"Xie Wanzhuan" started low-key, held a simple opening ceremony, and then began shooting, shooting in the film and television city of the capital and suburban mountainous areas.

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On the first day of shooting, there were two scenes.

Both of them are rival plays of Ruan Tian and Wang Baiyuan.

Wang Baiyuan was accompanied by four or five assistants, who were responsible for serving tea and pouring water to do chores, and others helped him draw lines on the script.

He didn't come to act, he came to holiday.

The directors are also very polite to Wang Baiyuan. Everyone comes out to make a living. They are not so serious.

This kind of wind has been magnified more than ten times in the entertainment circle.

All of them are snobs.

Ruan Tian has only one assistant beside her, and she doesn't even have a decent nanny car for rest. It's clear who is more worthy of their flattery.

So despite Wang Baiyuan's arrogance, no one was gossiping in front of him.

After meeting people, the field service would smile at him with a dogleg smile, "Mr. Wang, the sun is a little big at the moment. If you are tired, please remember to tell us that it doesn't matter to have a rest and shoot again. It's not worth being tired."

Wang Baiyuan set up a tent with all kinds of small air conditioners and refrigerators.

There are special people playing fans for him.

Like a young lady.

The first scene is the rain drama. Ruan Tian's Swordsman saves the sick man and kills all the assassins with one knife.

Ruan Tian was almost blinded by the rain. She was all wet and straight. The sick man was held under the eaves with a long knife around her neck.

She stood in the rain, calm, expressionless looking at the assassins, "give him back to me."

The assassin said, "it depends on your ability."

All right, let's go.

In the middle of the fight, it was Wang Baiyuan's turn to say his lines.

It's not that he didn't recite his lines. He just wanted to sing on purpose.

The director couldn't wait for him to say his lines. He was in a hurry and was forced to shout a card. Wang Baiyuan seemed very sorry, "I'm so sorry. I forgot my lines."

The director also had to coax the little ancestor, "Mr. Wang, don't worry, take your time."

Ruan Tian took the dry towel from her assistant, wrapped herself up, and wiped the rain on her face. She sat in place with a paralyzed face.

When shooting the second time, Wang Baiyuan suddenly laughed and apologized very perfunctorily.

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Xiaoren Dezhi's face is vivid, and the arrogance of "I'm on purpose, how can you do it" makes Ruan sweetheart angry.

In this play, Wang Baiyuan played for ten times with various reasons.

Ruan Tian lost her temper in the rain, and she was on the verge of an outbreak.

Wang Baiyuan is so lucky that he has to brag, "what's the matter with Mr. Ruan? It's really hard work. It's all my fault for dragging down teacher Ruan. I'll try not to drag you down next time. "

Ruan Tian clenched the props knife in his hand, and then I'll kill you!!!

Wang Baiyuan, who is used to advancing an inch, even told Yi Qi, Ruan Tian's assistant, when he started shooting the second scene, "go buy me a cup of Starbucks, ice American style."

Little assistant how dare to offend him, ran a few miles to buy Starbucks.

Wang Baiyuan threw it to the side, "I don't want the ice, go and buy me a cup of normal temperature."

Ruan Tian is really a Buddha.

There are more disgusting people in this world than Qin Yu.

She dragged her assistant to her back and said to Wang Baiyuan with a cold face, "if you like, you can drink. If you don't, you can go away."

Wang Baiyuan wanted to attack, but the second scene has already begun.

He reluctantly got up from the reclining chair and hummed twice, thinking that there would be opportunities to kill Ruan Tian in the future, and then his heart would flow down.

The second scene is a fight play.

Because the female leader was annihilated by the Imperial Army led by the male leader, she stabbed the male leader who pretended to be sick and weak.

After the shooting.

Wang Baiyuan's legs softened unconsciously to Ruan Tian's murderous eyes.

Fuck, this crazy woman, you don't really want to stab him to death!

Ruan Tian, holding the sword, seized all the strength on her wrist and stabbed him with tears in her eyes

Wang Baiyuan was pushed by her.

It hurts!

It's like being punched in the stomach.

Ruan Tian blinked, "ah, what's the word behind it? I forgot. Do it again. "

Wang Baiyuan's face was pale and covered his stomach. He was too painful to speak.

The strength of Ruan Tian's sword is no less than that of the first time. Wang Baiyuan has no strength to lose his temper.

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This time, Ruan Tian used the reason for forgetting his words.

Wang Baiyuan also can see that she is deliberately for it, a fury, "Ruan Tian, such a word can't remember you eat excrement?"Ruan Tian wiped the sword in her hand and said, "all of a sudden, I forgot. What can I do?"

for the third and fourth time.

By the time of the fifth time, Wang Baiyuan was really afraid of her rushing posture, subconsciously stepped back, and his waist position was red with Ruan Tian's sword.

"Don't poke your mother! Don't poke

Another stab will kill you! Crazy woman!

Where has Wang Baiyuan suffered such a crime?

He lost his mind and began to talk nonsense, "Ruan Tian, I'm going to kill you! Let's die together. "

"I curse your future husband for not loving you and your mother-in-law for not liking you."

"No man has a crush on you."

"Your mother will raise the price when she buys vegetables."

"You've been a pauper all your life."

In the chaos, Wang Baiyuan pulls Ruan Tian's hair, and Ruan Tian kicks him several times.

When Ruan Tian was sixteen or seventeen years old, she was forced to talk with others.

She was so strong that she pushed Wang Baiyuan to the ground and pressed his beautiful face to the ground.

Ruan Tian's hair was also torn by Wang Baiyuan. Her hair was scattered and her face was slightly red. In the evening, the setting sun fell on her side face. She gasped and looked proud. "Do you dare to bully me?"

Wang Baiyuan couldn't get away from it. He put his face to the ground and cried, "help! Who's going to take this shrew! I really can't stand it! "

This woman is too fierce.

The fight was so powerful that other crew members in the film and television city who were rushing to work also heard about it.

It's not only weird, but also funny.

It's really the first time I've heard that the male and female stars of the cast are not in a fight.

Shao Chengyue also happens to be in the movie city to catch a movie. Later, when he heard Ruan Tian's name, he realized that it was her who was fighting with others.

Shao Chengyue's impression, Ruan Tian is a good temper, business ability is also good, also love to laugh little girl.

He frowned and asked the assistant to take his mobile phone. After a long hesitation, he sent a wechat to Ruan Tian: "are you not at a loss? 】

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Ruan Tian didn't read the news.

However, Wang Baiyuan was honest and didn't dare to act rashly.

Microblog is full of news and pictures.

[click on the picture to see Ruan Tian beating Wang Baiyuan and xswl. 】

"sister Ruan is worthy of being sister Ruan. She is really not afraid of Wang Baiyuan's poison, but tearing her up."

"My white!"!!! How dare she spoil this face that has won the most beautiful face in Asia? "

"I have a heart attack."

"Wang Baiyuan is really laughing. He can't beat Ruan Tian. Hahaha."

"It's just the first day. The play will be filmed for three months. Can I see such a wonderful play every day in the future?"

According to netizens, Ruan Tian and Wang Baiyuan are brothers and sisters of the royal family who tore their skin in order to seize the right of inheritance.

Don't mention it. It's very exciting.

And it's incredible.

The drama side didn't expect that the two people had a big opening.

I was in a mess and wanted to do public relations. Then I arranged a dinner and tried to reconcile them. I hope they can get along well in the next three months.

Maybe because of the heavy rain, Ruan Tian has a stuffy nose and a hoarse voice.

After the play, she took a hot bath, and then went to dinner with her dizzy head.

At the dinner table, there were many big men, including producers, directors and screenwriters. As soon as the food was served, the door of the box was pushed open.

The man came in slowly with a cold breath.

Producer rubbed stand up, smile of close mouth, "really didn't expect Mr. Shen also came today."

Shen Hui shook hands with him, and then sat down in a comfortable position close to Ruan Tian.

Except for Wang Baiyuan, everyone here knows that the relationship between Ruan Tian and Shen Hui is delicate and not harmonious.

Ruan Tian blows her nose and completely ignores Shen Hui. She is busy replying to Shao Chengyue: "I'm not at a loss. Wang Baiyuan was beaten by me. I'm honest at last. 】

Shao Chengyue couldn't help laughing. 】

Ruan Tian's typing crackles [actually, I don't usually do that. 】

she's super gentle.

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Shao Chengyue: it's lovely. 】

he is very brave.

Ruan Tian's face is hot.

Wang Baiyuan saw her red face and mistakenly thought that she was caused by the general manager Shen who suddenly came out and sat beside her. He said in a strange way: "Mr. Ruan, please pour a glass of wine for your respected general manager Shen. After passing this village, there is no such shop."

You can't sleep if you want to.

Ruan Tian is wrong.

It seems that Wang Baiyuan has not been beaten enough.She can feel the sight of Shen Hui. Her sharp and oppressive eyes make her uncomfortable.

But Ruan Tian regards Shen Hui as a dead man and buries herself in eating.

In the second half of the Wine Bureau, Shen Hui suddenly reached out and handed her a few boxes of medicine. "Cold medicine is very effective."

As soon as she entered the box, Shen Hui heard her cough and was in no mood.

Head down, did not look at him, just with a mobile phone to chat with others.

Ruan Tian pushed back, "thank you. I bought it myself."

Polite, polite and distant.

Shen Hui's heart is not good, and he is anxious and depressed.

He screwed his eyebrows and his face was somber.

After dinner, the Director suggested that we take a group photo and send it to the Internet to dispel the rumor that Ruan Tian and Wang Baiyuan were at odds.

Naturally, Shen Hui will not participate.

He quietly waited for Ruan Tian to finish taking photos, and then followed her, stubbornly like a white plastic bag, handed it over again, "only after taking medicine can we get better."

Ruan Tian was silent for a few seconds, took things and left.

Shen Hui followed her slowly. Sure enough, Ruan Tian lost the medicine he had just handed over when she was walking around the corner of the corridor.

Shen Hui stood by the garbage can, pursed his lips, and his cold eyes gradually darkened.


back at the hotel where the crew stayed, Ruan Tian took the medicine and put herself in the quilt, sleeping soundly.

The group photo of the wine table was sent out by the director. The main idea of the whole story is that our crew is a harmonious and friendly crew, and everyone is fri

very much

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