these days.

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Ruan Tian found out.

It seems that Wang Baiyuan didn't do that in the crew. After being beaten, he evolved from a young lady who couldn't lift her hand and shoulder to a normal person.

She was no longer a slave to her.

When they were shooting the opposite play, there was no malicious thing happened again, and they kept the general peace and stability.

Because the crew set the scene in the suburbs of Beijing, she would go home the next day when she didn't have Ruan Tian's part.

Ruan Tian didn't get a good cold after the rain last time, and gradually began to have a high fever.

She has always been in good health, but this time the fever and cold were so fierce that she didn't get better after taking the medicine for several days.

Ruan Tian went to the clinic at the gate of the community to get water for hanging. After hanging two bottles of liquid medicine, she would fall asleep against the railing.

Or the doctor in the clinic kind-hearted to wake her up, "has been suspended, go back to have a good rest, this period of time to avoid eating, do not eat spicy food, also can't drink."

Ruan Tian put on a mask and said yes.

Her head was as heavy as lead. She walked to her home in a daze. She just came out of the elevator, slowly supported the wall and fainted.

Ruan Tian, when she was unconscious, seemed to hear a "click" of the glottis, as if someone had picked her up.

The cold fragrance of pine needles on the man slowly penetrated into the tip of her nose, and she could not lean against his shoulder.

Qin Yu picked her up and said, "where's the key?"

The soft girl in his arms can't give him any reaction. He has a high fever and his face is burning red.

Qin Yu had never seen Ruan Tian so fragile.

In front of him, she never shows weakness. She is like a hedgehog guarding against natural enemies. She raises all sharp thorns on her body, keeps alert of him all the time, and is ready to jump up and bite him at any time.

Qin Yu finds the key to Ruan Tian's house from her coat pocket, turns on the door, holds her to the bed and takes off her shoes for her.

Looking for the antipyretic paste, Qin Yu accidentally saw the letter of termination and divorce certificate on the edge of the desk.

Qin Yu still remembers this. In fact, in that case, he didn't need to send a whole team of lawyers, but he didn't want to leave Ruan Tian any chance. He made it clear to her that it was impossible to terminate the contract.

Qin Yu immediately covered up the lost lawsuit. As for the divorce certificate, he was very pleased with it.

Ruan Tian wakes up in a daze at this time, and her vision is hazy.

Qin met her and woke up. "You just fainted."

Ruan Tian sat up. It was a shame to be bumped into by Qin at this awkward moment.

"I'm fine. Thank you, Mr. Qin."

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When Qin Yu heard this, the corners of his mouth bent down. He would never say nice words, "don't call me general manager Qin. Where am I supposed to be? Is that right? "

Ruan Tian really doesn't understand men.

Is the eight words of politeness a taboo to him?

How can you be so weird?

I don't think we should give him a good look. He's cheap.

Before Qin Yu left, he looked at Ruan Tian's incomparably pink and tender bedroom.

Just a few seconds, Ruan Tian from his eyes to see the dislike, and her aesthetic doubt.

In this way, Ruan Tian couldn't sleep, lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, and the web news came out from time to time.

UC shocked the front page headline of the Department -

[Zhou's company shareholders changed, the dust of suspected property division settled. 】

an equity distribution map is attached.

Zhou's mother passed on all her shares and real estate to Zhou Xiaoqiao. She was Ruan Tian and had no money.

This situation is also expected by Ruan Tian. Zhou's mother doesn't like her rebellious and disobedient daughter. After that last time, the relationship between mother and son is probably here.

Ruan Tian didn't feel much at all.

But she had to admit that after someone calculated how much Joe would get next week, the long list of figures still burned her eyes.

Sour toothache.

Zhou Xiaoqiao was born rich and well-off. She was an immortal woman.

"Ruan Tian didn't get a cent. Is she an adopted daughter?"

"Answer upstairs, it's biological, and Miss Zhou, who inherited the property, is still a twin sister."

"The parents can give a big reward for their bewildering behavior, and they can't be biased to such an extent."

This time, Ruan Tian won the sympathy of the public.

What netizens all know has spread to every corner of the rich and noble circle.

Qin An, who has always regarded Zhou Xiaoqiao as a goddess, feels that it's too much. For a moment, he can't face up to the goddess he has loved for many years. Suddenly, he feels that she doesn't seem so pure.

He thinks Ruan Tian's life is really bad.

At the age of three, he was abducted and sold, lived a vagrant life, and became a village girl of tubaozi.Raised a not likable temper, married and divorced, was despised.

Qin an suddenly remembered something, and he immediately sent a wechat to Ruan Tian - [I finally know why you left the group last time. 】

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[it must be because sister Joe is also here. You don't want to see her, do you? 】

[Oh, I'm so sorry. It must be hard for you to be in a group with her. 】

[don't worry, I'll help you right away. 】

after receiving these messages, Ruan Tian decided not to scold Qin An for being a devil in the future.

Then the next second, she was kicked out of the group chat by Qin An.

Qin Xiaoan: OK. 】

Ruan Tian: he is really a pure Shabi.


on weekdays, Jiang Lili came to Ruan Tian and said earth shaking news, "sweet boy! Several companies have come to contact me, and they all want to dig your corner. "

Ruan Tian can't believe, "how many?"

Jiang Li drank water, "well, there are big companies and small companies."

Ruan Tian was a little elated at first, but on second thought, she couldn't afford to pay the penalty at all.

"Did you tell them to pay liquidated damages?"

Jiang Li nodded, "I said."

After a pause, she said: "after the other party heard the number, there was no following."

Ruan Tian's a, "all ran?"

Jiang Li hesitated and said, "there is only one family left. They say they are willing to pay the penalty for you."


It's rich.

Ruan Tian suddenly became energetic, "you didn't help me refuse such a good thing, did you?"

Jiang Li touched his head and didn't know how to talk to her.

"I didn't promise. The other party is the HR manager of Huanshi entertainment."

"Is it the worldly entertainment I want?"

Shen's film and television company.

Jiang Li continued to nod, "yes, your ex husband wants to dig you."

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Ruan Tian said frankly: "he dreams!"

Is there any difference from Qin's job hopping to Huanshi?

It makes no difference.

Jiang Li said happily: "fortunately I didn't promise, otherwise you have to kill me."

Ruan Tian raised her chin and said softly, "I think Shen Hui just wants to humiliate me." "But I can't make him do it," she added

After less than ten minutes of chatting with Jiang Li, Ruan Tian had to go to record the last issue of my roommates and I. she happened to meet the crew to reset the scene. She could make the best use of this free time.

Ruan Tian found that the people in today's program group are very kind to her and take care of everything.

This issue has set a theme, which requires all the staff to participate in the preparation of a dinner, chat while eating, and speak freely.

CEN Bei was only noticed by a small number of people in the second phase because he deliberately imitated Ruan Tian. Later, he still looked like a transparent person.

She secretly determined to seize the last opportunity to do something to make the audience remember her.

CEN Bei lists a long list of menus and always whispers, "there are ten dishes on it. They are perfect. The color is good and the meaning is good."

Ruan Tian said in a low voice, "it's better to eat hot pot. There's a lively atmosphere."

The second half of the sentence is bullshit, in fact, greedy.

Qin An raised his hand and said, "I want to eat hot pot, too."

Xu Jianghe said he had no objection, "I'm ok."

Xu Jing has a bad stomach and is not used to spicy food. He looks at Ruan Tian and nods, "I can, too."

CEN Bei's face is not very good, put away the menu she wrote, barely smile, "then cook hot pot, I'll do it, you go to have a rest."

Ruan Tian was not polite at all. She gently kicked Qin An's calf and raised her chin. "Let him wash the dishes and put them on the plate."

Qin An was angry, "why don't I call them?"

Ruan Tian is upright, "because the other two are so handsome, they eat by their faces."

Qin An ha ha twice, brazen to a certain extent, "I'm the handsome man. I'm the once-in-a-lifetime pretty man in the entertainment industry. OK?"

Ruan Tian held out her little fist. "Have you seen that picture?"

Qin An stepped back and said, "what photo?"

Ruan Tian kind smile, "that piece of his head was I pressed on the ground, crying for help picture."

Qin An's face changed. He bit his teeth and said, "OK, I'll wash it."

He was too afraid of Ruan Tian, a tiger headed child, and would blow his dog's head if he didn't agree.

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Although our home is gone, we are still as good as ever on sunny days. 】

[what's the matter with my husband and wife's sense of vision. 】

[even if I nailed me to the coffin, I would lift the coffin and shout, sunny day SZD! 】

[knock what knock, don't you see Qin An's frightened eyes!? ][when I think of people eating excrement, I suddenly feel that on a sunny day, some people can knock it down, which is not incomprehensible. 】

[Ruan Tianchou, Qin An, over. 】

the person who swears and kills me, three seven open.

While appreciating the barrage, Ruan Tian has prepared the bottom of the hot pot.

Mandarin duck pot with clear soup in red oil.

The color is attractive.

The spicy smell at the bottom of the red pot aroused everyone's appetite at the recording scene. Liu's hungry growled, secretly planning that he would rub a bite later.

Liu Dao had previously boasted on his microblog that Ruan Tian's cooking skills were unique in the sky and the earth. He punched the master of Michelin restaurant and kicked the chef of peace hotel.

The audience was skeptical.

And said that please independent blow force, please do not pull step on other chefs.

Now that I see it, that's all.

The bottom of the pot doesn't look special either.

Qin An was so hungry that he ordered a few pieces of secret beef. Then he took Ruan Tian's sauce and put it into his mouth.

The beef tastes chewy. The sauce is hot and sour. It's so delicious that it explodes.

The audience in the studio felt that Qin An's performance was a little over.

Is it really so delicious? Hot pot doesn't all taste the same?

I think I'm hungry. 】

[me too. It looks really delicious. 】

[I immediately got out of bed and cooked instant noodles. 】

as a person who has eaten Ruan Tian's cooking twice, Qin An is very satisfied with her cooking skills.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "Ruan Tian, you grew up picking up garbage. How can you cook like this?"

Ruan Tian took a deep breath, was exposed by him, but also tried to calm down, her face expressionless enunciation: "cold knowledge, I once won the 17th China little cook's Gold Award."

Qin An: (Ω a Ω)!

Other audience:!!?

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