Qin An didn't believe it. He thought Ruan Tian was bragging.

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"Don't praise you, you can't find the north."

Ruan Tian really won the gold prize in the little cook contest. She ran to the 50000 yuan prize in the contest at the beginning, passed all the way and finally won the gold prize.

"The gold trophy is still in my bedroom."

Qin an only cares about the meat, and eats happily.

Look at her eyes quietly write "you blow" "you continue to blow" a few words.

CEN Bei only ate clear soup pot, and in order to keep fit, he didn't touch any high calorie food, only picked a few vegetables, and then he didn't move his chopsticks.

CEN Beixing seems to have no intention to ask: "what Qin an just asked is also what I want to ask. Ruan Tian, who did you learn your craft from?"

She doesn't care how Ruan Tian's cooking skills come from. What she wants to know is what Qin An said about Ruan Tian's picking up garbage from childhood?

In the entertainment circle, there are many people who have set up rich and powerful houses but turn over their cars.

She hopes that Ruan Tian is one of them.

Ruan Tian ironed the dishes and said, "I saw the video and thought about it."

She's lying.

Half of Ruan Tian's cooking skill is her talent, the other half is that she once worked in a hotel, worked as a little apprentice for a chef, and learned a little.

The barrage rolled wildly.

[isn't Ruan Tian really joking? 】

[is there a cooking competition that will take on such a household name? I don't know much about it. 】

[Ruan Tianke can blow anything. As long as she has a little talent, she should try her best to show off. 】

[it seems that I can also enter the entertainment circle. I won the champion of poetry reading in the community in my primary school.

also had a lot of time to go online to Baidu's "Little Chinese cooking lady" to see if there was any competition.

Most people think that Ruan Tian is playing tricks, or that she is too vain to boast.

I didn't expect that there was no such competition.

It's also a national professional level event. They even turned to the time when Ruan Tian took part in the competition, as well as the videos and photos of the competition

[after checking, it's the first year of Ruan Tian's career 】

[it seems that Ruan Tian was not idle 2333 in the period of Zuobi. What's the magic trend. 】

[even if it's true, it's not so great 】

some experts came out to clarify: "my mother is the most famous chef in our town. She has received many famous people. She also participated in the competition that year and only won a bronze medal. I didn't expect that Ruan Tian was very good. 】

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Ruan Tian, this is the way to survive accumulated in working!

She had the cheek to block the chef of the hotel many times. She was so bored that she became a little apprentice of the cook. Later, when the cook saw that she was talented, he was willing to teach her the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box, expecting her to inherit her own clothes. Who knew Ruan Tian would become a star on the way!?

The cook also scolded her severely.

Ruan Tian's reasons at that time were irrefutable. What she said was: "master! The entertainment industry is making money quickly! "

Ruan Tian had talked to Jiang Li several times before. If she couldn't get along in the entertainment circle, she went to set up a stall.

It's not a big problem to make millions a year.

CEN Bei sips the warm water. She talks without leaking. At first, she doesn't feel any malice. She frowns and looks very concerned. "What's the matter with picking up garbage that Qin An said?"

Ruan Tian didn't want to tell her about her past. She ate a piece of shrimp slip and changed the topic abruptly, "ah, it's so spicy."

Qin An felt guilty, but he didn't mean it.

He was cold Ruan Tian gouged out a look, feel can be wronged.

He just casually mentioned that he didn't carry a big horn in Ruan Tian's ear and said, "you pick up garbage, pick up garbage.".

Qin An thinks that Cen Bei's words are not well intentioned, but also dislikes her bad luck. He is spoiled by some arrogance. He speaks and acts according to his preference. He never looks at other people's faces. He glances at Cen Bei coldly, "Mr. Cen, you talk too much."

CEN Bei pinched the skirt, "I'm just a little curious. If I offend you, I won't ask."

Qin An said, "that's too offensive."

It is reasonable to say that Cen Bei has stepped back. Qin An should have stepped down for her.

But he is not afraid of embarrassment, and he is not afraid of making the atmosphere stiff. He refuses to give up until he shuts up.

Ruan Tian has long been used to Qin An's virtue. Before, she quarreled with Qin An fiercely.

But Qin An can never scold her.

Open your mouth and shut your mouth.

Ruan Tian is not willing to be outdone - that's your future mother-in-law. Your dream is so great.

Qin An wants to rush up and kill her. Ruan Tian kicks him away and runs away.

Ruan Tian is the only one with a big mouth! Boxing master!The atmosphere on the dinner table was awkward and stiff. Liu Dao hit the board in person at this time and said with a smile: "next, you have to finish the last game of this issue. Four people will fight in pairs. The winner can continue to eat, and the loser will lose breakfast tomorrow."

Qin An quickly pulled Ruan Tian's arm, "I'm in a group with Ruan Tian."

Xu Jianghe silently moved to the position of Xu Jing, "then I'll be in the same group with Mr. Xu."

Cenbei seemed to be the one who was isolated.

The game is not difficult, like you draw, I guess.

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One person describes, the other guesses the key words.

Xu Jing's group took the lead in the battle, with a round of ten words, a total of five minutes.

Although the two of them didn't speak much and didn't know each other very well, they had a good tacit understanding. In just a few minutes, they guessed nine.

When it was Ruan Tian's turn, Qin An was full of confidence and rubbed his hands. "I'll describe it, you can guess."

Ruan Tian sighed, "OK."

The first word Qin An saw was pineapple.

This word has the same name as his brother's dog in the yard of his old house.

He compared an OK gesture, and was 100% sure.

He looked at Ruan Tian and said, "my brother's dog."

Ruan Tian snapped her fingers and said without thinking, "isn't that you?"

Qin An: go to hell!

Xu Jing lowered his head and pursed his lips, showing a smile.

The barrage was quickly surrounded by hahaha.

Qin An changed the conventional way of thinking, dancing and she described, see she really can't guess, just reluctantly.

In this part, Ruan Tian has no tacit understanding with him.

Not a word.

Qin An and Ruan Tian lost the game, Qin An still had the face to blame her, "Why are you so stupid?"

Ruan tiandisdain of ha ha two, "is you shameless crazy beg me and you a group, what qualifications do you have to blame me?"? In the blind date show, I was the first to turn off your light. "

Anyway, they lost the chance to continue eating hot pot and their breakfast tomorrow.

CPF is interested in seeing their two quarrels.

It's so sweet after a quarrel between my husband and wife. I'm going to knock my teeth off. 】

[I haven't had a good sleep for three days. Recently, I've made up for them every day. It's so sweet to be happy with my friends. 】

[Ruan Tian is so cute ~ we Tiantian are the group pet! 】

[the isolated Cen Bei is out of tune with this program. 】

[Cen Bei is the host of the new recruitment of fruit video last year. In just one year, he presided over the major parties, and also appeared in several local variety shows. He was praised by the interior, but he was not popular. 】

[if virtue does not coordinate, it will suffer! 】

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at the end of the evening, Xu Jing had a stomach attack because he ate too much spicy food. He was pale, covered his stomach, and supported the table with his other hand.

Seeing this, Ruan Tian was silent for a long time. Then she handed him the stomach medicine she carried in her bag. "You can't eat spicy food. You can say it. No one will force you."

Xu Jing low Mou looking at the medicine in the hand, the mood is complex to say to her: "thank you."

This scene was recorded by the station sister who mixed in with the program group and sent a video on the spot. In the past half a year, Xu Jingfen, who has been chasing Ruan Tian's abusive part, changed her old attitude and expressed thanks one after another.

In the past few days, the HR manager of Huanshi entertainment directly calls Ruan Tian and offers all kinds of attractive conditions to poach her.

After Ruan Tian made it clear that she would not jump, she still did not give up and bribed her with money and various resources.

"Miss Ruan, we can provide you with better film and television resources and endorsement resources, and prepare a professional team for you, which will definitely be better than your current development."

Ruan sweet heart less than a second, and refused.

It's not hidden to dig at the foot of the wall. Rumors are flying all over the world. Doughnuts are nauseous when they know about it. Their hatred for Shen Hui is more than that of Zhengzhu!

You can be red to your family, but Shen Hui must go away.

Shen Ruan and his wife's fans are very strong. They are looking forward to Shen's pursuit of his wife. At the same time, they secretly beep in a small group. When they remarry, they will be elated!

Qin Yu had already received the news. He was not worried.

According to his understanding of Ruan Tian, she would not agree at all.

Qin Yu hated Ruan Tian's obstinacy, but now she is very happy that she is obstinate.

At that time, Qin Yu hated Ruan Tian so much that she only loved Shen Hui.

He threatened and seduced her, pressed her wrist and said that she was not worthy of Shen amnesty, and even said that she would strangle her. At that time, Ruan Tian just said to him with no expression: "you strangle me, I still like him."

On Friday night, Qin Yu and Shen Hui met in the same Bureau.

Shen Hui raised his chin to him and said lazily, "go out and have a talk?"

At the end of the Yellow corridor, Qin Yu saw Shen Xun leaning against the wall and lighting a cigarette. He took off his false mask. His sight was cold and indifferent."Do you like her long ago?" he asked

The tone was cold and angry.

Qin Yu did not deny, "yes." He then began to smile softly, "are you not happy? Shen Hui, it's not me who has been hanging her for several years, nor did I force you to divorce her. "

How do you say that? It's your fault.

Shen Hui slowly lifted his eyes. The color of his eyes was cold. "You're a good abacus."

If you think about it carefully, Qin Yu has contributed a lot.

Let her make a fool of herself, and let Shen Hui dislike Ruan Tian more and more every year.

Shen Hui is not good-natured either. He always pretends in front of outsiders, but it's not necessary in front of Qin Yu.

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He annihilated the cigarette end, said with a faint smile: "Ruan Tian likes the sunshine boy who is a good student."

Ruan Tian likes him who disguises well in high school.

I like Shen Hui, a top student who is always serious, wears school uniform, doesn't come late, doesn't swear, and has excellent character and learning.

He patted Qin Yu on the shoulder again. "She hates me, but she has never loved or hated you. Qin Yu, you are nothing."

Shen Hui is also a qualified executioner. If he kills people, he will be killed.

If Qin meets him in the shade, he will never make Qin feel better.

Back in the box, they had no extra communication.

Gas field is also obviously incompatible.

There is a sensible secret to tell people who do not know, "Mr. Qin's girlfriend is Mr. Shen's ex-wife."

All the talents suddenly realized.

It's said that a friend's wife can't be cheated. No wonder master Shen is going to turn against the Qin family.

The grapevine news at the banquet of the Wine Bureau always spread faster. Before the next day, the news that Ruan Tian was Qin Yu's well-known girlfriend became very popular.

What's more, some people have made up the wedding date of Ruan Tian and Qin Yu.

When Ruan Tian heard this rumor from Jiang Li, she was full of question marks and felt very funny.

If we say that the probability of her remarriage with Shen Hui is one percent.

Then the probability of her marrying Qin Yu is 0.1%, which is about impossible.

What's more, the woman that those dog men couldn't ask for was Zhou Xiaoqiao, the woman with big chest and thin waist.

Without waiting for Ruan Tian to refute the rumor, Qin An scolded the melon owner on her micro blog: "the fake doesn't exist."

After Qin An helped her refute the rumor, he also found her and asked for credit. Wechat didi kept saying, "you're welcome. 】

[these people think about it with their heads and know that our family can't accept your second marriage! 】

Qin An refuses Ruan Tian to be her sister-in-law.

He'll be killed.

Ruan Tianren didn't say much, so he answered three words -

[you go to die]

[hurry to die]

[take your brother and Shen Hui to me incessantly! 】

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