was like a heavy stone hitting him in the back of his head.


after the quarrel between Ruan Tian and Qin An, they sit together and play the game.

Qin An thought she was a rookie, but Ruan Tian came up with a 98K and killed several people.

This accuracy and efficiency, can be a game anchor.

Xu Jing sits back between them, quietly separates them, and then accidentally runs over Qin An, who is on the same team in the game. He raises his face and seems to sincerely apologize, "sorry, I didn't see you."

Ruan Tian holds her mobile phone and falls on the other side of the sofa, laughing wildly.

After several games, Ruan Tian won the title of "lying chicken with sister", becoming the person with the highest shooting rate in the whole suit that night.

CEN Bei still takes the initiative to cook. She imitates Ruan Tian intentionally or unintentionally in her speech and work. Her means are not very clever.

Ruan Tian was more or less dull, and didn't find Cen Bei's careful thinking.

When Cen Bei took out the bamboo strips and said that she wanted to make a basket for everyone, Ruan Tian looked at her. She swore to heaven that she was just joking, "my God! Beibei, are you copying me?! What do I do? What do you do? You are a good learner

CEN Bei's face turned white, and her blood was surging up. The shame of being exposed surrounded her.

Her hand with bamboo strips almost took off her strength, and she was embarrassed by Ruan Tian.

CEN Bei opened his mouth, his voice line was not so stable, and he trembled slightly, "I I didn't

Ruan Tian said, "you are a good learner! You have no face

The conscience of heaven and earth.

Ruan Tian usually uses this tone to talk with Jiang Li, and is used to the way of speaking freely and joking with each other.

She's not really aiming at Cen Bei.

Qin An Yi on one side made a sound. He didn't expect that Ruan Tian's brain was so dull that he found something fishy so quickly.

Qin An, as a woman who has scored 90 points in the discrimination test, is a good judge.

CEN Bei's deliberate imitation of Ruan Tian's trick is not brilliant.

CEN Bei faltered and couldn't speak. She laughed and kept calm. "I'm a little thirsty suddenly. I'll go to drink some water."

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[can the whole entertainment circle find people who are more daring than Ruan Tian? 】

[CNM laughs so much that he can't take care of himself. I cut off Cen Beigang's expression. Ruan Tian's three words "learning from human essence" are shocking, and the shock in Cen Bei's eyes is so funny. 】

[Ruan Tian sums it up very well, hahaha. 】

[it seems that no one is a fuel-efficient light. 】

[from Qin An's gratifying eyes, we can see what a little love for Ruan Tian is. 】

after the break, it's time for the game.

This time, Liu Daoliang found a fairly normal game, which he had the audacity to learn from other variety shows.

He moistened his voice and said: "the game in this issue is simpler than that in the previous issue. Everyone calls his boss, turns on the hands-free and tells him about his shortcomings for one minute. Those who can't do it will be punished. On the contrary, those who are punished are the program team. 】

Ruan Tian: is there such a beautiful thing in the world?!

Don't talk for a minute.

When she insults Qin, she can scold for an hour without breathing!

Qin An was the first to quit the game and choose punishment.

It's not that he doesn't want to live. How can he dare to scold his brother?

CEN Bei quits the game. Cen Bei's agency is affiliated to Huanshi entertainment. Shen Hui is her boss. She has no guts and won't offend her boss just because of a variety show.

Xu Jing put his hands in his pockets and said faintly, "well, I have no problem."

Ruan Tian thought, "I have no problem."

Guide Liu does not believe evil, quietly watching her pretend to force.

Ruan Tian finds out Qin Yu's mobile phone number from the dustbin. After three calls, Qin Yu answers the phone.

Ruan Tian preempted, "Qin Yu, there is something I have never told you."

Qin Yu coughed. After a pause, he squeezed his cell phone tightly. He said in a hoarse voice, "you say."

Ruan Tian said: "I think as a capitalist, you are really too picky, stingy, bad tempered, arrogant, crazy and inexplicable."

Qin Yu

With that in one breath, Ruan Tian took it as soon as it was good.

She laughed again, "I'm sorry, just playing the game, you don't mind."With a bang, Ruan Tian hung up decisively before Qin Yu spoke.

Liu Dao swallowed saliva, "that Ruan Tian, in fact, the punishment is nothing."

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You don't have to play games like that.

Liu Daozhen is afraid that Ruan Tian will be met by Qin xuezang.

"Ah, it's OK. Mr. Qin likes his employees to give him advice."

Qin An: you fart!

The look on Qin An's face seemed to say "Ruan Tian, you are dead" and "your body is cold.".

Then he suddenly realized.

Eh, what his brother likes is Ruan Tian.

[according to Ruan Tian's behavior of daring to talk to Qin Yu like this, I bet my non-existent boyfriends that they definitely have an affair. 】

[Mr. Qin and Mr. tianzai are too masculine (hard to crack), and they are also the best match for Qin An's cute, upright and natural sweet cubs. 】

[above 1, I'm really a male subject. I might as well wait for my ex husband to be reunited. 】

[I love my ex husband. We Shen and Ruan are the Meidi couple. 】

the punishment that Cen Bei and Qin An have to accept is painful.

To jump rope on the finger board, ten.

Qin An's expression of pain was ferocious, and the sound of wailing was about to lift the roof.

Ruan Tian wanted to stop laughing, but she couldn't help it. She lowered her head and snickered.

The mobile phone in his pocket kept shaking. Ruan Tian only took a look when he was free. Dozens of missed calls were all from Shen Hui.

Ruan Tian's brain popped out five words: "you also have today!"

Add three more words, "you fuckin 'have today, too!"

The vibration of the mobile phone has not stopped.

Ruan Tian wrote three words on her face - whatever.

Love to fight, she did not want to pick up any * *.

In the middle of the punishment, the people on the other side of the directing group suddenly got into a commotion.

A few minutes later, Ruan Tian vaguely heard several exclamations.

"What's the matter with Shen Hui?"

"Cen Bei is an artist of Huanshi. Is he coming to visit the troupe?"

Ruan Tian had only two words to say at that time: lying trough.

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