Ruan Tian is going to record "my roommates' daily life" from Friday to Sunday, and has to go to the physique class from Monday to Thursday.

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Martial arts plays are different from ordinary costume plays. There are many martial arts plays that require high physical fitness, and martial arts actions also require the basic skills of actors.

Every day, Ruan Tian goes to the training base of the troupe to practice her physique. The troupe, except Ruan Tian, is a group of little transparent people who are diligent and conscientious every day.

Only the male leader never showed his face from the beginning to the end and never participated in the training.

Ruan Tian felt a sincere admiration.

No wonder everyone is scrambling to be a backstage guy. This kind of attitude is very popular.

And the actor can be seamless into the group, no matter how vigorous his play is, it will not prevent him from acting as the main actor.

Wu Zhi's teacher was very strict with Ruan Tian. Ruan Tian didn't have any dance foundation. When she first pressed her legs, tears of pain came straight out.

Other actors, who are all from different disciplines, have some basic knowledge, so they can bear it.

Ruan Tiansheng didn't cry out with tears. She was in a cold sweat. Wu Zhi's face softened slightly. Seeing that the little girl could bear hardships, she spoke in a better tone than before. "Remember to stretch your tendons when you go home, or your legs will hurt the next day."

Ruan Tian Ao twice, "thank you for reminding me."

After the training in the afternoon, Ruan Tian climbed up the car of Jiangli with fatigue. She still had a film channel interview to do.

It's still more than half a month before it's released. During this period, the leading actors of the film are all in the limelight.

One interview after another, Jiang Li didn't get all of them.

Instead, only a few interviews from mainstream media and TV stations were left.

Ruan Tian leaned lazily against the back of her chair, yawned, and then said, "Li Li, I think I have a tough fight to fight this time."

Jiang Li talked to her while driving, "are you bullied by other actors?" She then said: "no, my sweet, you make sure that you are in the top class now. Those who are not as famous as you will be dealt with by touching porcelain. You are welcome!"

Ruan Tian said, "no, I'm very popular. Other actors in the crew like me very much."

"Why do you say that?"

"The man of the play hasn't appeared until today. I think he's going to enter the group without training in advance. He seems to be a very good Yazi."

Jiang Lili inquired about the other party's background. The man was young, but he had a good temper. He had never been a match since he made the first play.

The female boss of the company, who came out of the company, seemed to find a stable backstage.

"I can see from the time this man came out in person that he is not a good thing."

Ruan Tian put a puff in her mouth and said as she ate: "let him tear it. The fixed things will never change again!"

The contract is clearly signed, whose is whose.

When we got to the TV station building, the staff of the movie channel had set up the machine.

Before the interview, someone suddenly knocked on the glass door of the studio, and the man burst out with a small head, "a few teachers stop first, and Ruan Tian's fans sent afternoon tea and desserts to the people in our office."

This is the second time that Ruan Tian's fan support association has responded to her.

He raised tens of thousands of yuan in the early stage, and the president paid tens of thousands of yuan in advance. After knowing Ruan Tian's itinerary, he prepared the aid items in advance.

Afternoon tea and desserts are ordered in high-end restaurants, and the staff feel hungry after smelling the fragrance.

The reporter boasted: "Mr. Ruan, your fans really have a heart. It's very polite."

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Ruan sweetheart was very happy, proud and happy. She said, "they have been doing very well, and people are very good."

Before that cold day, I went to the scene to help her.

After a little dessert, reporters and cameras began to get down to business.

Ruan Tian read the outline of the interview draft in advance, and she had the answers to those questions in her heart.

The whole interview is time-saving and labor-saving, with both content and depth.

At the end, the reporter added a question: "Mr. Ruan, for your fans, when will Xianyuan go online?"

Nowadays, the subject of immortal swordsman is very popular, and the male leading role is also a famous strength group.

There are also a lot of fans looking forward to it.

Ruan Tian doesn't know for herself. There is no news in the working group of Xianyuan. The circle of friends who watched the director before is still in the late stage of production. Although the production team is preparing to catch up with the winter vacation, if the special effects are not well done in the later stage, the winter vacation may not be available.

She thought about it and said, "when it's done in the later stage, it will be soon. I hope fans can wait patiently."

After finishing work, the reporter took a photo with her.

The reporter thinks that Ruan Tian is much better than the ordinary little stars. She almost answers all the questions and doesn't pick and choose the questions on the outline. She is very cooperative with them.He's polite and kind, and he's pleasant to laugh at.

The reporter thought, after going home to Ruan Tian's manuscript to write more beautiful.

An actor who is beautiful and has acting skills, modest personality and does not throw off a big name should be very popular.

Walking out of the TV station building, it was already dark.

Ruan Tian saw huaimo at the gate of the TV station. He seemed to have been waiting downstairs for a long time.

Ruan Tian almost forgot this man.

The last time we met was at the hotel of dahengguo.

Huaimo wore a white shirt, dressed up as an ordinary student, which made it easy for people to put down their guard.

Ruan Tian can no longer regard him as a brother who needs sympathy and love.

Huaimo first said: "sweetie, the lab is a little busy at this time, I have no time to come to you."

Ruan Tian stepped back. "How do you know I'm here?"

Huaimo thought about it in silence and asked, "is it hard to find it?"

He laughed, and the dimples on both sides of his cheek were pure.

The smile on this face was no different from the first time Ruan Tian saw him.

But Ruan Tiante really has goose bumps.

It seems that the brain circuits of this child are not normal.

Huaimo pretended to be pitiful. "I haven't had dinner yet."

Ruan Tian thought for a moment, then went to the street to sell roasted sweet potato vendors, bought a sweet and soft sweet potato, handed him, "here you are, I'll go home first."

If you don't go now, you'll have to wait.

Since Ruan Tian knew huaimo's real identity, she was not willing to keep in touch with him.

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This child is very thoughtful!

Huaimo seems to see her resistance, suddenly came forward, gently hugged her waist, chin in her shoulder and neck, "you remember to have a good rest."

Huaimo knew how to handle things properly and let go in the blink of an eye.

Not far away from the river, I am very anxious to see.

Is it true that young brothers are so tiger? Go up in public and hug!? What if it's captured?

Jiang Lili even thought about the hot topic at the meeting

? Ruan Tian's future road to the top stream was cut by his waist.

? Ruan Tian's little wolf dogs were constantly around her. After she got into the car, Ruan Tian sighed and pretended to respect her. She said: "it's a pity that huaimo is a younger brother. I can't bear to play with his feelings!"

Jiang Lihe laughs twice, "you dare to play with huaijia, the father of the next of kin. I don't think you want to live anymore."

Ruan Tian only learned from other people about huaimo's frightening deeds, which she had never experienced personally.

At first, I thought he was a poor child. Later, I thought his psychology was not normal.

"Is huaimo terrible?"

Jiang Li felt that huaimo in Ruan Tian's eyes was not the same person as the one she had seen.

"She pondered:" is a cruel person who does not recognize six relatives

Mom and dad's funeral became a place for huaimo to clean up the door.

Jiang Li feels that Ruan Tian's constitution is also miserable, and the men around him are full of ghosts and ghosts, unable to pick out a normal one.

Near ten o'clock in the evening, Ruan Tian got home.

Her neighbor rang the doorbell twice before she had a rest. Ruan Tian wanted to be deaf.

But those who ring the doorbell are patient for a long time, and there are signs that they will not stop.

Ruan Tian held back her anger and opened the door. The man in the wheelchair stared at her quietly. Noble and cool, she spat out a few words, "I have a fever. Go and buy some medicine for me."

It doesn't sound like asking for help. It's more like saying, "you're going to die soon.".

Qin Yu's face was not normal. His lips were pale and his complexion was weak. It seemed that his cough was not cured.

Ruan Tian stood in the door, "you have bodyguards."

Every time he went out, he had to take the two powerful black bodyguards with him!

Is she Qin Yu's servant!? Where on earth did he come from? His face is so strong!?

Qin Yu said without expression: "they are all off work."

Seeing that she said nothing, Qin Yu continued, "don't you want to see me die?"

Fever can't kill my brother!

Ruan Tian turns around and goes to the medicine box in the bedroom to find the spare medicine for reducing fever. When she goes out of the bedroom, she finds that someone has entered the room and is sitting in the living room.

Ruan Tian threw the medicine to him, "get out of here."

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Qin Yu didn't move and put the medicine aside. He suddenly asked, "have you had a good relationship with Qin An recently?"

Qin An sends Ruan Tian's photos in his circle of friends almost every day.

The blocked Ruan Tian knew nothing about it.

"It's OK," she says

Qin Yu seemed to have burned his head. He suddenly clasped her wrist and approached her face. "You said a long time ago that you like Shen Hui's face, right?"Ruan Tian seems to have said this, she is not comfortable to avoid the cheek.

Qin Yu asked again, "is that me or him?"

Shake her.

Why can't patients with fever stop.

Ruan Tian said mercilessly, "he looks good." She didn't care about mending the knife: "Shen Hui is much more beautiful than you."

Qin Yu was very unhappy and laughed. He endured the itching from his throat. He said, "but Shen Hui doesn't like you, and I treat you differently."

Ruan Tian thinks Qin Yu is farting.

Shen Hui just simply colds her and doesn't give her any hope.

But in those years, Qin Yu just regarded her as a plaything.

When you are in a good mood, please tease her and buy her two bundles of cheap dried flowers. When you are in a bad mood, you will be happy to bully her.

Once, Ruan Tian's hand in the milk tea shop was about to break.

She makes one, he buys one and throws it in the trash.

Ruan Tian thought of Jiang Li several times and said that Qin Yu liked her, not because she liked her, but because of her morbid and abnormal sense of existence.

Ruan Tian pulled the corner of her mouth. From high school to now, Qin Yu used "Shen Hui doesn't like her" to laugh at her many times.

She raised her eyes and said to Qin Yu with some pride: "but Shen Hui seems to have fallen in love with me recently. She cried and begged me to forgive her."

She didn't lie!

Shen Amnesty's virtue on that day was written in four big words: repentance!

Qin Yu was silent. After a long time, he retorted, "then I'll make a phone call to verify it?"

Well, he's tough.

Ruan Tian politely asked him to get out of his house.


on Tuesday, Ruan Tian still has to go to the pre start training of the crew.

The actor arrived at the scene in a black BMW, wearing a famous brand, and his watch was also covered with diamonds.

The whole person is that kind of "I'm very expensive" and "don't get me".

The producer at the scene introduced him to others.

When it was Ruan Tian's turn to shake hands with him, he raised his eyes and asked, "who are you?"

I'm your father.

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Ruan Tian said with a smile, "I'm Ruan Tian, the leading actress in the play Xie Wanzhuan."

Let's have a look.

Big girl.

Five words can pierce each other's lung tubes.

Wang Baiyuan's face is red and green, like a changed face, which is wonderful. He hummed coldly, reluctantly shook hands with her, and then said to the assistant in front of the crowd, "wash my hands with mineral water quickly, they are dirty."

I don't know who I'm satirizing.

Ruan Tian mended the knife silently: "it's really dirty. There's black mud in the nails."

This is pure Ruan Tian's nonsense.

Wang Baiyuan's whole popularity was about to take off in situ, his fingers trembled, his outstretched palm fell in the air, and he almost fanned it.

The assistant quickly pressed his arm, "brother. I can't use it. "

Ruan Tian is not a little transparent that they can bully casually before. If they slap her, she will make the headlines immediately.

Ruan Tian was surprised.

Will he still hit people?

Wang Baiyuan stopped, passed Ruan Tian's shoulder, gritted his teeth and threatened, "my fans will not let you go."

Ruan Tian just thinks he farted.

Wang Baiyuan was just taking part in the fun. He took a few pictures of physical exercise with his photographer and was ready to send out the draft.

Wang Baiyuan is also a good writer. When he saw Ruan Tian practising hanging his weight and turning his circle, he had a vague idea of going up.

Ruan Tian said, "it's very simple. Can't you?"

Wang Baiyuan was infuriated by her. Without saying a word, he was also under pressure. He had to teach him how to play sword in circles.

Then -

he was hanging in mid air and turned around for more than ten times, dizzy, unable to control the direction and movement, and unable to stop.

"Ah, help me!"

"Ruan, I'll kill you when I get down!"

People rushed to save him from Weiya, and his swearing voice continued to reach Ruan Tian's ears.

That night, the flow of small paste forum is not high, the emergence of Ruan Tian's material.

[today's melon, the male and female stars of "Xie Wanzhuan" are tearing at the training scene. It seems that when shooting starts in the future, there will be plenty of melons to eat. 】

1L: Backstage Cafe vs backstage cafe, sister Ruan should be better.

2L: Wang Baiyuan is the crown prince of Jianan media. When he started his career, he and Ruan Tian strongly advocated their existence. What kind of magic match is this? Hahaha.

3L: Ruan Tian dares to tear with Wang Baiyuan. I think she is tired of living!

4l: sister Ruan slay, the imperial concubine's row can't lose, killing Wang Baiyuan.5L: imperial concubine and crown prince, we will see who will win!

6L: Ruan JieChong, you are all cheap maidservants.

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