Wang Baiyuan just came down from Weiya. He bent around looking for the garbage can, holding the door frame, lying beside the garbage can and vomiting.

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He had a good life in his life. He was a famous school grass since he went to university. After graduation, he bewitched the boss of the company with his face. He has never been wronged like this!

Wang Baiyuan doesn't think it's shameful to lean on the female boss. What can he do with such an excellent face? Even if he is likable, he is helpless.

What's more, we all depend on our faces to eat. What's the difference!

When you're a whore, you have to build a memorial archway. It's too hypocritical.

After vomiting, the assistant quickly handed him mineral water. After gargling, Wang Baiyuan fixed his eyes on Ruan Tian's face. He kicked over the bench beside his leg and said, "from today on, I'll be at odds with you. I'll torture you to death. You wait."

Oh, Hoo!

Ruan Tian did not give face: "Oh."

The chief producer was at the scene. He was the first two. It was hard for both sides to offend, so he had to turn a blind eye to them.

As long as there is no big news, some frictions are inevitable.

Ruan Tian couldn't take a look at the assistant of the group, and whispered, "isn't it good for Teacher Wang to bully people like this? Although... "

After vomit, Wang Baiyuan's face returned to normal. He raised his chin and interrupted her with pride. He said, "don't beep so much with me. I'm in the backstage now. I'm bullying her because Ruan Tian is not red enough. What can you do?"

If Wang Baiyuan doesn't change his name, he won't change his family name. All the bullies are aboveboard.

He's hanging all over the world! Refutation is not accepted.

Ruan Tian hasn't seen such a proud person relying on backstage for a long time. She has a terrible idea that this is a very glorious thing.

Wang Baiyuan came and swaggered away.

Ruan Tian didn't take him seriously. She continued to practice hanging. She knocked her middle knee to the ground. It was very frightening. In the evening, Ruan Tian took a taxi home from the training ground.

Limping up the elevator.

Ruan Tian is used to seeing Shen Hui at the door.

But today's Ruan sweetheart is especially guilty. Qin Yu is not the lunatic. Did he really call Shen Hui for confirmation!?

The two were silent.

Shen said, "I have something to confirm."

Ruan Tian subconsciously opened her mouth and asked, "what's the matter?"

Shen Hui's fingers were beautiful, thin and white, and his fingernails were all neatly trimmed. He reached out and clasped Ruan Tian's back of the head, bent down and held her soft lips.

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Ruan Tian is confused.

Then the backhand is a slap.

Shen Hui's face was crooked by her, and the visible palm print fell on his white side face. He didn't get angry after being beaten, as if he didn't care about the slap.

Ruan Tian after this slap, he also Leng for a long time.

She couldn't help but want to sigh for her brave behavior, Ruan tianniubi.

Shen Hui wiped the corners of his mouth with his finger pulp. "Now I'm sure."

Ruan Tian was the one who carried him to the cave to keep him warm.

It turned out that he had already kissed her a long time ago.

Ruan Tian:???

Shen Hui's voice was low. "You helped me during the spring outing, didn't you?"

Ruan Tian was silent, then retorted: "it's not me. I don't have it. It's Zhou Xiaoqiao who did it."

You go to the hostess.

Stop pestering her!

Shen Hui straightened his lips. The cause and effect of his future is retribution to this day.

He's not innocent, either.

His dirty and dark mind has been dealt with by Ruan Tian alone.

If Shen Hui really rejected Ruan Tian in high school, she would not have been able to hold on for so long without giving up.

Shen Hui knew how much she liked her. He hung her up on purpose. He would accept the gift every time and throw it away afterwards.

He is a hypocrite.

He's also a real despicable.

This time, Shen Hui finally said what he didn't finish last time, "Ruan Tian."

He said, "let's get back together."

Ruan Tian was in the same place as if she had been struck by thunder.

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Well, how did it come to this?

The play is not quite right.

Ruan Tian leaned against the wary wall and said with a smile, "that's not good."

Shen Hui didn't understand people's words. He said to himself, "I'm patient. I'll wait for you to change your mind."

It's over.

Ruan Tian has learned Shen's patience more than once.

In a way, they are both stubborn and paranoid.

Can sink the heart, and you spend the kind of death.

Unexpectedly, love this cup of wine! Everyone must be drunk! Shen Hui, such a noble and cool young master, is no exception.Ruan Tian was silent for a few seconds and said impolitely, "I'm stubborn, too."

From the moment she signed for the certificate, there was no possibility for her and Shen to reconcile.

After that day, Shen changed his low-key and modest style.

I often praise Ruan Tian's microblog on the public platform, for fear that others will not know that they are connected.


in the twinkling of an eye, "unknown" has been released in cinemas. At the same time, the film has been shortlisted for many honors of this year's National Film Awards, including four awards, namely best director, best feature film, best female owner and best female partner.

The national film award is the most authoritative and influential award.

Ruan Tian's first test on the small screen, she came out of the tight encirclement, was shortlisted for the best female match, other actors in addition to envy, but also some sour.

Why is her life so good? I've never been involved in these plays. It's like taking shuangwen's script!

The supporting actress of the film awards fought fiercely, and only four of them were selected in thousands of films.

Everyone is the best of the best, the competition is fierce.

The national film award is very different from the best female match of TV series won by Ruan Tian before.

Movies are inherently more noble than TV plays.

Movie actors also default to be bigger than TV actors.

This award, which is watched by the whole people once a year, can quickly start its popularity and leave a good impression among the masses.

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Ruan Tian is the youngest of almost all the winners of the awards, and also the most unfamiliar face of the audience.

After Cheng Dao knew about this, he called her to celebrate her, and said that his new film had begun to write a script. If appropriate, he would invite her to audition for the heroine.

Ruan Tian is a little confused. The female partners of the major directors have already been torn to death before they can get it.

Does she even have a chance to play the heroine?

Ruan Tian happily agreed.

On Friday, she had to continue recording her variety shows. With the accumulation of four live shows, Ruan Tian's popularity soared, and her CP and Qin An's CP had a trend of national CP.

The program group also intentionally or unintentionally cut candy points to hype.

Ratings hit a new high, and the number of live broadcast rooms and rewards all broke records.

The comments on Qin An's microblog are all the same -

"if you two get married, you must make it public."

"I hope Qin An is still so kind to his sister after marriage."

"Ah, you'll have another wedding day. Where are you going with dad?"

Qin an not only saw the video that seemed to clip out pink bubbles, but also personally saved it and sent it to several of them. He was so bold that [I don't think Ruan Tian is worthy of me]!!! 】

this magic group was built by Qin An, a man without brain.

There are not only Shen Hui, Qin Yu and Xu Jing, but also Zhou Xiaoqiao, his long cherished goddess.

Ruan Tian saw Zhou Xiaoqiao's wechat avatar and didn't even think about quitting the group.

She retreated once, Qin An pulled once, indomitable, speechless!

Ruan Tian sneered back: "the person who chased me couldn't count one finger? Who are you?! Go away. 】

Qin An doesn't have any self-consciousness that this group is the scene of Shura hall! 】

in the first minute, Qin An didn't notice anything wrong.

The next minute, like a cat with a burned tail, he jumped out of bed and immediately withdrew the message.

Wechat group is silent.

Qin An felt that he was not far away from death.

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His brother has been coveting his friend's wife for so many years.

It seems that it's really a bit of a beast.

That night, Ruan Tian and Qin An's CP Chaohua were given the same pot.

Half a million fans, the No. 1 Tianjing Chaohua, said no, No.

It's the end of the team.

When CPF's home was gone, some people found that it seemed that it was more than one.

Sunny day CP and Shen Ruan couple's super words were also carried.

Clips of video, P good photos, overnight, nothing left.

Qin Yu did it cleanly.

Qin An, who was already ill, had a worse temper. Qin An still had to pluck the hair from the tiger's beard and set the earth on Tai Sui's head.

Qin Yu is not afraid to be known that he likes Ruan Tian.

Besides, Shen Hui may not necessarily not know.

At that time, he was different from Ruan Tian. He didn't believe in Shen Hui and didn't feel it.

In the spring sports meeting, men and women's double relay race, Ruan Tian fainted on the field with a high fever. Shen Hui was her partner at that time. She put her hands in her pockets and bathed lazily in the sun. He said, "ah Yu, please ask someone to take her to the infirmary. If I do, she will wake up thinking more. I don't want to get into this trouble."

Qin Yu didn't say anything. He bent down and held the girl in his arms.Shen Hui raised his eyebrows, as if not surprised.

Qin Yu didn't want to bear it any more, so he would be extremely crazy in the end.

He said to the Secretary behind him in a cold voice, "call the producer of Xie Wanzhuan. I don't allow any intimate play, no matter it's with the man or with the man. Let him watch it."

Secretary immediately to do, cold sweat Cen Cen.

Ruan Tian didn't care about the mess. She was so busy that she almost had no time to sleep.

After recording a new issue of the variety show, he entered the group nonstop.

Ruan Tian did not expect that Xie Wanzhuan was on its first day.

She started a fight with Wang Baiyuan.

It's a real fight.

Marketing number and industry insiders, when they received the wind, were also "I can't believe it" panic expression.

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