Shen's visit was so sudden that all the people in the program group were at a loss and talked about it.

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The young master of the Shen family is a low-key man with few appearances. Although he is the president of Huanshi entertainment, he seldom has anything to do with the entertainment industry.

At first, they only thought of Cen Bei who was being punished. Then they realized that Shen's ex-wife was Ruan Tian.

In early summer, Shen Xun wore a white shirt with thin cuffs and curled up two times. His wrists were thin and white, and his whole body was filled with a faint smell of wine.

The man is slightly frowning. There is still no expression on his pretty face, but his eyes seem to be red.

The man's voice is hoarse and low, "where's Ruan Tian?"

Liu Dao was stunned when asked. First, he asked the camera and others to move the live camera to another place. Then he had time to answer Shen Hui's question, "in the living room, Mr. Shen, are you looking for her?"

Shen Hui murmured twice.

Director Liu was very embarrassed, "our recording today will be over soon. Will you wait?"

Shen Xun closed his eyes and then opened them. The red blood in his eyes seemed to fade away. He said, "good."

Liu Daorang's assistant arranged a chair for him. This is a big boss. It's better to be polite. However, Shen Xun is much colder than he thought. He is not like the gentle and kind young man in the rumor.

The fans in the studio are not stupid either. At first, when everyone didn't respond, they vaguely heard Shen Hui's name in the live broadcast. Although the camera cuts far away from the living room, it doesn't hinder their analysis.

[didn't I hear Shen Hui's name alone? 】

[so he quit the live broadcast not because he didn't want to watch it, but because he went all the way to the recording site to meet her ex-wife? This is some kind of magical relationship. 】

[it's over, Mr. Shen is planted. 】

[yes, I hit it again. I said that Shen Ruan and his wife are the most real CP in the world. They have been kissing and sleeping! Today, I'm a brainless drug addict again. 】

[I really can't understand the magic of Ruan Tian. 】

Cen Bei is absent-minded, and after receiving the punishment, she has to bear the pain of her feet. Since she wants to imitate Ruan Tian, she must not give up.

When she came down from the fingerboard, she was sweating and pale, so painful that she couldn't speak.

This is the end of the recording of the second issue.

Seeing that they had collected the machine, Shen Hui took a look at Liu Dao and asked, "OK, right?"

"Well, all right."

Shen Hui got up and raised his eyes. He found that there were only two words in the girl's eyes: embarrassment.

Ruan Tian was so embarrassed that her hands and feet curled up. The whole crew was almost staring at her and Shen Hui.

Qin An's eyes also revolved between them.

Ruan Tian didn't have any special emotion when she saw Shen Hui. She felt uncomfortable when she was staring at so many people with all kinds of eyes in front of so many people.

Shen Hui stares at her face. After a long time, Ruan Tian hears him ask, "can I invite you to see a movie?"

Ruan Tian lowered her head and looked at her toes. After a long time and careful consideration, she raised her head, "that's OK."

In a sense, Shen Hui and she are the same kind of people.

Stubborn, stubborn, not willing to admit their mistakes, but also extremely reluctant to go back.

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When she was in high school, Ruan Tian found that this man was wearing a school uniform and looked at the cold-blooded and law-abiding students. In fact, she was quite cold-blooded.

Ruan Tian used to love it very much. When he was wearing school uniform as a supervisory committee member, he stood at the school gate, a little impatient to deal with those late classmates.

High cooling brings a bit of life.

Up to now, Ruan Tian doesn't really understand why he is looking for her again and again.

She guessed it might be a pastime for boredom.

Ruan Tian's performance is very flat. She doesn't want to go to the cinema much, but if she doesn't agree, Shen Hui has a hundred ways to deal with her.

The people of the program group watched them leave. Director Liu was silly. After waiting for them to leave, he touched the back of his head and asked, "are Ruan Tian and President Shen going to get back together?"

Qin An's extraordinary intuition told him that he would not.

He said, "I think they're going to be finished this time."

It's full of the prelude to the kind of mountain rain and wind full of buildings.

The news spread quickly, and it had changed when it was completely spread.

@Migrant workers at the bottom of the media circle: at the recording scene of an indoor variety show, Shen Hui came to find his ex-wife in person. As soon as the recording was over, they went to the cinema together. They visually checked that they had been reunited, fidelity, and so on.

All kinds of people and horses were mixed up under the gourd eating number.

A few fans have long complained about Ruan Tian because of CP and other historical problems. Mixed with personal emotions, they commented below: "it's a model of scum men and cheap women. It's disgusting."

"Married women, please don't harass other male stars while working. Thank you.""What's the result? You have to go back to the grass. There is no fan like Ruan Tian. Korean women laugh

Doughnuts naturally don't recognize this kind of news, and their disgust for Shen amnesty has gone beyond black powder.

The thought of such a dog man not only hurt their baby, but also delayed her good life is even more angry!

"What does the marketing number say? Then she said, "I'm your father, and I'm your own father?"

"Those who do not want to go and step on the stick will always be maidservants who wash their feet. They will never have good resources."

"Don't put our sweet baby's name with Shen Hui, thank you."


when she got to the cinema, Ruan Tian consciously put on her mask.

When she walked into the front desk of the cinema, she suddenly understood what Shen Hui wanted to do.

There are several excellent films released at the same time in the summer season. Shen Hui bought two tickets for "unknown".

Late at night, there were only two of them in the hall.

Ruan Tian has seen her own film several times.

Know the details, the plot and the dialogue.

Ruan Tian remembers that there was a time when the school arranged to watch movies, which was a boring and long educational film. She spent a lot of effort to sit beside him.

Before long, Shen changed his seat.

One year later, she was weak because she donated blood to Zhou Xiaoqiao. Relying on this sympathy, she asked Shen Hui to go to the cinema alone.

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Ruan Tian is ready to be rejected. Who knows Shen Hui agrees.

She spent hours choosing clothes and making herself look good.

However, Shen Hui did not come.

He broke his appointment.

And you don't need a reason.

After the opening of the movie, Ruan Tian is ready to go to bed.

Shen Hui's eyes were not on the screen, but fixed on her side face. "The first time I saw you, I didn't like you."

"You don't seem to be imprisoned. You are enviable for your freedom."

"I always feel that I hate your endless entanglement and your big but cheap love. In the end, I don't dare to face your love. I put on the most ridiculous posture. I trample on your sincerity recklessly. It's ridiculous."

"I didn't want to hurt you, but those injuries have already been caused. I'm sorry, but I can't make up for it. Can you..."

Shen Hui couldn't say the following words for a moment.

Ruan Tian is sleepy.

She is really sleepy. Shen Hui's voice is like a hypnotic sign,

Ruan Tian is sleepy and can't open her eyelids. She doesn't need a pillow. She can lie down on the spot and go to sleep immediately.

Ruan Tian blinked blankly, ah twice, "ah, I really don't care."

I don't know why. Ruan Tian thinks Shen Xun's eyes are very red. It's like he has red eye disease. It's terrible to look at them.

What's more, she always has the illusion that Shen Hui's eyes will be shining with water.

Ruan Tian saw the pale smile on Shen Hui's face, which was strange.

She promised to accompany Shen to see a movie today. In fact, she has another plan.

She doesn't care. It's not hard talking.

Ruan Tian's behavior shows Shen Hui the attitude of "you see, I can be calm and get along with you", "you are the same as others", "I have put down my Mustard", "you see how generous I am".

Reunion only exists in the story.

When Ruan Tian liked Shen amnesty, she got only practice again and again.

When you were young, you loved me. There's nothing to complain about.

Now, however, he is determined to leave.

Also made a deep love is not life.

After a sudden realization of deep love, like a funny joke.

Ruan Tian has come out of the memory of Shen's youth very early. She waves goodbye to the past.

On the contrary, Shen Hui was reluctant to give up.

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That sounds funny.

"Do you still see it?" Ruan Tian frowned and said, "I'm so sleepy."

Shen Hui is stuck in her throat. She has written many times. When she looks into her indifferent eyes, she has reached the words "I seem to like you" in her throat. She really can't spit out any of them. Her throat is blocked by a mouthful of blood, and her mouth is full of rust.

Shen Hui tries to use the past to trap her. He naively thinks that she can't get what she didn't get. He gently beckons, and she will come back.

But Shen Hui understood it at this time.

Ruan Tian said goodbye to the past.

He is the only one who can't extricate himself.


Ruan Tian was glad that she was not photographed by the reporter that night. After taking a taxi home, she fell into bed and slept for more than two hours. She reluctantly picked up her spirits and staggered into the bathroom to take off her make-up, take a bath and change her clothes. Then she went to bed with a quilt and went on sleeping.Every time after recording the program, Ruan Tian had to sleep enough time to recover.

The next day, Ruan Tian, who had a good sleep, made himself a fried chicken and ordered a cup of milk tea.

When I went downstairs to take out the food, I happened to meet Qin Yu who was discharged from the hospital.

He was still sitting in his wheelchair with a bad look. The bangs on his forehead seemed to grow longer, and his black hair covered his eyebrows.

Ruan Tian pretended not to see him.

But Qin Yu didn't know where he was coming from, so he called her, "push me upstairs."

Ruan Tian said bluntly: "so many bodyguards behind you only eat but don't work?"

With that, she pressed the elevator.

Qin Yu followed her into the elevator, coughing constantly.

It's easier to catch a cold when the seasons change.

Especially, people like Qin Yu, who are not in good health, have to take medicine for a long time when they get typhoid fever.

"Ruan Tian, are you expecting me to die?"


Not really.

She is not such a vicious person!

At most, I hope Qin Yu will take the hospital as his home and stay here.

Qin Yu pursed his lips and laughed, "since you don't want me to die, I will live well and strive for a long life."

She's not. She doesn't.

This is a big misunderstanding.

Ruan Tian shut up and said no more, so as not to give Qin Yu another chance to misinterpret her words.

When the elevator jingled to the floor, Qin Yu still had something to say, "I heard that your next play is a martial arts movie. Pay attention to safety. Don't rush to death foolishly."

Ruan Tian with the key to open the door of the moment, back to a, "thank you for reminding."

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It seems that Qin Yu's trip to the hospital was full of experience of birth, aging, illness and death, and he was influenced to speak.

As her boss, Qin Yu knows her work like the back of her hand.

Ruan Tian decided to take over the play only yesterday. She picked out one of more than a dozen plays, which was more acceptable.

Xie Wanzhuan, a martial arts film, has 40 episodes. The script has been written for a long time, waiting for the official shooting.

Ruan Tian can only see the script of the first five episodes, so she has been deeply attracted by the cool female owner in this play. In addition, this is a proper TV series of female owner upgrading. Jiang Lili has no opinion, so he immediately made a decision and signed a formal contract.

The male leader of this play has to decide before Ruan Tian. It seems that this man has played seven or eight male leaders just after his debut.

Seamless broadcast, but also no water.

I've made sure there's someone backstage.

It's still a while before the official announces the start of filming. When "my life with my roommates" is fully recorded, I can almost join the group.

Ruan Tian also went to search the photo of the man in curiosity.

The same handsome, no memory point.

It's not that Ruan Tian is superstitious. He's a bit mean by his face!

When Ruan Tian was not sensible, she went to the fortune teller's stall on the street. The fortune teller said that she lacked soil in the five elements. In the future, she had better find a man with soil in her name.

She scolded him for farting and said that she was short of money in the five elements.

The actor is not famous, but he has a lot of airs.

After all parties acquiesced in the allocation of male and female owners, there was a vigorous tearing movement.

I've never seen him, but I've seen his way.

Fan Wei was doomed when he signed the contract.

Ruan Tian doesn't understand what the other team is still struggling with?

The actor has a group of possessive, can fight with paranoid poison only, love for their brother has reached the point of distortion.

"@ Ruan Tian, an old married woman, dares to kiss my brother, and I'll break her mouth."

"She'd better not pass her bad luck on to our brother, or I'll kill her."

"Did Ruan Tian make a demon for me before the drama started? Do you still have the dream of a big girl? If you feel uneasy, I wish this play will never be able to run. Anyway, our brother doesn't lack this one. "

"Martial arts movies, how can the eldest daughter laugh to death? Ruan Tian's team is determined to commit suicide if they can't accept it. "

This is Ruan Tian's first time to meet such a fierce man.

Magic is that the man she has not met still seems to encourage fans.

Every day, I send three sentences to microblog fans: "good morning", "baby, you've worked hard" and "good night".

Ruan Tian thinks that she may have met a master.

She felt the atmosphere of Jedi's survival ahead of time.

But it doesn't matter. Ruan Tian is also a chicken killer.

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